JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Fossil musk turtles (Kinosternidae, Sternotherus) from the late Miocene–early Pliocene (Hemphillian) of Tennessee and Florida JASON R. BOURQUE*, 1 and BLAINE W. SCHUBERT2 1Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, U.S.A., [email protected]; 2Don Sundquist Center of Excellence in Paleontology and Department of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee 37614, U.S.A., [email protected] *Corresponding author TABLES TABLE S1. Updated vertebrate fauna from the Gray Fossil Site. Compiled from Wallace and Wang (2004), Bentley et al. (2008), Hulbert et al. (2009), Boardman and Schubert (2011), Schubert and Mead (2011), Mead et al. (2012). Additional unpublished identifications by S. C. Wallace, J. I. Mead, B.W.S., and J.R.B.. Osteichthyes Centrarchidae Amphibia Anura Ranidae Rana sp. Bufonidae Hylidae Caudata Ambystomatidae Ambystoma sp. Plethodontidae Plethodon sp. Desmognathus sp. Salamandridae Notophthalmus sp. Reptilia Testudines Chelydridae Chelydra sp. Kinosternidae Sternotherus palaeodorus, n. sp. Emydidae Chrysemys sp. Trachemys sp. aff. Emydoidea or Emys sp. Terrapene sp. Testudinidae Hesperotestudo sp. Crocodylia Alligatoridae Alligator sp. Squamata Anguidae Ophisaurinae Scincidae Helodermatidae TABLE 1S. (Continued) Heloderma sp. Colubridae Natricinae Colubrinae Viperidae Aves Anatidae Aix sp. Anas spp. Odontophoridae Rallidae Scolopacidae Scolopax sp. Tytonidae Mammalia Xenarthra Megalonychidae Insectivora Soricidae minimum 3 spp. present Talpidae minimum 2 spp. present Chiroptera Lagomorpha Leporidae Rodentia minimum 6 spp. present Proboscidea Gomphotheriidae Perissodactyla Equidae Cormohipparion emsliei Tapiridae Tapirus polkensis Rhinocerotidae Teleoceras sp. Artiodactyla Tayassuidae Prosthennops sp. sp. indet. Camelidae cf. Megatylopus sp. Carnivora TABLE S1. (Continued) Felidae cf. Machairodus sp. Canidae Ursidae Plionarctos sp. Mustelidae Arctomeles dimolodontus minimum 2 additional spp. present Mephitidae Ailuridae Pristinailurus bristoli Procyonidae TABLE S2. Carapace lengths (CL) and proportion of CL to measured characters for fossil and Recent Sternotherus. Bracketed CL data for extant Sternotherus represent a range. Data in parentheses indicate proportion to CL. Character measurements precede the proportion to CL. All measurements in mm. Abbreviations: CL, carapace length; CW, carapace width; PL, maximum plastron length; FL, maximum plastral forelobe length; HL, maximum plastral hindlobe length; BL, bridge length; IGW, intergular width; IGL, intergular length; GL, medial gular length; IAH, medial anterior humeral length; IPH, medial posterior humeral length; IF, medial femoral length; IAN, medial anal length; VW, anterior width of Vertebral 1. Dagger symbol (†) denotes extinct