ffl I i I I 1 I I I I i 1 I 1 VOI M I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I i i Translated i by 1 i DAVID MAGIE 1 1 i i 1 i 1 I or Historia The Scriptores HistoriaeAugustae, of Augusta, is a collection of biographies Roman emperors, heirs, and claimants from Hadrian to Numerianus (AD 117 2 84). The work, which is modelled on Sue- tonius, purports to be written by six dif- ferent authors and quotes documents and public records extensively. Since we pos- sess no continuous account of the emper- ors of the second and third centuries, the Historia Augusta has naturally attracted keen attention. In the last century it has also generated the grayest suspicions. Present opinion holds that the whole is the a ( lived in the work of single author who time of Theodosius) and contains much that is plagiarism and even downright forgerv. O J The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Historia Augusta is in three volumes. NY PUBLIC LIBRARY THE BRANCH LIBRARIES August t.nii 99023 3 3333 13099 9598 vol .3 MM The New^brk Public Library Aster. Lenox and Tilden Foundations The Branch Libraries MID-MANHATTAN LIBRARY MM 455 Fifth Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 H5 Books and non-print media may be returned to any branch of The New York Public Library. Music scores, orchestral sets and certain materials must be returned to branch from which borrowed. All materials must be returned by the last date stamped on the card. Fines are for overdue items. charged Forri THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB EDITED BY G. P. GOOLD PREVIOUS EDITORS T. E. PAGE E. CAPPS W. H. D. ROUSE L. A. POST E. H. WARMINGTON HISTORIA AUGUSTA III LCL 263 THE SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE VOLUME III WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY DAVID MAGIE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS LONDON, ENGLAND First published 1932 Reprinted 1954, 1961, 1968, 1982, 1998 LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY is a registered trademark of the President and Fellows of Harvard College ISBN 0-674-99290-3 Printed in Great Britain by St Edmundsbury Press Ltd, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, on acid-free paper. Bound by Hunter 6- Foulis Ltd, Edinburgh, Scotland. CONTENTS BIBLIOGRAPHY vii EDITORIAL NOTE xi THE TWO VALERIANS 2 THE TWO GALLIENI 16 THE THIRTY PRETENDERS 64 THE DEIFIED CLAUDIUS 152 THE DEIFIED AURELIAN 192 TACITUS 294 PROBUS 334 FIRMUS, SATURNINUS, PROCULUS, BONOSUS 386 CARUS, CARINUS, NUMERIAN 416 INDEX OF NAMES 453 BIBLIOGRAPHY (1919-1967) Scriptores Historiae Augustae I, II, ed. E. Hohl, rev. W. Seyfarth and C. Samberger, Leipzig, Teubner, 1965 (1st ed. 1927). " " Alfoldi, A. Das Problem des verweiblichten Kaisers Galli- enus; Zeitschrift filr Numismatik, xxxviii. (1928), 156- 203. Bassett, H. J. Macrmus and Diadumenianus ; Menasha, Wisconsin, 1920. Baynes, N. H. The Date of the Composition of the Historia Augusta; Classical Review, xxxviii. (1924), 165-169. Historia : its Date and The Augusta Purpose ; Oxford, 1926. Geta Birt, T. Zu Marius Maximus (S.H.A. 2, 1) ; Philologus, Ixxvi. (1920), 362-366. Ixxxiii. 