ISSUE DATE PG ARTICLE_TITLE 001 April 1960 Organization of Club 002 Oct. 1960 History of the Knight Engine 002 Oct. 1960 Knight Engine Water Jacket Cover "O" Ring 002 Oct. 1960 Oil Rectifier Service 003 1st qtr. 1961 Construction of the Knight Engine for W-O Salesmen (1928) 003 1st qtr. 1961 Knight Engine Service Tips, Do's & Don'ts, Earl Stidworthy 004 2nd qtr. 1961 Replacing Top Water Jacket Covers on Willys-Knight Engines, Earl Stidworthy 005 3rd qtr. 1961 Handley-Knight History and Specifications 005 3rd qtr. 1961 Removing Pistons and Rods in 4 & 6 cyl. Knight Engines, Earl Stidworthy 006 4th qtr. 1961 Knight Engine Cylinder Block Removal & Re-installation, Earl Stidworthy 007 1st qtr. 1962 Moline-Knight 007 1st qtr. 1962 Willys-Knight Six "70" sales brochure 007 1st qtr. 1962 Lubrication, Oil Pressure and Anti-freeze 008 2nd qtr. 1962 Moline-Knight (cont'd) 008 2nd qtr. 1962 Stearns-Knight Production Information 008 2nd qtr. 1962 Stearns-Knight Model J 8-90 008 2nd qtr. 1962 Installing Knight Engine Cylinder Heads, Earl Stidworthy 009 3rd qtr. 1962 Doylestown Meet 1962 009 3rd qtr. 1962 James I. Handley and Son 009 3rd qtr. 1962 Fitting Knight Sleeves 009 3rd qtr. 1962 Low Speed Miss 010 4th qtr. 1962 Sleeve ID, Earl Stidworthy 010 4th qtr. 1962 Knight Engine Bearing Clearances, Earl Stidworthy 010 4th qtr. 1962 Knight Engine Ignition Data, Earl Stidworthy 010 4th qtr. 1962 Lubrication Data for the Willys-Knight 70B.66, 66A, 70, 70A 011 1st qtr. 1963 Finger Tip Control Saver 011 1st qtr. 1963 Gaskets For Knight Water Cover 011 1st qtr. 1963 Tillotson Carburetor Models 011 1st qtr. 1963 1914 Daimler 011 1st qtr. 1963 Directors' Message, C.S. Lamberth & John Rawlins 011 1st qtr. 1963 A Short History of the Overland, L. E. Miller 011 1st qtr. 1963 Willys-Knight 70B vs. 87 Identification 012 2nd qtr. 1963 Willys-Knight Spark Control 012 2nd qtr. 1963 Timing the Whippet 012 2nd qtr. 1963 1927 Willys-Knight Varsity Roadster Model 66A 013 3rd qtr. 1963 Third National Meet, 1963 013 3rd qtr. 1963 Willys Serial Numbers 1914-1933 013 3rd qtr. 1963 Director's Message, Charles Proctor 013 3rd qtr. 1963 Stearns-Knight Co. Info & 1912 Photo 014 4th qtr. 1963 1931 Willys Six Touring Model 97 014 4th qtr. 1963 1930 Voisin Speed Record 014 4th qtr. 1963 1914 Knight Engine Manufacturers 014 4th qtr. 1963 Knight Sleeve Valve Timing, Earl Stidworthy 015 1st qtr. 1964 Knight Motor Wins in Test, Paris, 1925 015 1st qtr. 1964 Clutch Adjustment 015 1st qtr. 1964 Pride and Joy 015 1st qtr. 1964 Director's Message, Charles Proctor 015 1st qtr. 1964 Overland 91 Information 015 1st qtr. 1964 Snap-ring Tire Change 016 2nd qtr. 1964 Willys-Knight Engine Assembly, Curt Borgonstam 016 2nd qtr. 1964 Overland Models 91-92 016 2nd qtr. 1964 Stearns-Knight "6" Specifications 016 2nd qtr. 1964 History of Knight Engine, Part I, Henry H. Hower 016 2nd qtr. 1964 Handley-Knight Four 016 2nd qtr. 1964 Director's Message, Charles Proctor 016 2nd qtr. 1964 Willys-Knight Eight 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Lyons-Knight 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Willys-Knight 66D 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Overland Model 90, Service Information 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Pride and Joy 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Different Uses Offer Sales Outlet, The Willys-Overland