00001 1 NATCA HONOLULU 2010 BIENNIAL CONVENTION 2 3 4 NATCA HONOLULU 2010, ) DAY 2 ) 5 THIRTEENTH BIENNIAL CONVENTION, ) ) 6 HONOLULU, HAWAII, ) ) 7 SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2010. ) ) 8 ________________________________) 9 10 11 12 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 13 14 Held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, 2005 Kalia Road, 15 in the Coral Ballroom, in Honolulu, Hawaii, commencing at 16 9:00 a.m., on Monday, September 13, 2010, pursuant to 17 Notice. 18 19 20 21 22 23 BEFORE: STEPHEN B. PLATT, CSR #248 Notary Public, State of Hawaii 24 25 CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00002 1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 9:00 A.M. 2 -oo0oo- 3 (Video played.) 4 MR. RINALDI: Good morning. 5 Did everybody have a good time last night? 6 Everyone have enough cheese cubes, everyone good? Thank 7 you to the Local Convention Committee for putting that 8 great local party on. 9 (Applause.) 10 MR. RINALDI: We are going to go to some 11 presentations now, and then back to more regular 12 business. So we'd like to play that video now. 13 (Video played.) 14 (Applause.) 15 MR. RINALDI: The next business in order will be 16 the report of the Credentials Committee. If our chairman 17 would come up to deliver the report. 18 Good morning. 19 MR. BOUGHN: Good morning, everyone. 20 Attached is a list of the names of the voting 21 members of the 2010 NATCA Convention, and their 22 alternates, that were registered up until 8:45 this 23 morning, September 13, 2010. 24 As of right now, there are 356 delegates, 113 25 alternates, representing a total of 13,198 votes. On CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00003 1 behalf of the Committee, I move that the roll of 2 delegates hereby submitted be the official roll of the 3 voting members at the convention at this time. 4 MR. RINALDI: It's been moved and seconded to 5 adopt the report of the Credentials Committee. 6 Is there any discussion? 7 (No response.) 8 MR. RINALDI: The question is to adopt the 9 report of the Credentials Committee. 10 All in favor, say "aye." 11 SPEAKERS: Aye. 12 MR. RINALDI: Opposed, say "nay." 13 (No response.) 14 MR. RINALDI: The report is adopted, thank you, 15 Chris. 16 I would like to introduce Kelly Richardson and 17 Jacqueline Smith, to present Part Two of our History of 18 Labor. Kelly was in the hospital recently, and now he's 19 back from the dead. 20 (Applause.) 21 MR. RICHARDSON: Queen's Medical Center is not 22 too bad a place if you end up having to go to the 23 hospital. 24 We are going to go through the meat and potatoes 25 of the Labor Movement in this clip this morning, CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00004 1 1920-1950. This is the part that's going to define what 2 the Labor Movement is. This is where a lot of the 3 fights, a lot of the battles, a lot of the people that 4 stand up in this country and fight for what they think is 5 right, is going to happen in this time. 6 It's a little longer than most of the other 7 sessions, but I think you will get a lot out of this. 8 So, here we go. 9 (Video played.) 10 (Applause.) 11 MR. KRASNER: Okay, back to business. 12 The next business in order is on the question of 13 the adoption of A10-10, which can be found in the booklet 14 on Page 11. 15 Is there any discussion? 16 (Discussion was had on the motion.) 17 MR. KRASNER: Okay, as many as are in favor of 18 the adoption of A10-10, signify by saying "aye." 19 SPEAKERS: Aye. 20 MR. KRASNER: Opposed, say "nay." 21 SPEAKERS: Nay. 22 MR. KRASNER: The ayes have it, and it's 23 adopted. 24 The question is on the adoption of A10-11, which 25 can be found on Page 12 of the book. CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00005 1 Any discussion? 2 (Discussion was had on the motion.) 3 MR. KRASNER: Okay, as many as are in favor of 4 the adoption of A10-11, signify by saying "aye." 5 SPEAKERS: Aye. 6 MR. KRASNER: Opposed, say "nay." 7 SPEAKERS: Nay. 8 MR. KRASNER: The ayes have it, and it is 9 adopted. 10 Okay. The question is on the adoption of 11 A10-12. 12 Is there a second? 13 SPEAKER: Second. 14 MR. KRASNER: Moved and seconded. Is there 15 discussion? 16 (Discussion was had on the motion.) 17 MR. KRASNER: All right. 18 The question is on the adoption of A10-12, as 19 written in the booklet. 