Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University V101:B. Sc. (Hospitality and Tourism Studies) V102: B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies & Catering Ser- vices) HTS 103: Accomodation and Front Office Foundation -1 YASHWANTRAO CHAVAN MAHARASHTRA OPEN UNIVERSITY (43 !££§°© &≤ /¶¶©£• &§°© ) V101: B. Sc. Hospitality and Tourism Studies (2016 Pattern) V102: B. Sc. Hospitality Studies and Catering Services (2016 Pattern) Developed by Professor Dr Rajendra Vadnere Director, School of Continuing Education Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik UNIT 1 Accommodation Sector UNIT 2 The Guest Accommodation UNIT 3 Hotel Front Office UNIT 4 Hotel Housekeeping Semester – 1 HTS103: Accommodation & Front Office Foundation -I Theory: 4 Credits; Total Hours =60 Practical: 2 Credits, Total Hours =60 Course Contents: Unit – 1 Accommodation Sector: - Introduction, Concept, and its importance; Types & Classification of Hotels on different basis; Star Categorization, Heritage Hotels and others in India, Organisation Structure of Hotels; Origin, growth and development of Hotel Sector in India.(ITC, The Taj Group, The Oberoi Group), Foreign Hotel Chains in India – Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt Unit – 2 The Guest Accommodation: Guest Rooms, Types, Layouts, Salient Features, Description, Guest Room amenities, supplies and services, Floors, Room Name List Patterns, Guest Elevators, Floor Pantries, Guest Safety on Floors, Guest Safety Procedures during Fire, emergencies Unit – 3 Hotel Front Office : Front Office Introduction, Functions and its importance, Different sections of the front office department and their layout and importance – Reservation, Reception, Concierge, Bell desk, Lobby, Telephones, Cashier, Inter and Intra- department coordination. Organisation structure of Front Office, Key Responsibilities, Job Descriptions, Attributes of Front Office Personnel, Uniform and Grooming Standards. Unit – 4 Hotel Housekeeping: Introduction, Meaning and definition Importance of Housekeeping, Sections of Housekeeping, Responsibilities of the Housekeeping department, a career in the Housekeeping department. Housekeeping Department: Organizational framework of the Department (Large/Medium/Small Hotel), Role’ of Key Personnel in Housekeeping, Job Description and Job Specification of staff in the department, Attributes and Qualities of the Housekeeping staff – skills of a good Housekeeper, Inter departmental Coordination with more emphasis on Front office and the Maintenance department, Hygiene and Grooming Standards of Housekeeping Personnel Suggested Readings: Hotel Hostel and Hospital Housekeeping – Joan C Branson & Margaret Lennox (ELBS). Hotel House Keeping – Sudhir Andrews Publisher: Tata Mc Graw Hill. Hotel Housekeeping Operations & Management – Raghubalan, Oxford University Press. Housekeeping and Front Office – Jones Security Operations By Robert Mc Crie, Publishe: Butterworth – Heinemann The Professional Housekeeper – Tucker Schneider,; Wiley Publications Front Office Training manual – Sudhir Andrews. Publisher: Tata Mac Graw Hill Managing Front Office Operations – Kasavana & Brooks Educational Institution AHMA Front Office – Operations and management – Ahmed Ismail (Thomson Delmar). Managing Computers in Hospitality Industry – Michael Kesavana & Cahell. Front Office Operations – Colin Dix & Chris Baird. Front Office Operation Management- S.K Bhatnagar, Publisher: Frank Brothers Managing Front Office Operations By Kasvan & Brooks CONTENTS #/.4%.43 5.)4 !##/-/$!4)/. 3%#4/2 .9Chw9 9 .9DLb bL h.W9/L9{ Lbwh5/Lhb h !//hah5!Lhb !b5 Cwhb hCCL/9 /[!LCL/!Lhb hC Ih9[ hb 5LCC9w9b .!L . [ . a . t . [ ! . [ " ! ! . 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In hospitality industry, we take care of the guests by providing them with food and shelter. Preparation of Food is covered under the discipline of “Food Production” which is covered under the HTS101 course. Under HTS102 we study the service of the food and beverages produced by the industry. In this course we study the “shelter” part. In this unit we will start with an overview of the Accommodations industry. We will see that hospitality industry plays a very important role as a driving force of Indian Economy. The service sector contributes most to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indian economy. Hospitality industry generates a lot of employment opportunity. The Foreign Direct Investment has also shown a remarkable trend in this sector. Next we will study the classification of hotels based on criteria like: Location( City-center/downtown hotel, Suburban hotels, Motels, Airport hotels, Resort hotels, Forest hotels, Floatels, Boatels, Rotels,) Target market (Commercial hotels, Convention hotels, Resort hotels, Suite hotels,) B&B hotels (Extended-stay, Casino hotels, Timeshares, Condominiums, Service apartments/corporate lodgings), Size of the property, ( Small hotels, Medium sized hotels, Large hotels, Very large hotels, Mega hotels, Chain hotels), Level of service ( Economy/budget hotels, Mid-scale/mid-market hotels, Luxury hotels), Length of stay ( Transient hotels, Residential hotels, Semi-residential hotels), Theme ( Heritage hotels, Ecotels, Boutique hotels, Spas). (43 ££ §°© § &≤ /¶¶©£• & §°© ) 0°• We will see these hotel types in details. We will also see how the hotels are rated as one-star to five star deluxe categories. The requirements for such qualifications as stipulated by the Ministriy of Tourism will also be discussed. You may have heard that hotels like Burj al Arab, Dubai have been categorized as seven star hotels. We will see that such categorizations do not have very sound legal basis. Some hotels have been established at least 50 years back and have been built to show the classical Indian styles of architectures and have played important roles in the historic events of India. Such hotels have been recognized by the Ministry of Tourism in India as Heritage Hotels (there are such sub categories as Heritage, Heritage Classic and Heritage Grand hotels). We will study what is required to be categorized by Minitry of Tourism for Hotels to be categorized as Heritage, Heritage Classic and Heritage Grand hotels. We will study some of the remarkable heritage hotels in India including: The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, (Apollo Bunder, Gateway of India, Mumbai), the Imperial Hotel, (Delhi), Lake Palace (Udaipur), and Oberoi Grand (Kolkata). We will study the Organization structure of a typical hotels. We will then study the origin and growth of hotels in India.
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