DCN: 7336 Commissioner's Base Briefing Book Navy Broadway Complex San Diego, California Chairman Principi and Commissioners Coyle, Hansen, & Bilbray 5 August 2005 NAVY BROAIIWAY COMPLEX, SAN DIEGO, CA CHAIRMAN AND COMMISIONERS' BASE VISIT 5 AUG 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB A. ITINERARY B. BASE SUMMARY SHEET C. INSTALLATION REVIEW D. STATE MAP AND STATISTICAL DATA E. STATE CLOSURE HISTORY LIST F. PRESS ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE G. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Base Visit Itinerary Navy Broadway Complex, San Diego, California August 4-5,2005 - - p~~- DATEITIME EVENT LOCATION POC ACTION Thursday 4 Aug 05 Commission Staff Navy Broadway LCDR Michael Pre-visit Complex, Tasker, Navy 937 North Harbor Region Southwest Dr., San Diego (619) 571-3381 cell Thursday 4 Aug 05 Commissioner Ornni San Diego Brian McDaniel Bilbray Arrives in Hotel Sr. Staff Analyst San Diego, CA 675 L St. 202-64 1-6406 or San Diego, CA 703-861-1 159 cell 6 19-231 -6664 Jason Cole Advance Team 703-90 1-7768 cell Friday 5 Aug 05 Commissioner San Diego Int. Jason Cole Mr. McDaniel 9:19 AM Hansen Arrives in Airport (SAN) 703-90 1-7768 cell will meet San Diego, CA Delta Flt. 3787 Commissioner from SLC and drive him to Navy Broadway Complex Friday 5 Aug 05 Commissioner Coyle San Diego Int. Jason Cole Mr. McDaniel 10:25 AM Arrives in San Airport (SAN) 703-901 -7768 cell will meet Diego, CA UA Flt. 6 162 Commissioner from LAX and drive him to Navy Broadway Complex Friday 5 Aug 05 Chairman Principi San Diego Int. Brian McDaniel Mr. McDaniel 11:09 AM Arrives in Airport (SAN) Staff Analyst picks-up the San Diego, CA. UA Flt. 021 1 202-641 -6406 or Chairman and from IAD 703-861 -1 159 cells drives him to Navy Broadway Complex. Staff transports Navy Broadway Brian McDaniel Mr. McDaniel Chairman & Complex, and Jason Cole briefs Chairman Commissioners tlo 937 North Harbor & HQ Navy Region Dr., San Diego Commissioners Southwest on staff visit and findings. Arrive Navy Navy Region LCDR Michael RADM Hering Broadway Complex Southwest HQ Tasker, Navy and RADM Lobby Region Southwest Betancourt greet 937 North (619) 571-3381 cell Chairman and Harbor Dr. Commissioners Working Lunch and Navy Region Navy Briefer: RADM Command Brief Southwest HQ RADM Betancourt Betancourt 5" F1. Business Former presents Navy tenants Office Conf Commander, Navy command brief attending: Navy Room Region Southwest Region Southwest, NAVFAC EFD LCDR Michael Southwest, and Tasker, Navy San Diego Fleet Region Southwest Industrial & Supply (619) 571-3381 cell Ctr. Congresswoman Davis & staffers,from Sen. Feinstein, R'ep. Hunter, and Rep. Cunningham's ofice in attendance Chairman & Navy Region Meeting - Commissioner Southwest HQ Commission follow-on meeting Commanding and Navy with RADM Officer's Office Principals only Herring Commission Media Off base - NRSW San Diego Press Availability Outside USS PAO, Capt. Jacqui Conference Midway Museum Yost 61 9-532-1436 (Navy Pier across street from Navy Robert McCreary Broadway Dep. Dir.Com Complex) Office 703-901-7835 cell Chairman & Brian McDaniel Commissioners Sr. Staff Analyst Depart Navy 202-641-6406 or Broadway Complex 703-861-1 159 cell Jason Cole 703-901-7768 cell Commissioner Coyle San Diego Int. Brian McDaniel Departs San Diego, Airport (SAN) Staff Analyst CA UA Flt. 6 156 202-64 1-6406 Jason Cole 703-90 1-7768 Commissioner San Diego Int. Brian McDaniel Hansen Departs San Airport (SAN) Staff Analyst Diego, CA Delta Flt. 1035 202-64 1-6406 DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE AND REALIGNMENT COMMISSION I * B,4SE SUMMARY SHEET (Navy Broadway Complex, San Diego, CA) INSTALLATION MISSION Annex to Naval Station San Diego provides headquarters and office space primarily for the Navy Region Southwest Headquarters, the: San Diego Fleet Industrial and Supply Center, and the Navy Readiness Command Southwest Headquarters. DOD BRAC RECOMMENDATIONS None DOD JUSTIFICATION None DOD COST CONSIDERATIONS None ACTION UNDER CONSIDERATION Close Broadway complex (approx. 14 acres) and relocate existing Navy tenants to other Naval Activities in San Diegrs such as the Naval Station San Diego. JUSTIFICATION Closing the Navy's Broadway complex in San Diego, CA, will reduce excess property or space, enhance security and force protection, and consolidate "support" and headquarters functions with Navy operational cust:omers. Beginning in 1987, DON has been planning to dispose of the Broadway property and use the proceeds or other consideration to build new ofice space on an existing "full-service" base in San Diego and finance other infrastructure needs, depending on property's final market value and market timing of disposal. MANPOWER IMPLICATIONS OF THIS RECOMMENDATION (EXCLUDES CONTRACTORS) Military Civilian Contractors Baseline 142 827 50 Job Eliminated 0 0 0 Jobs Relocated* 142 827 Total (net) (142) (827) (50) Total Post BRAC 0 0 0 * Assumes Navy would retain jobs in same MSNROI. