Ixr-xyi^N WELLINGTON OAKE^^ A Y S KNIFE POLISH ONE SHILLING COS u WARD & LOCK'S LLUSTRATED GUIDE , TO, AND FOPULAR WARD, LOCK X C9 (I MATTHEWS'S 'WHITE R0S3" Avoid the many dan- gerous and doubtful compounds sold as FULLERS' EARTH Toilet Powders ; al- ways ask for Matthews's Prepared Fullers' Earth, used in the Royal Nurseries, and highly recommended by the Faculty ; it protects the skin from hot winds, redness, roughness, &c., and preserves the complexion. Sold by all Chemists at 6(i. and is. Should always be used by the Seaside. STANDARD LIFE OFFICE HALF A MILLION paid in Death Claims every year. Funds SIX & THREE QUARTER MILLIONS, increasing yearly. EOlnburgb—3 & 5, George Street. 83, King William Street, E.G. XoiiDon- / ( 3, Pall Mall East, W. GOLD MEDAL PARIS, 1878. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S celebrated STE EL PE NS, SOLD BY ALL DEALERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Every Packet bears the /ac simile Signature, '^. ^ QV^ •t^c^*'' HOT SUN ^°tie ^C^ and dust Bhoald frequently be soothed by the aDDlicaticn of ftowland4' ^ IQxlgdor which is a delightfully soothing and emollient preparation for the skin and \!omplexion; it REMOVES SUNBURN, tan. freckles, roughness and redness of the skin, soothes insect stings, irritation and al! other cutaneous affections, renders the skin soft, smooth and delicate, aad pr.daees aDELICATEbeautifully fair and COMPLEXION. Ladies cannot do without it who value their complexion. Bottles 4fi. 6d. and Ss. 6J.; half-sized bottlesSCHWEPPE^28. 3d. Mineral Waters^ Soda Water. Malvern Seltzer. Lemonade. Ginger Ale Csi::f). Potass Water. Coca. Seltzer. Lithia Water. Tonic Water. SiDarkling Malvern. J. SCHWEPPE & CO., LIMITED, Purveyors to the Queen and the Prince of Wales. LONDON, LIVERPOOL, BRISTOL, DERBY, GL.ASGOW, MALVERN, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, AND NEW YORK. Agents' Names in any District sent on application. IMPROVED CURATIVE PATENT MAGNETINE APPLIANCES For the Cure of CHEST WEAKNESS. RHEXTMATIC GOTJT. SPINAL AFPECTiON. LTJNG AFFJiCIIONS. BRONCtlirig GOUT. WINTER COUaH, SCIATICA. ASTHMa. LU hBaGO. RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. ! This is racommended in cases of in'iipient consumption, obsti- nate cough, weakness of the lungs, Psthmj, anl bronchitis. It covers the entire surface of the lungs, back and front, and forms an excellent appliance as a Lung Protector, especially for ' winter use and night travelling. The magnetic influence of this appliance, which penetrates the tubas and tissues of the Lung', has in many cases giren a^mo^t immediate relief, and effected rapid cures. The Rev. .T. CHiRLESWOBTH writes: "Will you be gool enough to forward one of your Chest Protectors? I havewor^i oue durina several winters with gieat benefit. DARLOW & CO., 443, Strand, LONDON. National Life Assurance Society, 2, KING WILLIAM STREET, LONDON, E.G. | ' FOR MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITHOUT PERSONAL LIABILITY. E:s«a.t>lisliect X830. THE PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF THIS SOCIETY EMBRACE :- Undoubted Security. Moderate Premiums. Large Profits. Prompt Payment of Claims. Liberal Surrender Values, Non-Forfeiture. Assurance of Military and Naval Officers at low fixed rates, covering all risks of climate and service. The issue of Trust Policies under " The Married Women's Property Act, 1882," and the granting of Children's Endowments upon unusually favourable terms. Full prospectus, &c., on application to HENRY JOHN PUCKLE, Manager and Secretary. DALRTMPI.Ii:. '"i^- /ffc THE ISLE OF MAN. '"T^TTtJLter^^-^np MOST VALUABLE AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. WHELPTON'S Vegetable Purifying Pills ESTABLISHED 1835. Are one of those rare medicines which, for their extraordinary properties, have gained an almost Universal Keputatiou. Recommended for Disorders of the Head, Chest, Bowels, Liver, and Kidneys, also in Hbeunnatisra, Ulcers, Sores, and all Skin Diseases— these Pills being a Direct Purifier of the Blood. WhelptOD's Healing Ointment Stands unrivalled for the cure of Ulcers, Burns. Scalds, Sores, and, in fact, almost all bkin Diseases, including Eczema (Tetter), Ringworm, &c Ask your Chemists for Descriptive Circulars. ONCE TRIED WILL BE ALWAYS USED. Pills and Ointment Wholesale and Retail of G. Whelpton & Son, 3, Crane Court, Fleet St., London, E.G. and 2s. 9d. post free in In Boxes, price 7|d., Is. l|d., ; the United Kingdom for 8, 14, or 33 Stamps. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, WARD & LOCK'S GUIDE TO THB ISLE OF MAN: TOWNS, MOUNTAINS, GLENS, WATERFALLS, LEGENDS, ROMANTIC ASSOCIATIONS, AND HISTORY. HOW TO REACH THE ISlJLND, ROUTES, DISTANCES, RAILWAYS, STEAMBOATS, FARES, HOTEL AND OTHER ACCOMMODATION. litft iflap anlr iHang IIIustrationB. WARD, LOCK, AND CO. LONDON: Warwick House, S^liseury Sqdark, E.Cj NEW YORK: re, Bond Street. ; REVOLUTION In the Price of TEA. fiARBER & OMPANY fi Are now enabled to offer to the Public A Good, Pure, Pungent Leaf Congo NAMED PACKOO! PER LB. PE^ ^^• 1 / 4^ SUPERSEDING ANYTHING HITHERTO OFFERED AT THE PRICE. 