3. ■ 4^; t ■>: r • NET IMIE9S RUN , IBB WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY OIRODLATION itni Forecut by V. I. WMthsr OF THE EVENING IIERALD ' . !(•«* B m m for tlio inoiitb of April, 1937 Fair and slightly cooler tonight 4 , 9 8 4 and Friday. VOL. XLL, NO. 202. Classified adTi;rtlsLDg on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927. .(FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS . 10,000 MORE Oy, ‘Arriet, MEDAL FOR A HERO’S BREAST ‘Ere’s Some MORE HOSC’ '.; PILED * \ ' H O M EESSAT ■Ot Swells BATON ROUGE UPON DARING FLYER London.' M ayO’.—And now they, propose to take some ot the enjoyment out of life for Secretary Hoover Sees Big the common folk of London. The Dally Mirror today Captain Lindbergh Hopes That Regular Air Service opened a campaign to bar the HOW LINDBERGH Tent City On His Arrival; public from the Mall on nights when there are courts at Between France and U. S. Will Follow His Successful Buckingham Palace. Flood Not Yet Over Offi­ \ On court nights the long CHEATED DEATH precession of cars bearing Hop— Thousands Throng Street On Holiday to Pay cials Say. those who are to be presented moves very slowly through the TWICE BEFORE Homage to American As He Is Given Official Wel- Majl, and it has long' been considered the privilege of the Baton Rouge, I.a., May 26.— Af- common folk to gather in Tells How He Made Para- come At the Paris City Hall, er three days devoted to perfect- crowds and watcli the “ swells” ng organization o£.^he rcconstruc- ride by. During recent years however the common folk have ion machinery in Mississippi and chute Leap When His Air­ Paris, May 26.— A regular air- LINDBERGH CARDS Vrkansas, Secretary of Commerce become a bit more courageous IN PARIS SALOON and hr.vc not remained on the service between France and tlie Hoover returned to Louisiana re­ United States was the hope ex­ curbings, but have jumped on plane Was Lost In Fog In Paris, May 26.— PaYls’ most lief headquarters today to assume running-boards and peered pressed by Captain Charles A. famous bar which is the' ren­ iirection of the refugee concentra- through the limousine win­ Lindbergh today in a speech at the dezvous of numerous American dows to get a better view of the the West. lion from the rapidly nisappearlpg City Hall, where he had been giv­ tourists, today distributed post­ oarishes of Pointe Coupee and debutantes and their escorts. cards with, the necessary stamps Some Remarks en an official welcome. West Baton Rouge. “ I am unable to express iny ap­ attached bearing pictures of The remarks of the crowds . .EDITOR'S NOTE: Flying the At­ Captain Lindbergh. The picture Boats ot every description have not been always courte­ lantic Ocean alone was not the first preciation of the honors you have iringinig hundreds of flood exiles sensational exploit of Capt. Charles conferred upon me and my coun­ was printed beneath crosseyd ous either, for Mrs. 'Arris likes French and American flags. On lourly to the Red Cross and Na- to display her wit for the bene­ A. Lindbergh. Time after time this try,” said Lindbergh in replying to ional Guard camps here since the boy-wonder of the air has cheated the official speeches of welcorie. the left hand sirfe of the card opening of the East Atchafalaya fit of her neighbor Mrs. Smith- America's own “ Lindy,” President Doumergue, of France, and Ambassador Myron T. Herrick as they ap­ are the words: ers, who has accompanied her death. Twice, w^lle flying the night "I have one desire and that Is •revasse at McCrea last Saturday peared in the Elysee Palace g.ardens in Paris after Doumergue had bestowed the red-ribboned Cross of the air mail, he had to malce jiarachute that'my flight may be the forerun­ “ I guess I will go.” lave made the state capital one of on the long journey down from Legion of Honor on the flier's breast. This excellent picture was executed from a radioed photograph by Qn the right hand side of the Hackney Wick to see the court jumps when his plane, lost in a ner of a regular air service between he largest concentration points in George Clark, NEA Service and The Evening Herald. card are the words: . procession. dense fog, ran out of gasoline. France and the United States and he flooded area of the lower val- Lindbiergh made detailed reports of an understanding such as has never “ Boys, I have arrived.” py- Last night some of the sal­ Unfortunately for the bar in lies which American and Eng­ these amazing episodes. Below Is existed before. Refugee Caui)>s his o«Ti