ommms ON (EIITAIN PHOTOZOAN PMITK IN THE BtOOD Of $OMf VEPTEBMTfS " -id fHESiS SUMHTTEO FOR THE 0E6REE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (SCIENCE) OF T»^ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL RAJARAMMOHUNPUR. DARJEELING. 1984 iA CHANCHAL KUMAR SfNHA, M SC. Jhargram Raj College, Midnapur West Bens^l, India. 1,^ L:.: U,VJ i I A *;' Vr < ' , iii«'' \ .-V' ^•{ IS- ••!5;:v?l:.* VViit.-^-i s. > Ui^ i:H'fc -8JS ^ •• % I •>"•»! C 0 N T E H T S PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i SYNOPSIS ii -iv PART' I^ '•STUDIES ON Trypanosoma IN SOME LOWER VERTEBRATES" 1. INTRODUCTION 1-2 2. REVIEW OP LITERATURE 2 - 17 3. !VIATERIA,LS 18 - 24 4. METHODS 24 - 25 5. OBSERVATIONS. i* T^panosoma clariae Montel (1905) 26 - 30 ii. Tirypanosoma mukasai H€>are(1932) 31 - 36 iii. Trypanosoma n,sp.(a) 37 - 40 iv. Trypanosoma cancili Mandal (1978)41 - 45 V. Trypanosoma gachuii Misra,Chandra & Choudhury (197 3) 46 - 50 vi, Trypanosoma armeti Mandal(1975) 51 - 55 vii. Trypanosorna pancali Mandal (1975)56 - 59 viii. Trypanosoma rotatorium (Mayer, 184 3) 60 - 59 PAGE ix. Trypanosoma vittatae Robertson (1908) 70 •- 76 6. APPENDIX i. Trypanosoma enhydris Sinha £ Mandal(1976) ... 76a ii. Trypanosoma qangetlca Slnha(1978) 76b 7, CliECK-LIST OP Trypanosoma OF SOME LOWER VERTEBRATES IN INDIA . .. 77-88 PART II ' STUDIES' ON Haemoqreqarina IN SOME CFIELONIANS AND OPHIDIANS "' li. INTRODUCTION 89-91 2.. REVIEW OP LITERATURE 91-99 3. MATEROiLS 100 - 102 4. METHODS. ' 102 - 103 5. OBSERVATIONS i, Haemoqreqarin a lave rani Simond (1901) 104 - 109 •^i •• Haemogreqarina n . sp. (a)' 110 - 116 iii'. H^aemogreqarlna gangetiica (Misra,Nandi,Raut & Choudhury, 1974) 117 -122 iv.. Haemogreqarin a n.sp. (Jb) ., 123 - 131 V. Haemogreqarin a n*sp. ic] .. 132 - 137b 6,. CHEa<:-LIST op Haemoqreqarina IN SOME CHELONIANS AND OPHIDIAI^S: IN INDIA 138 - 139 PART III PAGE' '•' STU15IES ON Hepatozoon) IN SOME SNAKES'"^ 1. INTRODUCTION 140 - 141 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE: 142 - 143 3. M.azrERIAL,S 144 - 146 4. METHODS 146 5. OBSERVATIONS ^* Hepatozoon n.sp.(a)... ..... 147 - 155 ii. Hepatozoon n.sp«(b)... ..... 155 - 162 iii. Hepatozoon n.sp. (£).. ..... 163 - 170 6. CPIEQC-LIST OF Hepatozoon FOUND IN SNAICES OF INDIA 171 PART IV "STUDIES ON SOME BLOOD PARASITES IN HIMALAYAN- PLYING SQUIRRELS" 1. INTRODUCTION 172 2. REVIEW OF LITBRATURS 173-174 3. MATERIALS 174 -176 4. METHODS ." 176 5. OBSERVATIONS ^» Trypanosoma (Herpet'osoma) indicim Luhe{1906) 177 -182 PAGE ii» HepatPzoon n.sp. (d) 183 - 189 iii. Anaplasma marqinale Theiler(1910).... 190 - 193 ^^' Anaplasma centrale Theiler(1911),..,. 190 - 193 v.- Rickettsia sp, 193 - 194 vi. Microfilariae from Hylopetes alboniqer 195 - 196 vii. Microfilariae from Petaurista maqnificus 197 - 198 6. CI-IECK-LIST OF Trypanosoma^, Hepatozoon, Anaplasma^ Rickettsia AND MICROFIIARIA OF SOME HB-mT.AYAN PLYING' SQUIRRELS 199-201 REFERENCES' 202 - 236 APPENDIX (jVi) 237. A C K Cr O W L E D G E M E H" T S I express my sincere gratitude to Professor (Dr.) B.Dasgupta,M.Sc,,Ph,D.(London)/Principal, Darjeeling Government College,Darjeeling,West Bengal,India for suggesting this problem of the thesis. I humbly acknowledge his untiring guidance,supervision and skilful direction through­ out the course of investigation. I wish to tend my sincere thanks to Professor (Dr.), S.K.Dasgupta, former Head, POst-Gradu ate Zoology Department,Darjeeling Government College,Darjeeling,at present: Head of the Department of Zoology,Presidency College, Calcutta, VJest Bengal, India for his kind encouragement. Thanks are gratefully extended to my learned colleagues of Post-Graduate Zoology DoDartment v/here the major part of this v/ork is accomplished. Thanks are due to Dr.A.K.Mandal, Superintending Zoologist, zoological Survey of India,Calcutta, Dr. }3.C.Nandi, Lecturer, Zoology Department, HbOvghly Mohasin College, Dr.(Mrs.) D.Pradhan ,Lecturer,St.Joseph's College, Darjeeling, Dr. M.Banerjee,Lecturer,Zoology Department,Burdv/an University, Shri Sukdeb Sinha,Research Officer,National Institute of Communi­ cable diseases,Delhi, and Shri Sayantan Bandyopadhya,Research Scholar, Zoological Sujrvey of India,Calcutta, IX SYNOPSIS .The research project which has been undertaken in course of the present investigation is entitled " Observations on certain protozoan parasites in the blood of some vertebrates". The entire work has been divided into four parts. Part I is entitled "Studies on Trypanosoma in some lower vertebrates". It records eleven sioecies of Trypanosoma foimd in some fresh water fishes, Anurans, Ghelonians and Ophidians collected from some parts of West Bengal State and Manipur State. Out of these eleven soecies, one is considered new species from a fish host. Morphological features seen in perixoheral blood smears are described and compared with allied species of Tr^'-panosoma. Besides that,description of ten species ( including tvra species described elsewhere* ) are also included. A check-list containing knov.