Volume XLIV, Number 1 JNMM Journal of Nuclear Materials Management Report of the 56th Annual INMM Annual Meeting 5 Teressa McKinney Opening Plenary Session 8 Ambassador Rafael Mariano Grossi JNMM Roundtable 17 Closing Plenary Session 23 Published by the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration STEWARDSHIP SCIENCE GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP Providing outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing a Ph.D. in areas of interest to stewardship science: properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics, nuclear science or high energy density physics. The DOE NNSA SSGF program is open to senior undergraduates or students in their first or APPLY ONLINE: second year of graduate study. www.krellinst.org/ssgf BENEFITS + - $36,000 yearly stipend - Payment of full tuition and required fees APPLICATIONS DUE - $1,000 yearly academic allowance 1.13.2016 - Yearly program review - 12-week research practicum - Renewable up to four years National Nuclear Security Administration This equal opportunity program is open to all qualified persons without regard to race, gender, religion, age, physical disability or national origin. The INMM Packaging, Transportation and Disposition Technical Division of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) is pleased to announce the INMM 31st Spent Fuel Seminar January 11–13, 2016 Washington Marriott Georgetown 1221 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC USA REGISTER Sponsored by the INMM Packaging, Transportation TODAY and Disposition Technical Division www.inmm.org In cooperation with the United States Nuclear Infrastructure Council JNMM Journal of Nuclear Materials Management Technical Editor Dennis Mangan Assistant Technical Editor Markku Koskelo Journal of Nuclear Materials Management Managing Editor JNMM Patricia Sullivan Associate Editors Sarah Frazar, Education and Training Topical Papers Jeff Chapman, Facilities Operations Gotthard Stein and Irmgard Niemeyer, Report of the 56th Annual INMM Annual Meeting 5 International Safeguards Teressa McKinney Louise Worrall and Rian Bahran, Materials Control and Accountability Opening Plenary Session 8 Leslie Fishbone, Nonproliferation Ambassador Rafael Mariano Grossi and Arms Control Felicia Durán, Nuclear Security and JNMM Roundtable 17 Physical Protection Glenn Abramczyk, Packaging,Transportation and Closing Plenary Session 23 Disposition Book Review Editor Mark L. Maiello Institute News Book Review Editor Walter Kane President’s Message 2 INMM Executive Committee Larry Satkowiak, President Corey Hinderstein, Vice President Technical Editor’s Note 4 Chris Pickett, Secretary Robert U. Curl, Treasurer Ken Sorenson, Immediate Past President Members At Large Departments Jill N. Cooley Cary Crawford Book Review: 34 Ken Sanders Steven Wyrick Command and Control Design Shirley Soda Layout Taking the Long View in a Time of Great Uncertainty 37 Brian McGowan A World of Critical Uncertainties Digital Interface GTXcel Advertising Contact Author Submission Guidelines 40 Patricia Sullivan INMM, One Parkview Plaza, Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 USA Phone: +1-847-688-2236 Calendar 40 Fax: +1-847-688-2251 Email: [email protected] JNMM (ISSN 0893-6188) is published four times a year by the Institute of Nuclear Materials Manage- ment Inc. The Institute of Nuclear Materials Manage- ment (INMM) is an international professional society dedicated to development and promulgation of prac- tices for the safe, secure and effective stewardship of nuclear materials through the advancement of scientific knowledge, technical skills, policy dialogue, and enhancement of professional capabilities. DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Annual (United States, Canada, and Mexico) $200 for individuals. Institutional subscriptions are $500 per year. Single copy of the proceedings of the Annual Meeting (United States and other countries) $200. Send subscription requests to Mission Statement JNMM, One Parkview Plaza, Suite 800, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 USA. Make checks payable to The INMM is an international professional society dedicated to development and promulgation INMM. of practices for the safe, secure and effective stewardship of nuclear materials through the DISTRIBUTION and delivery inquiries should be advancement of scientific knowledge, technical skills, policy dialogue, and enhancement of directed to JNMM, One Parkview Plaza, Suite 800, professional capabilities . Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 USA, or contact Amy Lydic at +1-847-686-2236; fax, +1-847-686-2251; or email, [email protected]. Opinions expressed in this publication by the authors are their own and do not necessarily Advertiser Index reflect the opinions of the editors, Institute Krell Institute . IFC of Nuclear Materials Management, or the organizations with which the authors are affiliated, nor should publication of author viewpoints or identification of materials or products be construed as endorsement by this publication or by the Institute. © 2015 Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Journal of Nuclear Materials Management 2015 Volume XLIV, No. 1 1 President’s Message A Time of Changes By Larry Satkowiak INMM President Greetings! grade of Fellow may be attained only by World Institute for Nuclear Here in the northern hemisphere we are advancement from the grade of Senior Security entering the season of autumn . I look Member . Fellows are nominated by their This year is the tenth anniversary of an forward to autumn and the changes it peers and extensively vetted by INMM’s idea first proposed by a senior group of brings, cooler and drier days, the leaves Fellows Committee and Executive Com- INMM Fellows—the establishment of a changing color, harvesting fruits and veg- mittee . To be a named a Fellow is a high new international organization, the World etables . It’s a time for reflection on the honor . It recognizes their long-term, ded- Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), accomplishments of the summer and icated service to the Institute . Congratu- whose role would be to share interna- for preparations for the coming year . So lations to each of you! tional best practices on nuclear security . change is also here at the INMM . Before The Opening Plenary Speaker, Rafael With support of multiple organizations, our November Executive Committee (EC) Mariano Grossi, Ambassador of Argen- both governmental and nongovernmen- meeting, the EC will be developing a bud- tina to the International Atomic Energy tal, WINS was established three years get, revising and updating our bylaws, Agency (IAEA), chair of the Nuclear Sup- later under the leadership of Roger How- developing strategies for expanding par- pliers Group, gave a very captivating sley . WINS has been busy ever since, ticipation, and, because we are all volun- presentation titled, The Nuclear Equa- producing thirty-three International Best teers, working our day jobs . tion: From Fukushima to Teheran and Practice Guides and publishing them in Beyond—Challenges and Opportunities . up to ten languages; delivering more Annual Meeting A transcript of his talk and of our Round- than sixty International Best Practice The Annual Meeting this year was su- table luncheon with him is presented in Workshops in more than twenty coun- perb . I want to thank and recognize the this edition of the Journal . Ambassador tries; and launching the WINS Academy, general chair, Corey Hinderstein, the Grossi has had a stellar career and I ex- the world’s first international certification technical program chair, Teressa McKin- pect to see him advance even further . program for nuclear security manage- ney, and all the staff of our headquarters ment . WINS and the INMM continue management team . The technical pro- Welcome New Members-at-Large this close relationship working together gram included 297 oral presentations, Congratulations to Ken Sanders and Jill in many different areas . Ken Sorenson thirty-six posters, and fifty-two concur- Cooley as our newly elected Executive serves as our liaison with WINS . rent sessions that included three panel Committee (EC) members-at-large . Their discussions . We had more than 630 in two-year term began October 1 . Thank Upcoming Events attendance representing twenty-nine you to Brian Boyer and Joyce Connery January 11-13, 2016, the 31st Spent Fuel countries . The Technical Program Com- for serving as members-at-large for the Seminar will be held at the Washington mittee once again pulled together an last two years . Jill Cooley began her Marriott Georgetown in Washington, outstanding technical program . term a couple of months early when DC, USA . Sponsored by the INMM Pack- Prior to the opening plenary, a brief Joyce had to step down upon receiving aging, Transportation, and Disposition awards and recognitions ceremony was Senate confirmation of her nomination Technical Division in partnership with held . The ceremony is covered in the to chair the Defense Nuclear Facilities U .S . Nuclear Infrastructure Council, this report on the annual meeting that fol- Safety Board . Congratulations, Joyce! annual event specifically targets key is- lows, however, I wanted to highlight and Brian has recently taken a position at the sues in spent fuel management and is congratulate the four new Fellows of IAEA . Good luck to both of you and we international in scope . the Institute: Melanie May, Joe Rivers, all hope you continue to stay active in the A Technical Meeting on Nuclear En- Mark Schanfein, and Ken Sorenson . The Institute in whatever capacity you can . ergy and Cyber
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