JUNEE SHIRE COUNCIL AGENDA AND BUSINESS PAPER Ordinary Meeting of Council Tuesday, 23 JUNE 2015 @ 4.30pm in the Council Chambers Our Vision: “Junee will be a great place to live, with a healthy civic pride. That will come about because the amenity of the Shire – social, recreational, cultural, environmental and visual – is the best quality possible given our circumstances. There will be an increase in population because of this, with the increase made up of people who are net contributors to the community. “Junee will be prosperous and existing services and businesses will have been preserved and grown. The Shire will have economic development strategies recognising the different circumstances of urban and rural areas. “Junee will be a place where innovative, responsive leadership and management occurs in all facets of community life. “It will be an independent Local Government area with a strong sense of identity.” Our Mission: The community and Junee Shire Council are to Make Tracks systematically and with determination towards the Shire Vision.” Our Community Values: Proud and welcoming – we are proud of our Shire and as a friendly community we encourage and support new residents and business owners. Innovative and progressive – we welcome new ideas and we seek to make changes that will improve the lifestyle of our community. Inclusive – we have a perspective broader than the Shire boundary; our regional focus means we are tuned to the opportunities available through co-operation and partnerships. Leadership and wisdom – we listen and act; we are prepared to take tough decisions in the best interests of the future of our people, our place and our economy. AGENDA APOLOGIES RIVERINA JOINT ORGANISATION PRESENTATION BY JULIE BRIGGS, REROC CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING 19 MAY 2015 MATTERS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST MAYORAL MINUTE GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 1[GM] JUNEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2[GM] COMBINED DELIVERY PROGRAM OPERATIONAL PLAN 2015-2019 3[GM] ROAD NAMING - BROADWAY 4[GM] RIVERINA REGIONAL LIBRARY DEED OF AGREEMENT 5[DCCS] DETERMINATION OF ANNUAL REMUNERATION FEES FOR COUNCILLORS AND MAYORS 6[DCCS] WRITE OFF OF RATE ARREARS 7[DCCS] FUNDING FOR FAMILY DAY CARE AND COMMUNITY TRANSPORT 8[DCCS] CORPORATE CREDIT CARD POLICY 9[DCCS] INVESTMENT POLICY 10[DCCS] COUNCIL INVESTMENTS AND BANK BALANCES 11[DES] ANNUAL SEWERAGE ACTION PLAN 12[SM] DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. 2015/19 – STORAGE SHED AND HOBBY RAILWAY – 86-90 WARDLE STREET JUNEE CORRESPONDENCE COMMITTEE REPORTS JJRAC Section 355 Committee DELEGATES REPORTS Eastern Riverina Destination Management Organisation Junee Golf Club RENWA Weeds Report Sports Committee NOTICES OF MOTION Cr P Halliburton Cr N Smith LATE BUSINESS (MATTERS OF URGENCY) QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS WITH NOTICE INFORMATION BOOKLET – TABLED FOR THE INFORMATION OF COUNCILLORS GENERAL MANAGER’S CONFIDENTIAL REPORT – RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEE OF A WHOLE MEETING CLOSE JUNEE SHIRE COUNCIL CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF JUNEE SHIRE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, BELMORE STREET, JUNEE ON TUESDAY, 19 MAY 2015. The meeting opened at 4.30pm. PRESENT Councillors N Smith, M Austin, R Callow, A Clinton, P Halliburton, L Cummins, M Holmes, C Randall and J Ward. STAFF General Manager, Director Corporate and Community Services, Director Engineering Services and Executive Assistant. ADDRESS BY TILMA MANAGEMENT Mrs Linda Tillman and Ms Lisa Cameron from Tilma Management addressed the Council and gave a presentation on Town Pride and Promotional activities in Junee for the previous twelve months. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING 21 APRIL 2015 01.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr M Holmes seconded Cr M Austin that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 21 April 2015, copies of which had been supplied to each Councillor, be confirmed with the removal the words “Unanimous vote in favour recorded by show of hands” in Minute No: 19.04.15. BUSINESS ARISING Nil DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors were invited to disclose any Declarations of Interest related to the items of business in the report. Councillor A Clinton declared a major non-pecuniary interest in Item 4 of the General Manager’s Report as he is the proponent and will be excusing himself from the discussion and voting on the item. Councillor A Clinton declared a minor non-pecuniary interest in Confidential Item 1 as his self- managed super fund is the part owner of a property in which the owners of Remax Real Estate are also part owners. MAYORAL MINUTE Nil GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT The General Manager presented a report which dealt with Items 1 to 7, and the following action was taken: CHAIRPERSON: Page 1 of 5 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF JUNEE SHIRE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, BELMORE STREET, JUNEE ON TUESDAY, 19 MAY 2015. 1[GM] FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT INDEXATION FREEZE 2014-2017 02.