A B E N GAL ATLAS: MAPSCONTAINING OF THE THEATRE OF WAR AND COMMERCE ON THAT SIDE OF HINDOOSTAN. Compiled from the Original Surveys ; and publifhed by Order of the Honorable the Court of Directors for the Affairs of the East India Company, By JAMES RENNELL, Late Major of Engineers, and Surveyor General in Bengal. M DCC LXXX. , ,j • r ' ' 't - nil,: ; \\ ' fi-t-S? ft 4j ... H • cFilv ; v ' . J- .5 ' ' > I ; UU S'a :: . 5** .f v ADVERTISEMENT HE Intent of publifhing the Maps of Bengal, &c. under the T prefent Form, was to render them portable to thofe who travel over that extenfive Country. A large Map is exceedingly incommodious either in a Tent, Budgerow, or Palankeen : and if divided, without a proper Regard being had to the natural Divifions of the Country, much Corifufion is likely to enfue for Want of a clear Idea of the relative Po- fitions of the feveral Parts. I have endeavoured to avoid this Evil, by taking for the Boundaries of my Divifions, either fome noted River, Road, or Chain of Hills ; without regarding the dilproportionate Sizes, or irre- gular Figures of the Tradts contained in the feveral Maps. In the Lower Part of Bengal, Where a Multitude of Rivers and Creeks interfeft the Country in almoft every Diredtion, I have call the two Divifions with a View to render the Geography of the inland Navigation as diftindt as poffible. Accordingly, the firft Map comprizes the wholQ-fouthern Navi- gation ; or that between Calcutta, Moorsxiedabad, Dacca, Lucki- pour, Chittigong, and Tiperah refpedtively : the other contains the midland and eajlern Navigation; or that between Moorshedabad, Dacca, Mauldah, Seebgunge, Silhet, and Tiperah. Each of the other Six Divifions contains fucha Tradl, as by its Situation and natural Boundaries, will comprehend.the Extent of the Seat of * in that parti- . probable War cular Part of the Country. The Bengal Provinces lying on the Weft of the Calcutta and Coffim- bazar Rivers, and South of thefe Divifions the Ganges, compofe Two of ; of which the one lies on the North, the other on the South of the River A J" * Adji. * The Scale of thefe Maps is confelfedly much too narrow for Military Purpofes; but mult fuffice until the Provincial Maps can be engraved: and as thefe cannot be contained in lefs than Eighteen Sheets of Imperial Paper, the Time of their Publication muft necefiarily be very remote. The ( % ) The northern Provinces of Bengal compofe another Divifion, which includes alfo the Bootan Frontier. The two Divifions of Bahar formed by the Courfe of the Ganges, have each a feparate Map; that on the North includes the Hills of Mocaumpour and Morung: and that on the South extends to the Hills of Palamow and Ramgur ; which were confidered as our Boundary,, previous to the Redudlion of thofe Provinces by Major Camac. Palamow, Ramgur, Chuta-Nagpour, and their Dependencies, are comprized in one Map, which makes the eighth and laft Divifion of Bengal and Bahar. The Order of placing the Divifions being quite arbitrary, I have begun with that which contains Calcutta, and gone on towards Patna ; it being the Route of all others, the moft ufed. The Index Map will at once: convey an Idea of the relative Pofitions of the feveral Divifions, as well, as their Places in the Book, As it was neceffary to bring all Bengal and Bahar into one View, I have alfo conftrudted a General Map of thofe Countries on a more confined Scale, though large enough to contain every Place of the leaf! Note.. The Countries fituated between Bengal and Delhi form a fecond ge- neral Map. on a fimilar Scale with that of Bengal : but it is in few Re- fpedts fo compleat ; the Survey being condudted on a more limited Plan.. Probably thefe Maps contain a larger Tradt of furveyed Country, than is to be found in all the Maps of the European Kingdoms put together ; and. they owe their Exiftence chiefly to the Arrangements made by the late noble Lord, to whofe Genius and Courage Great Britain owes the Sovereignty of Bengal. The Doo-Ab, Cossimbuzar Island, and the Environs of Dacca, have: each a feparate Map on a large Scale, as being Trails more particularly interefting. Area 1 19 Area of the Bengal Provinces, IN SQUARE BRITISH MILES. N. B. A fquareMile containsBENGAL.640 Acresi or x 936 Beagers of 1 600 fquare Yards each.. Square Mites. Square Miles. Ahmirabads _ I27 Lufkerpour . 