Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84873-2 - Rhetorical Exercises from Late Antiquity: A Translation of Choricius of Gaza’s Preliminary Talks and Declamations Edited by Robert J. Penella Index More information Index Achaeans (at Troy) 61–73 passim 74–86, passim Asclepius 167–8 174, 200–21, passim 225, sons of 250 Achilles 16–17, 39, 45, 52, 61–73 passim 74–86, Athena 45, 57, 166, 249 passim 96, 200–21, 249, temple of at Tegea 107 Adonis 43 Athens, Athenians 36, 46, 96–108, 166 Aeacus 213 and Olynthus 201 Aeetes¨ 76, 81 orators of 36 Aeneas of Gaza 2–3, 7 Atrapes, Leo 295 his Christianity 4 Atridae (Agamemnon and Menelaus) 69, 76, 84, Aeschines, orator 142, 158–9 213 Aesop 43 Attica 36, 55 Agamemnon 44, 47, 61–73 passim 74–86, passim see also Athens 88, 96, 104, 177, 200–21, 249, Aulis 82, 177 his father 70 Ajax, son of O¨ıleus 213, 225 Babylon, taken by Darius 236–7 Ajax, son of Telamon 55, 202, 212–13, 225, 249 temple of 36 his mother 66 Bacchae, Bacchantes 37, 164 Alcippe 167 Bellerophon 65 Alexander the Great 37, 53, 55 Briseis 45, 61–73 passim 74–86, passim 96, 200–1, paternity of 53 204, 206–9, 211–13, 220, Alexander of Troy see Paris Alexandria, influence of on late ancient Gaza 2–3 Calchas, seer 219 Alyattes of Lydia 52 Callicles 48 Amazons (at Troy) 62, 64–5, 75, 77–8 Callimachus, Athenian polemarch 101 Andromache 64, 78, 86 Candaules 36 Antenor 63, 213 Chiron 81, 204 Anthologia Planudea,quoted238 Choricius, his chair of rhetoric 3 Aphrodite 41–3, 57, 64, 78, 139, 158–76 his Christianity 4–5, 267, 300 her kestos 42, 57 his declamations 14–26 Apollo 37, 47, 79, 108, 158–60, 162–3, 174, 208, his autonomous dialexeis 27 210–11, 213, 249 in Egypt 3 Loxias 160 Libanius’ influence on 1,n.1 painting of 47 his preliminary talks (dialexeis) 28–32 Apostolios, Arsenios 280–1 Procopius of Gaza’s influence on 1,n.1 Apostolios, Michael 280–1, 295 his prose rhythm 1,n.1 Aratius, dux Palaestinae 7, 38,n.10 his real-life orations 7–8 Ares 42, 167–8, 171 Chortasmenos, John 292 Argos, enemy of Sparta 103 Chryseis 66, 70, 76, 83–4, 208–11, 218, 220 Arion 49 Chryses 47, 76, 79, 83, 207–8, 210–11, 213 Ariston (king of Sparta), wife of 175 Chrysokephalos, Makarios, his Rhodonia¯ Artemis 168, 207 (Rosetum) 222, n.3, 283–4 320 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84873-2 - Rhetorical Exercises from Late Antiquity: A Translation of Choricius of Gaza’s Preliminary Talks and Declamations Edited by Robert J. Penella Index More information Index 321 Cimon, son of Miltiades 108–9 Electra 164 Cleobulus, wise man, quoted 55 Epaminondas 51 Cleomenes of Sparta 103 Erechtheus 189 Cleon of Athens 50 Eros, Erotes 80, 112, 122, 136, 164, 166, 173 Clytemnestra 66, 76 Ethiopians (at Troy) 62, 65, 75, 78 Codex Ambrosianus L 64 sup. 292–3 Eugenikos, John 295 Codex Ambrosianus P 116 sup. 296 Eumelus 40–1 Codex Baroccianus 143 281 Euripides, quoted 53, 54, n.60 Codex Laurentianus plut. LVII, 20 298 Eurybates, Agamemnon’s herald 204, n.19 Codex Laurentianus plut. LVIII, 24, rhetorical Eurypylus 217 excerpts in 290 Euthyphro 58 Codex Laurentianus plut.LIX,30 298 Codex Laurentianus plut.LX,6,thetwo figured oration 18 anonymous monodies of 262 Florilegium Marcianum 264–9, 274, 278–9, Codex Marcianus graecus 23 see Florilegium 284 Marcianum Florilegium Patmense 280–1 Codex Marcianus graecus 440 295 Florilegium Rossianum 280–1 