한국음향학회지 제39권 제4호 pp. 331~341 (2020) The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea Vol.39, No.4 (2020) pISSN : 1225-4428 https://doi.org/10.7776/ASK.2020.39.4.331 eISSN : 2287-3775 Design of launch pad for mitigating acoustic loads on launch vehicle at liftoff 우주발사체 발사 시 음향하중 저감을 위한 발사대 설계 Seiji Tsutsumi1† 1Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Received June 17, 2020; accepted July 18, 2020) ABSTRACT: At liftoff, launch vehicles are subject to harmful acoustic loads due to the intense acoustic waves generated by propulsion systems. Because these waves can cause electronic and mechanical components of launch vehicles and payloads to fail, predicting and mitigating acoustic loads is an important design issue. This article presents the latest information about the generation of acoustic waves and the acoustic design methods applicable to the launch pad. The development of the Japanese Epsilon solid launcher is given as an example of the new methodology for launch pad design. Computational fluid dynamics together with 1/42 scale model testing were performed for this development. Effectiveness of the launch pad design to reduce acoustic loads was confirmed by the post-flight analysis. Keywords: Launch vehicle, Aeroacoustics, Computational fluid dynamics, Computational aeroacoustics PACS numbers: 43.50.Nm, 43.28.Js 초 록: 우주발사체는 발사 시 추진장치에서 발생하는 고강도 소음에 의한 음향하중의 영향을 받는다. 로켓소음은 발사체와 페이로드 내 전자 및 기계 부품의 손상 및 오작동을 유발할 수 있기 때문에 음향하중의 예측 및 저감은 설계에 있어 중요한 고려사항이다. 본 논문에서는 로켓 소음의 생성 및 발사대의 음향설계 기법에 대한 최신 연구동향을 논하 였다. 특히, 새로운 발사대 설계 방법론의 예로서 일본 Epsilon 로켓 발사대의 개발과정을 기술하였다. 전산유체역학 모사 및 1/42 축소모형 실험을 통하여 설계된 발사대의 음향하중 저감 효과를 Epsilon 로켓의 실제 비행 데이터 분석을 통하여 검증하였다. 핵심용어: 우주발사체, 공력음향학, 전산유체역학, 전산공력음향학 I. Introduction dynamic pressure flight regimes. The aerodynamic vibration is generated by oscillating shock waves, a Launch vehicles are exposed to severe vibration and turbulent boundary layer, and separated flow behind shock during flight. Fig. 1 shows an example of vibration protuberances. This study focuses on the acoustic loads measured with an accelerometer mounted on the upper that appear at liftoff. stage of a launch vehicle. There are two major peaks, The retired M-V solid launcher generated 3,700 kN of which appeared at 0 s ~ 5 s and 45 s ~ 80 s. The former is thrust at liftoff, and overall acoustic power radiated from caused by acoustic waves generated from exhaust jets of the exhaust jet was estimated to be 197 dB. The Overall the propulsion systems. The latter is due to aerodynamic Sound Pressure Level (OASPL) measured by a micro- vibration that occurs under transonic or maximum phone located outside the payload fairing reached 157.6 †Corresponding author: Seiji Tsutsumi ([email protected]) Aerospace Research and Development Directorate, Research Unit III, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuuou, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 252-5210, Japan (Tel: 81-50-3362-3151, Fax: 81-50-3362-7189) Copyrightⓒ2020 The Acoustical Society of Korea. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 331 332 Seiji Tsutsumi Fig. 1. Typical time history of vibration measured on launch vehicle.[1] dB, and OASPL measured inside the payload fairing was 144 dB.[2] Since electronic and mechanical components in the satellite and the launch vehicle are exposed to an acoustic environment exceeding 140 dB, predicting and reducing liftoff acoustics is one of the important design considerations in developing launch vehicles. Prediction and reduction of liftoff acoustics require knowledge in two domains, aeroacoustics and vibro- Movable Launch acoustics. Aeroacoustics deals with the generation of Platform (ML) acoustic waves from exhaust jets, their interaction with the Exhaust holes launch pad, and the propagation to the payload fairing. Flame duct On the other hand, vibroacoustics is concerned with Deflector the transmission of acoustic waves through the fairing Fig. 2. Schematic of typical launch pad. structure and the effects on the satellite inside. This article focuses on aeroacoustics and introduces the latest studies safely deflects the hot exhaust downstream. on the mechanism of acoustic generation and design The exit Mach number of the exhaust jet from a rocket methodologies of the launch pad. Then, the example of engine is at least 3, and the exit static temperature can be launch pad design for the Epsilon solid launcher, over 1000 K. The Mach wave is radiated from the free jet developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency region of the exhaust jet due to its large-scale turbulent (JAXA), is introduced with post-flight analysis. structure.[3] Empirical models proposed by Eldred et al. and Varnier are representative of the acoustic prediction II. Mechanisms of method.