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS There are no known environmental impediments to implementation of this recommendation. REPRESENTATION Governor: Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) Senators: Diane Feinstein (D) -- 5thTerm (66% of the vote last election) Barbara Boxer (D) -5th Term (85% of the vote last election) Representative: Ann Davis (ID-53rdDistrict) - 2nd Term (64% of the vote last election) (Member HASC) ECONOMIC IMPACT Potential Employment Loss: None* MSA Job Base: l,8O6,32 1 Percentage: NA 1 * Assumes Navy would retain jobs in same MSNROI. Irr MILITARY ISSUES Navy retains 100% of disposal proceeds and controls reinvestment decisions Asset disposition process selected should maximize Navy's potential financial returnlproceeds Proceeds needed to finance replacement office space for tenants Disposal process authorized by ENAC law may diminish property value and resulting financial return to may COMMUNITY CONCERNS/ISSIJES Community should decide how best to re-use property Any reuse should abide by existing development agreement between City and Navy Property is ripe for commercial redevelopment Supports proceeds benefiting Nzvy in San Diego ITEMS OF SPECIAL EMPHASIS None & Brian A. McDaniel / Sr. Analyst / Navy Marine Corps R&A Team / August 3,2005 Close: I Navy Broadway Complex San Diego, CA (approx. 14 acres located in downtown San Diego adjacent to the waterfront). .-Mi2 Gain at: Naval Station San Diego, CA. Reauirements: None Associated DoD Recommendations: hF None I DoD Response: All activities/functions located at Broadway Complex e\rlu~.adby Navy or one of the Joint Cross-Service Groups. Navy BRAC analysis did not develop a recommendation to close Broadway because none of the activities were recommended for 3 relocation. II = Disposition of Broadway Co lm pl better addre BRAC process. GAO Comment: None 2. Navy Broadway Complex San Diego, CA, Action under Consideration: Close Navy Broadway Complex, San Di Relocate Navy activities into exceIesadministrative space on more secure Navy installations in San Dieg MAH Capacity Analysis USN Capaclty Ins1 M8xlmum Current Usage Capacity k~city Potential @ 200 Avallabk to Roqulred lnstallatlon Curnnt Capacity Capaclty OSFPenon Surge to Surge %Excess (Shortfall) Naval Research Laboratory 198878 21 8654 101200 117454 0 54% 1 17454 Naval Stat~onand Undersea Warfare Center Newport 37301 3 373013 288320 84693 0 23% 84693 Naval Station Everett 76502 89601 228400 -1 38799 0 ---1 55% -1 38799 Naval Station Norfolk 1074164 2160728 1806800 353928 3980 16% 349m8 Naval Stat~onPearl Harbor 1675766 1905109 1277400 627709 1500 33% 626209 Naval Stat~onSan Diego 1265271 1364733 943800 420933 4500 31 % 41 6433 Naval Submarme Base Bangor 447424 450900 922900 -472000 0 -105% -472000 Naval Submarme Support Base Kmgs Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg 1138015 272291 1 1025600 1697311 0 62% 1697311 Naval Support Activity Millington 1295107 1454666 977400 477266 5000 32 % 472266 INaval SUDDO~Aclivitv New Orleans. LA I 8185771 8185771 5458001 2727771 1700I 33% 1 271077 I ~~u~ot?ActivityNorfolk 724685 71 5700 1224200 -508500 302 -71% -508802 Naval Weapons Station Charleston 297324 61 2030 396000 2 16030 400 35% 2 15630 NAVSTA. -. - - . .ANNAPOLIS .. .. .. .. - - . - L 431 329 456485~ ~ 175800 280685 0 61~. % 280685 NAVSUPPACTDAHLGREN 1 2072551 2080251 1292001 788251 0i 38% 1 78825 NAVSUPPACT- - INDIAN HEAD 24 1931 3999531 2328001 1671531 01 42% 167153 I 1 4 7 IPotomac Annex. Washinaton- DC i -1739001 I I 3600 33200 80400 0 4 6O/o 80400 Saufley Field 1 3984671 403580 192200 21 1380 0 52% 21 1380 Washmgton Navy Yard 49737281 5008356 3270200 1738156 1200 35%1 1736956 DRAFT DELIBERATIVE DOCUMENT-FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY-DONOT RELEASE UNDER FOlA DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1 0 1 0 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 2030 1 - 1010 JUL 1 4 203 The Honorable Anthony J. Principi Chairman Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission 2521 South Clark Street, Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22202 Dear Chairman Principi, In your letter of July 1,2005, you asked for the Department's comments on a number of installations in advance of the Commission's voting at your hearing on July 19,2005, to consider these installations for closure or realignment analysis. Your July 12,2005 letter requested witnesses to address the Commission's concern regarding recommendations impacting the Air National Guard. The Commission's independent assessment of the Department's recommendations and the subsequent reviews by the President and the Congress are each important steps to ensure that the final recommendations are fair, consistent with the selection criteria and force structure plan and will, in fact, increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our military infrastructure. As such, while the Department stands behind its recommendations, it hlly supports the Commission's analysis of alternatives. As you undertake your review, please consider that each of the Department's recommendations is part' of a comprehensive, integrated, and interdependent package. The recommendations submitted by the Department of Defense strengthen national security by reshaping the domestic installations at which U.S. military forces and their associated support.elements perform their assigned missions. The Military Departments and Joint Cross-Service Groups have provided the attached responses to the issues you raise.
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