narrative of what happen­ “ That is my hope today. My question there is no chance of More than 6,000 homeless .were lish debutantes had to listen REAL BUSINESS ed to him In the nfght skies over greatest desire, I am sure, would Lindbergh visiting the place ■■ncapiped here when Secretary to were: owing to bis abstemious habits. loover arrived this morning front “ Oy, 'Arriet, look 'ere. This Illinois on September 1.0 of Jast have been the greatest desire of dtUe Rock. Preparations have one ‘as a bathing costume on!” Family Of Nationals year. Tomorrow will be printed an Captains Nungesser and Coll.” .leen. made for a minimum of ten “ Naah—fthey aren't mother IN SOUTH AFRICA equally vivid story told by Lind­ Lindbergh’s speech, while deliv­ liousand refugees in the Baton and dorter— wait a bit— may­ bergh of a second hair-raising es­ ered In' his usual ehy boyish man­ max today, for It is ascension Day ner, made a great impression on his Rouge area. Between 4,000 and be they are— they've the sime New England's Ideal cape. and thousands ot workers who I).000 will be cared for in the pic- ugly noses.” listeners as have all of his utter­ have heretofore been unable to uresque surroundings o f Old Uni­ By CHARLES A. LINABERGH ances) for in his confused embar­ greet Lindbergh are having a holL “ Oy, look at the ugly mole Envoy Tells Foreign Trade rassed speeches he gives the Injp- day and are preparing to line the versity campus, a mile north of the on this o.ne’s cheek.” Foreigners Trade Their Culture for Col­ I took off from Lambert-St. Louis Field at 4:25 p. m., September 16, ression of great sincerity. Champs Elysee and the Rue De Hate house. Army tents for about The i/aily Mir or today onial Courage—States Enriched and after an uneventful trip arrived Throngs In Streets Rivdli to see his triumphal proces­ 5.000 more are spread in a city arouses itself to a pitch of in­ lark a mile to the west. Delegates That His Coun­ at Springfield, 111., at 5:10 p. m., Throngs, with their hats doffer- sion to thie City Hall where he will tense indignation and declares by Many Immigrants, and Peoria, 111., at 5:55 p. ip. ed, lined the curbings of the be given the keys of the cltj-. Waters sweeping down the that “ the crowds of hundreds Pointe Coupee peninsula from the Off the Peoria Field at 6:10 p. m. Champs Elysee,. as Captain Lind­ Escorted by President gave a shocking exhibPion of try Wants to Buy and Sell. .McCrea break had reached the There was a light ground haze, but bergh, accompanied by. Ambassa­ bad manners, and something Lindbergh will ride through the northern boundary ot West Baton the sky was practically clear with dor Herrick and Pierre Godin,' must be done, for London This is the third and last of a<fcmight be done, but this boy sat In streets Ip an open carriage, escort­ Rouge parish— the last dry spot but scattered eumulous clouds. president of the'MunicIpal Council, crowds are getting a reputa­ series of three articles on “ Our idleness while back of him on the ed by the President of the Munici­ n the 200-mile stretch of Central Detroit, Mich., May 26.— There Is Darkness was encountered about 25 rode in an open automobile to the tion for bad manners.” Family; The Story of New Eng­ front of the house was a sign, pal Council and Ambassador Her­ Louisiana between the Mississippi land” written exclusively for Inter­ more to South Africa than lion miles northeast of Peoria, and I City Hall where Lindbergh was rick, with a troop ■ of French cav­ jnd the western edge of the fifty “ This Farm For Sale.” national News Service by Ernest \V. 'There lay the farm, willows were hunting. There is trade—-real busi­ took up a compass coarse, checking given the freedom of the alry, brilliant in dress uniforms, mile inland sea smotherihg some on the lights olrtlie J:owns -below Butterfield, Commissioner of Edu­ growing in the broad fields cleared ness opportunities. So'decTkreJ'Eric It was a striking ifemonetrsition, clattering along as an escoY-t. Five 5.000 square miles of the state cation for the State of New Hamp­ until a low fog rolled In under me a similar only to those seen when hundred invitations have been is­ from the Arkansas border to the 123 LIENS HLED by the first settlers of this, boy’s C. Louw, commissioner of the shire. In previous articles Mr. But­ name. Unpainted, with falling chlni- few miles northeast of Marseilles France greets royal visitors with sued for the City Hall reception but Gulf ot Mexico.
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