2jlb. Samples sent free, per Parcel Post, forss.iod.; lbs., lbs., lbs., 4i 6s. gd. ; 6^ gs. 8d. ; 8.^ 12s. 6d. 10 lbs., 14s. lod. ; to any Post Town in the United Kingdom and Channel Islands. BARBER AND COMPANY, 274, Regent Circus, Oxford St., W. 61, BISHOPSGATE STREET, E.G. Manchester, Birmingham, Brighton, Hastings, Bristol, Preston, and Liverpool. Remittances to be crossed ^'London and Westtninster Bank." Postal Orders frorn \s. 6d. to \os. 6d. can now be obtainedfor One Penny at all Post Offices. — — — CONTENTS. pAQB History of the Isle of Man 1 How to reach the Island ........ 19 How to get about the Isle of Man 22 Douglas 26 Short Walks from Douglas : To the Nunnery and Kirk Braddan 43 To Port Soderick , . 51 To Glen Darragh and St. Patrick's Chair . .53 To Onchan, St. Catharine's, G-rowdale, &c. ... 55 The Roads in the Island 69 Douglas to Laxey and the Summit of Snaefell .... 67 Douglas to Injebreck and Spooyt Vane Fall . .75 Douglas to Rushen Abbey, Castletown, and Port Erin . , 91 Douglas to Peel 99 Peel to Glen Meay and Niarbyl Point 127 Douglas to Ramsey—the Long Route 133 The Town of Ramsey 145 Excursions to the West and North of the Island : To Sulby Glen, LezajTe, &c. 155 To Kirk Andreas and back 161 To Kirk Bryde and the Point of Ayre 162 Jurby, St. Jude's, and Ballaugh 164 Excursions Southward from Ramsey : The Short Route to Douglas 166 To Ballui-e Glen, the Albert Tower, and the ElBn Glen . 170 To North Barrule and Glen Aldyn 173 To Kirk Maughold and Ballaglass . 174 To Glen Moua, Dhoon Glen, and Glen Carran . 179 A Trip Round the Island ........ 183 Postal and Other Information 188 Index 189 ALLEN AND TAUBMAN, FAMILY GROCERS, XJJim anti jSpirit fl^trcljattts, 37, PARLIAMENT ST, RAMSEY. Bottlers of Bass's Ale, Raggett's Nourishing, and Guinness's Dublin Stout. Agents in Ramsey and the North for CANTRELL AND COCHRANE'S CELEBRATED GINGER ALE & MINERAL WATERS, as supplied to both Houses of Parliament. l^anufatturers tg Special appointment to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 27 GOLD MEDALS A'oarded at INTERNA TIONAL EXHIBITIONS; also Montserrat Lime Juice & Lime Juice Cordials, AND THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE SAUCES. Sold hij all Grocers and Chemists on the Island AND liV ALLEN AND TAUBMAN, RAMSEY. WINE LIST ON APPLICATION. Specially good value in Clarets. 15,'- & 18'-por doz. MAP AND PLATES. Map of the Isle of Man ) PiUronized by H.R.H Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany. TURNER'S Manx Fairy Perfume. (REGISTERED TITLE, 32,386.) T'HIS popular Perfume is manufactured by a peculiar process, -'• whereby its fragrance is retained for a much longer period than the generality of perfumes. Its large sale has brought out other perfumes bearing different titles, but not possessing its " sweet," "refreshing," and " lasting" properties. NOTICE.— Each bottle of the Manx Fairy Perfume has on it this label printed in crimson ink, without which it cannot be genuine. Patronized I H.R.H. PRINCE LEOPOLD PRICES IJT ENGLAKB, , This Label used by per Bottle. 1I-, 119, Si- 3 !6 Royal Autlwr. Sold by most Chemists, and can ity. be obtained from all the leading Wholesale Houses. TURNER'S TRUE, ORIGINAL, AND GENUINE M ON A -I- BOUQUET, (Prepared from the Original Formula This celebrated Brand of Mona Bouquet is now so well known, and its superiority over other Perfumes so fully recognised, that the proprietor respectfully cautions all intending purchasers to see his name and address on each bottle, together with his trade mark. No. 32,388, printed in green ink. IVINSON WILSON, (Successor to R. C. TURNER,) The MEDICAL HALL, VICTORIA STREET, One Door below Duke Street, DOUGLAS. — TOWEk OF REFUGE DOUGLAS BAY. THE ISLE OF MAN. " My desire is To unlock the treasure? of the Island heart. With loving feet to tiace each hill and glen. And find the ore that is not for the mart Of commerce." Fo'c's'le Tarns, by a Manmain, US suppose that the summer tourist has embarked LETon board the Ben-my-Chree from Liverpool, or the Manxman, from Barrow-in-Furness ; that, in the one case, he has passed the miles of docks and the forest of masts which line the entrance to the Mersey, or that, in the other, he has bidden farewell for a time to as much of new and old England as are represented by the almost brand-new town and spacious docks and basins in tlio north of Lanca- shire, which aspire to rival Liverpool itself some day the Barrow folks devoutly believe that thoy will have not long to wait—and by the old Piel castle, that venerablt representative of the times when steamers and docks and railroads were undreamed of, when knights and barons found it necessary to erect such fortresses to protect themselves and their belongings, and when Cistercian monks sang matins and vespers, or walked gravely in the cloisters of the abbey, magnificent even now, though mouldering and roofless, which the traveller saw at Fm'uess, a few miles before he reached the pier at Eamsden Dock station, Barrow.
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