177-178. Zu den S.H.A. ; Phiiologus, (1927), bei in : Dessau, H. Die Samaritaner den S.H.A. ; Janus Arbeiten zur alien und Byzantinischen Geschichte (Vienna, 1921), 124-128. Aureliani Fisher, W. H. The Augustan Vita ; Journal of .Rowan Studies, xix. (1929), 125-149. J. in der Historia Geffcken, Religionsgeschichtliches Augusta ; Hermes, Iv. (1920), 279-295. to Classical Hadas, M. Rabbinic Parallels S.H.A. ; Philology, xxiv. (1929), 258-262. Harrer, G. A. The Chronology ot the Revolt of Pescennius Niger; Journal of Roman Studies, x. (1920), 155-168. Henderson, B. W. The Life and Principate of the Emperor Hadrian, A.D. 76-138; London, 1923. vii BIBLIOGRAPHY Hohl, E. Ueber den Ursprung der Historia Augusta : Hermes, Iv. (1920), 296-310. Bericht iiber die Literatur zu den S.H.A. fur die Jahre 1916-1923; Jahresberichte uber die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, cc. (1924), 167-210. Grundsatzlich.es zur der S.H.A. Philo- Textgestaltung ; logisclie Wochenschrift, xlviii. (1928), 1115-1118. Homo, L. La grande Grise de 1'an 238 ap. J.C. et le Problems de 1'Histoire Auguste ; Revue Historique, cxxxi. (1919), 209-264; cxxxii. (1919), 1-38. Les Documents de 1'Histoire Auguste et leur Valeur historique; Revue Historique, cli. (1926), 161-198: olii. (1926). 1-31. 1 Jarde A. sur la et le de Severe , Etudes critiques Vie Eegne Alexandre; Paris, 1926. Jorga, N. Le Probleme de 1'Abandon de la Dacie par I'Empereur re"lien i. Au ; Revue Historique du Sud-Est European, (1924), 37-58. Klotz, A. Beitrage zur Textgeschichte und Textritik der S.H.A.; Rheinisches Museum, Ixxviii. (1929), 268-314, 432. Mattingly, H., and Sydenham, E. A. The Roman imperial Coinage, Vol. v., Part 1 (Valerian to the Interregnum), P. H. Webb ; London, 1927. by " J. the " Milne, G. Aemilianus Tyrant ; Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, x. (1924), 80-82. Orth, E. Zu den S.H.A; Philologische Wochenschrift, xlix. (1929). 1470-1471. bis Grillius Von Orpheus (on Tac., 10, 3) ; Philologische Wochenschrift, 1. (1930), 395-400. ' " Pasoli, A. L'Uso di Erodiano nella Vita Maximini ; Milan, 1927. " Sulla Composizione die due Brani parallel! degli S.H.A," (Max. 13, 5 19 e Oord., 7, 216) in Annali del R. Liceo- Gimnasio Ugo Foscolo di Pavia del Anno 1927-1928', Voghera, 1929. L'Histoire Revue des Etudes Ferret, L. de I'Empereur G6ta ; Historiques, xci. (1925), 119-130. Pichlmayr, F. Zu den S.H.A.; Philologus, bocx. (1925), 345-350. Beuss, W. Der historische Wert der Garacallavita in den S.H.A.; Elio, Beiheft 24 (1931). viii BIBLIOGRAPHY Rohde, J. Die Marcomanenkriege Marc Aurels; Halle, 1924. Rosenberg, A. Ein Document zur Beichsreform des Kaisers Gallienus; Hermts, Iv. (1920), 319-321. Rostovtseff, M. La Crise sociale et politique de L'Empire Boinain au III Siecle J.C. ap. ; Jfus& Beige, xxvii. (1923), 233-242. B. Adam von Bremen und die Schmiedler, S.H.A. ; Historische Vitrtelialirsclir.it, 1920. 3381. Die S.H.A. and dor Heilige Hieronymus. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungszeit der falschen Kaiserviten; Plu.o- logisclie WocJi<*nschr:ft, xlvii. (1927), 955-960. Sohnabel, P. Die Chronologic Aurelians; Klio, xx. (1925-6), 863-368. Sohwendemann, J. Der historische Wert der Vita Marci bei den S.H.A. ; Heidelberg, 1923. Sedgwick, H. D. Marcus Aurelius; Oxford, 1921. H. Kleine textkritische 3 Sjogren, Beitra^e (Hadr. 13, ; A^ex. xix. 13, 6) ; Eranos, (1923), 163-172. Stein, A. Zur Chronologie der Bomischen Kaiser von Decius bis Diocletian; Arclriv fiir Papifrusftjrschutig, vii. (1923), 30-51; viii. (1926), 11-18. Zeitbestimmuncjen von Gallienus bis Aureliau ; K'.io, xxi. (1926-7), 78-82. Obsen-ations on the Chronology of the Roman Emperors in of the Third Jcmmal the Second Half Century ; of Egyptian Archaeology, xiv. (192S), 16-19. Thomell, G. Ad diversos Scriptores Couiectanea et Intoi-pret- atoria; in Strenaphilologica Upsalien$:s ^Upsala. 