Saint Sabina Catholic Church 700 Trevis Ave. Belton, MO • www.stsabinaparish.org • www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish • 816-331-4713 Office Hours: The parish office is currently open by appointment only. Horarios de la Oficina: En este momento la oficina parroquial está abierta solo con cita previa. Congratulations to Erin Morgann, daughter of Josh and Mary, who was baptized on May 9! ¡Felicidades a Erin Morgann, hija de Josh y Mary, quien fue bautizada el 9 de mayo! In Person: Saturdays at 4pm (English) Sundays at 8am and 10:30am (English) Sundays at 12:30pm (Spanish) Online: Saturdays at 4pm (Facebook-live) Posted to website immediately after Sundays at 8am (Facebook-live) Posted to website immediately after Sundays at 12:30pm (Spanish-Facebook-live) Posted to website immediately after The Ascension of the Lord—La Ascensión del Señor May 16, 2021 Fr. Jeff Stephan, Pastor 816-979-3157 X57 [email protected] Deacon Mike Gates [email protected] Bridget Hernandez, Communications/Comunicaciones 816-979-3159 X59 [email protected] Kris Larkey, Business Manager/Gerente de Operaciones 816-979-3151 X51 [email protected] Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate/Asociado Pastoral 816-979-3153 X53 [email protected] Susan Ratigan, Liturgist/Liturgista 816-979-3158 X58 [email protected] Kirstie Roberts, Dir. of Religious Ed. & Youth Ministry/Dir. de Educación Religiosa y Ministro de Jóvenes 816-979-3155 X55 [email protected] Marta Roper, Pastoral Care Coordinator/Coordinadora Pastoral 816-979-3154 X54 [email protected] Jeff Shields, Finance Coordinator/Coordinador de Finanzas 816-979-3152 X52 [email protected] Tracy Wheeler, Maintenance/Mantenimiento [email protected] Berenice Zayas, Family Life & Hispanic Ministry/Vida de la Familia Parroquial y Ministerio Hispano 816-979-3150 X50 [email protected] Diocesan Victim Advocate 816-392-0011 [email protected] Joe Crayon, Diocesan Ombudsman 816-812-2500 [email protected] Wellness Center/Centro de Bienestar Wendy Mora Cedillo 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Mass Intentions for the Week From Death to New Life De la Muerte a la Nueva Vida Peticiones de la Semana †Tom Love, son-in-law of Rosalie Duffey, brother-in- law of Susan Lewis Intentions for May 18-21, 2021 †Mary Dunham, Carnegie Village Tues. 11am Open Wed. 8am Open †Leonard Meiron, husband of Nancy Meiron Thur. 8am Open †Arturo Morales Dominguez, padre de Raul Fri. 8am Open Morales Saturday, May 22, 2021 †Harold Allen, father of Margaret Allen 4:00pm Intentions of Our Parish Family †Dr. Carl Lombardino, father of Leah Angold †Loraine Armstrong †Juan Pablo Reyes Angel, padre de Alejandra Sunday, May 23, 2021 Reyes 8:00am †Leonard Meiron †Bill Maedge, husband of Alice Maedge 10:30am †Jim Burns 12:30pm Spanish †Ramona Jaimes Garcia †Marty Feuerborn, son of Merle and Alta We also remember the special intentions requested in Feuerborn, brother of John Feuerborn our virtual prayer book on Facebook and our family and †Teresa Baires, hermana de Argentina friends on the sick list. Meza Dubón Recordamos tambien, las intenciones especiales en †Ramona Jaimes Garcia, abuela de nuestro libro virtual de peticiones por Facebook, y Ramona y Evelinda Benitez Jaimes nuestros amigos y familiares de nuestra lista de enfermos. Page 2 Sunday, May 16 - Domingo, 16 de Mayo 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano Monday, May 17 - Lunes, 17 de Mayo David Atkinson Jose Hernandez Comealia Austin Esthela Iñiguez 7:00pm Cub Scouts Rebecca Barberis Janti Karr Charlee Berkovich Amy Kille 7:00pm Boy Scouts Fernando Borrego Cole Krezek Rosemary Briscoe Mario Lopez Tuesday, May 18 - Martes, 18 de Mayo Jack Burks Samantha Lopez Kevin Caldwell Gary Manning 7:00pm Faith Formation Offering: Mary in the New Testament (Zoom) Ruben Campos Bryson Martinez Bruce Chevalier Sharleen Martinez Wednesday, May 19 - Miércoles, 19 de Mayo Pogai Coffin Doug Moorman Marguerite Cummings Cody Morgan Cathy Duncan Nancy Munoz 10:00am Faith Formation Offering: Mary in the New Testament (Zoom) Octavio Enriquez Stella Niemeier Mary Eppert Carla Orellana 6:30pm Weekly Rosary Andres Escobar Mary Owen Elias Fuentes Rita Pruitt 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal (4:00 and 10:30 groups) Dayana Garcia Juan Rodriguez Zachary Gill Tania Rosas 7:00pm Knights Officers Meeting Julian Gnad Ana Salazar Steven Griffin Joseph Samson 7:00pm Laudato Si’ - On Care for Our Common Home Session Jennifer Guardado Mary Schmidt Joseph Gudenkauf Christian Serrano Stephany Gutierrez Mary Shatford Thursday, May 20 - Jueves, 20 de Mayo Andres Guzman Lia Torres Yesenia Guzman Anna Tracy 9:30am Piecemakers Quilt Group Anthony Haberstroh Cristina Tracy Brandy Harshbarger Melanie Vargas 10:00am Laudato Si’ - On Care for Our Common Home Session Danielle Haus Ryan Voss Darlene Henderson Mary Walker 8:00pm Choir Rehearsal (8:00 group) Kayla Hermsmeier Berenice Zayas Friday, May 21 - Viernes, 21 de Mayo 9:00am Decorate Church for Pentecost Saturday, May 22 - Sábado, 22 de Mayo John and Laura Solomon 60 Years! 