Starter 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Knight Engine Clearances 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 The Knights at Indy, J. E. Gebby (incl. Porter Knight) 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Director's Message, Charles Proctor 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 Stearns-Knight Light Four 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 History of the Knight Engine, Part II, Henry H. Hower 017 3rd & 4th qtr. 1964 A 1914 Minerva Incident, W. W. Marsh 018 1st qtr. 1965 New Columbia-Knight Engine 018 1st qtr. 1965 Willys-Knight Great Six ad 018 1st qtr. 1965 Oil Rectifier Service Tips 018 1st qtr. 1965 1911 Overland ad 018 1st qtr. 1965 New Moline-Knight Engine 018 1st qtr. 1965 New Stearns-Knight Engine 018 1st qtr. 1965 Minerva ad 018 1st qtr. 1965 Willys-Knight Country Club, ad 018 1st qtr. 1965 Model 84 Willys-Knight ad 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Daimler 1908-35 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Mercedes-Knight 1914 &1921 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Timing Sleeve Valves 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Link-Belt Information 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Stoddard-Dayton 1912 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Brewster 1915-25 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 The Model "K" Lyons-Knight 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Great Six Town Car and Convertible Coupe, The Willys-Overland Starter 019 2nd & 3rd qtr. 1965 Sterling Knight 1923-1925 020 Summer 1966 Director's Message, Charlie Weaver 020 Summer 1966 Replacing Top Water Cover Gaskets on Knight Engines, Earl Stidworthy 021 Fall 1966 Director's Message, Charlie Weaver 021 Fall 1966 Arrol-Aster Sleeve-Valve Car 021 Fall 1966 Cylinder Block Removal and Re-installation, Earl Stidworthy 022 Jan-March 1967 Interchangeable Clutch Plates 022 Jan-March 1967 1915 Overland Model 81 022 Jan-March 1967 1917 Overland ad 022 Jan-March 1967 Little Jewels 022 Jan-March 1967 1915 Lyons-Knight 023 April-June 1967 1930 Daimler ad 023 April-June 1967 Interchangeable Rear Axle Gears, Pinions & Shafts 023 April-June 1967 1903 Overland- brief description 023 April-June 1967 The Song of the Willys-Knight 023 April-June 1967 Overland Adds Sedan to Line, 1925 024 July-Sept 1967 Hamilton Meet 1967 024 July-Sept 1967 1911 Overland Surrey 024 July-Sept 1967 1913 Lyons-Knight ad 024 July-Sept 1967 Little Jewels 024 July-Sept 1967 Servicing the Willys-Knight, Part I, H. E. Hoster 024 July-Sept 1967 1928 Minerva ad 025 Oct-Dec 1967 Falcon-Knight ads 025 Oct-Dec 1967 Servicing the Willys-Knight, Part II, H. E. Hoster 026 Jan-March 1968 Willys-Knight Model K-19 026 Jan-March 1968 Servicing the Willys-Knight, Part III, H. E. Hoster 027 April-June 1968 Melvin M. Bailey 027 April-June 1968 Vauxhall Single Sleeve Six 027 April-June 1968 Lamp Bulbs 1922-33, Walter C. Van Buren 027 April-June 1968 Servicing the Willys-Knight 027 April-June 1968 Servicing the Willys-Knight 70, Automobile Digest 028 July-Sept 1968 The 1968 NRWKA Meet 028 July-Sept 1968 Little Jewels 028 July-Sept 1968 Stock Certificates 028 July-Sept 1968 Whippet ads 028 July-Sept 1968 Whippet Brake Repair 029 Oct-Dec 1968 Servicing the Lanchester Balancer, H. E. Hoster 029 Oct-Dec 1968 Change of Club Name 029 Oct-Dec 