An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Common performed at Men's basketball defeats Philh ·~ Electric Facton · Saturday. · Towson, 74- 69 Cl Bl PRSRTSTD 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 l'. Po-..tage PAID Thesday & Friday • 'C\\ ~u( DE Panut 'o 26 FREE Volume 129~~~ ~ ·· ~ www.review.udel.edu .. ~F · ·: .:· . · · . · · · Thesday, March 4, 2003 elaware adopts its own terror alert system IH ERI ~ICUO . .\LD two ma111 reasons for Delaware to have its "Th1s checklist adds some gutt!ance and Capt. Wtlltam 1'\efosky. of 1\:ewark with the dtrector of the Dela\\are Emergency R own threat !eYe! system. some clant\ to the color-codeJ threat len~! p,l!tce. said the uepanment 1s prepared to react Management Agenc) anll the !state) Go\ Ruth \n, ~lmner announceJ First. it a lim's Delav. are the flextbtht} to svstem ... she satd. to a specific threat if one occurs in this area. homeland secunty adn-,or. Philip Cabaud.'' he Fr d.l\ that Dela\\are ha' .:reared 1£\ U\\ n IJa\C a lliffcremthrcatleYel than the rest of the • Gregory Patterson, spokesman for "We will receive infom1ation of potential said. Lo!or • oJe,l hornd.md 'ecunt\ threat le,·el countn. she sa1d 1\lmner. said the recommendations for each tamets. anll that is what we focus on:· he satd. Delaware residents will be nonfied when ') 're dru pu k tu pre par• n:~td.:nts for the The second reason IS to orovide threat level will make the system clearer for ~ James L. Ford, Delaware secretary of the state threat le,·eJ changes. Ford said. p '"thd.t) ot a t.:non't atra..:k. tnlltvlduab. families. communities. 'schoob, residents. Publtc Safety, said he 1!-. responsible for setting through a ma'is press release \ia the media. TilL I.:\ .:1- of '' armng are based on the bu'iine<;se-, and government with !-.afety "The goal is to ha,·c Jess confusion:· he the threat level. He said the goal of the threat level system feder.t go,ermnen:·s threat Inc! '''tem: recnmmendations at each threat leveL said. The threat level could be set differently in i to provide Delawareans with the _reen for ·tc)\\ ... blu. tor 'guarueJ." ·,ello\\ For example. under a yellow alert. Patterson said if the nation raise' the '>pecitic parts of the state or specific industries, information they need to make decisiOns ft'f "elL\, t.:d. Of,o!Lt? for ''ht~h'" and red for ~1inner sa1d she recommends -,chools and threat level, so wtll Delaware. he saiJ. regarding safety precautions wtth1n thetr ·· C\eJc" \, ot Thursua\~. the federal businesses routinely inspect the mtenor and ··rf information of a spectfic threat to Ford said he can increa e or decrease the communities. ~o\ crnncnt .. rd Del a\\ re .,'"' ered threat extenor of their buildings and examine Delaware is recetved. the threat level can be le,·el based on multiple sources of fe,d~ tmm or.m~c tl' \ellm\ ·'These are reconunendat10ns only." Ford >Uitca-,es and other containers vtsitors bring mcreased." he said. ''That's why the governor information. said. "The) are to help the folks."' In .. pres rekase \ lmner 'tateu there arc into the buildmg. thought this system would be a good idea." "I will only change it after consulting State medical examiner identifies skeletal remains B\ U.IZAHETII COE Other tests. ltke a toxicology police. he sa1d. >r R screemng. are also betng done on 'avano sa1d Price wa'> reported Th.? DeJa' o.~re tate meJtcal Pnce's remaim to help determine "o\erdue" by he1r boyfnend on June e'\.lllltnrr Ia,t \\rek 1dent fied rhe the cause of death. Levine sa1ll 8, 2002. ,J.;eletal remam-. ot <~ \\oman found She saiu ll is too earl\ to "OYerdue" is a term used to 111 Octoh~:r 2002 "" Anal Pnce 19, speculate on what may haYc ca-used describe adults o \·er the age of J 8 t>f Baltimore Price's death. but rhe investigation who are reponed missrng when \IlL on L.tylor Le,ine. is -,till pending and the medical there is no reason to suspect foul spoke"' oman for the Deial\ are examtner and po!tce will continue play is 111volved. he said Department of H.:< lth and Social working to disco,·er how and why Lt. Timothy W instead. of the en ICe'>. '>aid the rema1ns \\ere Pnce died. Delaware State P olice. said the plhitl\·cl~ 1denttf1ed on Feb 25 "The lem!th of rime it takes to depanment has led the invesrigation throul!h the usc of D. 'A testing determine t'he cause of lleath from the time of discovery Sht' .ud Pnce" dt'ntal records 1 ancs." -,he :-.at d. "[t depends on He said the skeleton was could not be u'ed to makt' a posllnc 11 hat might be suspected. and \\hat di,persed O\ er an area of 200 square 1dent1f1c 110'1 soD'\ testlll!' v.as rs left of the hod_y. Obvious!) 