Data presentation DATA PRESENTATION HABITAT OVERVIEW Wallacea The habitat region accounts which form the major part of F F 0 this book have been prepared in a standardised way. The 0 8 opening page of each account summarises the number of 8 globally threatened species that occur there, the habitat requirements and altitudinal ranges of these birds, and the countries and territories which the region covers. The special features and global importance of the region are highlighted in the summary text, including whether it overlaps with one of Conservation International’s Global Hotspots (see pp.20–21). AL LACEA inc ludes the In W(almost equ donesian re Ma ivalent to th gions of Nu Threatened species SUMMARY TABLE luku (almo e Lesser Su sa Tenggar st equivalen ndas), Sula a remarkable t to the Mo wesi and for the hig luccas). The subdivid h degree of lo entire regio ed into 10 E calised end n is CR EN Total The number of species that qualify for the IUCN Red List Categories (see three ndemic Bir emism, and VU in Sulawes d Areas (fo has been 7 S i and three in ur in Nusa T 20 22 ulawesi). In Maluku) a enggara, 49 p.18) of CR (Critically Endangered), EN (Endangered) and VU (Vulnerable) several of t nd one Sec Buru) th hese EBAs ( ondary Are — e threatened e.g. Timor a (in — 1 fores species inc and Wetar 1 t specialists lude both lo ; Sulawesi; are given, and are subdivided according to their occurrence status within ( , and some t wland and — e.g. Black-c hreatened s montane 1 — hinned Mon pecies are h 1 Boano); c arch is conf ighly localis Total the habitat region. The symbols and species categories used in this table onservation ined to the t ed 7 21 both lo measures a iny island o 23 51 wland and re therefore f montan required Key: = bree which su e forests i to prote ds only in th cross-refer to those used in Table 2. pport hig n these E ct is forest regio hly loca BAs, an = also breeds in n. highly t lised spe d in the a other reg hreaten cies. Th reas Threatened= non speciesion(s). ed specie e remark -breeding visito loss w s mainly able tota r from ano ithin the compris l of 27 ther region. ir small r es birdaras a The Wallac from anges, b ffected b ea region co exploit ut also s y habit Internatio rresponds to ation for everal sp at nal’s Walla Conservatio Ye the wild ecies un cea Hotspot (see n llow-cr bird tr der pres pp.20– ested Cocka ade (e.g. Ch sure 21). too) or for t attering Lo Total heir eggs (e ry and CR ■ .g. Ma EN leo). VU Key ha bitats Tropic MAP and d al lowland a 7202249 ry deciduou nd montan a s forest, m ene rainforest ssociated gr angrove for , moist ■ assland scru est and sago Altitude b and culti swamps, a The maps are colour coded according to habitat type (e.g. forest regions ■ 0–3,000 m. vation. nd Cou —— 11 ntries and t M erritories Indone aluku); Timor-L sia (Nu in are in a variety of shades of green), and show the geographical extent of este (East T sa Tenggar imor). esi; a, Sulawesi, —1—1 each habitat region. In most forest and grassland regions, further colour The Gun ung Sahendaru three of w man IBA on S hich are uniq angihe suppo ue to this site rts five highly coding is used to show sub-regions (usually Endemic Bird Areas: see p.20– . PHOTO: PHIL threatened BENSTEAD bird speTotalcies, 7212351 21), each of which has its own group of threatened birds. The locations of Key: = breeds only in this forest region. the outstanding Important Bird Areas for threatened birds given in Table 1 = also breeds in other region(s). are shown on the maps. Only those countries and territories where the = non-breeding visitor from another93 region. habitat region’s threatened birds have been recorded are labelled on the The Wallacea region corresponds to Conservation maps. The seabirds map (S01) differs in that it shows all known breeding OUTSTANDING IBAs FOR THREATENED BIRDS localities for the five threatened seabirds that breed in Asia. Wallacea The most outstanding sites for threatened birds in the habitat region, generally those with the most extensive and highest quality natural habitats, or wetlands that regularly support globally outstanding congregations of threatened waterbirds. Wallacea 8 0 F Table 1. Outstanding Important Bird Areas in Wallacea. IBA name Status Island Threatened species and habitats 1 Komodo NP PA BR, WH Komodo Important population of Yellow-crested Cockatoo 2 Mbeliling — Flores Several Northern Nusa Tenggara EBA species, nota Table 1. Outstanding Important Bird Areas in Wallacea. 