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Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures; those in bold to Tables. Abies 32 albuminous cells 42, 44, 65, 65, Acacia alata 81, 85, 98 108 Acer 164 alcian blue 182 Acer pseudoplatanus 165, 166 alcohol-based fi xatives 171–2 achenes 128 aleurone grains 102 acid bog habitat 152 algae 6 Acmopyle pancheri 65 Alismatales 67 acrolein 172–3 Allium 18, 19, 111 fi xation procedure 174–5 Alnus glutinosa 28, 29, 37, 165, 167 adaptations 6–8, 135–53 Alnus nepalensis 29 ecological 73, 76, 137–8 Aloe 9, 76, 77, 78, 139 hydrophytes 150–2 Aloe lateritia var. kitaliensis 77, 79 mechanical 135–7 Aloe somaliensis 140 mesophytes 147–50 aloes 13, 76, 78, 86, 142, 157 practical aspects 152–3 Ammophila 139, 142 xerophytes see xerophytes Ammophila arenaria (marram grass) Aegilops crassa 95, 99, 102 82, 92, 141 aerial roots 49, 149 Anacardiaceae 86, 139 Aerva lanata 81 Anarthria 156 Aesculus hippocastanum 129 Anarthriaceae 156, 156 Aesculus pavia 44 angiosperms 4, 7, 10 Agave 10, 76 fl oral part vascularization 121–3 Agave franzonsinii 95, 102 phloem 65, 108 Agrostis 100, 138COPYRIGHTEDsecondary MATERIAL 43–5 Agrostis stolonifera 99 taxonomy 155 Ailanthus 159 wood (secondary xylem) 31–6, air spaces 36 hydrophytes 150 axial system 33 mesophyll 74, 97, 112 growth rings 33, 35, 41 xerophytes 146 rays 35–6 Ajuga reptans var. atropurpurescens ring porous 33–4, 41 110 animal feeds 159–60 Albuca 73 animal pests 162–3 288 Annonaceae 130 black ironwood (Krugiodendron annuals 7, 8, 57 ferreum) 33 Anthemis 128 Boehmeria 62 Index Anthemis arvenis 128, 130 Bombax (kapok) 90 Anthemis perigina 128, 130 Borassus 73, 100, 168 Anthobryum triandrum 146 bordered pit 30, 66 anthocyanins 149 Brassica (cabbage) 76 Aphelia cyperoides 88, 88 Brassicaceae 84 Apiaceae 128 bridge grafts 25, 26 apical meristems 11, 14, 15, 15–20 British Pharmaceutical Codex 158 cell layers 16 British Pharmacopoeia 158 culture technique 21–2 Briza maxima 113 quiescent zone 16, 17 Bromeliaceae 149, 150 Apocynaceae 105 Bromus unioloides 118 apple 76 Bryonia 105 aquatic plants see hydrophytes bud grafts 24, 25, 25 Arabidopsis 111 bud scales 147 Araceae 149 buds 6, 70 Araucaria 73 adventitious 6, 12, 14, 27 Arbutus unedo 148 axillary 57, 59 archaeological specimens mesophytes 147 wood fragments 165, 167 bulbs 139 wood products 167–8 bulliform cells 81, 82, 92, 92 arid habitat adaptations see xerophytes Bulnesia sarmienti 41 arm cells 93, 94 bulrush (Typha) 151 aroids 49, 136 bundle sheaths 10, 11, 117–18, 135 Artemesia vulgaris 91 C4 plants 111, 112, 113, 114, 117 Arundo donax 80 parenchymatous 99, 100, 116 Asclepiadaceae 105, 139 sclerenchymatous 116 ash (Fraxinus) 41, 164 Asimina triloba 132 C3 pathway/plants 94, 96, 112 Asparagales 98, 99 Cyperaceae 116 Asteraceae 128 Pooid grasses 114 Aucuba japonica Thunb. 