111 tht feet near a stream and surrounded perfnrm~d. anJ fter our rr. nth. , a ca-.e we're looking for an\ by linle pedestrian acti\ ity. match \\,h hnalh made. tndicattOil ot lllaJOf \~Ounds or a At the time ot ll1scovet'). Pnce "D~ \ tcsttng h a l<'n!! and '>trunole." wa-, livmg wnh her boyfncnJ at the compli...ated proce~s." Le\ 1m; '>alu. Officer Tnnidad Na,·arro. ot Patrician Terrace apartment "ThiS .1 e d1J rake lJUllc a \\ hik, the 1'\e\\ Castle County Pohce. said complex on Lime-,tone Road. but Jl Iva. not an uilUsuall~ long Price· s rema111s were lliscovered in a Winstead said amount of tune." wooded area near the 4900 block of There was no indicatiOn of a he 'atd D. A tcstlll~ inn•h·es Kirk\1ood Highwa) on Oct. 5. 2002. kidnapping or foul play. he said. match111g of ·DKA that Jn~ '~mp.r T11 o 1 1-year-old boys were "We absolutely don't speculate Lull 1:>.: obtamed from the rcma111' to pia) mg. in the woods when the) unttl a cause of death has been an obJecr Jlre;..U\ Kllll\\ n to cont,,ln .t dtsCo\'ered \\hat they thought were per-,on·, D. A detenruned.'' Wtnstead said. human bones and contacted the Three hundred attend THI:: RE\ 11:-.\\/Jes\lca Duome A report released by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that a cappella competition approximate!) 20 percent of the nation's alcohol is consumed by people under 21. BY .JEFfREY .\lt.:LLI~S competition is international. but all the participants are [(I Rt•J I from the Uniteu States and Canada because the The qt.Jrterftnal of the International 2003 competitiOn 1s always hosted in Korth Amenca. Ch.:~mpton,hlp of Collegiate A Cappella drew "Across the board :twas one of the most soltd shows Jpproxnn.ltel) 300 people to ~litchell Hall Saturday yet. .. she said. Minors drink 20 percent night The Harpur Harpegg10s won first place at the The Y Chromes the Ulll\'ef'>lt~ 's all-male a cappella competition and wtll advance to the semt-finals along group. hosted the compettttun. ,,·ith the Mandarins. w!10 came in second. Third place was ' The competitiOn compnst:J .·ax groups from the Mill­ awarded to the Chordtals. who will act as a substitute in of the nation's alcohol Atlantic reg1on of the l '1L!ell States. including the the senu-finals if one of the winners IS unable to attend. Lafayette ChorJunns, Columbia Nonsequitnr. Sarah Williams of the Harpeggios accepted rhe BY ~liKE i-'OX B111gh~tmpton Harpur Harpeggios. Syracuse Mandarins. past I 0 years is t he re ult of severe problems cau ed by award on behall of the other II members of the all-female Slalt Rtpm'tt relaxed attitudes about alcoh ol, underage dnnking a re the Cnmell Chord1al and the Roch.:,ter ~lidnight Ramblers. group. Cnderage drinkers consume Jullll~ Yost, t'Je \I d \tlanrtc regiOnal producer for easier access1btlny of alcohol and con!-.equences of teen age '"You like us. you really like us ....,he satd. nearl:y one fifth of the alcohol Var It) \ ocals, the "oonl1nators of the ICCA. said the an increase in marketi ng alcohol alcoholbm. such as drunk dnvmg Yost satd the judges based thetr decis10ns on both the consumed 1n the Untteu States products to younger audiences. and substance abuse. mus1cal quality of each group's performance, as well as eY.:ry month. a recent study found. "Parents are not as Foster said the study a l so stage performance and dancing. Susan Foster. ,·ice president concerned." she said. ·'They think. concluded that 78 percent o f high The comedic choruses of the Harpegg10s kept the anll d1rectnr of policy and analyst'> ·well. as long as it's not drugs .... school students have tried alcohol. at the atll)nal Center on crowd chuckling throughout the group's opening song. Easier accesstbility of alcohol not tnclud tng for rell g10us '"Goodbye Earl'" by the Dixie Chicks. They also Addiction and Substance Ahuse at for underage drinkers. Bachman purposes, and 30 percent. or 5 performed Anmc Lennox's "'No More ·J Love You's"' Columbia L mverSlt). co-wrote the said. includes older sibl ings mill ion students. admitted to b111ge study, publi~hed Wednesda) 111 the and a medley of Madonna songs. including: "Material provtdtng alcohol to younger dnnkmg at least once 111 rhe pa t Journal of the American ~tcdical Girl."' "Papa Don't Preach,'' ''Ray of Light'' and "Vogue." siblings.
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