NOBELSTIFTELSEN KALENDER 1 9 6 9 -1 9 7 0 NOBEL FOUNDATION CALENDAR 1 9 6 9 -1 9 7 0 NOBELSTIFTELSEN NOBEL FOUNDATION FONDATION NOBEL NOBELSTIFTUNG PRINTED IN SWEDEN BY Almqvist & Wiksells BOKTRYCKERI AKTIEBOLAG UPPSALA 1969 INNEHÁLL Sid. Upplysningar............................................................................ 4 Styrelse* tjanstemanm.fi..................................................................13 F ullm aktige............................................................................ 18 Revisorer.........................................................................................23 Prisutdelare samt Nobelkommittéer och Nobelinstitut . 25 Publikationer.................................................................................40 Prisbeslut.....................................................................................46 Behorighet att foresla kandidater till Nobelpris.............................47 Nobelpristagare............................................................................. 50 Register over Nobelpristagare ................................................... 119 Supplement: Riksbankens pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne................................................................... 128 Personregister............................................................................... 132 Forkortningar och forklaringar................................................... 134 CONTENTS Pagc Information......................................................................... 4 Board of Directors, Employees, etc...........................................13 Trustees . 18 A u d ito r s ...............................................................................23 Prhge-awarding bodies, Nobel Committees and Nobel Institutes . 2 5 Publications.............................................................................. 40 Priste decisions.................................................................................46 Right to propose Nobel Pri%e candidates....................................47 Nobel Pri%e Laureates . 50 Index of Nobel Pri%e Laureates............................................... 119 Supplement: Alfred Nobel Memorial Priste in Economic Science instituted by the Central Bank oj Srveden................128 Personal Índex . 132 Abbreviations and explanations . 134 FOUNDER ALFRED NOBEL SWEDISH CHEMICAL ENGINEER, INVENTOR * Stockholm, October 21, 1833, f San Remo, Italy, December 10, 1896 4 IMPORTANT DATES Jan. 31 Final date fot acceptance of proposals fot current year’s prize awards. Febr. 28 Final date for presentation of the Annual Report to the Auditors. March 31 Final date for submission of the Annual Report and the Auditors’ Report to the Trustees. April 30 Final date for Trustees’ meeting to consider the Annual Report and the Auditors’ Report, and to elect new Board Members. May 1 The newly elected Members of the Board begin their term of office. Sept. Invitations issued for proposals of Prize Can- didates for next year. Sept.- Decisions on prize awards. Nov. 15 Oct. 21 Date of Alfred Nobel’s birth (1833). Dec. 10 Date of Alfred Nobel’s death (1896) and Com- memoration Day of the Nobel Foundation (Nobel day), when the Nobel Awards are formally presented, the Peace Prize in Oslo and the other prizes in Stockholm. 5 THE NOBEL FOUNDATION was established under the terms of the will of Alfred Bern- hard N obel, Ph.D.h.c., dated París, November 27, 1895, which in its relevant parís runs as follows: »üfver hela min áterstáende realiserbara fórmógenhet fórfogas pá fóljande sátt: kapitalet, af utredningsmánnen realiseradt till sákra várdepapper, skall utgóra en fond, hvars ránta árligen utdelas som prisbelóning át dem, som under det fórlupna áret hafva gjort menskligheten den stórsta nytta. Rántan délas i fem lika delar, som tillfalla: en del den, som inom fysikens omráde har gjort den vigtigaste upptáckt eller uppfinning; en del den, som har gjort den vigtigaste kemiska upptáckt eller fór- báttring; en del den, som har gjort den vigtigaste upptáckt inom fysiologiens eller medicinens domán; en del den, som inom litteraturen har producerat det utmárktaste i idealisk rigtning; och en del át den, som har verkat mest eller bást fór folkens fórbródrande och afskaffande eller minskning af stáende arméer samt bildande och spridande af fredskongresser. Prisen fór fysik och kemi utdelas af Svenska Vetenskapsakademien; fór fysiologiska eller medicinska arbeten af Karolinska in- stitutet i Stockholm; fór litteraturen af Akademien i Stockholm samt fór fredsfórfáktare af ett utskott af fem personer, som váljas af Norska Stortinget. Det ár min uttryckliga vilja att vid prisutdelningen intet afseende fástes vid nágon slags nationa- litetstillhórighet, sálunda att den várdigaste erháller priset, antingen han ár skandinav eller ej.» Translation: “The whole of my remaining realizable estáte shall be dealt