Washington's Birthday Sales Today T ••I Weather HOME Windy, very cold today, high in lower 20s. Fair and very cold THEDAIIY tonight, low 5 to 10. Fair, con- tinued cold tomorrow, high in 20s. Outlook Friday, fair and not FINAL so cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 164 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1968 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Dug in Troops Outside Citadel are Target Marine Jets Blast Reds SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Marine ilians to leave the area and the in Vietnam, said the battle in lieved to be moving in fresh The Communists still hold 111 ;ts returned to the battle for brth Vietnamese and Viet Cong Hue could go on for several men and supplies through gates of the Citadel's south wall, much [ue today for the first time in lolding out in the former Im- more weeks because the enemy they control in the northwest of the west wall, and control ve days as one of the Vietnam jerial Palace to surrender or die. still was able to send in fresh and southwest corners of the sections south, east and west ol /ar's most savage and sustained When no white flag went up, supplies and troops. , Citadel and through tunnels and the Citadel, despite the efforts ampaigns went into its fourth he Marines sent artillery bar- Cushman told newsmen In Da sewers beneath the east wall. of 4,000 allied troops to dislodge reek. rages slamming into the Com- Nang one Marine battalion had Cushman said soldiers of the them. The Marine pilots sent bombs, munist strongpoints and sprayed suffered serious casualties in the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division U.S. Marines and South Viet- ockets and napalm into Commu- them with tear gas. This touched fighting and would be replaced. were attacking a fortified village namese troops have reported st troops dug in among a row >ff a heavy firefight that echoed He estimated that the Commu- on the outskirts of Hue along killing 3,000 enemy soldiers since if shanties just outside the south all over the coastal city 400 nists had put an entire division the Communists' supply route the Communists seized most ol rail of the Hue Citadel. miles northeast of Saigon. into the Hue battle and said and, once it falls, the soldiers Hue Jan. 31 in the lunar new AP Correspondent George Mc- Lt. Gen. Robert Cushman Jr., they are committed to fight to would move to seal off the last year's offensive against 35 cities Lrthur reported that the bombs :ommander of the U.S. Marines the last man. The enemy is be- enemy approach to Hue. and towns. cored a direct hit on a Commu- ist ammuntion dump touching iff a spectacular flash and a ire that cast a pall of black :moke over the city. Marines on the south bank of Publisher to Be Honored he Perfume River, across from he 15-yard strip bombed by the RED BANK-M. Harold Kelly, Zuckerman said yesterday. "He people throughout the nation. The jets, could see figures running publisher of The Daily Register, has given a great deal of service Daily Register has since become A HAPPY EXCHANGE — High school students from three nations, studying here from the area and opened fire will be honored on his 40 years to the community and to the a model for weekly newspapers under the American Field Service student exchange program, traded observations with their machine guns. They in the newspaper business and newspaper business. The Daily who seek to make a successful cut down a dozen small groups. for his distinguished service to Register has been a positive and transition to daily operation. about.the life and times of teenagers here and abroad with two Red Bank High Earlier the Marines on "the the county at a reception and din- constructive influence in Mon- Mr. Kelly has been active in School students in a panel discussion sponsored by the Little Silver Parent Teachers south side of the river broadcast ner Friday night, April 26, in mouth County for many years. many phases of community, civ- Association in the Marlcham Place School last night. Estelle Katz, 18, of Little Silver warnings across -telling all ci- Rod's Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. And Harold Kelly has and con- ic and religious life. tines to be a part of it." who spent last summer in Finland under the AFS sponsorship, extends a welcoming Mr. Kelly, who lives at He is on the board of direc- '56 Newman Springs Road, Lin- Mr. Kelly started with The tors of the Monmouth Tounty Na- hand to Leit Oavidsen, 17, of Denmark, who is attending Middletown Township High croft, will be cited at a special Daily Register as a cub reporter tional