[4,5] According to the Varnier’s model, the major acoustic generation source of the Mach wave is generally around 10D downstream from the nozzle exit. Note that D is the nozzle Fig. 2 is a schematic of a typical launch pad. The launch exit diameter. The major acoustic-emission direction of vehicle is mounted on a Movable Launch pad (ML) and the Mach wave is roughly 50 deg from the direction of transported from a vehicle assembly building to the final jet flow. As shown in Fig. 2, when the launch vehicle rises launch pad location. The ML has exhaust holes to direct to 10D above the launch pad, the region of the jet that the exhaust jets into a flame duct. The flame duct is usually radiates the Mach waves appears from the exhaust hole of constructed underground. A deflector in the flame duct the ML then begins to contribute to the acoustic load on the 한국음향학회지 제39권 제4호 (2020) Design of launch pad for mitigating acoustic loads on launch vehicle at liftoff 333 -0.1 0.1 -0.03 ∆͊⁄ ͊ 0.03 0.1 0.4 0.8 2.0 Acoustic wave due to jet impingement Mach wave radiation from wall jet Fig. 4. (Color available online) Acoustic wave generated due to jet impingement on deflector.[8] (a) Instantaneous result the nozzle exit from the ground were 2D and 20D, ⁄ -0.02 ∆͊ ͕͊ 0.02 respectively. The Mach waves are radiated from the Reflected Mach wave or large-scale turbulent structure in the free jet shear layer acoustic wave due to jet interaction with exhaust hole and propagate obliquely downstream. 1/1 octave band filter is applied to the time series data, and results at a center frequency of 4000 Hz (Strouhal number St = 0.026) is shown in Fig. 3(b). The acoustic waves returning to the Mach wave radiation from free jet launch vehicle are clear. The acoustic waves originated in the Mach waves reflect off the flat plate. The free jet grows up as it proceeds downstream and interacts with the edge of the exhaust hole. This interaction is another source of (b) 1/1 octave bandpass filtered result at St = 0.026 acoustics propagating to the vehicle.[7] It is not clear how Fig. 3. (Color available online) Acoustic wave generated much each contributes to the acoustic environment of the above ML.[6] launch vehicle. launch vehicle. The maximum acoustic level is usually Immediately after liftoff, the high-speed exhaust jet observed when the launch vehicle is elevated to approxi- enters the flame duct through the exhaust hole then mately 20D. To investigate the acoustic field appearing impinges on the deflector. This causes the different above the ML, numerical analysis using Computational acoustic waves from the Mach wave radiation from the Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was conducted to understand the free jet. CFD is applied to analyze the hydrodynamic and hydrodynamic and acoustic field generated by impinge- acoustic field generated when a supersonic cold jet with ment of a supersonic jet exhausted from a 1/42-scale solid the Mach number of 1.8 impinges on the deflector.[8] Fig. 4 [6] motor on an infinite flat plate with an exhaust hole. shows the result. Same with Fig. 3, the hydrodynamic and Instantaneous CFD result of the hydrodynamic field acoustic field is visualized by , and ∆, visualized by density normalized by ambient density , respectively. The deflector studied here was initially and acoustic field by pressure fluctuation ∆ nor- inclined at 45 deg then smoothly connected to the ground. malized by ambient pressure are shown in Fig. 3(a). In The distance from the nozzle exit to the deflector was set to this result, the diameter of the exhaust hole and height of 5D. Two types of the acoustic waves can be seen in Fig. 4. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea Vol.39, No.4 (2020) 334 Seiji Tsutsumi One propagates in all directions from the impingement Empirical method point, while the other is generated from the wall jet and CFD1 Simplified model test propagates obliquely downstream. From the directivity (limited frequency) angle, the latter is probably the Mach wave generated by Flight data the large-scale vortex structure of the shear layer, similar Preliminary design to that of the free jet. While the former is thought to be CFD2 generated by the interaction between the vortex structure Subscale model test (high fidelity) of the jet shear layer and a plate shock wave appeared at the jet impingement region, the interaction of the vortex Detailed design structure with tail shock waves generated inside the wall Fig. 5. Procedure of acoustic design. jet also contributes to the former acoustic wave.[9-12] However, the cause of the waves due to jet impingement preliminary and detailed designs.
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