5 SOUTHWEST CARSON 5.1 Existing Conditions 5.2 Urban Design Framework The Southwest Carson Neighborhood Village is bounded Map 5-1 presents the Southwest Carson Urban Design by 223rd Street on the north, the City boundary/I-110 Framework. Information about the character of each Freeway on the west, the City boundary on the south of the land use districts and street types is available in and the Watson Center industrial park/Avalon Boulevard/ Chapter 4. Wilmington Avenue on the east. Southwest Carson is the largest Neighborhood Village, with a population of over The Urban Design Framework contains three 20,000 residents. Neighborhood Nodes within walking distance of each other at Sepulveda Boulevard and Main Street, Sepulveda Southwest Carson’s residential neighborhoods bear the Boulevard and Avalon Boulevard, and Avalon Village infl uence of early 20th-century planner Clarence Perry’s (Avalon Boulevard and Scottsdale Drive). An illustrative “neighborhood unit” concept of neighborhoods bounded concept for the Avalon Village Neighborhood Node is by large roadways and focused on elementary schools given in Figure 5-1. Other sections of Sepulveda Boulevard Typical residential streetscape (35a) Large shopping center at Sepulveda Boulevard and Main Street and parks at the center. Most of the area is single-family with uses that front on the street are classifi ed as (35b) detached housing (35a), but the Scottsdale, Avalon Village Neighborhood Corridors. and other nearby developments are townhomes and/ or garden apartments. Retail is concentrated in three The residential and industrial area southeast of the shopping centers – at Sepulveda Boulevard and Figueroa intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Avalon Boulevard Street, Sepulveda Boulevard and Main Street (35b), and is classifi ed as a Neighborhood Corridor. Appropriate Avalon Boulevard and Scottsdale Drive (35c). The area building types in this area would include townhomes, south of Sepulveda Boulevard between Avalon Boulevard garden apartments and small apartment blocks. East-west and East Street contains a mix of residential, commercial, streets should be connected across the industrial blocks institutional and industrial uses. Several of the industrial to restore the street grid in this area. properties are vacant or in disrepair (35d). The Neighborhood Nodes and Neighborhood Corridors Sepulveda Boulevard between Dolores Street and Avalon are linked by Sepulveda Boulevard and Avalon Boulevard Boulevard is an older commercial and light industrial as Multimodal Boulevards. Both are currently classifi ed as corridor. However, two new housing projects are being truck routes within the Southwest Carson Neighborhood Shopping center at Avalon Village (35c) Industrial area between Broad and East Streets (35d) constructed (35e). Village. The truck route designation is recommended to be removed from a section of Avalon Boulevard (see In Southwest Carson, there is a discontinuous street Map 5-1). Trucks are able to use Wilmington Avenue as an pattern in the residential neighborhoods which results alternate to access local industrial areas. The truck route in few through streets. Additionally, walls separate designation can remain on Sepulveda Boulevard, as it is neighborhoods from Sepulveda Boulevard, Avalon a street providing a direct connection between the I-110 Boulevard, and Dolores Street, and resulting sidewalks are freeway and heavy industrial uses. often very narrow, creating an unfriendly environment for pedestrians (35f). New senior housing on Sepulveda Boulevard (35e) Walls separating neighborhoods from street (35f) Img 35. Southwest Carson Existing Conditions 29 NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGES PLAN - CITY OF CARSON CHAPTER 5 MAP 5-1 SOUTHWEST CARSON 220th St Interstate 405 Southwest Carson Dolores St Moneta Ave Proposed Urban Design Framework 223rd St Blvd Avalon Land Use Districts Neighborhood Neighborhood 225th St Nodes Corridors Figueroa St Interstate 110 Interstate Shadwell St Grace Ave W 228th St 228th St Anchor Ave Multimodal Streets and Pathways 231st St Multimodal Multimodal Separated Boulevards Connectors Slow-Speed Paths 233rd St 234th St Panama Ave 234th St Avalon Blvd Maribel Ave Ravenna Ave Anchor Ave Dolores St Other Elements Sepulveda Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Other Major Arterials Main St Lincoln St Remove Truck Route Pacific St Remove truck route designation from street Realty St New Connections at Street Ends Bonds St New ped/bike connection at existing cul-de-sacs or T-intersections BNSF Railway City of Carson Figueroa St Existing Parks Interstate 110 Island Ave Marine Ave Marine Existing Schools Lomita Blvd Lomita Blvd Lomita Blvd 5 minute walk (1,200’) 2 minute bike (1,760’) 2 minute NEV (3,168’) Mile N 00.510.25 PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT - JUNE 2019 30 CHAPTER 5 SOUTHWEST CARSON C Four-story mixed use development D Pedestrian-friendly retail with diagonal E One to two-story pedestrian friendly retail G Streetside and gateway plaza (residential/retail) parking, easy crossings with neighborhood serving offi ce Conceptual Pedestrian-friendly retail Parking located at rear A with diagonal parking, easy crossings D Anchor