3 Ruteng NRP IBA name Status Island Threatened species and habitats PA Flores Several Northern Nusa Tenggara EBA species, nota 1 Komodo NP PA BR, WH Komodo Important population of Yellow-crested Cockatoo 4 Wolo Tadho NR 2 Mbeliling — Flores Several Northern Nusa Tenggara EBA species, notably Flores Monarch and Flores Hanging-parrot (PA) Flores Extensive forests with several Northern Nusa Tengg 3 Ruteng NRP PA Flores Several Northern Nusa Tenggara EBA species, notably Flores Scops-owl 5 Manupeu-Tanadaru 4 Wolo Tadho NR (PA) Flores Extensive forests with several Northern Nusa Tenggara EBA species PA Sumba Large protected area, with populations of all of Sum tstanding Important Bird Areas in Wallacea. 5 Manupeu-Tanadaru PA Sumba Large protected area, with populations of all of Sumba’s threatened forest bir6ds Laiwangi-Wanggameti NP 6 Laiwangi-Wanggameti NP PA Sumba Large protected area, with populations of all of Sumba’s threatened forest birds PA Sumba Large protected area, with populations of all of Sum 7 Gunung Mutis PA Timor Populations of several Timor and Wetar EBA species, notably Timor Imperia7l-pigeon Gunung Mutis Status Island Threatened species and habitats 8 Paitchau-Iralalora — Timor-Leste Large area of forest, with populations of several Timor and Wetar EBA species PA Timor Populations of several Timor and Wetar EBA specie 9 Arnau — Wetar Populations of several Timor and Wetar EBA species 8 Paitchau-Iralalora 10 Pulau Damar — Damar The only site for Damar Flycatcher — Timor-Leste Large area of forest, with populations of several Tim 11 Karakelang HR PA Talaud Populations of Talaud Rail, Grey Imperial-pigeon and Red-and-blue Lory 9 Arnau 12 Gunung Sahendaruman — Sangihe The only site for Sangihe Shrike-thrush, Cerulean Paradise-flycatcher and Sangihe White-eye, also Sangihe — Wetar Pop Hanging-parrot and Elegant Sunbird 10 Pulau Damar ulations of several Timor and Wetar EBA specie 13 Pulau Siau — Siau The only site for Siau Scops-owl — Damar The only site for Damar Flycatcher 14 Bogani Nani Wartabone NP PA Sulawesi Extensive forests supporting several Sulawesi EBA species, notably Cinna11bar Hawk-oKarakelangwl, Matinan Flycatcher HR and Maleo nesting grounds PA Talaud Populations of Talaud Rail, Grey Imperial-pigeon a 15 Lore Lindu NP PA BR Sulawesi Extensive forests supporting several Sulawesi EBA species, notably Sulawesi Ea12red-nightjar Gunungand Maleo nesting groSahendarumanunds 16 Lompobatang PF PA Sulawesi The only site for Lompobatang Flycatcher — Sangihe The only site for Sangihe Shrike-thrush, Cerulean P 17 Tanahjampea — Tanahjampea The only site for White-tipped Monarch TABLE 1 lists the outstanding Important Bird Areas18 inTalia buthe PNR habitat— region,Taliabu The o nlandy site for Ta liaservesbu Masked-owl as Hanging-parrot and Elegant Sunbird 19 Wayabula — Morotai Supports several North Maluku EBA species, notably Dusky Friarbird 13 Pulau Siau a key to the habitat region map. It provides information20 Lalobata on whether— Halm ahtheera E xteIBAnsive fores ts sisupp ortaing several North Maluku EBA species — Siau The only site for Siau Scops-owl 21 Pulau Obi — Obi Moluccan Woodcock on the main peak and Carunculated Fruit-dove in14 the lowlanBoganids Nani Wartabone NP protected area and/or listed under an international22 convention,Kapalat Mada — theBur u territoryThe only site kno wnor for B lacislandk-lored Parrot and Rufous-throated White-eye, probably also Blue-fronted Lorikeet PA Sulawesi Extensive forests supporting several Sulawesi EBA s 23 Waibula — Seram Extensive forests supporting several Seram EBA species where the IBA is located, and its importance for threatened24 Manusela NP birds.PA Seram Extensive forests supporting several Seram EBA species 15 Lore Lindu NP and Maleo nesting grounds 25 Pulau Boano — Boano The only site for Black-chinned Monarch PA BR Note that more IBAs in this region will be included in the Important Bird Areas in Asia, due to be published in early 2004. Sulawesi Extensive forests supporting several Sulawesi EBA speci Key IBA name: HR = Hunting Reserve; NP = National Park; NR = Nature Reserve; NRP = Nature Recreation Park; PF = Protection Forest; PNR16 = proposedLompobatang nature reserve. PF Status: PA = IBA is a protected area; (PA) = IBA partially protected areas; — = unprotected; BR = IBA is wholly or partially a Biosphere Reserve (see pp.xx–xx); WH = IBA is wholly PA Sulawesi The only site for Lompobatang Flycatcher or partially a World Heritage Site (see pp.xx–xx). 17 Tanahjampea — Tanahjampea The only site for White-tipped Monarch 18 Taliabu PNR 94 — Taliabu The only site for Taliabu Masked-owl 19 Wayabula — Morotai Supports several North Maluku EBA species, notab 41 Data presentation Wallacea Table 2. Threatened birds of Wallacea. TABLE 2 lists the globally threatened species found in the habitat region, together Species with a symbol to represent their occurrence status there, their IUCN Red List Distribution and habitat Category, and notes on their distribution and/or habitats.
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