NPA BULLETIN National Parks Association of the ACT Vol 26 No 2 June 1989 Into the fray in Coolangubra forest Why the Jerrabomberra Wetlands are worth saving National Parks Association of the Australian Capital Territory June 1989 Incorporated Inaugurated 1960 Contents Aims and objects of the Association • Promotion of national parks and of measures for the Arrests in southeast forests 5 protection of fauna and flora, scenery and natural features Jerrabomberra Wetlands 8 in ihe Australian Capital Territory and elsewhere, and the reservation ot specific areas. Resource assessment 1 2 • Interest in the provision of appropriate outdoor recreation Giardia 1 3 areas. Alps • Stimulation ol interest in, and appreciation and enjoyment 1 8 of. such natural phenomena by organised field outings, Shots fired at Grassy Creek 1 9 meetings or any other means. National Estate listings 20 • Co-operation with organisations and persons having similar interests and objectives. Tim Moore talks 22 • Promotion ot, and education ror, nature conservation, ana the planning of land-use to achieve conservation. Office bearers and Committee Committee news 4 President Parkwatch 1 4 Kevin Frawley, 4 Shiels PL, Curtin 2605 82 3080 (h) 68 8309 (w) Just briefly 1 6 Vice-President Vacant Secretary Julia Trainor, 2 Hill Corner, Yarralumla 2600 81 1195(h) 62 1514 (w) Treasurer Cover: Reg Alder and Shirley Lewis enter the Les Pyke 81 2982 conservationists' camp at Reedy Creek near Eden. Publicity Officer See story page 5. Glyn Lewis 95 2720 (hj Outings Convenor Steven Forst 51 6817 (h) Photographs and other contributions Other Committee members The photograph of fog over Canberra on page 5 of the Neville Esau 86 4176 (b) 49 4554 (w) March 1989 issue of the Bulletin was taken by Hedda Phihp Gatenby 54 3094(h) Morrison. The picture of Pigeon House by Babette Scougall Peter Roe 91 9535 (h) was taken from the Folly Point track, not the Monolith Valley Den Robin 81 4837 (h) track. Tim Walsh 851112 (h) 741465 (w) The Bulletin is always seeking black and white photo­ Immediate Past President graphs. Please label them with the name ol the subject, the Ross Carlton 86 3892 (h) name of the photographer and the date. Public Officer Contributions of articles {news, description or fiction) Charles Hill 95 8924 (h) and line drawings are also sought ior the Bulletin. Creative works will De given a high priority ior placement. Leiters to Subscription rates (1 July - 30 June) the editor should be brief (less than 500 words) Leave con­ Household members $20 Single members $15 tributions at the office or telephone the editor, Roger Green, Corporate members $10 Bulletin only $10 on (062) 470059. Concession: half above rates For new subscriptions joining between; Deadline for next issue: 25 July, 1989. 1 January and 31 March - half specified rate 1 April and 30 June - annual subscription Articles by contributors may not necessarily reflect Association opinion or objectives. Membership enquiries welcome Please phone Laraine Frawley at the NPA ollice. NPA Bulletin is produced by Green Words for the National The NPA of the ACT office is located in Kingsley Parks Associaton of the ACT. It is produced with the assis­ Street, Acton. Office hours are: tance of an ACT Community Development Fund grant. 10am to 2pm Mondays 9am to 2pm Tuesdays and Thursdays Printed oy riignlana Press, FyshwicK, ACT Telephone: (062) 571063 Address: GPO Box 457 Canberra 2601. ISSN 0727-8837 President's foreword Recent meetings have set out to continuous commitment of full ciation with 700 members. Contact revitalise two of the Association's committee work. the committee if you would like to important sub-committees: The Environment sub­ become involved. Namadgi and Environment. Both committee meeting identified some meetings were well attended. The current areas of focus: ACT plan­ original division of responsibilities ning issues (Murrumbidgee River of these sub-committees was corridor, Canberra Nature Park), For those with sights set higher, simply: (i) Namadgi National Park alpine parks (World Heritage con­ the annual general meeting is not and closely related matters; (ii) sideration, Kosciusko develop­ far away. At least four members of other environment matters. I have ment), southeast forests, coastal the current committee will not be interpreted the latter to be primarily development, Jervis Bay and the standing for re-election. Indicated conservation matters in the rest of national parks of the coastal ranges vacancies include: President, the ACT and the southeastern New (Morton, Deua and so on). See Secretary and two committee posi­ South Wales region. This does not Neville Esau's report on page 23. tions (the current incumbents preclude supporting conservation Because of the diversity of these being the Namadgi and activity elsewhere and we regularly matters, a start was made on form­ Environment sub-committee con­ do this, for example, in recent