Av. One to Two Story Residential edges across A pedestrian friendly retail from existing residential B or community facility with E neighborhoods B neighborhood serving E offi ce E F Scottsdale Dr. D Four-story mixed-use C development (residential/retail) B Existing Avalon Bl. Create new streets to Fairhaven St. F reduce walking distances F C G Idabel Av. Streetside and gateway G plaza Figure 5-1. Avalon Village (Scottsdale Dr. and Avalon Bl.) Neighborhood Node - Illustrative Concept Only 31 NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGES PLAN - CITY OF CARSON CHAPTER 5 MAP 5-2 SOUTHWEST CARSON Interstate 405 220th St Southwest Carson Dolores St Moneta Ave Proposed Slow-Speed Network 223rd St Bonita St 223rd St 223rd St Proposed Bikeways Class I Class II (Slow Speed Path) (Slow Speed Lane) Figueroa St 225th St Shadwell St Interstate 110 Interstate Grace Ave W 228th St 228th St Class III Class IV Figueroa St 231st St (Slow Speed Route) (Slow Speed/Cycle Track) 233rd St Main St 234th St Panama Ave 234th St Avalon Blvd Maribel Ave Ravenna Ave Wilmington Ave Anchor Ave Proposed Right-of-Way Changes and Other Elements Pedestrian-Friendly Boulevards Sepulveda Blvd Dolores St Sepulveda Blvd Streets with pedestrian improvements and no proposed bikeway Sepulveda Blvd Avalon Blvd Interstate 110 Eliminate Turn Lane Eliminate Parking - North Side Only New Path New Eliminate Parking - South Side Only BNSF Railway BNSF Railway City of Carson Figueroa St Main St Lomita Blvd Lomita Blvd Wilmington Ave Lomita Blvd 5 minute walk (1,200’) 2 minute bike (1,760’) 2 minute NEV (3,168’) Mile N 00.510.25 PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT - JUNE 2019 32 CHAPTER 5 SOUTHWEST CARSON 5.3 Slow Speed Network As shown in Map 5-2, Figure 5-2 and 5-3, the proposed Slow Speed Network in Southwest Carson consists of a two- way Class IV Slow Speed/Cycle Track on the north side of Sepulveda Boulevard, Class II Slow Speed Lanes along Dolores Street north of Sepulveda Boulevard providing connectivity to the rest of the City (36), and a network of Class III Slow Speed Routes on local streets serving residential neighborhoods. If possible, a Class I Slow Speed Path can be created along the Burlington Northern & Santa Fe (BNSF) right-of-way south of Sepulveda Boulevard. A connection can be made to this path from the end of Dolores Street through new development at Sepulveda Boulevard and Main Street. No bicycle/slow speed facilities are planned on Avalon Boulevard, Sepulveda Boulevard west of Main Street, or Figueroa Street. Facilities on these segments may have merit, but would have more of a regional or Citywide mobility function rather than connecting directly to neighborhood nodes. In the case of Avalon Boulevard, bicycle facilities should only be implemented if they can connect to key destinations north of this Neighborhood Village including Downtown Carson and SouthBay Pavilion. Pedestrian improvements, however, are important Img 36. Existing Dolores Street Streetscape between Avalon Village and the south city limit. These shuold include at a minimum street tree planting and Existing Proposed harmonization of the sidewalk width and quality. Figure 5-2. Cross Sections: Dolores Street - 223rd Street to Sepulveda Boulevard 33 NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGES PLAN - CITY OF CARSON CHAPTER 5 SOUTHWEST CARSON Existing Proposed (Photosim) Figure 5-3. Visualization and Cross Sections: Sepulveda Boulevard - Main Street to Avalon Boulevard PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT - JUNE 2019 34 CHAPTER 5 SOUTHWEST CARSON MAP 5-3 Interstate 405 220th St Southwest Carson Dolores St Moneta Ave NEV Network 223rd St Bonita St 223rd St 223rd St NEV-Friendly Roads Local roads with speed limits less than 25-miles-per-hour NEV Slow Speed Route Figueroa St 225th St Shadwell St Class III Slow Speed Routes Interstate 110 Interstate NEV Slow Speed Lane on Accepted Roadways Grace Ave Streets with speed limits 35 miles-per-hour or less with 7’ proposed bike lanes W 228th St 228th St Other State-Accepted Roadways Other streets with speed limits between 30 and 35 miles-per-hour NEV Slow Speed Lane on High-Speed Roadway Streets with speed limits greater than 35 miles-per-hour with 7’ proposed bike lanes Figueroa St 231st St NEV Slow Speed Path Class I Slow Speed Path 233rd St Main St High Speed Roadway Crossings 234th St Panama Ave 234th St Avalon Blvd City of Carson Maribel Ave Ravenna Ave Wilmington Ave Anchor Ave Sepulveda Blvd Dolores St Sepulveda Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Avalon Blvd Interstate 110 New Path New BNSF Railway BNSF Railway Figueroa St Main St Lomita Blvd Lomita Blvd Wilmington Ave Lomita Blvd 5 minute walk (1,200’) 2 minute bike (1,760’) 2 minute NEV (3,168’) Mile N 00.510.25 35 NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGES PLAN - CITY OF CARSON CHAPTER 5 SOUTHWEST CARSON 5.4 NEV Network 5.6 Performance Measures NeighborhoodNeighborhood VVillageillage PerformancePerformance MMeasureseasures The Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Network for Figure 5-5 presents key performance measures for SouthwestSouthwest CCarsonarson Southwest Carson is given in Map 5-3.
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