Codex Matritensis 4636 293–4 Codex Matritensis 4641 29, 268, 275, 278, 283–4, Gaza, Day of Roses at 31 293 monasticism in and around 6–7 Codex Mytilenensis Mon toÓ Leimänov 264 280 School of 1–2 Gennadios II Scholarios 276, 287, 295 Codex Parisinus graecus 2577 296 George, metropolitan of Nicomedia (ninth Codex Parisinus graecus 2967, life of Choricius in century), Photius’ letter to 275–7 287–9, 296 Gnomica Basileensia 280–1 Codex Riccardianus graecus 12 276, 287, 296 Graces 164 Codex Scorialensis 339 280 Gyges 38 Codex Scorialensis -I-14 (74) 281, 295 Codex Vaticanus Palatinus graecus 275 281, 295 Halirrhothius 167 Colchians 81 Hector 52, 61–73 passim 74–86, passim 104, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, excerpts of 263 201–2, 213–14, 217, 220, Corinth, courtesans at 170–1 Helen 66, 68, 70, 85, 172–5, 178, 211–14, 220 Croesus 36, 87–94 passim Helicon 39–40 Cynegirus 237–8 Hera 57, 166 Cyrus the Great 48, 87–95 Hermes 40, 44, 171, 259 Cyrus the Younger 46 Hermogenes 271–3, 290–1, 294 Herodotus 36, 49, 96 Daedalus 162 quoted 38 Daos, comic figure 164 Hesiod 43, 54–5 Daphne, in paintings 47 quoted 39–40 Darius 96–109 passim, 236–7 Hesione 66, 82 Datis, satrap 97, 100, 103–4 Hierocles of Alexandria 2 declamation 8–14 Himerius, his style 272 Deidamia, daughter of Lycomedes 67–8, 81, 85 Hippolytus 45, 164 Delos 36 Homer 36, 40, n.14, 41, 44–5, 50, 52, 57–8 Delphi 37, 158, 162 his Chian homeland 50 Demosthenes 61, 74, 142, 158–9, 178, 201 quoted (Iliad) 37, 39, 41–3, 47, 55, 57–8, 63, dialexeis see lalia; preliminary talks 66, 69, 71, 74, 83, 104, 159, 206, 209, Diogenes, philosopher 52 211 Diomedes 45, 57–8, 64, 78, 104, 210, 213, 225, quoted (Odyssey) 36, 42, 44, 52, 88, n.5, 200 249 Hyacinthia (Spartan) 35 Dionysus 37, 45, 164, 206 hypothesis (of a declamation) 14 Dolon 213–14 Dorion, piper 37 Iatrocles 159 Doxapatres, John 290 Ida, Mt. 57 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84873-2 - Rhetorical Exercises from Late Antiquity: A Translation of Choricius of Gaza’s Preliminary Talks and Declamations Edited by Robert J. Penella Index More information 322 Index Indians (at Troy) 62, 65, 75, 78 Milesians, Miletus 52 Ionia, Ionians 43, 169 Miltiades 96–109 Iphigenia 70, 177 Muses 37, 39–40, 43, 45, 47, 54, 56, 167–8, 259 Iros 225 Myrmidons 69–70, 221 Myron, sculptor 54 Jason 76, 81, 216 Myrrhine, comic figure 164 John of Gaza 2, 5, n.21, 29, 31 Myrsilus 36 John Georgides, sententiae of 263–4, 268, 279, Mysia 215 281 John VII Grammatikos, and the Florilegium Nausicaa 52 Marcianum 266, 269–70 Neoptolemus, son of Achilles 67–8, 85, 221 Joseph Rhakendytes 285 Nestor 39, 41, 45, 57–8, 104, 205–6, 209, 213, 215–16, 248–9 Kantakouzenos, George 295 Nikolaos ¾ ìEliaboÓrkov 296 Nile, River 54 Lacedaemonia, Lacedaemonians see Sparta, Nymphs 37 Spartans Laconia, Laconians see Sparta, Spartans Odysseus 41, 44–5, 52, 202, 210, 213, 225 lalia 26–7 Olympia, games at 44, 168 Laskaris, Constantine 293–5, 298 Olynthus 201 Leos, daughters of 177 Orestes 56, 83, 164 Leuctra, Battle of 51 Lexicon Darmstadiense 290 Pan 46, 167–8 Lexicon Seguerianum 290 Pardos, Gregory, Byzantine bishop 284–5 Lexicon Vindobonense 290 Parians, Paros 96–109 Libanius, Chorician works ascribed to 268, Paris (Alexander) 57, 66, 68, 85, 211–15, 218–19 280–1, 283, 290, 292, 295 Pasiphae¨ 168 logos esch¯ematismenos 18 Patroclus 52, 56, 