CITY COUNCIL A G E N D A NOVEMBER 16, 2015 7:00 P.M. Regular Session 33 CHURCH STREET, SUTTER CREEK City Website: www.cityofsuttercreek.org 1. CLOSED SESSION None 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM FOR REGULAR MEETING-7:00 P.M 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 4. PUBLIC FORUM – At this time, the public is permitted to address the City Council on items not appearing on the agenda. Comments may not exceed 5 minutes. In accordance with State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda. The City Council may respond to statements made or questions asked or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting on the matter. The exceptions under which the City Council may discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code §54954.2. The public comment on any item listed below shall be limited to five minutes, unless additional time is permitted by the Mayor/Council. 5. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 6. INFORMATION/CORRESPONDENCE – For Information Only. * A. Monthly Calendar * B. Monthly Police Report * C. Monthly Wastewater Treatment Plant Report 7. CONSENT AGENDA – Items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and may be enacted in one motion. Any item may be removed for discussion at the request of Council or the Public. * A. Approval of Special Closed Session City Council Minutes of November 9, 2015. * B. Approval of City Council Minutes of November 2, 2015. * C. Approval of Special Closed Session City Council Minutes of September 3, 2015. * D. Warrants-Accept warrants as presented. * E. Treasurer’s Report-Accept as presented. * F. Adopt Resolution 15-16-* appointing Marilyn Bustillos to the Monteverde Store Board of Trustees * G. Adopt Resolution 15-16-* authorizing the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City of Sutter Creek, a Public Utilities Easement Agreement with the Jean L. Pinotti Family Trust. * H. Adopt Resolution 15-16-* authorizing the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City of Sutter Creek, a Public Utilities Easement Agreement with David and Kathy Ghormley. * I. Adopt Resolution 15-16-* authorizing the City Manager and City Engineer to prepare an estimated monthly payment schedule to accompany the City’s “Request for Authorization (E-76) to the Caltrans District 10 Local Assistance Engineer for the construction phase of the Badger Street Bridge Replacement project; to prepare and submit all necessary documentation to secure approval for said “Alternative Construction Progress Payment Procedure; and authorize the City Manager to submit monthly invoices to Caltrans in accordance with the estimated monthly payments to the contractor, in accordance with the invoicing procedures set forth in Chapter 5 of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual, the Program Supplement, and any other regulation required to facilitate early payment to the City and contractor. * J. Adopt Resolution 15-16-* authorizing the Mayor to sign “Agreement regarding prior easement rights” with Amador Water Agency. 8. PRESENTATIONS None 9. ORDINANCES & PUBLIC HEARINGS None 10. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS * A. Sutter Creek Bridge Replacement Project 1. Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study for the Sutter Creek Bridge Replacement Project and 2. Approve the Sutter Creek Bridge Replacement Project and Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the project. * B. Continued Item from November 2, 2015: Direct Staff regarding the referendum petition received concerning the solid-waste rate increases approved on September 21, 2015 (Resolution 15-16-11) and Adopting Resolution 15-16-* Directing City Staff to take no action concerning the referendum petition challenging Resolution No. 15-16-11. 11. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT - This section is an opportunity to provide Council members with an update on staff activities. No action is expected to be taken by the Council. 12. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS - This section is to provide Council members an opportunity to present reports on their activities and to request items be placed on future agendas. 13. ADJOURNMENT * Attachments The next scheduled meeting is MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, at 7:00 P.M Proceedings of the Meeting will be tape recorded. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Office at (209) 267-5647. