Cheshire Rugby Football Union MEMBERsmp CARD SEASON 1993/94 Name ............................................................... Club ................................................................ PAST PRESIDENTS: H. M. BLYTHE (1880/83) J. W. H. mORPE (1883/1904) J. BAXTER (1904/42) R. R. RJCHARDS (1942/47) T. WALTON(1947/49) R. D. NESBlT (1949/51) W. H. PEMBERTON (1951) N. McCAIG (1951/53) C. H. OFfLAND (1953) A. S. CAIN (1954/56) J. MONTADOR (1956/58) P. H. DAVIES (1958/60) W. M. SHENNAN (1960/61) D. R. WYN-WILLlAMS (1961/62) W. G. HOWARD (1962/63) H. V. MIDDLETON (1963/65) W. J. mOMPSON (1965/67) G. C. NODEN (1967/69) N. A. STEEL (1969171) J. E. STARK (1971m) E. J. LOADER (1973/75) H. M. CURPHEY (1975m) A. F. KOENEN (1977/79) P. G. TURNER (1979/81) A. H. RUSHTON (1981/83) W. S. PLATT (1983/84) G. C. COX (1984/86) A. 1. HART (1986/88) M. COHEN (1988/89) W. GOTT(1989/91) J. M. YOUNG (1991/93) 2 OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1993-94 President: F.R.POVALL 4 Mere Park Road, Greasby, Wirral Merseyside L49 3GN. 051-6779674 (Home) Senior Vice-President: N. H. MIDOLEBROOK 27 Clarendon Road, Sale M33 20U 061-962 2957 (Home) Vice-Presidents: C. J. COVENTRY cio J. F. Parker Ltd Oavenpon Road, Broadheath, Altrincharn, Cheshire WA14 SEL. 061-9280027 (Bus.) J.N.LENTON 27 Fox Cover Road, Heswall Hills Wirral, Merseyside L60 1YB 051-3423923 (Home) O.P.WRIGHT Tynron Cottage, West Road, Noctorum Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside L439UH 051-652 0402 (Home) 0244 325123 (Bus.) O.I.AOAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive, Thingwall Wirral, Merseyside L61 7XP 051-6481681 (Home) Past Presidents: H. V. MIDOLETON Sunnybank, Flat l, Holly Road Nonh, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 INO 0625-527855 W. J. THOMPSON Hunstanton, Kenelm Road, Rhos-on-Sea. 0492-44524 (Home). G.C.NODEN 147 FraminlÙlam Road, Brooklands, Sale, Cheshire M33 3RQ. 061-9739231 (Home) A. F. KOENEN 33 Woodcote Avenue, Bramhall, Cheshire SK7 3ND. 061-485 6n2 (Home). P.G.1URNER BakeMa~I~:lel;l~K~ll~À~oad, 0625-61 \012 (Home). A.H.RUSHTON 25 Labumam Grove, Irby, Wirral, Merseyside L614UT. 051-648 5353 (Home). G.C.COX 47 Latham Avenue, Helsby, Warrington, Cheshire WA60DY. 0928-72 2\08 (Home), A.I.HART The Hermitage, 71n~estre Road, Birkenhead, MerseysIde L435UY 051-6520375 (Home), 051-4863151 (Bus.) M.COHEN ~~~~i~~~e\~:-th~~h[r~u~~Pot~. 0625-424317 (Home), 0625-613111 (Bus.) W.GOTT 4 Llys Enfys. Gwemymynydd, Mold, Clwyd CH7 5NB. 0352-757857 (Home) J.M. YOUNG 2 Vanderbyl Avenue. Spital Wirral, Merseyside L62 2AP 051-3345834 (Home) 4 Hon Secretary: D.I.ADAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive, Thingwall, Wirral, Merseyside 1.61 7XP. 051-6481681 (Home) Asst. Hop Secretary: A. G. deB.MARRS 24 Westwood Road, NOClorum Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside 1A39RQ. 051-6521536 (Home). 051-2363191 (Bus.). Hon. Treasurer: M.COHEN Linnells, Marlborough Drive, Macelesfield, Cheshire SKIO 2JX. 0625 424317 (Home), 0625 613111 (Bus.). Asst. Hon. Treasurer: N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27 Clarendon Road, Sale, Cheshire M33 2DU. 061-9622957 (Home). Hon. Match Secretary: - L.GALEY 34 Mill Hill Road, Irby, Wirral 051-648 1730 (Home), 051-6051313 (Bus.). R.F.U. CouotyRepresentative: G.C.COX 47 LathamAvenue,Helshy, Warrington, Cheshire W A6 ODY. 0928 722108 (Home). 