Bank, served on the coun- School. Other panelists are, from the left, Eduardo Borzutzky, 17, of Chile, who at- "Tribute to Harold Kelly" night. in 1927, being hired by the late ty Board of Freeholders' study Dungan: John H. Cook, the founder of the committee for a two-year com- tends Red Bank High School; Alfredo Amenabar, 17, of Argentina, who attends Ocean Leon Zuckerman of the New Jersey Natural Gas Company, newspaper. He served also as as- munity college; is a member of Township High School; Miss Sue Johnson, a history teacher and adviser to the AFS Asbury Park, and John D. sistant editor, associate editor, the executive board of Mon- Student Chapter at Red Bank High, who was panel moderator, and David Komar, 18, Bolduc of the Red Bank Commu- business manager and general mouth Council of Boy Scouts; life Taxes manager before assuming the du- member of the National Associa- Little Silver, Eduardo's "AFS brother." nity Chamber of Commerce are serving as the executive co-chair- ties of publisher. tion for the Advancement of Col- men of a group of citizens from Daily Newspaper ored People; member of the all areas of the community It was under Mr. Kelly's direc- first Juvenile Conference Com- Midlaney, Seeking Trawler Fleet Needed and the newspaper profession tion in 1959 that The Red Bank mittee in Middletown; member of TRENTON (AP) - if New Jer- who make up the committee. Register, then one of the largest the board of governors of River- sey is to cure the "chronic prob- "Monmouth County wants to weekly newspapers in the nation, view Hospital, Red Bank; the lem of its higher education say thank you to Harold Kelly became The Daily Register. The Red Bank Rotary Club; member needs, people will have to face for his many civic and pro- move, at that time a pace-setting of the board of the United Cere- up to new or increased broad- fessional accomplishments," Mr one, was watched by newspaper (See PUBLISHER, Pg. 2, Col. 2) M. Harold Kelly Spots 3 Red Boats based taxes, Chancellor of High- er Education i Ralph A. Dungan By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON work 10-to-12 abreast in prohibit- that the Coast Guard had detect- believes. NEPTUNE — H. William Mul- ed seashore waters, was undaunt- ed instrusions in an area off Long laney and I, he with the maps ed by the lack of evidence to Island, and in a broad high seas Dungan, who has been head ol and I with the spy glass, flew support him. sector, but that the Russians had the new Department of Higher off from here yesterday to find He pointed to admitted viola- withdrawn either on Coast Guard Education fof six months, made .3 Million Sought for Fort legiong of Russian trawlers dar- tions of other sections of the new, Signal or request to the Sovie his position .clear yesterday. It ing ouir iniand-'waters illicitly. U.S.-Soviet pact and said: : "•:' embassy. was the first "time -a member o By WILLIAM X. HAGEMAN measure, siiiceihe cost of the fort's going it alone in future the Hughes Administration cabi But, alas, they were not there. 'Voids Agreement' Despite the results of his pai WASHINGTON — A new military construction authoriza- years would be higher. net publicly advocated additiona tion bill sent to Congress yesterday would provide for $1.3 Six miles due east of Beach "This voids the agreement. AH air tour, Mr. Mullaney said hi broad-base taxing. The bill is now resting in the Senate and House Armed Haven, off the southern tip of I wanted here today was to see was convinced that the fish paci million worth of above-the-ground facilities at Ft. Monmouth, Services Committees. Long Beadh Island, we encoun- for myself that the Russian ships represented an important issu The state Board of Higher Ed but nothing for its sewers. If it is not amended to include the funds needed by Ft. tered, — frym his chartered twin- were here so that . when, I'm with which he could gain vote ucatiqn called for new or in- That disclosure was bad news for the Northeast Mon- Monmouth, the' sewerage authority may have to revise ita engine Piper Aztec -^ a trio of asked if I've seen them I can against the incumbent. creased tax revenues last Frida; mouth County Regional Sewerage Authority, which wants the plans to exclude the post before,soliciting construction bids. • Red boats drifting nose to nose reply." Ready 'To Scrap' in a statement critical of th< fort as a customer. amount of money Gov. Richarc Northeast has plans for a $22 million sewer system ready The indefinite status of the fort's participation is already with slight churning action be- Mr.
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