1968 R & V Knight ad 030 Jan-March 1969 Jim Kepperly's Custom Willys 97 030 Jan-March 1969 Little Jewels 030 Jan-March 1969 Fender Information 031 April-June 1969 Willys 99, Jim Kepperley 031 April-June 1969 The Equipage of King George the 5th, from brochure 031 April-June 1969 Little Jewels 032 July-Sept 1969 Little Jewels 032 July-Sept 1969 1/2 Cylinder Electric Willys-Knight Engine 032 July-Sept 1969 How to Fabricate a 1/2 Cylinder Willys-Knight Engine 032 July-Sept 1969 Home-Made Methods to Stop the Car Thief 033 Oct-Dec 1969 Little Jewels 033 Oct-Dec 1969 Auto Wiring Tips, Al Briggs 033 Oct-Dec 1969 1969 WOKR Meet 033 Oct-Dec 1969 Willys-Knight Models 70-A & 66 (1927) Electrical Systems 034 Jan-March 1970 Willys-Knight Introduces New Balancer, 1924, The Willys-Overland Star 034 Jan-March 1970 Stearns-Knight Engine Description 034 Jan-March 1970 Care of Auto, Little Things that Count, 1922, J. B. Edwards 034 Jan-March 1970 Removing Tight Nuts & Bolts 034 Jan-March 1970 Willys-Knight Model 66 (1925-26) Electircal System 034 Jan-March 1970 1911 Overland ad 035 April-June 1970 Production Information 1933-42 035 April-June 1970 History of Knight Sleeve-Valve Motors 035 April-June 1970 Willys-Knight Model 84 035 April-June 1970 Little Jewels 035 April-June 1970 Overland 4 036 July-Sept 1970 Toldeo Pays Homage to the One Millionth Car, 1923, The W-O Starter 036 July-Sept 1970 Visioned the Future of Motor Car Industry 036 July-Sept 1970 The 1970 National Meet 036 July-Sept 1970 Willys-Knight Production Information 1914-25 037 Oct-Dec 1970 1933 Willys-Knight Model 66E 037 Oct-Dec 1970 African Safari, Martin Johnson, The Willys-Overland Starter 037 Oct-Dec 1970 Hawker Sea Fury Airplane 038 Jan-March 1971 Revolutionize Methods at Wilson Foundry Plant,The Willys-Overland Sta 038 Jan-March 1971 Annual Statement Shows Solidity of W-O Finances, 1923 038 Jan-March 1971 Serial Number and Production Information 038 Jan-March 1971 Overland Model 91 Paint Specifications, The Willys-Overland Starter 038 Jan-March 1971 Wiring Diagram for Overland Model 79 Automobiles 038 Jan-March 1971 Overland Smashes Adelaide To Melbourne Australian Road Record 038 Jan-March 1971 Specifications of the New Willys-Knight Great Six, 66B 038 Jan-March 1971 Little Jewels 038 Jan-March 1971 Overland Production Information 1912-26 039 April-June 1971 Anderson Bodies for the Willys-Knight, The Willys-Overland Starter 039 April-June 1971 Model 64-67 Willys-Knight Electrical System 039 April-June 1971 Willys-Knight Production Information 1925-33 039 April-June 1971 Little Jewels 039 April-June 1971 Model 66E Willys-Knight, from sales brochure 040 July-Sept 1971 1971 National Meet 040 July-Sept 1971 Little Jewels 040 July-Sept 1971 1912 Overland ad 040 July-Sept 1971 1922-28 Willys-Knight Service Information, Radco repair manual 040 July-Sept 1971 1939 Willys-Overland Pickup Truck Photographs 041 Oct-Dec 1971 Little Jewels 041 Oct-Dec 1971 1929 Overland Service Tips, Radco repair manual 041 Oct-Dec 1971 1912 Daimler-Knight Photographs 042 Jan-March 1972 1923 Avions Voisin, The Estate of Rudolph Valentino 042 Jan-March 1972 Watercover Nut Fabrication, Earl Stidworthy 042 Jan-March 1972 Little Jewels 042 Jan-March 1972 Columbia-Knight 042 Jan-March 1972 Russell-Knight 042 Jan-March 1972 Willys 77 Service, Christie & Thomson, Inc.
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