with in the following way: The capital shall be invested by my executors in safe securities and shall constitute a fund, 6 the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind. The said interest shall be divíded into five equal parís, which shall be appor- tioned as follows: one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics; one part to the person who shall have made the most important Chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work of an idealistic tendency; and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work to promote fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and pro- motion of peace congresses. The prizes for physics and che- mistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Science, that for physiological or medical works by the Caroline Institute in Stockholm, that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm, and that for champions of peace by a Committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the nationality of the candidates, so that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be a Scandinavian or not.” 7 THE FIVE NOBEL PRIZES Subject: Pri%e-aivarders: Physics The Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm Chemistry Idem Physiology or Medicine The Royal Caroline Medico- Chirurgical Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Stockholm Literatura The Swedish Academy, Stock­ holm Peace The Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting (Parliament), Oslo i 1 1 See page 126. 8 A SSET S (Dec. 31, 1968) Capital 81,6 million Swedish Kronor Assets yielding interest 77,7 million Swedish Kronor F U N D S (Dec. 31, 1968) Main Fund (Prize Fund) 42,7 million Swedish Kronor Other Funds 23,5 million Swedish Kronor VARIATION IN THE FUNDS (in 1,000 Sw. kronor) 1901 1920 1940 1960 1968 Main Fund 27,716 30,191 33.537 37,598 42,679 (Prize Fund) Building Fund 1,180 2,227 78t 560 869 Organi^alion Funds: Physics 322 293 10 41 2,157 Chemistry 322 293 1,040 1,863 2,965 Medicine 324 140 2,068 — — Literature 217 209 446 451 458 Peace 324 99 496 210 461 Saving Funds: Physics 29 528 1,091 991 2,747 Chemistry 29 544 1,138 929 1,684 Medicine 24 783 U933 i,372 1,517 Literature 3 26 125 128 399 Peace 34 130 264 137 185 9 Special Funde: 1901 1920 1940 1960 1968 Physics — 140 482 901 1,263 Chemistry - 419 1,024 1.515 1,947 Medicine — 58! 1,129 J,592 2,094 Literature — 298 407 929 i,349 Peace — 634 1,298 2.378 3,378 The Foundation was granted tax exemption (with a few ex- ceptions) in 1946. Until then about 13.5 million Swedish Kro­ nor had been paid in taxes. PRIZE AMOUNTS in Swedish year: kronor: I9OI 150,800 19IO 140,700 1920 134,100 1923 (lowest amount) 115,000 1930 172,900 1940 138,600 1950 164,300 1960 226,000 1961 250,200 1962 257,200 1963 265,000 1964 273,000 1965 282,000 1966 300,000 1967 320,000 1968 350,000 1969 (highest amount) 375,000 The prize money is taxed in accordance with the laws of the country of the recipient. As a rule the prize is tax free either de jure or de jacto. 10 NUMBER OF PRIZES AWARDED during each five-year period (divided or jointly awarded prizes counted as one) Physícs Chemistry Medicine Literatura Peace 1901-05 5 5 5 5 5 1906-10 5 5 5 5 5 1911-15 5 5 4 3 3 1916-20 4 1 2 5 3 1921-25 4 4 3 4 2 1926-30 6 6 5 6 5 J95I-35 3 4 5 4 3 1936-40 4 4 4 4 4 I94I-45 3 3 3 2 2 1946-50 5 5 5 5 4 1951-55 5 5 5 5 4 1956-60 5 5 5 5 4 1961-65 5 5 5 5 5 1966-68 3 3 3 3 1 Total 62 60 59 61 5° Grand Total 292 11 STATUTES AND BY-LAWS Statutes for the Nobel Foundation were given by the King in Council on June 29, 1900 (S. F. 63/1900), with later amend- ments (S. F. 89 & 781/1910, 394/1922, 524/1934, 781/1937, 106/1966). Special Regulations for the prize-awarding insti- tutions were given by the King in Council in the case of the three Swedish bodies on June 29, 1900 (S. F. 63/1900) with later amendments (S. F. 241 & 424/1923, 53/1949, 9/1961, 306/1964, 106/1966), and on June 10, 1905, in the case of the Norwegian body (amended 1939). (Translations of the Stat­ utes and Special Regulations are available in English, French and Germán.) Regulations for the Board of the Nobel Foundation were issued by the King in Council on February 15, 1901 (S. F. 11/1901), with later amendments (S. F. 246/1939, 707/1943, 236/1947. 595/1949. 121/1953, 26/1956, 407/1958, 492/1962). The bodies governed by the Statutes and By-Laws are: 1. The Nobel Foundation with its Trustees, Board of Directora and Auditors\ 2. Four Pri^e-Awarding Institutions, viz. The Royal Academy of Sciences, the Royal Caroline Medico-Chirurgical Institute, the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting (Parliament); 3. Five Nobel Committees (including the above-mentioned Com­ mittee of the Norwegian Storting, which is in itself a prize- awarding institution)—one for each prize section; 4. Four Nobel Institutes—one for each prize-awarding body.
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