TM TM TM TM Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum & textbooks development Year: TM TM TM TM (c) The Digital Library TM TM TM TM .[IS^[[Xc[WT\RUXTQX_\#\ 4RMT$J#TTQXZW[TR^[,]\#[\_T .[a^# PJ\QXQ\ASX$QW_9TI .S U :G\#\ TM TM TM TM (c) The Digital Library Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum & textbooks development Publication: 1389 a (c) The Digital Library Committees of Compiling, Research & Editing of Textbooks Revised by: 1. Sayeed Nematullah Mushtaq 2. Rahmatullah Hamidi 3. Jamshid Zaynal 4. Freshta Kazmi 5. M. Osman Azizi Religious, Political and Cultural Committee: 1. Dr. Mohammad Yusof Niazi (Advisor to the Minister of Education). 2. Mohammad Asif Nang (Director of Publication and Information Directorate). Observation, Research and Editing Committees: 1. Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Ghaznawi (Deputy Minister of (Curriculum development, Teacher education and Science Center), Chairman. 2. Mohammad Sediq Patman (Deputy Minister of Academic Affair), Member 3. Abdul Zahir Gulistani (Head of Curriculum & Textbooks Development), Member. Composed and designed by: Hamidullah Ghafari b (c) The Digital Library c (c) The Digital Library C#HM( %C( 'H !C/J'C %C( 2N( ']#'C %C( H" K)(+H! JG$1CG$K$MCG$ $ +I'C$ <$+C %CG$ $$4C]#'C $ 9(1C$ H1C ##G'J!#' $ 2A,C ( *(2MG$0()H M(, 'CH 9$ 0)HHMG# () R,!0 ( )'! 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Objectives: 1. Review of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English 2. Review of vocabulary from grade 4 : KA$ .G'H 1 * 2M$ (D)G#' ($ ,A K N* % .1 .G'H1 #Q 2M$ ( $4 G$< .2 A. Dialogue 1 Today is the first day of school. The teacher and students are meeting for the first time. .'G ( A #$ C C Teacher: Good morning students. Students: Good morning teacher. Teacher: How are you? Students: We’re fine, thank you. How are you? Teacher: Fine thanks. Teacher: Good afternoon students. Students: Good afternoon teacher. Teacher: How are you this afternoon? Students: We’re fine, thank you. How are you sir/madam? Teacher: I am fine. Thanks. 1 (c) The Digital Library Dialogue 2 Aziz and Hashim are classmates. %! .'C * 4 Q! J)J They are meeting each other. .'G$ + ) B% A: Hi, my name is Aziz. Hi, my name is___________. B: Hi, I am Hashim. Hi, I am__________. A: Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you, too. Dialogue 3 Karim and Akram are meeting in the evening. .' + ) (@( ) A: Good evening Karim, how are you? B: I am fine, thank you Akram. A: How are you this evening Akram? B: I am fine thank you. Good evening ________, how are you? I am fine, thank you _______________. How are you this evening__________. I am fine thank you. 2 (c) The Digital Library B. Vocabulary Name the following pictures in English. .$; N* ' % #G$9 JD/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 Afghanistan Map UnicefAfgha nista n × JAWZJAN ; TAKHARFaizabad BADAK HSHAN KUNDU Z BALKH × SAMANG AN BAGHLAN M a ym an a × FARYAB SARI PUL Pulikhumri NURISTAN BADG HIS × × PAR WAN KAPISA KUNAR Q alay-i-now Chekhcheran BA MYAN LAG HM AN ; × KABUL W WARD AK ; NANG ARHAR HERAT GH OR LOGAR × GHA ZNI Gardaiz PAKTYA URU ZGAN × KHO ST FARAH Legend PAKTIKA Ce n t r a l × ZABU L Farah Sou ther n West ern ; Easte rn No rth ern HILMA ND K ANDAHAR North easte rn NIMRO Z W Unice f Country Offic e × Out P osts ; Unice f ZO P aved _ro .shp 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C. The Alphabet: Listening and Speaking 1 1 , #' * R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1. Listen to your teacher and repeat the alphabet after him/her. 2. Repeat the Alphabet A-Z letters with a partner. 3 (c) The Digital Library D. The Alphabet: Writing * G$1 , Complete these activities in your notebooks. .