5 R.f. U. Colts Association Representative: B.EWlNG PhiIton, Wolfrick Drive, Spital, Wirral, Merseyside 1.63 9NB. 051-3349619 (Home). R.F.S.U. County Representative: J.M.YOUNG 2 Vanderbyl Avenue, Bromborough, Merseyside 1.62 2AP. 051-3345834 (Home). Divisional Representatives: D. 1. ADAMS, G. C. COX, F. R. POVALL Courage Clubs Championsbip Representative: M.J.LORD Ho~:~:4~c;,=cer: 6 The Royal, ~1~3~irraI IA7 IHB. H~~I~"m~: Phoenix House, 6 Foxley Close, LY!"m. 0925 756050 (Home), 061-969 3131 (Bus.). R.F.U. Senior Coaches: M. BRIERS, L. DAVIES, D. HUGHES R.F.U. Coaching Award Holders: M. ALLEN, R. DAVIES, P. FRANCIS, J. GREEN, B. HUGHES, S. LANDER, D. THOMSON Honorary Lüe Members: E. W. FLETCHER, H. V. MIDDLETON, AIR-COMMOOORE R. H. G. WEIGHILL, C.B.E.,D.F.C. Auditor: W.I'OTfS, F.C.C.A. 6 COMMlTfEE Altrinchom (Kersal): D. MAlLAUEU, 45 Framingham Road, Sale, Cheshire. 061-973 1927 (Home); 061-9734850 (Bus.). Ashton-on-Mersey: M. WILLIAMS, 2 Wayside Close, Lymm, Cheshire. 0925 754510 (Home); 0925 33927 (Bus.). Birkenhead Park: M. GAVIN, 14 Gresford Avenue Prenton, Birkenhead, Merseyside L43 05X. 051-(;059209 (Home); 051-(;45 69p (Bus.). Bowdon: C. GillSON, 29 Lo,!1sley Lane, Northenden, Manchester. 061-9413456(Home); 0772 59781 (Bus.) Ca/dy: T. 1. F. PRICE, 3 West Boume Grove, West Kirhy, Wirral L48 4DJ. 051-625 6159 (Home). Capenhurs/: M. THELWELL, 7t SheDey Road, B1awn, Chester CHI STZ. 0244 372722 (Home). Cas/letown (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Road, Chester. 0244 31272 (Home). Cheshire ConslIlbulary: B. E. BAISTER, The Cedars, . 3 Kidderton Close, Faddiley, Crewe, Cheshire CW5 &lU. 027074465 (Home); 0244 350000 (Ext. 2003) (Bus.). Cheshire Regiment: Hon. Secretary, The Dale Barracks Uverpool Road, Chester CH2 4BP. 0244 378406 (Home); 0244 372797 (Bus.). Chester: D. FINLAY, 4 Ni2htingale Close, Farndon, Chester CH3 6RA. 082"270573 (Home). Chester CoUege: Hon. Secretary. 7 Christleton: D. SHEPHERD, Flannog Fann, St. Martins, Oswestry SYll 3DR. 0691 772483 (Home & Bus.). Cong/eton: A. SENN, Cloud Park Farm, Dial, Lane, Congleton, Cheshire. 0260272407 (Home). Crewe & A/sager College: Hon. Secretary. Crewe & Nantwich: J. M. FARR, 117 Audlem Road, Nantwich, Cheshire. 0270 626857 (Home). Douglas (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Ro.d, Chester. 0244 31272 (Home). Dukinfield: M. S NIELD, 21 Hazelwood Close, Godley, Hyde SK14 3SP. 061-366 8677 (Home); 0663 734555 (Bus.). He/sby: B. McLEAN, 33 Kingsle)' Green, Kingsley Ro.d, Frodsh.m. 0928 739049 (Home). Holmes Chapel: D. GILL1GAN, 29 William Street, Northwlch CW9 7AE. 0606 350098 (Home). Hoy/ake: D. WESTERN, White Cott.ge, 118 Irby Road, Heswall, Wirral, Merseyside L61 6XQ. 051-648 3208 (Home). ICIWolfhounds: O. R. SALVAGE, 12 Moordale Ro.d, Knutsford. 0565 651690 (Home); 061-740 1460 (Bus.). Lymm: P. CORNELIA, 3 Higher Knutsford Road, Gral'penhall, Warrington. 0925 604362 (Home). 061-8487093 (Bus.). 8 Macclesfield: J. TAYLOR, 16 Huxley Close, Macclesfield SKIO 3DG. 0625 427930 (Home); 0625 422277 (Bus.). Marp/e: S. COLE, 23 Ridge Raad, Marple, Cheshire. 061-4272411 (Home). Moore: E. DEAN, 10 Weir Slreel, Lower Wallon, Warrington WA4 6HE. 0925 230224 (Home); 0925 812475 (Bus.). New Brighton: J. C. B. PINNINGTON, The Dalberry, 91 Telegraph Raad, Heswall, Wirral L60 OAE. 051-3427773 (Home). Northwich: G. KENNEDY, 1 Beechwood Drive, Wincham, Northwich, Cheshire. 