MUSKIE magazine is published six times each year DQGLVWKH2IILFLDO3XEOLFDWLRQRI0XVNLHV,QF 32%R[:DXNHVKD:, Contents 3K &RS\ULJKWE\0XVNLHV,QF$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG MUSKIE 92/12 ABOUT THE COVER Departments Chapter 41 member, Rob Van Gorder, holds a beautifully spotted 44.75, which was good for 4th 1 About the Cover, Sean Landsman place in the CanAm muskie tournament. Spectacularly colorful photo with that signature 2 President’s Message, Jim Ashton aqua blue-green Lake St. Clair water, puffy white 3 Index of Advertisers clouds set against 4 MUSKIE News a deep blue sky, 7 Lunge Log, and Rob’s bright Fred Esox Brogle red sweatshirt. 13 Figure 8, Sean Landsman Awesome image 17 Member Photos, and very worthy Michael Winther of a feature on the 22 Photo Contest, Michael Winther cover. 24 Regional News - Sean 24 Chapter News and Views Features 14 Hurry Up and Wait Ace Sommerfeld 18 Modify the Fall Bite Steve Scepaniak WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ON THE COVER? 20 Living a Tradition E-mail your photos to Sean at Stephanie Forrer-Harbridge [email protected]. Please include your name, chapter number and brief explanation of your submitted photo. Join Muskies, Inc. ... 5HJXODU0HPEHUVKLS <HDU <HDUV <HDUV or give a member ship )DPLO\0HPEHUVKLS <HDU <HDUV <HDUV -XQLRU0HPEHUVKLS 8QGHU )RU'RQDWLRQBBBBBBBB as a gift. $GGUHVVHVRXWVLGHWKH86PXVWDGGDQDGGLWLRQDOSHU\HDU 86IXQGV WRFRYHUSRVWDJH Name _______________________________ Phone ________________ Name of Sponsor (if applicable) _________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Membership ID # ___________________________________ City & State ____________________________ Zip_________________ Name of Spouse ________________________D.O.B ____-____-______ Chapter Affiliation Choice Number __________D.O.B ____-____-______ Junior Member(s) Date of Birth (DOB) WRILQGWKHQXPEHURIWKH&KDSWHU\RXZLVKWRMRLQVHHWKHChapter News & Views section) Name ___________________________________ DOB ___________ Old Address (for address change only) ___________________________ Name ___________________________________ DOB ___________ City & State ___________________________ Zip_________ Name ___________________________________ DOB ___________ My Membership # ______________ Expiration Date _______ How did you hear about us : ____________________________ &KHFN2QH1HZ0HPEHU5HQHZDO$GGUHVV&KDQJH*LIW MAIL TO: MUSKIES, INC. Email ________________________ PO BOX 1509 WAUKESHA, WI 53187-1509 3D\PHQW&KHFN RU &UHGLW&DUG 9,6$0DVWHU&DUG 1-888-710-8286 Card # __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __ Exp. Date ____ /____ Signature ____________________________________________ www.muskiesinc.org September / October 2017.....MUSKIE 1 Board of Directors The President’s Message Executive Committee President, Jim Ashton 3KRQH Email: [email protected] VP Finance/Treasurer, Jim Ashton (TEMP) 3KRQH %\-LP$VKWRQ (PDLO YSILQDQFH#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ 0XVNLHV,QF3UHVLGHQW VP Fisheries & Research, Jim Moore 3KRQH Email: president@ (PDLO YSUHVHDUFK#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ muskiesinc.org VP Internal Affairs, Fred Brogle 3KRQH Email: YSLQWHUQDODIIDLUV#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ During a recent Muskies, Inc. VP Membership, Jim Evers meeting a member said: “I 3KRQH believe there are members, I (PDLO YSPHPEHUVKLS#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ believe there are volunteers”. VP Communications & Marketing, Patrick With more than 6,000 members, Krumenacker 3KRQH Muskies, Inc.’s success and (PDLO YSFRPPXQLFDWLRQV#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ strength relies on and benefits VP Youth Activities, Caiden Ramsell from the efforts of active 3KRQH members who participate in their (PDLO YS\RXWK#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ chapters in various positions as Corporate Secretary, Jim Ashton (TEMP) well as promoting and enjoying 3KRQH muskie fishing. Without the Email: [email protected] “muskie” Muskies, Inc. and Past-President, Carl Phillips other similar organizations Email: [email protected] would not exist. But with thanks 6HQLRU5HJLRQDO5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVDUHDOVR ([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHH0HPEHUV to the active involvement of members at all levels we are Regional Representatives moving forward in strong fashion in our 51st year. 5HJLRQ Term Expires Like any mature organization, Muskies, Inc. may have experienced Curt Ellestad .................. years when it was one step forward two steps back. The Board has Brian Johnson ................. 0LNH5LKD..................... recognized and prioritized areas of operation and communication 5HJLRQ that need to be addressed. We are working to improve these areas, -HII0LOOHU ..................... but realize that our approach will take longer to gain results in lieu *UHJ:HOOV.................... of a band aid approach that will not benefit MI. In the coming 7HPSRUDULO\9DFDQW ............ months I hope to share with you what the Board has accomplished 5HJLRQ since March and what some of our goals are for the future. 'DYLG-RKQVRQ ................ Bob Sisson ................... At the top of our list is our effort to reinstate all chapters under 7HPSRUDULO\9DFDQW ............ Muskies, Inc.’s 501(c)(3) eligibility. This problem occurred several 5HJLRQ years ago; why it happened is no longer noteworthy. What is .LPEHUO\&DWHV . Earle Hammond . important is for our membership to know we are making progress, )UDQN$:DOWHU................ albeit a bit slower than we would prefer. This effort has involved 6HQLRU5HJLRQDO5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 086.,( LV SXEOLVKHG H[FOXVLYHO\ IRU WKH PHPEHUVKLSRI0XVNLHV,QFDQGVXEVFULSWLRQV FRPHZLWKDSDLGPHPEHUVKLS0XVNLHV,QFLV Submissions to MUSKIE Magazine D F QRQSURILW RUJDQL]DWLRQ Membership classes and associated annual Persons interested in submitting reading content for publication dues are listed on the form at the bottom of page one. Copies of MUSKIE magazine are should contact the Editor at - [email protected] DYDLODEOHDWHDFKIURPWKH0XVNLHV,QF Persons interested in submitting photos for publication should contact 0HPEHU6HUYLFHV&RQWULEXWRUVJUDQWULJKWVIRU 0, WR SXEOLVK RQFH LQ 086.,( 0DJD]LQH the Photo Editor at - [email protected] ERWK WKH SULQW DQG RQOLQH YHUVLRQV LQFOXGLQJ DUFKLYHVDQGRQWKH0,ZHEVLWH Contributors grant rights for MI to publish in MUSKIE Magazine (both WKHSULQWDQGRQOLQHYHUVLRQVLQFOXGLQJDUFKLYHV RQWKH0,ZHEVLWH 0,FDOHQGDUVRFLDOPHGLDDQGDQ\DGYHUWLVLQJSULQWVYLGHRV 2 MUSKIE..... September / October 2017 many hours of data collection by staff as well as guidance from legal MUSKIE Magazine Staff counsel and accounting specialists. This work is required in order that we can eventually file a complete application for reinstatement for the EDITOR & MAGAZINE DESIGN Amy Keyes chapters and celebrate a successful outcome. In the meantime your +DUGLQJ5RDG patience will be appreciated, as this effort is important to our sustainability %DQFURIW:, as a cohesive organization. 3KRQH Finally, I would encourage all Chapter Representatives to attend their Email: [email protected] respective Regional Meetings as this is an opportunity to be involved in ASSISTANT MAGAZINE electing Regional Representatives and have a voice in the management 6HDQ/DQGVPDQ of MI: Email: [email protected] - REGION 1: Wednesday, October 11, 7:00PM, Vermilion Dam PHOTO CONTEST EDITOR Lodge, Lake Vermilion, MN. 0LFKDHO:LQWKHU 3KRQH - REGION 2: Monday, October 16, a GO TO Meeting (GTM) (TBA) Email: [email protected] - REGION 3: Monday, November 6, GTM (TBA) LUNGE LOG EDITOR - MAGAZINE - REGION 4: Saturday, October 28, 8:00AM, Ramada Inn, Springfield, Fred E.sox Brogle Illinois. 3KRQH Email: [email protected] Check with your Regional Representative for starting times or contact Fred Brogle, VP-Internal Affairs, for additional information. As always LUNGE LOG EDITOR - WEB feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and suggestions with your 5DQG\/RHZHFNH Regional Representative, or Board VP’s as the door is always open. I 3KRQH hope your summer nets have been filled with our reason for fishing and (PDLO ZHEPDVWHU#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ the fall will be as generous. ADVERTISING SALES TEAM - Jim Ashton FISH ON!!!!!! .HYLQ5LFKDUGV$GYHUWLVLQJ0DQDJHU 3KRQH Email: [email protected] .HYLQ3LVFKNH$G6DOH5HS 2017 MUSKIE Deadlines 3KRQH (PDLOFKHFNHUHGIODJ#QHZUUFRP Issue Deadline Date November/December September 20th PRINTING ACCOUNT MANAGER 6XQUD\3ULQWLQJ6ROXWLRQV,QF6WDFH\7KLHOHQ (2018) January/February November 20th (2018) March/April January 20th ILLUSTRATORS/CARTOONISTS 5LFKDUG*URVV&KDUOHV:HLVV (2018) May/June March 20th (2018) July/August May 20th FIELD EDITORS $FH6RPPHUIHOG.HYLQ3LVFKNH.HYLQ (2018) September/October July 20th 5LFKDUGV5LFN+HOP$GDP0*OLFNPDQ Support 0HPEHUVKLS6HUYLFHV5REHUW3HW]NH 32%R[ :DXNHVKD:, INDEX OF ADVERTISERS 3KRQH Email: [email protected] CHAOS TACKLE................................................. 12 )LQDQFHV.DWKU\Q*RRQ CHAPTER 13 - HAYWARD LAKES TOURNAMENT ..................... 27 3KRQH DEADLINES FOR MUSKIE ......................................... 3 (PDLO H[HFXWLYHDFFRXQWDQW#PXVNLHVLQFRUJ FITTANTE REPLICAS ............................................. 10 $VVLVWDQW)LQDQFHV&DWK\$GDPV 3KRQH JOE BUCHER OUTDOORS..........................................23 (PDLO OLJKWKRXVHPR#KRWPDLOFRP LAKEWOOD PRODUCTS........................................... 6 0HUFKDQGLVLQJ'LUHFWRU:LOO6FKXOW] LURE PARTS ONLINE ............................................ 19 3KRQH Email: [email protected] MUNTZ CHOICE SNAGLESS BUCKTAILS ............................. 16 :HE0DVWHU5DQG\/RHZHFNH RED WING LODGE ............................................
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