times ing working groups which could venors). In addition, the Vice- with issues such as the Victorian focus on each issue. It would be President's position has been alpine park and rainforest conserva­ ideal to have a nucleus of three or vacant for the last three years. tion in Queensland. Sub­ four people who became the committees provide an opportunity Association 'minders' for each for members to become involved in under the sub-committee umbrella. Association activities without the This should be possible in an asso- Namadgi's history New The ACT Parks and Conservation establishing a 'national park for the members Service has given the Association national capital*. The following new members are the opportunity of having an input A working group from the welcomed to the Association. The into the permanent display being Namadgi Subcommittee is meeting two new members from Lyneham won their memberships as prizes in prepared for the new Namadgi visi­ frequently to compile the informa­ the NPA lucky dip at the Greener tor information centre at Riverview. tion, as we have to supply it to the Fair at Weston Park last March. The centre is expected to be fin­ parks and conservation service ished late in 1989. within the next few weeks. Virgilio Bettanin, Gilmore: Trevor NPA is providing information We have started by developing Bills, Rivett; Davis Family, about the history of public recogni­ a chronology of significant land­ Canberra; Coral and Murray Dow, tion of the natural values of the marks and are searching for photo­ Ainslie; L. Feeney, Lyneham; area leading up to its declaration as graphs, maps, slides and other Warwick and Marian Fulton, a national park in 1984 and the cur­ material which may be used to illus­ trate aspects of these events. Kambah; Guy Hodgson, Hackett; rent moves towards incorporating Dr Keith McLean and Dr Lesley Namadgi in the proposed Already we have realised that Cadzow, Cook; Elizabeth Martin, Australian alpine world heritage this project is the beginning of O'Connor; Warren Martin, nomination. something bigger and when we Oueanbeyan; Michael Morriss, This history emphasises the have met the present deadline we Narrabundah; Jane O'Donohue, importance of community action in hope to start a more comprehen­ Kaleen; F.A. Parkes, Pearce; Peter the protection of the country's sive history which one day might be published. Rayner, Lyneham; Anne Ritchard, remaining natural areas and we Griffith; Helen Smith, Mawson; hope will make the point to all who If you have any early photo­ Susan Sutherland, Jamison; E. view it that if people value national graphs tucked away or would like to Van der Straaten, Rivett; Karen parks, they have to continue to work with us on the project, please Wilson and Paul Kisley, Farrer; Pam fight for them. The Namadgi story, contact one of the working group Wintle, Tharwa. of course, parallels the history of members: Fiona Brand, Bob Story, our association which was formed Reg Alder or Den Robin. in the early 1960s with the aim of Den Robin Committee news Namadgi matters Australian alps The Association's (heme for met on 27 April and resolved lo The Namadgi Subcommittee is Heritage Week in April was the meet regularly. This is an informal gathering material on the history of World Heritage nomination of the commiltee and offers an opportu­ the declaration of Namadgi National Australian alps. Outings high­ nity for anyone to get involved in Park. The subcommittee is also lighted the natural heritage of the some way, whether writing a letter considering preparing a booklet on high country near Canberra and Dr or joining a small group to comment the national park's history Seethe Geolf Mosley spoke to the April on an environmental impact state­ article on page 3. general meeting about the case lor ment or a draft plan ol manage­ To complement the recently world heritage nomination (see ment The subcommittee covers a released Yerrabi track brochure, a page 18). broad held and members have joint NPA/ACT Parks and The President has written to the expressed interest in specialising Conservation Service production, Commonwealth and New South in a number of areas See the the Association is preparing a Wales governments, expressing report on page 23. second brochure on the natural the Association's support tor nomi­ history ol Boboyan Trig area. The nation of the alps for world heritage Tharwa Sands new brochure will provide more listing. The Association has Kevin Frawley and Tim Walsh have inlormation on the birds, plants and donated $100 to the Victorian NPA inspected the site of a proposed geology of the area and will be tar­ fund to campaign for the creation of expansion of Tharwa Sands' red- geted at track users who require a Victorian alpine national park. gravel quarry near the Ginninderra more detail than that provided in A Greener Fair was held in Falls tourist site.
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