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements. City of Sutter Creek Calendar Nov 2015- Jan 2016 Item 6A November 2nd Mon 7:00 PM City Council Mtg 5th Thurs 8:30AM Sutter Creek Business and Professional Anderson Association Mtg 9th Mon 5:00 PM City Council Mtg-Special Closed Session 6:00 PM Planning Commission Anderson 10th Tues 5:15 PM Visitor's Center Committee Mtg Anderson 12th Thurs 3:00 PM Kennedy Mine Foundation Mtg Sexton 16th Mon 4:00 PM Grammar School Committee Mtg Murphy/Sexton 7:00 PM City Council Mtg 17th Tues 8:30 AM Sutter Creek Promotions Committee Mtg Anderson 7:00 PM SC Benefit Committee Mtg Murphy 7:30 PM Fire District Mtg Swift 18th Wed 11:30 AM ACRA Mtg Sexton 19th Thurs 9:00 AM ACTC Mtg Murphy 2:00PM ARSA Mtg Swift/Peters December 3rd Thurs 8:30AM Sutter Creek Business and Professional Anderson Association Mtg 7th Mon 7:00 PM City Council Mtg 8th Tues 5:15 PM Visitor's Center Committee Mtg Anderson 9th Wed 1:00 PM ACRA Mtg Sexton 10th Thurs 3:00 PM Kennedy Mine Foundation Mtg Sexton 14th Mon 6:00 PM Planning Commission Anderson 15th Tues 1:30 PM ARSA Mtg Swift/Peters 7:00 PM SC Benefit Committee Mtg Murphy 7:30 PM Fire District Mtg Swift 17th Thurs 9:00 AM ACTC Mtg Murphy 21st Mon 4:00 PM Grammar School Committee Mtg Murphy/Sexton 7:00 PM City Council Mtg January 4th Mon 7:00 PM City Council Mtg 7th Thurs 8:30AM Sutter Creek Business and Professional Anderson Association Mtg 11th Mon 6:00 PM Planning Commission Anderson 12th Tues 5:15 PM Visitor's Center Committee Mtg Anderson 13th Wed 1:00 PM ACRA Mtg Sexton 14th Thurs 3:00 PM Kennedy Mine Foundation Mtg Sexton 18th Mon 4:00 PM Grammar School Committee Mtg Murphy/Sexton 7:00 PM City Council Mtg 19th Tues 8:30 AM Sutter Creek Promotions Committee Mtg Anderson 1:30 PM Amador Air District Peters 7:00 PM SC Benefit Committee Mtg Murphy 7:30 PM Fire District Mtg Swift 21st Thurs 9:00 AM ACTC Mtg Murphy 27th Wed 10:00 AM ARSA Mtg Swift/Peters SUTTER CREEK POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT October 2015 Item 6B TO: Amy Gedney, City Manager FROM : Wes Glaister, Interim Chief of Police DATE: October 5, 2015 A. PATROL INFORMATION CALLS FOR SERVICE BY SHIFT OFFICER # OF CALLS # OF REPORTS Sgt. Glaister 62 2 Officer Harmon 146 29 Officer Brewer 89 4 Officer Pratt 200 24 HOURS USED VACATION 12 SICK 0 PERSONAL 0 OVERTIME 154.25 During the month of October, the police department had a substantial increase in call volume compared to September (497 incidents to 350). This included both calls for service and self-initiated activity. There were also more case investigations generated in October as compared to September (59 reports to September’s 40). There were two reported traffic accidents for the month. 154.25 hours of overtime was accumulated. 12 hours of vacation time and 0 hours sick time or personal leave was taken in October. Sgt Glaister completed 60 hours of crime scene investigation training. Officer Due to October’s training schedule and the police departments current staffing level, Sgt Glaister’s regularly scheduled patrol shifts were covered on a mandatory overtime basis. 1 SUTTER CREEK POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT SIGNIFICANT CASES: On 10/24/2015 Officer Pratt responded to a residence to investigate a reported sexual assault that had taken place two days before. The investigation is ongoing. There is no reason to believe that there is any ongoing public risk regarding this incident On 10/25/2015 Officer Pratt responded to a residence to a reported family disturbance. It was determined that Kevin Zorrozua (51) of Sutter Creek had feloniously attacked a family member causing great bodily injury. Zorrozua was taken into custody and charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Officer Harmon and Officer Pratt made a combined nine DUI arrests in the month of October. This is a large increase over September. B. PATROL ACTIVITY STATISTICS # COMMENTS 1 – Traffic Collisions 2 2 -September 2 – DUI Arrests 9 1-September 3 – H & S Arrests 1 0-September 4 – Felony Arrests 3 8-September 5 – Misd. Arrest 38 13-September 6 – Citations 43 27-September 7 - Gang FI’s 0 No change 8 - Muni Cites 12 2-September C. MAJOR CRIME PROBLEMS / COMMUNITY CONCERNS None reported. D. NOTABLE POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES During the month of October, Officer Brewer and Pratt continued with the Sutter Creek Cadet field training. The Sutter Creek Police Department has begun the process of updating the cities Disaster Response Plan to make it more effective, streamlined and user friendly in the time of disaster. 2 SUTTER CREEK POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT E. MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT During the month, 12 Municipal citations were written (parking) compared to 2 in September. F. DEPARTMENT TRAINING COMPLETED / ATTENDED In the month of October, Sgt Glaister attended a 60 hours CSI course presented by the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department. Date Training Location Officer Purpose 10/19- POST CSI Basic Sac Glaister Training 24 F. COMMUNITY OUTREACH MEETINGS / EVENTS ATTENDED Date Community / Organization Location Officer Purpose A. LIABILITY ISSUES IDENTIFIED No new liability issues have been identified for the month of October.
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