Nine Concerts: July 11 th to 19 th 2015 Courses Stock hau sen Concerts Thursday, July 16 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle Faculty and works which will be taught in master INORI-gestures (Instructor: Alain Louafi ) Saturday, July 11 th , 5 p.m. classes Due to the special significance given to the synthesis of and Courses Kürten 2015 Festive opening of the courses at the ROSA MYSTICA (from SCENTS – SIGNS) music and gesture in Stockhausen’s works, the gestures for tenor und synthesizer Suzanne Stephens (clarinet, basset-horn, bass clarinet) from the composition INORI (1973–74) are rehearsed in Karlheinz-Stockhausen-Platz . MICHAEL’S CALL th th and Kathinka Pasveer (flute, alto flute, piccolo) this course. The course takes place each morning before from July 11 to July 19 for 4 trumpets will open and close the ceremony and will be teach ing all Stock hau sen works com posed for their the master classes and other events of the courses and is nd 2 participants’ concert respec tive instru ments. open to all interested participants. “Sometimes music vibrates beyond the clouds, and we can Saturday, July 11 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle no longer hear its echo. Very rarely is it truly infinite; then Sound projection (Instructors: Kathinka Pasveer, sound Marco Blaauw (trumpet, piccolo trumpet, flugelhorn): it makes us forget the Earth. The great masters sense that TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC) electronic music projectionist; Igor Kavulek, sound engineer) th ARIES, TIERKREIS, IN FREUNDSCHAFT, DONNERSTAGS- they have one last thing to say, and that life is coming to an Friday, July 17 , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle In the context of the daily rehearsals and concerts with MICHAELs REISE (MICHAEL’S JOURNEY) GRUSS, MICHAELS-RUF, MICHAELs REISE UM DIE ERDE, HALT, end –. But their music stays behind with humanity as a Stockhausen’s closest technical collaborators, anyone who Soloists’ Version PIANO PIECE VI MISSION und HIMMELFAHRT, VISION, OBERLIPPENTANZ, is interested in learning more about the sound projection legacy, and we must gratefully preserve this precious gem, PIETÀ, TRUMPETENT, MICHAELION, BASSETSU-TRIO, QUITT, in performances of Stockhausens electronic, vocal and and endeavour in the spirit of the composer to grow deeper for a trumpeter, 9 co-players * LICHT-BILDER, HARMONIEN, SCHÖNHEIT, ERWACHEN. instrumental works can experience, first-hand, which and sound projectionist KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) and deeper into his works and let them worthily arise aspects must be addressed and how they are can be solved for electronic sounds, piano and percussion again.” Benjamin Kobler (piano): KREUZSPIEL, from the sound engineering point of view. Sunday, July 12 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle K. Stockhausen, July 20 th 1948 KLAVIERSTÜCKE I–XI, SCHLAGTRIO *, REFRAIN *, KONTAKT E *, MANTRA, DER KINDERFÄNGER, STOP und START, DÜFTE – TELEMUSIK (TELEMUSIC) electronic music The language spoken in the courses is English . Saturday, July 18 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle ZEICHEN, SONNTAGS-ABSCHIED, NATÜRLICHE DAUERN. MICHAELs REISE (MICHAEL’S JOURNEY) UD (from SCENTS – SIGNS) For the 16 th time, the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen Hubert Mayer (tenor): TIERKREIS, KINDHEIT, MONDEVA, Soloists’ Version for bass und synthesizer will be the focal point of nine days of concerts and for a trumpeter, 9 co-players EXAMEN, VISION, DIE 7 LIEDER DER TAGE, MICHAELION, interpretation courses. Composers, interpreters, musi - and LICHTER – WASSER, ENGEL-PROZESSIONEN, ROSA MYSTICA, and sound projectionist cologists, sound projectionists and music lovers are 3rd participants’ concert LICHT-BILDER, HIMMELFAHRT, JERUSEM. cordially invited to attend the Stockhausen Concerts Monday, July 13 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle * and Courses Kürten 2015 . Michael Pattmann (percussion): SCHLAGTRIO , ZYKLU S, SUSANIs ECHO for alto flute REFRAIN *, KONTAKT E*, NASENFLÜGELTAN Z*, KOMET, th Sunday, July 19 , 6 p.m., Sülztalhalle VIBRA-ELUFA, MITTWOCH-FORMEL . Stockhausen’s motto for the 2015 courses is KLANG – 14 th Hour: HAVONA for bass and electronic music WEIHRAUCH (FRANKINCENSE) from SCENTS – SIGNS LEARNING TO DO . for soprano, tenor and synthesizer Antonio Pérez Abellán (synthesizer and piano): SYNTHI- * FOU (KLAVIERSTÜCK XV), KLAVIERSTÜCKE XVI, XVII KLANG – 13 th Hour: ARIES for trumpet and electronic music (KOMET) and XVIII (MITTWOCH-FORMEL) , NASEN - Concerts * COSMIC PULSES electronic music FLÜGELTANZ *, HIMMELFAHRT and all other works with synthe - CAPRICORN for bass and electronic music Instrumental, vocal and electronic works by Karlheinz Stock - sizer ; REFRAIN *, KONTAKTE *, NATÜRLICHE DAUERN. hausen will be performed in nine concerts. The concerts are Tuesday, July 14 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle * These works will be taught joint ly by Michael Pattmann, performed by the faculty of the master classes, many of whom 1st participants’ concert Bejamin Kobler and Anto nio Pérez Abellán. worked with Stockhausen for many years. Also internationally Interpreters are requested to indicate on their application the renowned guest musicians will perform. In three concerts Admission to the concerts is free. Wednesday, July 15 th , 8 p.m., Sülztalhalle works prepared. The faculty is willing to assist participants One hour before each concert selected participants will perform compositions which were in preparing themselves for course attendance ahead of TRUMPETENT für 4 trumpeters there will be an introduction (in German) prepared during the master classes. All dress rehearsals are time . Interpreters will receive the respective faculty address open to the participants of the courses. to the program which is performed that evening. LIGHTS – WATERS [8-track tape projection ] after they have registered for participation. Prizes Tuition Fee Reg is tra tion Form (Dead line: June 1 st 2015) Please enrol me, Ì Ms. Ì Mr. Stockhausen Concerts For the best inter pre ta tions of Stock hau sen works per - A fee of 325 ¤($430) cov ers admis sion to all events Name: ......................... Sur name: ............................ formed in the participants’ concerts, three prizes (4000 and in cludes lodging reserva tion . Trav el, lodg ing and and Courses Kürten Date and country of birth: .......................................... ¤, 2500 ¤, and 1500 ¤) will be award ed following meals are not includ ed. th th the final con cert. A prize may be divided among several Present address: from July 11 to July 19 Pay ment of the tui tion fee is due upon registration and musicians. Street: ........................................................................ may be paid by cheque, bank transfer or PayPal. All City .............................. zip code: ............................. 2015 cheques must be made out to the Stockhausen-Stiftung State + Country: ......................................................... Location für Musik (adding 1 5¤/ $20 for handling charges ). Tel.: ............................. Fax: .................................... All charges for bank trans fers (in ¤ only) are to be Kürten is Stockhausen’s hometown, where he lived e-mail: ......................................................................... from 1965 to 2007. The “Stockhausen-Community” paid by the appli cant. as par tic i pant in the Stock hau sen Cours es Kürten 2015 . Kürten is situated about 30 kilometers (19 miles) east Account number of the Stock hau sen-Stif tung für Ì Ì Ì of Cologne in the part of Germany called the Bergisches Musik : Com pos er Musi col ogist Sound Projectionist Auditor Ì Inter pret er * Ì Instrument .............................. Land . For the 16 th time, the community of Kürten is IBAN: DE 41 3701 0050 0121 6785 09; allowing the Stockhausen Foundation for Music to BI C/SWIFT: PBNKDEFFXXX. * I have pre pared the fol low ing work(s): use its school complex and community centre for the continuation of its annual Stockhausen Concerts and Payment by PayPal can be made to Date: ..................... Sig na ture: ................................ Courses Kürten . All of the concerts, courses, semi - [email protected] Dates (arrival – departure) : nars and rehearsals take place at the school complex. July 10 th 2015 –July 20 th 2015 ............................... Ì Also the organisation office and the practice rooms other: .................................................................... Ì are located at the school complex. The address is: Mobility in Kürten : yes /maybe Olpenerstraße 4, 51515 Kürten. The on-location I will have a car. ........................................... Ì Ì organisation office will open at 9 a.m. starting on I would be will ing to participate with my car in th Thursday, July 9 2015. a car pool while in Kürten. ............................. Ì Registration Online registration and fur ther infor ma tion Pre ferred lodg ing : To reg is ter for the concerts and courses, please com - about the cours es in the internet: pri vate * (0 –15 ¤) ................................................... Ì plete the reg is tra tion form, and send it to: vaca tion apart ment * (15 –30 ¤ per per son) ................ Ì www.karlheinzstockhausen.org hotel sin gle room (ca. 3 0–65 ¤) .............................. Ì Stockhausen-Stiftung für Musik hotel double room * (ca. 3 0–65 ¤ per person) ............ Ì Kettenberg 15, D-51515 Kürten A free com plete work list and order forms for scores, I do not need lodgin g. .......................................... Ì CDs, books and videos may be ordered from the Stock - * I agree to share a room with another participant. Fax: 0049-[0 ] 2268-1813 hau sen -Ver lag , Ket ten berg 15, 51515
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