Page 24T COMMENC EMENT & REUNIO N G UIDE From Science to Song It’ s not your 1970s campus any longer . ike a 370-year-old adolescent, Harvard is in the middle of a growth spurt. In fact, if the building boom under way in Cambridge and the LLongwood Medical Area since the begin- ning of the decade segues quickly into construction of the planned campus de- velopment on University landholdings in Allston (beyond the Business School cam- pus), this could become the greatest era of physical change in Harvard history. During the twentieth century, accord- ing to o∞cial University data, Harvard added, on average, a million square feet of space each decade. Exceptional expan- Providing the best in world-class construction services... Page 24U COMMENCEMENT & REUNION GUIDE From laboratories to performing- arts spaces, Harvard hurries to remake itself—again. sion took place in the 1960s and 1970s, Half above ground when the growth rate more than tripled, (left), and half below (right, where vibra- as post-Sputnik federal funding trans- tion-sensitive clean formed the research plant of higher-edu- rooms will be built), cation institutions nationwide and pro- the Laboratory for fessional schools gathered momentum Interface Science and Engineering is part with swelling enrollments. In the first of a huge expansion half of this decade, the growth resumed, in research facilities. with nearly 3 million square feet of build- ings coming on line—and many new pro- federal government’s decision to double the University history (see “A Scientific Instru- jects are in the pipeline, reflecting Univer- budget of the National Institutes of ment,” November-December 2003, page 56). sity commitments to gear up for modern Health—the single most important source The Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) will scientific research, provide adequate of sponsored-research funding at Har- about equal the scale of that investment housing for its own community, and ad- vard—has spawned a boom in life-sciences with its new Biological Research Infra- dress perceived needs in all students’ and biomedical research facilities. The med- structure and the Northwest Building, both quality of life. ical school’s 525,000-square-foot New Re- under construction. The latter, only a bit Once again, scientific research leads the search Building, opened in 2003, is the smaller than the medical school facility, will way in propelling campus expansion. The largest research and education building in accommodate laboratories for a wide array ARCHITECTURE and INTERIORS Bruner/Cott architects and planners peter vanderwarker THE NEW HARVARD DANCE CENTER HARVARD UOS BLACKSTONE STATION RENOVATION RADCLIFFE INSTITUTE GYMNASIUM RENOVATION UNIVERSITY HALL RESTORATION MEMORIAL HALL RENOVATION KIRKLAND HOUSE + ELIOT HOUSE DINING RENOVATION PEABODY TERRACE RENOVATION BRIGGS CAGE ATHLETIC COMPLEX ARSENAL ON THE CHARLES UNIVERSITY PLACE OFFICES 130 Prospect Street Cambridge, MA 02139 Harvard Medical School Vanderbilt Student Lounge 617 . 492 . 8400 brunercott.com 286 Congress Street | Boston, MA | Phone 617 542 1025 | www.bergmeyer.com Harvard Magazine 24U COMMENCEMENT & REUNION GUIDE The Northwest Building, bey ond the Museum for Comp arative Zoology, will accommodate laboratories for several dozen faculty members, principally in the life sciences. of faculty members in neuroscience and characterizes the sciences. FAS has moved other life sciences. Nor does that exhaust into its two-building Center for Govern- FAS’s science agenda: the Laboratory for In- ment and International Studies, straddling terface Science and Engineering, shown on Cambridge Street, now home to the govern- the previous pages, is being built under- ment department and an array of area- and neath the courtyard beyond the Science regional-studies centers. Like the Law FA+A Center, and—atop huge pillars—above School before it, the Business School has Architects what will be a pedestrian walkway be- created dozens of new faculty o∞ces, in this tween existing buildings. Faculty members case by renovating and substantially ex- in the rapidly expanding Division of Engi- panding Baker Library. The business school neering and Applied Sciences, and collabo- also has a large new classroom building. rators in a number of physical sciences, will Each of these projects involved substantial work there, using motion-protected, ultra- e≠orts in planning, design, and construc- Research space, housing, and expanded social and extracurricular venues are being built. clean nanoscale laboratory facilities to tion, and each a≠ects faculty members study exciting developments in materials and students in major ways; they only sciences and other fields. All together, these seem small alongside the laboratories. projects represent a more than one-third The new wave in residential construc- Harvard University among its expansion of FAS science space in a five- tion—aimed at accommodating graduate prestigious academic clients year span, accompanied by robust growth and professional students in Greater in the faculty ranks. And the Dental School Boston’s perpetually pricey housing mar- has a new