5/20/1961 Jerry and Jan Stella 55 Years! 5/21/1966 Knights Baby Bottle Return Ray and Vicki Malisos 54 Years! 5/17/1967 Joseph and Lois Pusateri 49 Years! 5/20/1972 Juan and Bessie Alonzo 47 Years! 5/19/1974 9:00am Altar Society Church Cleaning Raymond and Rosemary Huffman 39 Years! 5/20/1982 Richard and Cindy Fields 27 Years! 5/21/1994 Sunday, May 23 - Domingo, 23 de Mayo Abelardo and Martina Arreola 24 Years! 5/17/1997 Roy Carlock and Darlene Davila-Carlock 23 Years! 5/21/1998 Knights Baby Bottle Return Tracy Gnad and Noemi Napoles-Gnad 22 Years! 5/21/1999 Heath and Joan Rigby 21 Years! 5/20/2000 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano Mason and Joanna Ripley 19 Years! 5/18/2002 Ryan and Ashley Freivogel 8 Years! 5/18/2013 Jordan and Lauren Wilson 8 Years! 5/18/2013 2:00pm Girl Scouts Page 3 This Week’s Do You Know Video: En Nuestro Video ¿Sabes…? de Esta Semana: Light, just like air and La luz, al igual que el aire y el agua, son necesarios water, are necessary for para la vida, la fertilidad y el crecimiento de nuestra life, fertility and growth in vida y nuestro cosmos. La luz disipa la oscuridad, our life and cosmos. Light permitiéndonos ver. La luz como símbolo poderoso dispels the darkness, del conocimiento, la sabiduría y la perspicacia está allowing us to see. Light íntimamente relacionada con el bautismo y la as a powerful symbol for knowledge, wisdom and temporada de Pascua, sin mencionar todo el año insight is intimately connected to Baptism and the litúrgico. La Vigilia Pascual comienza en la oscuridad Easter Season, not to mention the entire liturgical year. para manifestar simbólicamente al Cristo Resucitado The Easter Vigil begins in darkness to manifest que disipa las tinieblas de nuestras vidas, symbolically the Risen Christ who dispels the darkness representado tanto por el fuego Pascual como por la of our lives, represented both by the Easter fire and vela Pascual. El Cristo Resucitado, ahora nuestra luz candle. The Risen Christ, now our eternal light in the eterna en medio de las tinieblas, se regala a todos los midst of darkness, is given to all present, as we sing presentes, mientras cantamos el Exsultet, la alabanza the Exsultet, the praise of the Easter Candle who de la Vela Pascual que representa para nosotros al represents for us the Risen Christ, now the Light of the Cristo Resucitado, ahora la Luz del Mundo. Después World. After being plunged into the baptismal waters, de ser sumergido en las aguas bautismales, a cada each is given a candle lit from the Easter Candle and uno se le entrega una vela encendida con la Vela commissioned to carry the Light of Christ with them into Pascual y se le encarga que lleve la Luz de Cristo con the world. They are now to be Light to the World, in ellos al mundo. Ahora deben ser Luz para el mundo, a imitation of Christ, to whom they now belong. The imitación de Cristo, a quien ahora pertenecen. La Vela Easter Candle is lit throughout the Easter season and Pascual se enciende durante la temporada de Pascua at baptisms and funerals, symbolically reminding us y en los bautismos y funerales, recordándonos that we are to carry and be that light from our baptism simbólicamente que debemos llevar y ser esa luz to our funeral. Our baptismal call is to be and to carry desde nuestro bautismo hasta nuestro funeral. the light of Christ to all the world. Make time to view this Nuestro llamado bautismal es ser y llevar la luz de week's DYK video and reflect on your commission to Cristo a todo el mundo. Tómese un momento para ver carry the light of Christ throughout your life. el video ¿Sabes? de esta semana y reflexione sobre su comisión de llevar la luz de Cristo a lo largo de su Mowing Help Needed this Summer vida. Our groundskeeping team is in need of people that can help mow our parish grounds this spring, summer and Se Necesita Ayuda para Cortar el Césped este fall. The parish has the equipment, but needs the Verano manpower. If you can help, please contact Kris in the Nuestro equipo de mantenimiento y jardinería parish office for more information. necesita personas que puedan ayudar a cortar el césped de nuestra parroquia esta primavera, verano y otoño. La parroquia tiene el equipo, pero necesitamos Green Team Tip of the Week la mano de obra. Si puede ayudar, comuníquese con Pope Francis’s Special Anniversary Year for Laudato Kris en la oficina parroquial para obtener más Si will conclude May 16-23 with Laudato Si week. información. Learn more and participate at https:// laudatosiweek.org/.
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