Notes; KPfA - 4 s S b A § s J n ^ also AVAILASi i ON MICROFILM ftxl/le Mtud: KPFfi 't&fif/iy - AskM HuicJ - •? Began writing* as child, on wrapping paper, made on booklets? animal stories for children. .• 1st book* collec of J, folk tales - wanted to Introduce J, culture sMMESSHMbe to Am children. Universality of folk tale - {\jhy Sharing of stories - same joys, hopes,fears > ^ Go on to sharing of ideas as adults. a\ Early goals-» No. of pic bks and others about J. children? to tell of lifestyle and culture of J? hlso create ch. to whom Am ch could relate Tell of diffs? but want to dev. feeling of common humanity. ^>*a a ^ ¿¿jj, Told of diff. life styles also in tte each book? get away from white-collar father? Fathers are potters, gardener (would now chage - respect & pride in this work)? carnation grower. Change of style* N© conscious style? do my best writing, never write down to children? hope I have evolved as a human being and that this is reflected in improved writing quality. Outlooks have changed,., improve with time. & practice. Writing reflects changes in me , |u*X* tvouj^N v K U A , Change of goals t World has changed? new outlook? int, in ethnic gps? no longer ideal of melting pot, but tak, realiz'n of enrichment thru diversity? Int In ethnic gps? Sanseis are now interested in his own history, wants to define himself and have Moisx Luswta# o , ¿¿oCU. AiA dc^rn /ul — Needs of J-A chiIdV cai Dnger fulfill oblig, to him with study units on Japan - stereotyped activities - flwr arr? tea, dolls fest. etc. - He's still perceived 1st as an Asian - (people tell me abt their gardeners? tell me I spk Ehgl well. We all think in stereot, - But J-A child, is very diff from J, counter­ part in J. He's completely American, but treated here as Asian. He needs to Mfcldent> ify as a J-A. He needs books about J-A's . written by fellow J-A, Needs models. Need for books by Ethillo Writers Y “ When“t wrote J to T| reviewer felt my characs should have displayed more outrage at sit'nj he was non-J. Anger might have been cathartic> but J. weren't that way? nature of the J* was such that they ednured the evac. becasue they felt that was best way to demons, loyalty? all J. who wrote felt I had described what they felt Need more writers from within ea. ethnic gp writing for and about themselves? to describe from their own ylewpt thelr"TeelInga » goals § values, I*m Aarr^lirmany ways - but values, lifestyle, concept of m y iASiTparents, profound inf In. on my life? Many sensitive writers can convery? but still need bokks about J-A's to serve as models, but by J-A, who Is an Asian and knows wVmt: itha.t means. NEED for Ehtnic material» lack of mat*! esp. for younger childreni Booklet by Aslan children; pride, but also anger; resentment at~oppresslon past and present. Donft think we should induce feelings of resent­ ment among minority hhildren, or guilt in white. Racism ±x must be eliminated, but shbuldn’U ha obsessed with negativism or hate; it destory s us as human beings, self-destructive, Must give more to minority youth than Just anger & bitter­ ness steming from frustration. Must help them understand and respect selft son! pxlde in his heritage; but not become separatist! learn to liwejji an Integrated society; move on to a coming^together with all people, Few J-A authors; Nisei - products of bi-lingual families; parents busy earning living; reading mat'l Japanese, Need to read to write. Nisei don’t seem to be book oriented. Very little int. In my books until I began to write of their own exper. ex. re evac'n. Nisei» Faced much dscrim; lived in restricted areas coulnd’t obtain jobs in field of study; often clerks; avoided cert, restaurants, hotels, etc. left out of cert, college activities; Called beauty parlor re haircut; always aware of diff. Felt inferlror; feeling of sel«gPcontempt; ashamed of heritage; faceted Japanaeseness embarrassed by Issei parents, Sansei today » proud of heritage; ethnic conscious­ ness; redefining of their role in society; sense of defiance ag, all rasism; changing society & rising militancy of other ethnic gps. Seeking own roots; & history, I want to address myself to reinforcing the J-A child’s knowledge of himself; to write further of the history of the J. in this country. Admire their int, in Issei and their sensi­ tivity to