20 As many as are in favor of the adoption, signify 21 by saying "aye." 22 SPEAKERS: Aye. 23 MR. KRASNER: Those opposed, say "nay." 24 SPEAKERS: Nay. 25 MR. KRASNER: You are freaking killing me. CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00006 1 (Laughter.) 2 MR. KRASNER: It requires two-thirds vote. As 3 many as are in favor of its adoption, please rise. Green 4 badges only. 5 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) 6 MR. KRASNER: Please be seated. 7 All those opposed to its adoption, please rise. 8 Green badges only. 9 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) 10 MR. KRASNER: Let's do that again. 11 For its adoption, please rise. 12 (Members complied.) 13 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) 14 MR. KRASNER: Okay, please be seated. 15 It would be a lot easier if you all would just 16 wear the same color shirts. 17 Those opposed please rise. 18 (Members complied.) 19 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) 20 MR. KRASNER: Okay. 21 Those in favor of its adoption, green badges 22 only, please rise, and please stay standing. 23 (Members complied.) 24 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) 25 MR. KRASNER: Okay, please be seated. CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00007 1 Okay, those opposed to its adoption, green 2 badges only, please rise. If you are not a delegate, 3 please do not rise. 4 (Members complied.) 5 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) 6 MR. KRASNER: Okay, there were 194 votes in 7 favor of. There were 151 votes opposed. Not seeing 8 two-thirds in the affirmative, the amendment fails. 9 THE WITNESS: Mr. Chairman, mike six. 10 MR. KRASNER: Mike six. 11 MR. MARINITTI: I move for division of the 12 house. And my name is Jim Marinitti, Miami Tower and 13 TRACON. 14 MR. KRASNER: You are asking for a roll call 15 vote; is that correct? 16 MR. MARINITTI: Yes. 17 MR. KRASNER: Okay, a roll call vote has been 18 requested. Under our convention rules, it provides that 19 a roll call vote shall be taken upon demand of a 20 delegate, that is affirmed by 10 percent of the 21 registered delegates. 22 Okay, all those who wish to take a roll call 23 vote, please rise and remain standing. 24 (Members complied.) 25 (Sergeant at arms conducting vote count.) CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00008 1 MR. KRASNER: There are 356 registered delegates 2 by the Credential Committee's report this morning. There 3 are clearly more than 36 people standing, and there will 4 be a roll call vote. 5 Okay, we will break now, and we will be doing a 6 roll call. Under the convention rules, the regions will 7 be taken in alphabetical order, starting with the region 8 after Southern. Southern will go last. 9 SPEAKER: Point of information, mike one. 10 MR. KRASNER: Point of information, mike one. 11 SPEAKER: Is it out of order to move to adjourn 12 for ten minutes and then come back? 13 MR. KRASNER: Well, we wouldn't move to 14 "adjourn," so that's out. 15 SPEAKER: "Take a 15-minute break"? 16 MR. KRASNER: I think we could do that. 17 SPEAKER: I move for a 15-minute break. 18 MR. KRASNER: This is our morning coffee break 19 time, so there will be coffee out there. 20 THE WITNESS: How about 20 minutes? 21 MR. KRASNER: We will start taking that vote 22 again in 20 minutes exactly, and if you are not here, 23 then your votes aren't going to count. And people will 24 not be able to come in and out during that count. 25 (A recess was taken from 10:28 to 10:48 a.m.) CARNAZZO COURT REPORTING COMPANY, LTD. (808) 532-0222 00009 1 MR. KRASNER: All right, let's do it. 2 Okay, if people are outside we need 'em in. 3 Once those doors close, you will not come in, you will 4 not have a vote. 5 (A roll call vote was taken.) 6 MR. KRASNER: Okay, on the adoption of A10-12, 7 there were 14,762 votes cast. There were 8,949 in the 8 affirmative. There were 5,813 in the negative. Not 9 seeing two-thirds in favor of, it is defeated. 10 (Applause.) 11 MR. KRASNER: Does anybody want to double-check 12 his math? Because you are welcome to. 13 (No response.) 14 MR. KRASNER: Okay, the next one up, A10-13 is 15 withdrawn by the authors; is that correct? Both of you, 16 Mitch? 17 MR. HERRICK: Yes, sir.
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