A PROJECT REPORT ON WHAT PEOPLE WANT IN THEIR NEWSPAPER SUBMITTED TO EMPI B-SCHOOL, NEW DELHI IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE POST GRADUATE PROGRAMME OF RESEARCH & BUSINESS ANALYTICS 2008-2010 SUBMITTED BY PALAK SHARMA SUBMITTED TO MR. DAVID EASOW DIRECTOR, VC-MAGTICS INDEX SR. NO TITLE PAGE NO 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 03 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 04 3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 05 4 OBJECTIVE OF SURVEY 06 5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 07 6 INTRODUCTION 09 7 GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF THE 37 QUESTIONNAIRE 8 FINDING 49 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 50 10 QUESTIONNAIRE 11 SPREADSHEET ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2 BEFORE I GO ON TO ELABORATE AND EXPLAIN THIS EXHAUSTIVE PIECE OF WORK, I WOULD FIRST AND FOREMOST LIKE TO EXPRESS MY HEARTFELT GRATITUDE TO A FEW PEOPLE WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF MY THESIS. HEADING THE LIST IS MY GUIDE MR. SANDEEP SHARMA AND OTHER PEOPLE IN MARKETING DEPARTMENT, MY EDUCATIONAL GUIDE MR. NISHIKANT BELE AND MY HOD MR. DAVID EASOW WITHOUT WHOSE INVALUABLE SUPPORT AND CONSTANT GUIDANCE THIS THESIS WOULD NOT HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT OF DAY. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE COMPILED REPORT SIGNIFIES THE STUDY WHICH HAS BEEN ON TOPIC ³ WHAT PEOPLE WANT IN THEIR NEWSPAPER´.THIS SURVY IS DONE UNDER DANIK BHASKAR .THE SAMPLE SIZE TAKEN IS 100. AND ALL RESPONDENT WERE DIVIDED IN DIFFERENT SEGMENTS ON THE BASIS OF THEIR OCCUPATIONS.THEREFORE 20 STUDENTS , 20 WORKING WOMEN, 20 WORKING MEN,AND 20 RETIRED PEOPLE WERE CONSIDED.THE WHOLE SURVEY WAS DONE IN 2 MONTHS . THE WHOLE DATA IS INTERPRETED AND ANALYSED ON MICROSOFT EXCEL. THE FOLLOWING IS THE CONCLUSIONS OF MY SURVEY: FEW YEARS BACK MOBILE CONNECTIONS WERE NOT COMMON AMONG THE STUDENTS. BUT WITH THE MOBILE REVOLUTION NOW WE CAN FIND ALMOST EVERY STUDENT WITH MOBILE PHONE. MOST OF THE STUDENTS PREFER PREPAID CONNECTIONS THAN POSTPAID CONNECTIONS.MOST PREFERRED CELLULAR COMPANY AMONGST THE STUDENTS IS AIRTEL AND THE LEAST PREFERRED COMPANY IS RELIANCE.MOSTLY THE STUDENTS ARE SATISFIED WITH THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE DIFFERENT CELLULAR COMPANIES. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS WERE ATTRACTED TOWARDS THE COVERAGE FACILITY AND THE LEAST LIKE THE ROAMING SERVICES. T.V. AND INTERNET ARE THE BEST MEDIA ADVERTISEMENTS THAT PUT MORE IMPACT ON THE STUDENTS BUYING DECISIONS.THE MONTHLY EXPENSE OF MAXIMUM STUDENTS WAS RANGING FROM 150-300. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS ARE LOYAL TO THERE PARTICULAR SERVICE PROVIDERS AND THEY WERE USING THERE CONNECTIONS SINCE 2 YEARS. 4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY AS LEARNING IS A HUMAN ACTIVITY AND IS AS NATURAL, AS BREATHING. DESPITE OF THE FACT THAT LEARNING IS ALL PERVASIVE IN OUR LIVES, PSYCHOLOGISTS DO NOT AGREE ON HOW LEARNING TAKES PLACE. HOW INDIVIDUALS LEARN IS A MATTER OF INTEREST TO MARKETERS. THEY WANT TO TEACH CONSUMERS IN THEIR ROLES AS THEIR ROLES AS CONSUMERS. THEY WANT CONSUMERS TO LEARN ABOUT THEIR PRODUCTS, PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES, POTENTIAL CONSUMERS BENEFIT, HOW TO USE, MAINTAIN OR EVEN DISPOSE OF THE PRODUCT AND NEW WAYS OF BEHAVING THAT WILL SATISFY NOT ONLY THE CONSUMER¶S NEEDS, BUT THE MARKETER¶S OBJECTIVES. THE SCOPE OF MY STUDY RESTRICTS ITSELF TO THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS PREFERENCES, PERCEPTION OF DIFFERENT MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDERS. THE SCOPE OF MY STUDY IS ALSO RESTRICTS ITSELF TO DELHI ONLY. 5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY THE SUBJECT MATTER FOR THIS RESEARCH PROJECT IS TO STUDY THE STUDENTS PREFERENCE TOWARDS THE VARIOUS MOBILE SERVICE PROVIDERS IN DELHI. THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF DIFFERENT OBJECTIVES. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO KNOW ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE WANT IN THEIR NEWS PAPER ESPECIALLY IN DANIK BHASKAR. TO FIND OUT THE PEOPLE SATISFACTION TOWARDS THEIR NEWSPAPER ESPECIALLY DANIK BHASKAR. TO KNOW WHAT MAKE THEM TO BUY THAT NEWSPAPER. TO KNOW WHAT THEY WANT TO CHANGE IN THEIR NEWSPAPER AND WHY 6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY SURVEY DESIGN: THE STUDY IS A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY BECAUSE THE DATA WERE COLLECTED AT A SINGLE POINT OF TIME. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESENT STUDY A RELATED SAMPLE OF POPULATION WAS SELECTED ON THE BASIS OF CONVENIENCE. SAMPLE SIZE AND DESIGN: A SAMPLE OF 100 PEOPLE WAS TAKEN ON THE BASIS OF CONVENIENCE.. RESEARCH PERIOD: RESEARCH WORK IS ONLY CARRIED FOR 2 MONTHS. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: THIS WORK IS CARRIED OUT THROUGH SELF-ADMINISTERED QUESTIONNAIRES. THE QUESTIONS INCLUDED WERE OPEN ENDED, DICHOTOMOUS AND OFFERED MULTIPLE CHOICES. DATA COLLECTION: THE DATA, WHICH IS COLLECTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF STUDY, IS DIVIDED INTO 2 BASES: PRIMARY SOURCE: THE PRIMARY DATA COMPRISES INFORMATION SURVEY OF WHAT PEOPLE LIKE IN THEIR NEWSPAPER AND WHAT THEY WANT TO CHANGE.THE DATA HAS BEEN COLLECTED DIRECTLY FROM RESPONDENT WITH THE HELPOF STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRES. 7 SECONDARY SOURCE: THE SECONDARY DATA IS BEEN COLLECTED FROM INTERNET AND REFERENCES FROM LIBRARY. DATA ANALYSIS: THE DATA IS ANALYZED ON THE BASIS OF SUITABLE TABLES BY USING MICROSOFT EXCEL. THE TECHNIQUE THAT I HAVE USED IS BAR GRAPHS AND PIE CHATS . 8 COMPANY PROFILE INTRODUCTION OF DANIK BHASKAR GROUP VISION MEETS MISSION ³BHASKAR GROUP HAS A DREAM TO CREATE A NICHE FOR ITSELF IN THE INTERNATIONAL MEDIA SCENARIO´. BHASKAR HAVE ROOTS IN INDIA BUT THEIR ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS ARE OF WORLD STANDARD. THEY WOULD STAND BEST IN THE WORLD AND IMPLEMENT THEIR THOUGHTS AS PER THE LOCAL REQUIRMENTS, WHICH WOULD ENABLE THEM TO EMERGE AS A STRONG MEDIA GROUP IN FUTURE .THEIR EFFORTS IN THIS DIRECTION WILL NOT BE LIMITED TO THE NEWSPAPER ALONE. THEY WILL MARCH AHEAD THE TIME AND WOULD REACH WHER THEIR CONSUMERS ARE. 9 PRICIPLES OF BHASKAR GROUP 1) THEIR ACTION AND THOUGHTS ARE BASED ON FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES: y ENTERPRENEURSHIP y AMBITION y INNOVATION y PROFESSIONALISM 2) THEY ARE TOTALLY PROFESSIONAL AND COMMITED TO A GOAL. THERE MIGHT BE 10 INTRODUCTION . HISTORY OF NEWSPAPER A newspaper is a publication containing news, information, and advertising. General- interest newspapers often feature articles on political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns that express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections may contain advertising, comics, and coupons. Newspapers are most often published on a daily or weekly basis, and they usually focus on one particular geographic area where most of their readers live. Despite recent setbacks in circulation and profits, newspapers are still the most iconic outlet for news and other types of written journalism. Features a newspaper may include are: Editorial opinions and op-eds Comic strips and other entertainment, such as