their needs. JOUBflEY TO TOPAZ i (1971 Scribners) -----Story of'HW Evac. of J. My story - but fictionalized* Protagonist younger; story inside long time, Country not ready till now to listen! - Story of Sakane Family! Yuki 11, bro Ken (UC), M and F. F, is interned on 12/7 as my f. was; Story of what happened to family in Tanfo Ass. Center and Topaz; Changed si® bo bro, to tell story of volunteers to all-nsei batt’ns, - written as part of his tory of J-A's, not as protest for present injustices! need to keep evac7~in historical perspective; feel that evac. was a tragic mistake, 'liuxdoh* t feel bitter and didn*t write the book out of bitterness; ^XMbiHmainly responsible; they taught us to endure; grateful that they did, because bitter­ nesses soul-decaying, and self-destructive; we didn*t try to attempt futile confrontation, SAMURAI OF GOLD HILL* (1972) Written in further attempt to tell of history of J exper, in the U.S, About 1st coAonists to this country from Wakamatsu in 1869. Fictional account of a true story.k Okel* s grave and site now historical landmark. Story of Koichi (12 yr old boy) & samurai father;part of gp that comes from Wakamatsu, led by Prussian, J. henry Schnell, who sold arms to the Nothem clans during civil war that ended feudal period in J. He hoped to estab, sanctu­ ary for L0rd Matsudaira. Future booksi Interviewing Issei; learning of — early expert; admire their courange & endurance; in face of trem. adversity; eamncipated from* hate and bitterness; wxt want to write of their spirit of strength, compassion, joy in life (purposive employment of energy) for y.p. Write of values that sustained them; made them such fine human beings, \ V'liw fl4 a UfiteJj'M} (i]A f M ^ A UHXlJ ■* & Oa . V iA A j* - I try to write with integrity and respect for young inquiring minds, hoping to create worlds that are not only valid and worth opening up to ^^em* ^ut enriching and enjoyable as well. There is much that is violent and brutal in todays world, and young people especially the minority youth, are certainly aware of the unpleasant realitis of life. I want to write with a sense of reality and yet not equate realism with all that is ugly and sordid, for there is still some goodness and beauty in the world, and we need books that touch the imagination and the hart. Thru some of the characters in my books, I hope to convey such qualities as gentleness, sensitivity and a love of humanity, and to write of warm and meaningful relationships between people, ^ - As a writer for y.p,, I want to present a constructive viewpoint that ^ V ) L4*-d*jfn -(lUtyuM, CM rJZt Cjfnorvisn ifauc gives grounds for hope and purpose in life, for I feel we must celebrate our common humanity thru a positive affirmation of life. HaqouH : - -i> &£>■ i & ( h i - X)dMttj-y -K s X m ^_a s / n u ( j u J l h m , ---------- u , M U ) e J t ■ • — 5> ’vkjL hL ju} -tJ-J-Ao S-/ ^ » I A )&Mii ytl? * u i b u J t f v ^ Sa<n-t,5«d2i±, 7? / r«• ¿7 — 7p->j— ■ n ■ Ik . )fha$, til. h> ut-tUrh CLrn. cJa . ^ J u x i \ . - Q jM a j j U m ru/jrjvLdtf - Cfflumjnt lUMUulj SJutM^ '¡kfOM - ru>5^tfjs 4<£j4<^^j tooit i62^ ¿«¿^c - W cX^tUA, ZiMUlh#)x 1 / jjjZUX , ^ ■ fv id x Ui J ’ Kb (j)u t Miklx. ; /vLO-fi* Ci/UJU - J Bi i //) ./i v £jlo i dmlo-K do fajjruuL lnm a~> ktfie 4 oM jJ] / j u / l d w f ' « j S t t , - ' ‘" T * * - (jQinJLj eM jU w J ■ KiOu) l U cajuv> | y ) : — td^Q j'ltyU HrML U U iu ' Z J 1 Z J Z KT ^ / ffo tM ld l - I U j) ‘ ,S (j/uJtc M fcju kP)-UvJf U jjiM (JmU . — h o jitfy ^ A i m U ¡ M a t ffn. ¡Its fan i/lo (4 a l>lt!$ u ^ 4 t y l P ^ m j J r <y^ v a / ■ 1 tIm X? {i^S/x/1. " hssJs>(vui-d> ' ' JÜ U lA éf) { H flïw inu h^x tu ltiib cmj, r û w 2dfcxjLLi'flP* ~ öüdAhJl m TjJlU Ù fiiï " vj) V m û/rn,- h J - (LiMMÏb\jy J j x i v , (jvjULfiM, Áj J é U tu w j ¿ Y ^ c < ^ / u i ±tvn& u m ** ** % % £.£*- UPuZi oAjLha AS*« t** „ ^ 'MM ,/ TT aM^ÿ *v (/[/ ** ' ï lUVtA^W *^ - ÇjJï-JuA " ÔJM&- *>2csd~ SEPTEMBER 1973 KPTA TOU lò PAGE 7 Photo by Stephen Shames Woolf. 11:30 LILLIAN SHERDAL RECITAL SATURDAY ROSSINI: La Regata Veneziana; JONA­ THAN ELKUS: After their Kind Lawrence 8 Moe, organ; FLOR PEETERS: Speculum Vitae (Mirror of Life). Soprano Lillian 7:00 THE COLGATE Sherdal of Berkeley, recorded December, HUMAN COMEDY HOUR 1972 at a U.C.
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