499 Attyah - 787 Mahmudfhi - 844 Birboom - 8 8 Mauldah _ 3 , 5 168 Biflunpour - 1,256 Midnapour - 6, 102 Burbazzoo - 468 Pachete - 2,779 - ' Burdwan J Purneah 8 5> 74 4>97 I - Boherrah Caugmahry 374 39 5 A 1 Chittigong - - 2,987 Delawrpour 102,1 - - Chogong 5 1 Purruah 24 Chunacally 269 Rajemal 2,042' I Chundli - 180 Coffimpour 42 1 - r 2,217 Coos-Beyhar 1,302 Malduar 5 6 Surore Dacca (proper) 1 3’5 6 7 - 77 j Curribarry - 869 Rangamatty - 2,629 ' Sundeep 167 Raujelhy proper 4,° 7 1 Bominy 56 Bettooriah 3’94 2 " 1 5^397 Deccan Shabazpour 337 Boofnah 2,2301 Hattiah 16c Pookareeah 71 1 Blands in the Mouth Baharbund 52° of the Ganges 236J1 Bittrebund 221 y 1 2,909 Dinagepour 3,280] Patladah - 8 ! 4 7 > Caliygong 7° 3>5 r 9 Surroopour 249 Bajoohow x6oJ Cutwally-hoffaiir~ X f) C Duttya-Janguii'pour - 33 pour Futtafing - - 2 59 Barbuckfing - 81 Goragot - Shahjole 1 1,232 33 , Hoogly and Injellee Rungpour 2,161 C798] " 2 679 - j8i Company’s Lands 882 2,818 Bootifhazary s Saatfi 138J Shilberis 264 Janguirpour - zo Silhet - 2,86 3 ]| Barbuckpour - 159 Sunderbunds - 6,j8 3 Mofeedah - r 597 Tarpour 83 153 I Pooftole 82J1 Tiperah low Lands 1,368) • 6,6^ Jellore - i»3 6 Woods 2 5 5 ’ 5 °S Iflamabad - 62 ^ Kilhenagur - 3>i5i Total of Bengal 97,244 ( 6 ) B A II A R. 'Square Miles. Square Miles. - * 4,i37 Bahar (proper) 6,680 Palamow Bettyah - 2,546 Ramgur - 5’°^7 - Chuta-Nagpour 6,965- Rotas - - 3,680 - - - Burwah - Sarun 2,560 552 Z ’ - - Toree - - 1,022 9 3 9 Shawabad 1,869 - - - Koondah - 790: Tyroot 5,033 Hajypour - 2,782 _ Total of Bahar 1 Monghir, viz. 5 , 9 7 3 Boglipour - 2,817-j 21 CU C d Total .of Bengal and Bahar I49> 7 P 2 HendoS“ } ^4 ».W &c. 2 }; Curruckdea, , 757 C O N- e O N T E N T S No. L The. Delta of the Ganges ; with the adjacent Countries om the Eaft. General Boundaries. On the Weft. The Hoogly and Coflimbuzar Rivers. S. The Sea. N. The Road from Moorlhedabad to- Jellinghy —and the Ganges, Dacca, and Tiperah Rivers. E. Aracan and Ava. No. II. The Jungleterry District,, and adjacent Provinces: com- prehending the Countries fituated between Moorshedabad and Bahar. General Boundaries. W. Curruckpour Hills Bahar Proper, and Ramgur. N. The Ganges. E. The Mauldah and Coflimbuzar Rivers.- S. The Adji and Dummoodah Rivers. No. III. South Bahar. General Boundaries. W. Gazypour and Chunar. N-. The Ganges. E. Monghir and Jungleterry. S. Palamow and Ramgur... No. IV. North Bahar. General Boundaries. W. Oude. N. The Napaul and Morung Hills. E. Purneah. S. The. Ganges. No. V. The Northern Provinces of Bengal: with the Bootaiv Morung, and Afl'am Frontiers. General Boundaries. W. North Bahar. N. Morung and Bootan. E. Affam and the Garrows. S. The Ganges—and the Road from Rajemaf to Seebgunge and Dewangunge. No. ¥1. 8 ( ) No. VL The Low Lands beyond the Ganges, from the Mauldah River to Silhet. General Boundaries. W. The Road from Moorfhedabad to Mauldah. N. The Road from Mauldah to Seebgunge and Dewangunge—and the Garrow Mountains. E. Cachar and Ava. S. The Road from Moorfhe- dabad to Jellinghy : and the Ganges, Dacca, and Tiperah Rivers. No. VII. The Provinces of Bengal, lying on the West of the Hoogly River : with the Maharatta Frontier. General Boundaries. W. The Baumeen, Nagpour, and Ramgur Hills. N. The Adji, and Dummoodah Rivers. E. The Hoogly River. S. The Neelgur Hills—and the Sea. No. VIII. The conquered Provinces on the South of Bahar, viz. Ramgur, Palamow, and Chuta-Nagpour, with their Dependencies. General Boundaries. W. Surgoojah, Jufpour, &c. N. The Hills of Bahar and Rotas. E. Jungleterry, Pachete, and Singboom. S. The Cat- tack Diftricts. No. IX. General Map of Bengal and Bahar. No. X, General Map of Oude and Allahabad: with Part of Agra and Delhi. No. XI. The Cossimbuzar Island. No. XII. The Environs of the City of Dacca. No. XIII. The Doo-Ab from Allahabad to Calpy. • . I © H I t I , I General eepeana typist. ‘‘A Cities = Toft Ro ads . A Capitals of Provinces. s- — Common lio ad » A Ij arg-e Town,s . Pafses. (Large Bazars A Held s of Battle . 1' 8r Cutell ernes . Boundaries of " l Small d Beng-al Baliar. o Tillages Boundaries of j & . a Torts I Provinces , c to the VIII JJjVXSirmS of i|E ^rCIA]L and BAH. Pubh/ked av<vnlut<r to Art o/'Parttfuneal hf AJUrms/tSou — - ' , . — itimntiimmmtmimmn —~ munynjJiinnnunitiitnT — BjnmimiuiiiMiHWff tta/ton/a njjpunimrannnmi (Httrk. nnmimmmmnnramir— C O S SIM I) r /, AHr^jpt ) ( &*"/>'"" >•* jc horu/d i li u Hi amp on \:l j •i dll /It/ It/li eOtti/v \ > !| Gbreontta/i Co b)t$tjbcir , <P oQ&e/taw y pant ~UM A$/a/nryar 4 I t( J ^S///anp(/ire ^ findree ^ -f- f p V- I'tt/tii/ifimii O i cydztimpoufr JiluttiingAci | (odun/iour ^£iq| Jin/ebt Soiaman/ ioiaduu/a \ Mottfioutnn c .0 mere oil * Jw/flW urrua o///Z/ dSi/vabat y:t// rr//r//ri/// ///t/rs/a a /UO ^ L°t fa&zar 0 EtIXL^# \.u, Jiatrhera o fcw/* Mdpd I .
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