UMSEBEHU & VOICE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN COMMUNIST PARTY Volume 9 No 2 1993 CURRENT issue Price: 50c —— * / / "It is time for the SACP and for working class formations within the ANC-led alliance to reassert themselves with confidence and optimism." This was the message delivered to the FAWU national congress by Charles Nqakula.SACPgeneral secretary. "Left and workingclass forces WITHIN the ANC- led alliance must transform the present mood of confusion among the rank and file of the broad mass movement. "Instead of feeding the sense of confusion with more complaints and moaning, with talk about breaking the alliance - let us point the way forward. It is the historic responsibility of working class for­ mations to galvanise our National Liberation Move­ ment." Comrade Charles highlighted four tasks: O We must claim our victories, but without exag­ geration; present; O We must go back to the basics of our national O We must develop a concrete and embracing pro­ liberation struggle, but without dogmatism; gramme for reconstruction that enables the ANC to OWe must reaffirm that socialism is the future, while win elections, but which carries us way beyond April understanding how to build for socialism in the 27 1994. FORWARD TO PEOPLES POWER I Party Building MASS DRIVEN NEGOTIATIONS: For 19 days, between May 17 and June 5, Eastern Transvaal commu­ nities maintained a consumer boy­ Lessons from E.Tvl cott of white shops. According to the SA Chamber of Business Ihe boycott knocked sales by 70-80%. The actions quickly brought regional Consumer Boycott and local authorities and white interest groups to the negotiating table. * supplies of vegetables and fruit to transition to democracy; The boycott was called in the wake hawkers; • security forces and government to of the assassination of comrade Chris * petrol, servicing and spare parts for take firm action against security force Hani. The main issues of the boycott taxis and for the community in general* members and others interfering with were: The CBCs also had the responsibil­ free political activity; • to register Ihe anger of hundreds of ity of monitoring the boycott. • a joint tripartite alliancc/SADFdel- thousands of people in the region at cde egation to verify the de-electrification Chris's slaying; Engaging the white community of the SA/Mozambique border fence. • an early announcement of an elec­ Originally, the alliance had planned to An investigation on humane border tion date and a speedy transition to target the businesses of extreme right- controls is also to be established; democracy; wingers in the white community. The • the phasing out of the inhumane * local and regional demands. object was to isolate the most reaction­ bucket system, still prevalent in a In other words, the boycott com­ ary forces. However, we found we numbcrof townships in the region. This bined national political demands with lacked information about the white system is to be replaced with flushing local grassroots issues. This combina­ community. We didn't know who was toilets. Joint alliance and RSC subcom­ tion had a lot to do with the success of who. mittees will be established to oversee the campaign. This, in itsel f, reflects the situation in this process; the Eastern Transvaal, where baasskap • reactivating steps to establish a Careful preparations has remained deeply entrenched. There Regional Economic Forum. Another reason for the success was the has been virtually no engagement, no It has also been agreed that review careful preparations made in the weeks talking between the townships and the meetings will occur every 60 days to before. white communities. assess progress in all these areas. Based on previous experience, it was The boycott has begun to reverie decided to do more than just exempt all this. Right from the start, the boycott June 16 black businesses from the boycott. organisers kept their doors open. They The agreements were soon put to the Every effort was made to actively in­ were always prepared to engage busi­ test. On June 16 two comrades were volve African and Indian business peo­ ness-people and local authorities in dis­ tragically shot by the security forces in ple in Ihe campaign. Meetings were cussion. By the second week the white Piet Reticf during a peaceful June 16 arranged with black businesses, includ­ business community was calling for march. The community has demanded ing taxi associations. meetings in dozens of localities. the replacement of the local SAP sta­ Senior members of the tripartite alli­ The boycott organisers took the de­ tion commander, Pretorius. Forthe first ance were deployed throughout the 16 cision to engage organised business, time in the region the SAP has been zones of the region to mobilise for the the provincial authorities and the secu­ forced to agree to this demand. boycott. rity forces, on a regional basis. Consumer Boycott Committees On June 5, the