110 C4 pathway/plants 94, 96, 97 Avena 159 bundle sheaths 111, 112, 113, axillary buds 57, 59 114, 116 Azorella compacta 146 Cyperaceae 116, 117 Panicoid grasses 114 balsa (Ochroma lagopus) 33 cabbage (Brassica) 76 bamboo 82, 92, 100 Cactaceae 67, 123, 139 Bambus vulgaris 99, 100 cacti, ribbed columnar 147 bark 42, 44–5 calcium carbonate crystals 98 medicines extraction 158 calcium oxalate crystals 98 bars of Sanio 31 callus 14 begonia 149 culture 22 Betula 43 cytohybrid plant production biennials 7, 8 26 Bignoniaceae 148 grafting techniques 23–26 calyptra (root cap) 17–18, 54 chlorophyll 7, 76, 149 289 calyptrogen 17, 18 chloroplasts 8, 9, 57, 71, 93, 94 cambium 12, 14, 20, 28, 41, 63 monocotyledonous mesophyll fascicular 12 112, 116 Index fusiform initials 20, 21, 28, 32 stem 62 horticultural applications chlorzinciodine solution (CZI; 23–7 Schulte’s solution) 180 interfascicular 12, 63 Chondropetalum marlothii 64 ray initials 28 chromo-acetic acid 173 see also cork cambium Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 85 Camellia 73 Cicer areitinum 129 Camellia japonica 97 Cinchona 27 Camellia sinensis 33 Cinnamomum camphora 41 Canada Balsam 183, 184 Cistus 160 Cannabis sativa 168 Cistus salviifolius 83, 89 Cannomois 54 classifi cation 154–5, 156, 157 cantilevers 136 cleared material 191 carbolic acid solution 180 clearing procedure 177–9 Carex 59, 84, 100 Clematis 137 Cariniana legalis 131, 133 climbers 8, 12, 59 carnation 22 mechanical tissues 137 carpels, vascularization 122 vascular bundles 63 Carpinus betulus 42 Clintonia unifl ora 80, 93, 94 Carya (hickory) 41 coconut palm 137 Caryophyllaceae 146 Codonanthe 16, 17, 150 Casparian strip 52, 62, 118 Coffea 73 Cassia angustifolia 81 Cola acuminata 129 Castanea 35 Coldenia procumbens 91 Cattleya granulosa 50 Coleus 18, 108 Cedrus 31, 32, 73 Coleus barbatus 131 cellulose acetate replicas 190 collenchyma 7, 9, 135 Centrolepidaceae 52, 88, 88, 101 leaves 102 Centrolepis exserta 88 stem 62 Cephaelis acuminata 158 Commelinaceae 150 Cephaelis ipecacuanha 158 companion cells 44, 47, 65, 66, Cephalotaxus 31 108, 109–11, 115 cereals 68, 100, 127 specialization 109–11 charcoal Compositae 67 archaeological specimens 165, conifers 73, 147 167 resin ducts 119 fossilized materials 169 wood 30–1 Chenopodiaceae 105 xeric adaptations 139 chip bud grafts 24, 25 Convallariaceae 98–9 chloral hydrate 191 Convolvulus 84 chlorazol black solution 180 Convolvulus arvensis 85 chlorenchyma 8, 62, 71, 93 Convolvulus fl oridus 91 forest fl oor plants 149–50 coppicing 27 xerophytes 142 Cordyline 12, 15, 26 290 cork cambium (phellogen) 14, 20 deciduous trees 147 commercial applications 22–3, 23 dedifferentiation 14 corms 139 dehydration 173 Index cortex 9, 10 for permanent mounting 182, root 49, 50, 51 183 stem 57, 62 using tertiary butyl alcohol Corylus (hazel) 27, 89, 159, 162, 167 173–4, 174, 184 Corylus avellana 148 Delafi eld’s haematoxylin 182 cotton (Gossypium) 45, 90 Delphinium staphisagria 129 Couratari asterotrichia 131, 133 desert, leaf adaptations 73 cowitch (Mucuna) 89, 90, 162 Dianthus 84 Crassula 9, 143 diaphragms 59, 67, 68, 68 crassulas 142 diarch root vascular system 53, 53 cricket bat willow (Salix alba var. dicotyledons 4, 5, 9 caerulea) 41 leaves 14, 74, 75, 93 Crocus 73, 139 secondary growth 73 Crocus michelsonii 125 surface features 81, 81 Crocus vallicola 125 vein differentiation 107 cross-fi eld pits 31, 32 venation 104–5, 135 crystal violet 187 mechanical tissues 9, 10 crystals 51, 67 phloem 43–4 mesophyll 98, 98–100 roots 49, 53, 54 stem cortex 62 stems 57, 59, 68 Cucurbita 12 vascular system 58, 59, 63 Cucurbita maxima (water-melon) 