# HMH1 +2 B% 0* 1. Practice writing the alphabet (A-Z) in capital letters form. 2. Practice writing the alphabet (a-z) in small form. E. Vocabulary Listening and Writing * D)#' 1 Write the numbers 1-26. Listen to your teacher and write the words in your notebooks. .$* ) #' $N* R 1 *+ ($* K +2 A % J% JMQ 2R)SQ 1 B< ) 1.__________ 9.__________ 17.__________ 25.__________ 2.__________ 10.__________ 18.__________ 26.__________ 3.__________ 11.__________ 19.__________ 4.__________ 12.__________ 20.__________ 5.__________ 13.__________ 21.__________ 6.__________ 14.__________ 22.__________ 7.__________ 15.__________ 23.__________ 8.__________ 16.__________ 24.__________ F. Spelling Practice Practice spelling the following words with a partner. .#Q R I0 JD/ C A: How do you spell Dog? B: D-O-G 1. Apple 4. Queen 7. Fish 10. Egg 2. X-ray 5. Yak 8. Radio 11. Orange 3. Wall 6. Sun 9. Lamp 12. Hen 4 (c) The Digital Library G. Writing Practice Look at the pictures and write the correct word .$* +2 B% 1G# M ## 1 apple ____b____ ____c____ ____d____ __e__ ____f____ ____g____ ___h___ ____i____ ____j____ ____k____ ___l____ Afghanistan Map UnicefAfgha nista n × JAWZJAN ; TAKHARFaizabad BADAK HSHAN KUNDU Z BALKH × SAMANG AN BAGHLAN M a ym an a × FARYAB SARI PUL Pulikhumri NURISTAN BADG HIS × × PAR WAN KAPISA KUNAR Q alay-i-now Chekhcheran BA MYAN LAG HM AN ; × KABUL W WARD AK ; NANG ARHAR HERAT GH OR LOGAR × GHA ZNI Gardaiz PAKTYA URU ZGAN × KHO ST FARAH Legend PAKTIKA Ce n t r a l × ZABU L Farah Sou ther n West ern ; Easte rn No rth ern HILMA ND K ANDAHAR North easte rn NIMRO Z W Unice f Country Offic e × Out P osts ; Unice f ZO P aved _ro .shp ____m_____ ____n____ _____o_____ ___p___ ___q___ ____r____ _____s_____ ____t_____ ____u____ _____v_____ ______w______ ____x_____ _____y_______ ______z____ 5 (c) The Digital Library H. Writing Practice Copy and translate the following sentences in your notebooks .$* ) +2 B% #P+ 9 JD/ 1. This is an apple. _This is an apple__. I ) ____ ________ 2. This is a book. __________________________________________ 3. This is a car. __________________________________________ 4. What is this? It is a radio. __________________________________________ 5. What is this? It is a pen. __________________________________________ 6. Hello, how are you? I am fine, thank you. __________________________________________ 7. What is this? It is an umbrella. __________________________________________ 8. Look at this picture. What is it? It is an x-ray. __________________________________________ 9. Repeat after me. Now read the words. Hand, ice cream, eagle, fox. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 10. Please stand up. Read this word. Ant. Spell the word. A-N-T. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 6 (c) The Digital Library Assessment: Unit 1 Test 1. Spelling 3_ ) Write the numbers (1-26) in your notebooks. .$* +2 B% J% JMQ (RS 1 Q) Listen to your teacher say the vocabulary words and write the words correctly. .$* ) Q % $ ($Q R 1 Apple, book, cat, dog, fish, goat, hen, iron, jug, kite, lamp, map, net, orange, pen, queen, radio, sun, table, umbrella, van, wall, x-ray. 2. Writing Z [ Write the numbers (1-12) in your notebooks. .$ * +2 B% JMQ J% (QR 1 -Q) Look at the pictures and write their names in your notebook. .$* 1G# +2 B% M # 1 G#$9' Afghanistan Map UnicefAfgha nista n × JAWZJAN ; TAKHARFaizabad BADAK HSHAN KUNDU Z BALKH × SAMANG AN BAGHLAN Maymana × FARYAB SARI PUL Pulikhumri NURISTAN BADG HIS × × PAR WAN KAPISA KUNAR Q alay-i-now Chekhcheran BA MYAN LAG HM AN ; × KABUL W WARD AK ; NANG ARHAR HERAT GH OR LOGAR × GHA ZNI Gardaiz PAKTYA URU ZGAN × KHO ST FARAH Legend PAKTIKA Ce n t r a l × ZABU L Farah Sou ther n We s t e rn ; Easte rn No rt h e rn HILMA ND K ANDAHAR North easte rn NIMRO Z W Unice f Country Offic e × Out Posts ; Unice f ZO Paved_ro.shp 3.
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