^n Trypanosoma in some lower vertebrates in India is also incorporated in this study. Part II is entitled "Studies on Haemoqreqarina in some Clielonians and Ophidians". It records the description of three, species along with two knov/n sneci^s *Vide appendices 6 (i) and 6 (ii), Ill from turtles and snakes collected from some parts of West Bengal State. The tissue phase of Haemogregarin a n.SD. (b)' in the sections of liver of snake host indicates the presence of megaloschizonts which has been detected in this study. Macrogamete and small immature oocysts of this parasite are also found in the section of leech. New haemogregarines are also compared v/ith the knovm species. The check-list provided includes the knov/n Haemogregarina from Indian Chelonians and Ophidians. Part III is entitled"Studies on Hepatozoon in some snakes". It communicates the descr­ iption of three nev/ species of Hepatozoon from some snakes collected from some parts of West Bengal,India. Development of these parasites in liver and lung tissues of snakes are also studied which reveals macro and micro schizonts and their merozoites. Nev/ soecies of Hepatozoon are also compared v/ith the allied species. A check-list^ °f Hepatozoon from Indian snakes is also incorporated. Part IV is entitled "Studies on some blood parasites in Himalayan flying squirrels". This chapter deals vrith the species of Trypa.nosoma/Hepatozoon XV Anaplasma , Rickettsia along vrith microfilariae from some Himalayan flying squirrels,collected in Darjeeling (altitude 2000 -2010 m), West Bengal, India. Out of these parasites,, Hepatozoon is considered new to science and is compared v/ith knovm species of this genus. A check-list containing the blood parasites of Himalayan flying squirrels is also included in this study. New names have not been provided for the parasites mentioned in the thesis. In lieu of this, small letters viz., (a) / (b^) / (c^) etc. have been used to denote new species. This procedure has been followed to satisfy the Criteria of Availability (Articles 9,10,11) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Names which are proposed to be assigned to these new para­ sites at the time of actual publication are listed in Appendix (iii). After publication the holotype and paratypes will be deposited with the National Zoological Collection of Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, PAR T. I, " STUDIES ON Trypanosoma IN SOME LO^ffiR VERTEBRATES' INTRODUCTION Flagellates of the genus' Trypanosoma are all parasitic and may comprise of amastigote, promastigote, epimastigote,sphaeromastigote and trypomastigote forms at some stage of their life cycles, &nong these, tri'-pomastigotes are the typical forms occurring in blood of vertebrate hosts. ik^cording to Baker (1969) the trypomastigotes bear flagellum and are slender individuals with kinetoplast and basal body situated near the posterior end. Flagellum emerges through a short pocket,which is detectable only in electron micrographs. Flagellum proceeds through body surface and on account of its undulation a fin-like expansion of body is drawn out to form what is known as undulating membrane. Most of the trypanosomes have been known only in peripheral blood of vertebrates and it is thought possible that an invertebrate host exists for every one of them with the possible exception of Trypanosoma equiperd\3m which is transferred directly from horse to horse during the sexual act. Trypanosomes have been recorded from almost every class of vertebrates and these have been accorded considerable importance because of the fact that some of these are knox^m to cause severe illness, as in the case of some mammalian hosts including man. The present v/ork was undertaken as it was felt that the study of trypanosomes in Xndia has so far been inadequate, and a survey is likely to yield interesting results. REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Trypanosoma in Fishes of fresh water Piscine haemoflagellates we^e first observed by Valentin (1841) in the blood of a trout,Salmo fario. It is uncerta to the genus whether they belonged . Trypanosoma or a Tryp an op1asm a. Remak (1542); detected a definite fish Trypanosoma in the- blood of pike,Esox lucius ( cited by Lorn,1979), According to Wenyon (1926),Mitrophanov in Europe described for the first time in 1883 two named species from fish of Trypanosoma,viz.,Trypanosoma carassii and Trypanosoma cobitis from Carassius carassius and Misgumus fossilis respectively. Since then many investigators encountered fish tr^^panosomes from fresh water in various parts of the world. Uanilev?sky (1885<d recorded the occurrence of tr^rpanosomes in fresh vmter fishes of Europe., Laveran S Mesnil (1901) named Remak 's trypanosome as Trypanosoma remalci in Esox lucius from France.,, These authors, in 1904yalso described Tr^/-panosoma abramidis; Trypanosoma tincae and Trypanosoma danilewskyi in fishes of France and Europe, L^ger (1904) described Trypanosoma barbatulae in Nemachilus (=Cobitis) barbatula from Europe. Castellani & Willey (1905-1906) described Tirypanosoma sp. in Mystus (=t-Iacrones) cavasius and Trypanosoma saccCobranchi and Trypanosoma sp, in Heteropneustes (-3accobranchus) fossilis collected from Sri Lanka.
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