24, taxonomy 155 43 transport system 11, 12 Cucurbita pepo 64, 129 wood (secondary xylem) Cucurbitaceae 63, 66, 105, 165 31–6 Cupressaceae 31, 32 Dielsia cygnorum 83 cushion habit 146 Digitalis lanata 159 cuticle 7, 8, 9, 74, 76–82 Digitalis purpurea 158, 159 hydrophytes 151 Dionaea 152 mesophytes 148 dormancy 7 patterns/sculpturing 60, 76, 77, Dracaena 12, 15 77, 78, 104 dried plant material 171 surface preparations 190–1 Drimys 39 xerophytes 139 Drosera 89, 152 cutin 76 drought adaptations 73 cuttings 22, 23 see also xerophytes cycads 83 drug source identifi cation Cymophyllus fraseri 99, 113 forensic investigations 168–9 Cyperaceae 100, 103 medicinal plants 158–9 endodermoid sheaths 118 druses (cluster crystals) 62 leaf bundles 116–17, 117 Cyperus diffusus 99 Ecballium 12 Cyperus papyrus 167, 168 Ecdeiocolea 142, 145, 156 cystoliths 98, 100 Ecdeiocoleaceae 156, 156 Cytisus 25 Echinodorus cordifolius 53 ecological adaptations 137–8 Erica 142 291 hydrophytes 150–2 Ericaceae 123 leaves 73 eucalyptus 139 cuticle 76 Euparal 183, 184 Index mesophytes 147–50 Euphorbia splendens 33 xerophytes see xerophytes Euphorbiaceae 67, 139 economic aspects 154–69 European Pharmacopoeia 158 elderberry (Sambucus) 68 Evandra montana 99 electron microscopy 191, 193–4 evergreens 73, 147 Elegia 73, 140 xeric modifi cations 139 Elegia parvifl ora 83 evolutionary aspects Eleocharis 118 fl oral parts 123 Eleutharrhena 157 vascularization 121–2 Eleutharrhena macrocarpa 157 leaves 71, 72 Elodea 17 phloem 65 embedding oven 173, 174 secondary 43 embryo culture 127 secondary xylem (wood) 38–9 embryology 127 vessel elements 54, 66 endarch vascular anatomy 53 exarch vascular anatomy 53 endocarp 128 exocarp 128, 130 stony 128, 132 exodermis 49, 57 endodermis 18, 51, 51–2 exogenous development 18, 57 leaves 118 exotesta 130, 131 stem 58, 62–3 endodermoid sheath 57, 58, 63 Fagaceae 40 endogenous development 18, 56 Fagus 35 endosperm 130, 132 Fagus sylvatica 129 endotesta 130 Fast Green 182, 183 ephemerals 7, 57, 138 ferns 7, 92, 155 epidermis 7, 8, 9 leaves 93 bulliform cells 81, 82, 92, 92 phloem 108 development 16 stomata 85 leaf 70, 74, 75, 76–93, 104 fertilization 6 dicotyledons 81, 81 fi bre tracheids 32 monocotyledons 79, 80, 81 fi bres 6, 7, 9, 51 mesophytes 148 evolutionary aspects 38, 39 pericarp 128 extraxylary 10 roots (rhizodermis) 48–9 leaves 135, 136–7 silica bodies 99, 100–2 secondary phloem 42, 44 slime cells 128 secondary xylem (wood) 31, 32, stem 57, 60 33, 38, 41 tannins 102 stem 58, 62, 66 xerophytes 139 Ficus 73 epiphytes 8, 142–3, 149, 150, 152 Ficus elastica 98, 100 aerial roots 49 Fimbristylis 116, 118 hairs 91 fi xatives 171–3 Equisetum 15 non-coagulating 172–3 ergastic substances 97–8 fl avenoids 76 292 fl ax (Linum) 44, 62 bud 24, 25, 25 Flemming’s fi xative 173 interfamily 25 Flemming’s Triple Stain 187, 190 monocotyledons 26 Index fl owers 121–7 root 25 cleared preparations 191 grafting tape 24 pollinator adaptations 122 grape vine (Vitis vinifera) 43, 137, scanning electron microscopy 159 123–4 grasses 12, 46, 59, 73, 79, 81, 82, vascularization 121–3, 123 90, 97, 100 bundle fusions 122 vascular system 112, 115, food plants 116, 117 adulterants/contaminants

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