1922), 383-392. Ad S.H.A. et Araniianmn Marcellinum Adnotatioues; Leipzig, 1927. Tidner, E. De Particulis copulativis apud S.H.A. Quaestiones selectao 1922. ; Upsala, in In S.H.A. Adnot-atiunculae ; Strma philotogica Up- saliensis (Upsala, 1922), 149-162. of the Year 28S A.P. Yal* Townsend, P. W. The Chronology ; Classical Studies, i. (192S), 231-238. Van Sickle, C. E. A hypothetical Chronology for the Year of xxii. 416-417. the Gordians ; Classical Philology, (1927), The Legal Status of Clodius Albinua in the Years 193-196 ; Classical Philology, xxiii. (192S), 128-127. iz BIBLIOGRAPHY Van Sickle, C. E. Some further Observations on the Chro- of the Year 238 nology A.D. ; Classical Philology, xxiv. (1929), 284-289. T. Kaiser Gallienus 1923. Vorbrodt, (253-268) ; Halle, Westermann, W. L. The Papyri and the Chronology of the of the i. Reign Emperor Probus ; Aegyptus, (1920), 297-301 The various contributions made to the study of the Scriptores Historiae Augustae, especially since 1945, are recorded annually in Marouzeau, UAnnte Philologique For the date etc., and some partial editions, see especially : H. Stern. Date et Destinataire de 1'Histoire Auguste, Paris, 1953. Bonner. Historia Augusta Colloquium, 1964-65. Antiquitas, Reihe 4, 3. P. White. The Authorship of the Historia Augusta. Journal of Roman Studies, Ivii. (1967), 115 ff. A. Momigliano. An Unsolved Problem of Historical Forgery, Journal of the Warburg and Gourtauld Institutes, xvii. (1954), 22 ff. J. Schwarz, in B.F.S. xl. (1961-2), 169 ff. T. Zawadzki, in Studii Clasice, v. (1963), 249 ff. E. Manni. Trebellio Pollione. Le vite di Valeriano e di Gallieno. Text, introd. notes, etc. Palermo. 1952. E. Hohl. Maximini Duo. lulius Capitolinus (edition), Berlin, 1949. For other special aspects : W. Hartke. Geschichte und Politik im spatantiken Rom. Klio, Beiheft xlv, 1940. A. Reintjes. Untersucliungen zu den Beamten bei den Scriptores Hist. Aug., Bonn, 1961. A. Cameron. Literary Allusions in the Historia Augusta, Hermes, xcii. (1964), 313 ff. Atti del Colloquio patavino sulla Historia Augusta. Publl. ist. di Storia Antica. Padua, Rome, 1964. A. Bellezza. Hist. Aug. I. Le Edizioni, Genoa, 1959. EDITORIAL NOTE (1991) SCHOLARLY research pursued since the first publication of this work in 1922 now requires modification of some of the editor's views. Most authorities today are persuaded that die ostensible multiple authorship of these lives is a wilful deception, that one person is responsible for the collection and the insertion into it of documents which are sheer fabrications, and that the date of this activity is about A.D. 395. To the bibliography above the following important works (die first two with extensive bibliographies) may now be added: SYME, SIR RONALD: Ammianus and the Historia Augusta, Oxford, 1968.
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