taxa. Taxon CL CW PL FL HL BL IGW IGL GL IAH IPH IF IAN V1W Reference S. palaeodorus (†) ETMNH 13912 101.89 68.46 77.49 26.33 27.61 14.86 ~11.72 8.14 8.85 9.78 22.85 3.58 22.7 18.53 (holotype) (.671) (.760) (.258) (.270) (.145) (.115) (.079) (.086) (.095) (.224) (.035) (.222) (.181) ETMNH 3595 ~86 — — — — — — — — — — — — 15.27 (.177) ETMNH 4687 89.21 61.55 — — — — — — — — — — — 18.5 (.689) (.207) ETMNH 4867 — — 58.16 19.8 21.55 9.99 ~9.42 4.95 6.07 8.42 15.02 6.63 14.9 16.78 ETMNH 10000 81.06 62.77 — 18.72 — — — — — — — — — 20.73 (.774) (.230) (.255) TABLE S2. (Continued) S. bonevalleyensis (†) UF 102655 (nuchal) — — — — — — — — — — — — — 11.74 UF/TRO 1964 (left hyoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 1967 (right hyoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 1968 (right hyoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 3799 (right hyoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 1947 (left hypoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 1958 (right hypoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 3797 (left hypoplastron) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — UF/TRO 3796 (right xiphiplastron) — — — — 26.23 — — — — — — — 18.15 — TABLE S2. (Continued) S. carinatus ♂ 122.5 0.69 0.721 0.217 0.294 0.152 0.002 0.001 0.086 0.126 0.218 0.114 0.152 0.132 Iverson, [86.5– 1991 161.7] S. carinatus ♀ 113.3 0.704 0.75 0.223 0.307 0.16 0.06 0.003 0.092 0.126 0.232 0.114 0.158 0.123 Iverson, [97.4– 1991 138.0] S. carinatus ♂ 132.51 90.43 93.29 29.78 34.87 16.59 — — 10.25 18.24 16.77 15.29 20.44 14.72 (UF/H 165991) (.682) (.704) (.224) (.263) (.125) (.077) (.137) (.126) (.115) (.154) (.111) S. carinatus ♂ 140.34 92.6 98.05 32.94 36.01 18.1 — — 7.64 22.44 25.98 19 15.98 16.39 (UF/H 168716) (.659) (.698) (.234) (.256) (.128) (.054) (.159) (.185) (.135) (.113) (.116) S. carinatus ♂ 144.82 91.7 101.09 30.13 36.95 17.66 — — 10.18 19.29 29.44 17.69 19.1 19.46 (UF/H 168717) (.633) (.698) (.208) (.255) (.121) (.070) (.133) (.203) (.122) (.131) (.134) S. carinatus ♂ 115.77 82.21 82.93 26.91 31.93 13.03 0.54 0.56 8.95 16.42 20.66 10.81 21.8 16.3 (UF/H 168718) (.710) (.716) (.232) (.275) (.112) (.004) (.004) (.077) (.141) (.178) (.093) (.188) (.140) S. carinatus ♂ 132.59 93.58 93.1 30.57 35.07 14.12 — — 10.57 18.4 25.52 14.8 18.56 17.03 (UF/H 168719) (.705) (.702) (.230) (.264) (.106) (.079) (.138) (.192) (.111) (.139) (.128) S. carinatus ♀ 103.61 68.91 73.52 23.46 28.14 13.61 — — 9.36 12.86 19.63 10.03 17.36 15.68 (UF/H 168720) (.665) (.709) (.226) (.271) (.131) (.090) (.124) (.189) (.096) (.167) (.151) S. depressus ♂ 83.1 [68.9– — 0.683 0.235 0.279 — — 0.045 0.076 0.114 0.169 0.087 0.172 — Iverson, 94.4] 1991 TABLE S2. (Continued) S. depressus ♀ 88.2 — 0.73 0.242 0.303 — — 0.049 0.079 0.114 0.185 0.093 0.188 — Iverson, [67.2– 1991 106.6] S. depressus ♂ 83.35 58.74 55.25 18.56 21.58 10.04 5.21 2.55 5.35 11.53 13.28 7.45 14.17 5.4 (UF/H 68297) (.704) (.662) (.222) (.258) (.120) (.062) (.030) (.064) (.138) (.159) (.089) (.170) (.064) S. depressus ♀ 90.36 65.09 64.65 21.53 24.16 16.23 4.01 3.04 6.28 8.94 15.2 8.94 14.96 10.2 (UF/H 65869) (.720) (.715) (.238) (.267) (.179) (.044) (.033) (.069) (.098) (.168) (.098) (.165) (.112) S. depressus ♀ 98.14 68.83 67.16 21.91 22.3 16.44 4.15 4.92 5.86 10.34 16.34 7.65 18.64 9.07 (UF/H 65870) (.701) (.684) (.223) (.227) (.167) (.042) (.050) (.059) (.105) (.166) (.077) (.189) (.092) S. depressus ♀ 76.22 57.2 53.35 18.14 20.09 10.8 4.56 4.41 5.04 8.82 11.93 5.93 16.03 7.71 (UF/H 93483) (.750) (.699) (.237) (.263) (.141) (.059) (.057) (.066) (.115) (.156) (.077) (.210) (.101) S. depressus ♂ 83.67 59.83 55.18 18.63 20.32 10.34 4.75 4.4 4.88 8.27 13.28 6.89 14.78 10.77 (UF/H 162101) (.715) (.659) (.222) (.242) (.123) (.056) (.052) (.058) (.098) (.158) (.082) (.176) (.128) S. m. minor ♂ 98.9 0.676 0.736 0.242 0.286 0.139 0.062 0.047 0.072 0.123 0.208 0.116 0.155 0.123 Iverson, [80.1– 1991 118.7] S. m. minor ♀ 96.9 0.688 0.774 0.247 0.313 0.166 0.054 0.049 0.077 0.121 0.214 0.118 0.184 0.131 Iverson, [80.3– 1991 125.9] TABLE S2. (Continued) S. m. minor ♂ 101.16 73.46 72.64 25.03 26.15 13.92 6.74 5.09 7.2 11.77 19.83 12.78 10.4 11.03 (UF/H 1751) (.726) (.718) (.247) (.258) (.137) (.066) (.050) (.071) (.116) (.196) (.126) (.102) (.109) S. m. minor ♂ 79.14 56.29 56.31 19.28 21.85 10.4 4.12 4.91 6.1 8.21 12.61 9.3 12.19 11.18 (UF/H 2317) (.711) (.711) (.243) (.276) (.131) (.052) (.062) (.077) (.103) (.159) (.117) (.154) (.141) S. m. minor ♂ 104.73 73.14 74.73 23.62 27.22 13.61 3.76 5.31 5.96 12 (.114) 21.48 13.71 13.93 12.67 (UF/H 6797) (.698) (.713) (.225) (.259) (.129) (.035) (.050) (.056) (.205) (.130) (.133) (.120) S. m. minor ♂ 120.76 79.48 85.66 27.5 30.49 15.64 2.79 3.47 8.09 14.26 24.22 13.7 16.14 11.33 (UF/H 29371) (.658) (.709) (.227) (.252) (.129) (.023) (.028) (.066) (.118) (.200) (.113) (.133) (.093) S. m. minor ♂ 112.5 73.34 79.07 25.22 29.12 15.35 6.15 4.79 5.44 12.88 23.69 12.42 15.39 10.35 (UF/H 29607) (.651) (.702) (.224) (.258) (.136) (.054) (.042) (.048) (.114) (.210) (.110) (.136) (.092) S. m. minor ♀ 99.16 66.33 74.62 23.75 29.58 15.35 6.75 4.91 6.66 10.72 19.08 11.82 17.96 13.72 (UF/H 29617) (.668) (.752) (.239) (.298) (.154) (.068) (.049) (.067) (.108) (.192) (.119) (.181) (.138) S. m. minor ♂ 90.14 58.58 64.85 21.14 24.27 12.32 3.79 4.97 5.57 10.17 17.6 9.2 14.77 11.81 (UF/H 80827) (.649) (.719) (.234) (.269) (.136) (.042) (.055) (.061) (.112) (.195) (.102) (.163) (.131) S. m. minor ♀ 111.84 73.82 84.57 25.32 31.06 19.48 4.64 4.43 7.53 12.4 23.97 13.41 17.38 12.94 (UF/H 157324) S.
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