building, where it has brought its ket—involves every kind of building pro- researchers together in much-expanded ject. The high-rise One Western Avenue, quarters. at the edge of the business school campus, Of course, the investment in research a≠ords a terrific view across the Charles continues in other fields, too—but some- River to the site of a townhouse apart- times on a less imposing scale, simply be- ment complex (fronted by a riverside Finegold Alexander + Associates Inc cause not every field of inquiry has the same park) about to be built just south of www.faainc.com space and equipment requirements that Peabody Terrace. Closer to the main Uni- 24VMay - June 2006 CRG-construction.final 4/6/06 12:04 PM Page 24V CRG-construction.final 4/10/06 4:24 PM Page 24W TRU_ad_residential4.qxd 1/20/06 12:17 PM Page 1 COMMENCEMENT & REUNION GUIDE COMMENCEMENT & REUNION GUIDE versity campus, construction is well ad- vanced on another low-rise housing pro- ject across the street from the College’s Dunster and Mather Houses. And north of Cambridge Common, on Garden The quality of a good home. Street, an existing apartment building was gut-renovated for more graduate- student units. When combined with Harvard’s one-third interest in a new apartment-tower complex in Boston, near Fenway Park and the medical complex, several hundred units of a∞liate housing will have been brought on line. Of course, life is not all work or rest. Stu- dents want to have some fun, too, and in- vestments are being made across the Uni- versity in new construction and photography: Peter Vanderwarker design: Flavin Architects renovations to accommodate extracurricu- lar and social space. The business school erected a large student campus center. The Building the finest homes, offices The Northwest Building, beyond the Museum for Comparative Zoology, will accommodate College, more hemmed in, is innovatively and institutions in the Boston area laboratories for several dozen faculty members, principally in the life sciences. truant reworking existing space. Part of the gym- for more than 20 years. CONSTRUCTION nasium near the old Radcli≠e dorms—now MANAGERS of faculty members in neuroscience and characterizes the sciences. FAS has moved College residential Houses—has been made www.mtruant.com other life sciences. Nor does that exhaust into its two-building Center for Govern- into a fully functioning dance rehearsal and 617.868.8630 FAS’s science agenda: the Laboratory for In- ment and International Studies, straddling performance space. The Hasty Pudding terface Science and Engineering, shown on Cambridge Street, now home to the govern- Theatricals building, shown below, has the previous pages, is being built under- ment department and an array of area- and been stripped nearly to its Holyoke Street Over 45 years of service neath the courtyard beyond the Science regional-studies centers. Like the Law façade, so that a new foundation and a new, to Harvard University Center, and—atop huge pillars—above School before it, the Business School has modern theater can be shoehorned into the what will be a pedestrian walkway be- created dozens of new faculty o∞ces, in this tight space to the rear. Hilles Library having tween existing buildings. Faculty members case by renovating and substantially ex- in the rapidly expanding Division of Engi- panding Baker Library. The business school neering and Applied Sciences, and collabo- also has a large new classroom building. rators in a number of physical sciences, will Each of these projects involved substantial work there, using motion-protected, ultra- e≠orts in planning, design, and construc- Research space, housing, and expanded social 465 Medford Street and extracurricular venues are being built. Boston, MA 02129 HaleyAldrich.com clean nanoscale laboratory facilities to tion, and each a≠ects faculty members study exciting developments in materials and students in major ways; they only sciences and other fields. All together, these seem small alongside the laboratories. projects represent a more than one-third The new wave in residential construc- expansion of FAS science space in a five- tion—aimed at accommodating graduate Behind and within the Hasty Pudding’s funny year span, accompanied by robust growth and professional students in Greater face, a new, modern theater is taking shape. in the faculty ranks. And the Dental School Boston’s perpetually pricey housing mar- has a new building, where it has brought its ket—involves every kind of building pro- downsized, its remaining space is being re- researchers together in much-expanded ject. The high-rise One Western Avenue, made into o∞ces for student groups; as the quarters. at the edge of the business school campus, groups relocate from Harvard Yard base- Of course, the investment in research a≠ords a terrific view across the Charles ments, their old digs are being renovated for continues in other fields, too—but some- River to the site of a townhouse apart- a women’s center (see page 74) and student times on a less imposing scale, simply be- ment complex (fronted by a riverside social space.
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