- 3966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. M..A.RCH 19, VillGINIA. Carpenters Jacob Jacobson and Lewis S. Warford to be chief Stith Bolling to be postmaster at Peteraburg, in the county of carpenters in the Navy from the 20th day of February, 19.06, Dinwiddie and State of Virginia, in place of Stith Bolling. In­ upon the completion of six years' service. cumbent's commission expires April 26, 1906. Cllarles T. Holtzman to be postmaster at Luray, in the county WITHDRAWAL. of Page and State of Virginia, in place of Charles T. Holtzman. Incumbent's commisaion expired 1\Iarcb 4, 1906. Executive nomination withdrawn March 19, 1906. John 0. Jackson to be postmaster at Blackstone, in the John Hiller, jr., to be postmaster at Kenilworth (late New county of Nottoway and State of Virginia, in place of John 0. Orange), in the State of New Jersey. Jackson. Incumbent's commission expired February 10, 1906. WEST VffiGI~IA. Ricllard A. Hall to be postmaster at Weston, in the county HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. of Lewis and State of Weat Virginia, in place of Richard A. 1\:foNDAY, March 19, 1906. Ilall. Incumbent's commission expired 1\Iarch 3, 1906. Alonzo E. Linch to be .Postmaster at 1\Ioundsville, in the The House met at 12 o'clock m. cotmty of Marshall and Sta.te of West Virginia, in place of Prayer by Rev. A. B. CHURCH, president of Buchtel College, Alonzo E. Linch. Incumbent's commission expired 1\Iarch 4, Akron, Ohio. 1906. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and WISCO. SIN. approved. Edith E. Baker to be postmaster at Shell Lake, in the county LIEUTENANT-GENERAL OF THE ARMY. of Washburn and State of Wisconsin, in place of James P. The SPEAKER. There comes up from Friday, as unfinished Baker. Incu]l1bent's commi ion expired 1\Iarch 18, 1906. business, the bill of which the Clerk will report the title. Frank J. Boyle to be postmaster at South Milwaukee, in tile The Clerk read as follows : county of Milwaukee and State of Wisconsin, in place of John A bill (H. R. 15744) to abolish the office of Lieutenant-General of C. Williams. Incumbent's commission expired February 28, the Army of t he United States. H~06. The .SPEAKER. Without objection, the Clerk will report the l\Iatthew J. Connors to be postmaster at Hurley, in the county amendment to the amendment. of Iron and State of Wisconsin, in place of Matthew J. Connors. The Clerk read as follows : Incumbent's commission expired l\farcb 5, 1906. Amend, in line 5 of the amendment, after the word " when," by in­ D. B. Gorham to be postmaster at Shawano, in the county of set·ting the words "after October 12, 1906." Shawano and State of Wisconsin, in place of D. B. Gorham. The SPEAKER. Upon this amendment the House was divid­ Incumbent's commission expired 1\Iarch 18, 1906. ing ; tile yeas and nays bad been ordered upon the amendment Frank E. Riley to be postmaster at Two Ri\ers, in the ·county to the . amendment, which the Clerk bas by unanimous consent of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, in place of Frank E. reported. Those in favor of the amendment to the amendment Riley. Incumbent's commission expired l\farcb 18, 1906. will, as their names are called, answer " yea," those opposed Joel L. Stewart to be po tmaster at Clintonville, in the county will answered "nay," and the Clerk will call the roll. of Waupaca and State of Wisconsin, in place of Joel L. Stewart. l\fr. FULLER. Mr. Speaker, there is so much confusion we Incumbent's commission expired February 7, 1906. did not bear what the question is; and I ask that the amend­ ment be reported again. CONFIR lATIONS. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Clerk will again re­ port the amendment to the amendment. Executive nominations con{i:rrried by the Senate March 19, 1906. The amendment was again reported. INDIAN AGENTS. The question was taken; and there were--yeas 138, nays 103, John P. Blackmon, of Oklahoma, to be agent for the Indians answered " present " 20, not voting 122, as follows : of the Kiowa Agency in Oklahoma. YIMS-138 . • William L. Belden, of .Steele, N. Dak., to be agent for the Acheson Dalzell Hoar Overstreet Indians of the Standing Rock Agency, in North Dakota. Adams, Pa. Davidson Hogg Parsons Alexander Dawes Howell, Utah Payne APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. Allen, Me. Dawson Hughes Pollard Babcock Deemer Humphrey, Wash. Richardson, Ala. Lieut. Col. Lorenzo W. Cooke, Twenty-sixth Infantry, to be Bannon Denby Jenkins Rives brigadier-general from March 9, 1906. Bates Dickson, Ill. Keifer Shartel Bede Draper Kennedy, Ohio Sherman Lieut. Col. Joseph l\I. Califf, Artillery Corps, to be brigadier- Bennet, N.Y. Driscoll Ketcham Siblef. 