67, 69, 82, 85, 200–21 Lopadiotes, Andrew see Lexicon Vindobonense Pelasgians (on Lemnos) 108 Loxias (Apollo) 160 Peleus 39, 204, 216, 221 Lycurgus 163 Periander of Corinth 49 Lydia, Lydians 87–95 Pericles 142 Lysagoras of Paros 99, 102–3 Perª tän tessrwn merän toÓ tele©ou l»gou Lysander 43 285, 298 Lysias 40 Persia, Persians 46, 48, 51, 91, 95–109, 170–1, 225, Lysippus, sculptor 53, 55 236–7 see also Medes Machaon, physician 210 Phaeacia 44, 52 Mantissa proverbiorum 280 Phaedra 45, 164, 178 Marathon, Battle of 96–109 passim Phaedrus 40 Marcianus, bishop of Gaza 5–8, 35, n.1, 36, n.5 Phidias 165 Marsyas 47 Philip II of Macedon 61, 74 Massagetae 87–9, 92, 95 Philippides 46 Medea 77, 81, 168 Phocion 53 picture of 53–4 Phoenix 202 Medes 46, 48, 56 Phokas, John 300–1 see also Persia, Persians Photius 266–7, 269, 296 Megarians 107 on Choricius 5, 266–7, 270–8, 283, melet¯e 8 287–9 Menander, his Misoumenos 241 Phryne, courtesan 158–76 Menelaus 50, 64, 68, 78, 211–14, 220, 225 Phye¨ 166 Menoetius, Patroclus’ father 203–4 Pieria 39–40 Meriones 225 Pindar 41 Mesobotes, Constantine 296 Pisistratus 166 Midas, fountain of 46 Plangon, comic character 164 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84873-2 - Rhetorical Exercises from Late Antiquity: A Translation of Choricius of Gaza’s Preliminary Talks and Declamations Edited by Robert J. Penella Index More information Index 323 plasma 8 Souliardos, Michael 295 Plato 41, 48, 75 Sparta, Spartans 35, 43, 50–1, 103, 107, 158–76 quoted 58 stasis (issue) theory 10, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25 Pleiades 55 Stephanus, consularis Palaestinae primae 7, Poliziano, Angelo 297–8 38, n.10 Polycrates of Samos 107 Summus, dux Palaestinae 7 Polydamas 61–73, 74–86 passim Synkletikos, John 295 Polyxena, daughter of Priam 16–18, 61–73 passim 74–86, passim Talthybius, Agamemnon’s herald 67, 83, Poseidon 167 204, n.19 Praxiteles 158–76 Tegea 56, 107 preliminary talks (dialexeis) 27–8 Telamon 66, 82, 216 Priam 61–86 Terpander, lyre-player 38 Procopius of Gaza 2–6, 8, 30–1, 39, Teucer 44, 249 261–2 Thamyris 40 his Christianity 4 theoria¯ 15–16 Photius on 270–1 Theseus 108 progymnasmata 10–11 Thessaly, its horses 159 prolalia see preliminary talks (dialexeis) Thetis 39, 77, 209 protheoria¯ see theoria¯ Thomas Magistros 290 proverbs, quoted 38, n.11, 111, 115, 194, 200 Thrasymedes, son of Nestor 225 ps.-Antonios, his Melissa 265, 268, 279, 281 Timoleon 50–1 ps.-Gregory of Nyssa, In sanctum Ephraim Timomachus, painter 53–4 299–300 Timotheus of Gaza 2 ps.-Maximos, his Loci communes 265, 268, 279, Timotheus, son of Conon 51 281 Tro j a n s , Troy 61–73 passim 74–86, passim 172, Pylades 164 174, 178, 200–21, passim 225, 249, Tydeus, son of Oeneus 55 Rhesus 225 Tzetzes, John 296–7 Sacra parallela 281 Xanthippus, Athenian 96–109 Salamis 107 Xenophon 48, 56 Samos 107 Xerxes 109, n.35, 170 Scamander, River 57 Scyros, Achilles on 67, 71, 77, n.12, 81 Zacharias Scholasticus 2–3 see also Deidamia, Neoptolemus Zacharias, student of Choricius 41, n.20 Scythians 90, 172 Zeus 39, 42, 53, 168, 208–9, 213, 215, 218, 221, Simonides of Ceos 48 249 Sirens 41 Phidias’ statue of him at Olympia 165–6 Socrates 40, 47, 58 Zeuxis, painter 38, 162 Sophianos, Michael 296 Zopyrus, Persian 236–7 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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