crosswords, sudoku and horoscopes Weather news and forecasts Advice, gossip, food and other columns Critical reviews of movies, plays, restaurants, etc. Classified ads 11 A MODERN REMAKE OF KAI YUAN ZA BAO In Ancient Rome, Acta Diurna, or government announcement bulletins, were made public by Julius Caesar. They were carved on stone or metal and posted in public places. In China, early government-produced news sheets, called tipao, circulated among court officials during the late Han dynasty (second and third centuries AD). Between 713 and 734, the Kaiyuan Za Bao (³Bulletin of the Court´) of the Chinese Tang Dynasty published government news; it was handwritten on silk and read by government officials. In 1582 there was the first reference to privately published newssheets in Beijing, during the late Ming Dynasty;[1] In 1556, the government of Venice first published the monthly Notizie scritte, which cost one gazetta.[2] These avvisi were handwritten newsletters used to convey political, military, and economic news quickly and efficiently throughout Europe, and more specifically Italy, during the early modern era (1500-1700CE) ² sharing some characteristics of newspapers though usually not considered as fully being ones.[3] [edit] Modern era Newspapers printed with movable type date to the beginning of the 17th century. [edit] Asia By 1638 the Peking Gazette had switched from woodblock print to movable type.[1] [edit] Europe Johann Carolus¶ Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien, published in 1605 in Strassburg, is often recognized as the first newspaper. Strassburg was a free imperial city at that time in Germany; the first newspaper of today¶s Germany was the Avisa, published in 1609 in Augsburg. The Dutch Courante uyt Italien, Duytslandt, &c. of 1618 was the first to appear in folio- rather than quarto-size. Amsterdam, a center of world trade, quickly became home to newspapers in many languages, often before they were published in their own country.[4] 12 The first English-language newspaper, Corrant out of Italy, Germany, etc., was published in Amsterdam in 1620. A year and a half later, Corante, or weekely newes from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, France and the Low Countreys. Was published in England by an ³N.B.´ (generally thought to be either Nathaniel Butter or Nicholas Bourne) and Thomas Archer.[5] The first newspaper in France was published in 1631, La Gazette (originally published as Gazette de France).[2] Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (founded as Ordinari Post Tijdender) was first published in Sweden in 1645, and is the oldest newspaper still in existence, though it now publishes solely online.[6] Opregte Haarlemsche Courant from Haarlem, first published in 1656, is the oldest paper still printed. It was forced to merge with the newspaper Haarlems Dagblad in 1942 when Germany occupied the Netherlands. Since then the Haarlems Dagblad appears with the subtitle Oprechte Haerlemse Courant 1656 and considers itself to be the oldest newspaper still publishing. The first successful English daily, The Daily Courant, was published from 1702 to 1735.[4][7] UNTITLED WATERCOLOR OF A MAN READING A NEWSPAPER, ABOUT 1863, BY HENRY LOUIS STEPHENS. THE PAPER¶S HEADLINE REPORTS THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION 13 NORTH AMERICA In Boston in 1690, Benjamin Harris published Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick. This is considered the first newspaper in the American colonies even though only one edition was published before the paper was suppressed by the government.
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