ANC/SACP/ Lessons of the boycott (CBCs) were established. They con­ COSATU alliance met with SACOB, Whenwcspeakofa"massdrivennego- sisted of representatives from the alli­ the Sakekamer, the Afrikaans tiations process", we tend to think only ance and mass democratic structures, Handelsinstituut, Eskom, the Transvaal of national campaigns focussed on the and from black business and taxi asso­ Provincial Administration, the Regional multi-party negotiations at the World ciations. The tasks of the CBCs were, Services Council, and Ihe SADF and Trade Centre. The Eastern Transvaal amongst other things, to identify ex­ SAP. consumer boycott shows how it is pos­ empted outlets that could provide: sible (and necessary) to combine na­ * basic commodities, daily necessi­ Breakthrough tional demands with winnable local ties (bread, eggs, medicines, etc.); The meeting was a major breakthrough. demands. • supplies to black businesses, tav­ A joint statement agreed on: Negotiations and transformation are erns and spaza shops; * joint action to ensure a speedy not only national, top-down processes. THE PEOPLE MUST OWN THE TRANSITION PROCESS! Pag»2 • UMSEBENZI • Volume 9 Uo2, 1993 ' *\ I CURRENT AFFAIRS Back to Basics * _ I & Frompagel (Chorles Nqokula's speech) Let us claim our victories adjust tactically to a new national and The present world and national situa­ global situation. In countries where the tion means thai many important popular Left and the Liberation Movements have victories arc likely to be partial, not failed to engage with a negotiated tran­ outright. The Dc Klerk regime also has sition, they have tended to be side-lined, a deliberate strategy to hide our own leaving the field wide open to neo- victories from us. liberal forces of all kinds. For three years before the release of But our necessary tactical adapta­ comrade Mandela, the regime was tions must in no way confuse us about «Itj is time for our strategic objectives and our basic spreading stories about his imminent the SACP and release. They hoped that, when it even­ principles. tually happened, it would be an anti­ The Freedom Charter remains abso­ working class climax. They even hoped they would lutely relevant. Wc arc still engaged in formations within look like the liberators. a national democratic revolution. Wc are still struggling against a colonialism of This was a deliberate strategy care- the ANC-led alliance a special type. Constitutionally wc will fully deployed over three ycais. In this begin to abolish CST in the coming to reassert themselves case the strategy largely failed. We suc­ yeais, but CST is not just a constitution cessfully claimed our victory. with confidence - it is a system, a structure and a terrible But the regime's strategy has not legacy. A long hard struggle lies ahead. and optimism." been abandoned. On Friday July 2 wc Charles Nqakula won an historic victory, April 27 1994 And in this struggle the leading role was agreed uponas the d?ic for the first of the working class (asserted at the ever one-person one-vote elections in ANCs Morogoro conference in 1969) a caucus or a cabal manipulating the our country. But this major victory remains absolutely critical. ANC from within. seemed like an anticlimax. We have The Freedom duller was won as the been expecting this for months. Socialism liberation movement's programme, be­ BUT IT IS A REAL VICTORY and The collapse in eastern Europe and the cause tlic Charter emerged from un- wc must claim it- formerSovietUnionhashada profound Ieashingapopularproccss,a mass based It is not just an election date, but also impact on our broad mass movement - programme-the collection of hundreds a date within a process that wc, as the not just on communists. The SACP and of thousands of basic demands from ANC-lcd tripartite, championed from other working class formations have a ordinary workingpcoplc throughout our the beginning. It id an election for a special responsibility to lead ourpcople country. Constituent Assembly. This is OUR outof the resulting confusion and loss of In 1993 we must begin to achieve a scenario - not the CFs or the IFP's, not direction. similar result. the PACs, not originally the DP's and The collapse takes nothingaway from We need to elaborate a concrete pro­ certainly not the NP*s. our ongoing criticism of capitalism. gramme for reconstructing our society. But, although il is a real victory, wc Capitalism remains profoundly eornipt, This programme mast emerge from mass must not exaggerate. It is still largely on irnilional and oppressive. Socialism is struggles, mass formations, mass in* paper, a free and fair election is still far the future. But wc need to be building volvcmcnt. This reconstruction pro­ from guaranteed. An election will mark positions of strength for socialism right gramme is not a replacement for the an important STEP in the national now in the present.
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