'general. Bingham Dun well Kleppet· Smal Lieut. Col. Henry S. Turrill, deputy surgeon-general, to be Birdsall Dwight Knapp Smith, Cal. Bishop Fa lis Knopf Smith, Ill. brigadier-general. Bonynge Esch Lacey Smith, Iowa Lieut. Col. Crosby P. Miller, deputy quartermaster-general, to Boutell }1'assett Landis, Chas. 15. Smith, Samv.el W. be brigadier-general. Brick I!"' lack Littauer Smyser Brooks, Colo. French Littlefield Southard Lieut. Col. Charles F. Powell, Corps of Engineers, to be briga­ Brownlow Fulkerson Longworth Southwick dier-general. Burke, Pa. l!'uller Lorimer Sperry Col. John W. Bubb, Twelfth Infantry, to be brigadier-general. Bmke, S. Dak. Gardner, N.J. Loud Sterling Burleigh Gilbert, Ind. Loudenslager Sulloway PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. Burton, Del. Gillett, Mass. McCleary, Minn. 'l'awney Burton, Ohio Graff McGavin Taylor, Ohio Col. William Stanton, United States Army, retired, to be Caldet·head Graham McKinlay, Cal. Tirrell placed on the retired list of tile Army with the .rank of briga­ Campbell, Kans. Greene McKinley, Ill. Tyndall Campbell, Ohio Grosvenor McKinney Volstead dier-general from 1\Iarch 7, 1906. Capron Hale McMorran Vreeland Maj. William P. Duvall, Artillery Corps, to be lieutenant­ Cassel Hamilton Mahon Watson colonel from February 24, 1906. Chapman Haskins Miller Webber Cole IIedge Mondell Weems Lieut. Col. Alexander Rodgers, Fifteenth Cavalry, to be colonel Conner Henry, Tex. Mouser Welborn from March 7, 1906. · Cousins Hepburn Mudd Wiley, Ala. l\faj: Francis H. Hardie, Thirteenth Cavalry, to be lieutenant­ Ct·nmpacker Hermann Murdock Wilson Currier Hi~?:gins Needham Woodyard colonel from March 7, 1906. Curtis Hill, Conn. Olmsted Capt. Joseph T. Dickman, Eighth Cavalry, to be major from Cushman Hinshaw Otjen March 7, 1906. NAYS-103. First Lieut. Reginald E. McNally, detailed in Signal Corps, to Aiken Chaney Gaines, Tenn. Hopki.ns be captain of cavalry from March 7, 1906. Bartlett Clark, Fla. Garner Houston Beall, Tex. Clark, Mo. Garrett Howard PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Bell, Ga. Clayton Gillespie Humphreys, Miss. Bennett, Ky. Davis, W. Va. Goebel James · Lieut. Commander Richard M. Hughes to be a commander in Bowersock De Armond Granger Keliber . the Navy from the 28th day of February, 1906. Broocks, Tex. Dixon, Ind. Gregg Kitchin, Claude Boatswains Frank Carall and William Johnson to be chief Broussard Edwards Gronna Kitchin, Wm. W. Bt·own FJ.lerbe Gudger Lamb . boatswains in the Navy from the 1st day of 1\larch, 1906, upon Burgess Field Hardwick Lawrence the completion of six years' service. Burleson Finley Haugen Lee Carpenter William H. Squire to be a chief carpenter in the Burnett Flood Hay Lewis Butlet·, Pa. Floyd Hayes Livingston Navy from the- 9th day of February, 1906, upon the completion Byrd Foster, Ind. Heflin Lloyd of six years' service. Candler Foster, Vt. Hill, Miss. McLachlan 1906. j UOlfGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3967 McLain Prince Sims Thomas, N. C. Mr. ADAMS of Wisconsin with Mr. BRANTLEY. Maron Rainey Slayden Unrlerwood Mr. CooPER of Pennsylvania with Mr. RYAN. Waldo 1\.Iadden Randell, Tex. Smith, Ky. Mr. HUFF with Mr. E ITZGERALD. Mann lteeder Smith, Tex. 'f\"allace l\farsha.ll llllodes Sr:.app Wa tkins Mr. BISHOP with Mr. BURGESS. Minor Hichardson, Ky. Southall Webb Mr. 'l'owNSEND with Mr. LEGARE. Moon, Pa. lUxey Spight Weise Mr. BEIDLER with ... rr. BuTLER of Tennessee. Moon, Tenn. Rucker Stafford Wiley, N.J. Moore Huppert Stephens, Tex. Williams 1\lr. PEARRE with Mr. SMITH of Maryland. Page lt:Issell Taltott Young Mr. W?II. ALoE~ SMITH with Mr. KLIJ'j""E. Patterson, S.C. Sherley Taylor, Ala. Mr. HUBBARD with Mr. GILL. ANSWERED "PRESENT "-20. Mr. LoVERING with Mr. GaLDFOGLE. Bradley F oss Johnson Pujo Mr. DARRAGH with l\Ir. LA?IIAR. Cooper, ra. Gaines, W.Va. Jones, Wash. Robertson, La. Dale Goldfogle Lilley, Pa. Shackleford Mr. WEEKS with Mr. STANLEY. Davey, La. Henry, Conn. Meyer Sheppard 1\Ir. DOVENER. l\Ir. Speaker, I find that I am paired with Dovener llunt . Patterson, N. C. Wanger the gentleman from Florida [1\lr. SPARKMAN] . I desire to with­ NOT VOTING-122. draw my vote and to answer "present." Adams, Wis. Gardner, Mich. Lovering Samuel Mr. GOLDFOGLE. Mr. Speaker, I wish to know whether the Adamson Gilbert, Ky. McCall Schneebell Allen, N. J. Gill :McCarthy Scott gentleman from MassachuS.etts [l\Ir. LoVERr ~a ] has been re­ Ames Gillett, Cal. McCreary, Pa. Scroggy corded. Andrus Glass McDermott Slemp The SPEAKER. He did not vote. Bankhead Goulden McNary Smith, Md.­ Barchfeld Griggs Martin Smith, Wm. Alden 1\Ir. GOLDI!'OG LE. I run paired with the gentleman, and I Bartholdt Hearst Maynard Smith, Pa. desire to be recorded present. Beidler Hitt Michalek Sparkman The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. Blackburn Holliday Morrell Stanley Bowers Howell, N. J. Murphy Steenerson The runendment as amended was agreed to. Bowie Hubbard Nevin Stevens, Minn. 1\lr. GROSVENOR.
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