0565 733889 (Home). Old Ansebnians: D. J. MASaN, 3 Brimslage Avenue, Higher Bebinglon, Wirral, L63 5QH. 051-608 7027 (Home). Old Birkonians; D. EWING, 48 Silver Birch Way, Whitby, Soulh Wirral L66 2UX. 051-339 1839 (Home). O/d Salians: K. F. SHELDON, 4 Oban Drive, Sale Moor, Sale, Cheshire M33 2SY. 061-962 2878 (Home); 061-839 5050 (Bus.). Oldershaw: C. KIRBY, 85 Broadway Avenue, Wallasey, Wirral. 051-638 4641 (Home). Parkonians: N. MORRIS, 16 Healh Drive, Upton, Wirral L49 6LF. 051-677 9774 (Home). 9 Port Sunlight: P. MITHAM, 6 Oakdene Close, Bromborough, Merseyside L62 6DR. 051-3274939 (Home); 051-355 2381 (Bus.). Prenton: A. J. JONES, 170 Meols Parade, Meols, Wirral, Merseyside LA7 6AN. 051'@23835 (Home). Ramsey (l.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Raad, Chester. 0244 312702 (Home). Sale: R. HASLEHURST, 3 Capenhurst Close, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1FB. 0625 874485 (Home); 061-406 6086 (Bus.). Sanatogents R.F.C.: T. PORTER, Capistrano. School Lane, Bidston Village, Wirral LA3 7RQ. 051·652 4735 (Home). Sandbach: J. WYATT, 4 St. Peter's Rise, E1worth, Sandbach CW11 9EP. 0270 760525 (Home). SheIlG~;::s~~~J~;h!R~S~.td" oll.~'Jn1ôJo (Home); 06J.776 3694 (Bus.). Shell (Sranlow): D. B. PYE, 11 Robins Croft, Whitby, South Wirral L66 2LQ. 051'355 2973 (Home). Southem Nomads (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Raad, Chester. 0244 312702 (Home). Stockport: M. WROE, 138 Moor Lane, Woodford, Stockport SK7 IPJ. 061-4408536 (Home). 10 Vagabonds (I.O.M'): M. J. LORD. 68 Hoole Raad, Chester. 0244 312702 (Home). Wallasey: H. REES, 4 The Orchard, Wallasey, Wirral. 051-6371685 (Home); 061·2282633 (Bus.). Western Vikings (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD, 68 Hoole Raad, Chester. 0244 312702 (Home). Whitehouse Park: D. ROBERTS, 17 Cartmell Close, Runcom, Cheshire WA7 4YS. 0928 565950 (Home). Wilms/ow: M. J. HAMLIN, Phoenix House, 6 Foxley Close, Lymm. 0925-756050 (Home); 061-969 3131 (Bus.). Winnington Park: A. WILLIAMS, 9 Abbey Lane, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 ILX. 0606 76881 (Home). Winsford: J. LEARY, 7 Swanlow Avenue, Winsford, 0606554614 (Home); 0606593411 (Bus.). Wirra/: D. B. LEWIS, Dibbinsdale Lodge, Dibbinsdale Raad, Bromborough, Wirral, Cheshire L63 OHQ. 051-334 2937 (Home). Referees' Society: W. BUCKLAND, 28 Dinmore Raad, Wallasey, Wirral. 051-6382051 (Home). G. HUGHES, 64 Deans Lane, Elworth, Sandbach, Cheshire CWll 9HF. 0270768781 (Home); 0270 212064 (Bus.). Schools: D. THOMSON, 21 Kettleshume Way, Poynton, SKI2 ITB. 0625 817505 (Home); 0625 871811 (Bus.). P. CROWLEY, 12 Village Raad, Oxton, Birkenhead, L43 5SR. 051-653 7553 (Home); 051- 6440908 (Bus.). 11 COMMflTEE MEETINGS Committee Meetings will be held at the Chester R.U.F.C. Clubhouse at 6.30 p.m. on the following Thul5days: 1993 9th September, llth November. 1994 13th January, 3rd March, 19th May, 7th July (after the A.G.M.). SUB-COMMflTEES SelecMn R. HASLEHURST (Chairman) (0625 874485) D.l. BUTTERY, L. DAVIES. Emergency: OFFlCERS OF THE COUNTY Disciplinary East C. J. COVENTRY (Chairman), M. R. WILLIAMS (Secretaryl, (2 Wayside Close, Lymm, 0925 754510), N. H. MIDDLEBROOK, R. LOWE, C. GffiSON, B. SAUNT, G. KENNEDY. DiscipJinary (West): D. P. WRIGHT (Chairman), D.
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