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr P Halliburton seconded Cr M Holmes that Council: 1. Endorse the Australian Local Government Association approach to advocate for the reversal of the three year indexation freeze applied to the Federal Assistance Grants by the Federal Government from 2014/15 2. Acknowledges the importance of federal funding through the Financial Assistance Grants program for the continued delivery of Council services and infrastructure. 3. Ensure the Federal Assistance Grants, is appropriately identified as Commonwealth grant funding in Council publications, including annual reports. 2[GM] ATHENIUM - THEATRE SEATING 03.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr R Callow seconded Cr J Ward that the current dress circle seating at the Athenium be donated to the Friends of Athenium Theatre & Cultural Centre Inc. for their disposal to enable replacement seating to be installed and that a letter be sent to the Friends of Athenium Theatre & Cultural Centre Inc and the Junee Mens Shed acknowledging the good work being carried out at the Athenium building. 3[GM] LOCAL GOVERNMENT NSW ANNUAL CONFERENCE – 11-13 OCTOBER 2015 04.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr R Callow seconded Cr L Cummins that: 1. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager attend the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2015 with associated costs being paid by Council. 2. Council’s voting delegate to the Local Government NSW Annual Conference be the Mayor. 3. The Mayor and General Manager attend the planned one day Local Government Australia Professional Forum 2015. 4. Councillor M Austin and Councillor M Holmes attend the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2015, as observers, with the Council to pay the registration costs for the conference and Councillors Austin and Holmes to pay all other associated costs. 4[DCCS] 25 THOMAS STREET, JUNEE – SUBDIVISION Councillor A Clinton left the Council Chambers at 5.10pm. 05.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr L Cummins seconded Cr C Randall that the seal of Council be affixed to the Section 88B Instrument in relation to Subdivision Certificate No. 2015/2 being the plan of subdivision of Lot 31, Section 1 in Deposited Plan 1554, 25 Thomas Street, Junee. Councillor A Clinton returned to the Council Chambers at 5.11pm. CHAIRPERSON: Page 2 of 5 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF JUNEE SHIRE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, BELMORE STREET, JUNEE ON TUESDAY, 19 MAY 2015. 5[DCCS] QUARTERLY BUDGET REVIEW STATEMENT - AT 31 MARCH 2015 06.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr J Ward seconded Cr M Austin that: 1. The Quarterly Budget Review Report at 31 March 2015 be received and noted; and 2. The Council approve the variations in budgets at 31 March 2015. 6[DCCS] DRAFT INTEGRATED PLANNING AND REPORTING DOCUMENTS 07.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr C Randall seconded Cr R Callow that the Delivery Program 2015-19 and the Operational Plan 2015-16 be advertised for public comment. 7[DCCS] COUNCIL INVESTMENTS AND BANK BALANCES 08.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr P Halliburton seconded Cr J Ward that: 1. The Monthly Investment Reports as at 30 April 2015 be received and noted. 2. The Certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer be noted and the report adopted. COMMITTEE REPORTS Nil DELEGATES’ REPORTS • Old Junee Progress Association – Cr C Randall • Junee Sports Committee – Cr M Holmes 09.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr P Halliburton seconded Cr M Holmes that Council write to Football Wagga Wagga to explain the significance of the Riverina Schoolboys Football Carnival and urge them to switch the Junee Jaguars home game scheduled at Burns Park on the weekend of the Annual Riverina Schoolboys Football Carnival. • REROC – Cr L Cummins • Goldenfields Water County Council – Cr A Clinton • Eastern Riverina Destination Management Organisation – Cr R Callow • Cooinda Court – Cr J Ward • IPART & LGNSW – Cr P Halliburton NOTICE OF MOTION 10.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr P Halliburton seconded Cr M Holmes that the motions presented by Councillor P Halliburton be bought back to the June 2015 Ordinary Council meeting. CHAIRPERSON: Page 3 of 5 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF JUNEE SHIRE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, BELMORE STREET, JUNEE ON TUESDAY, 19 MAY 2015. 11.05.15 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr L Cummins seconded Cr C Randall that costings to install a childproof fence around the playground area of Memorial Park be bought back to the June 2015 Ordinary Council meeting. LATE ITEMS Nil QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Nil INFORMATION BOOKLET The information booklet was received and noted. 12.05.15 At 6.36pm Council RESOLVED on the motion of Cr A Clinton seconded Cr M Austin to go into Closed Committee of the Whole under Section 10A (2(a) of the Local Government Act 1993 to consider personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors).
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