Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Alumni News Archives Winter 2007 CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Winter 2007 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Winter 2007" (2007). Alumni News. 303. http://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews/303 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. >contents CC:CONNECTICUT, COLLEGE Magazine Winter 2007 Volume 15, Number 3 A VOICE FOR DARFUR 14 A human righls issue half a world away is shaping activism at ce. By Stan DeCoster (RE)DlSCO~R NEW LONDON 18 By day and b¥ night, the heart of the Whaling City offers art, music and galtfonomic adventure to a new generation of students. By Mary HouJ;rd MOTHER DUCK Animal agen~ Ruth Manecke '52 helps all kinds of crea~MilIiil ready for their close-up. --'-=";"""id Treadwell. "VERY SPECIAL DEAD PEOPLE"=~~~:~:~;~=~;-~~~~:'::~Z~~~ :A professor's enlightening researeh on Spanish kn~idsfolk saints '#i!JJjpJm D. MacArthur Proftssor t{Hisp_1JIiIiiits Ffiinlt fil~ WORDPLAY AT "THE OFFICE" Scriprwriter Lee Eisenberg '99 gets his break on this NBC-TV show. By Jordana Gustafson '01 Letters and contributors 2 President's Page 3 Notebook Applications up 10 percent 2 Hispanic community program 4 A gift of laptops 5 Gallagher honored 5 Sprucing up Arbo 6 Smithsonian folk festival 7 Currency for rhe blind 8 Ballard at Commencement 9 Finalist in Eco Challenge 9 Fulbright dancer in Benin 10 David Dorfman in residence 11 Volleyball 12 Coach Jim Burler 13 Lives 36 Ink 40 Class Notes 44 COVER PHOTO OF STUDENTS AT MUDDY WATERS CAFE BY ART DURITY '84 (STORY, P. 18) PHOTO THIS PAGE, STUDENTS BY DOWNTOWN NEW LONDOtt'S~ALlNG WALL" CREATED Y..AR-TISl-WYLA'NIJIN1993 AND RESTORED IN 2006. BY A. VINCENT SCARANO --.....lj---- >Ietters, etc. Contributors CC:• Connecticut College Magazine Volume 15 / Number 3 DAVID TREADWELL EDITOR Lisa H. Brownell has spent more than 30 MANAGING EDITOR: Mary Howard years writing for colleges and secondary schools throughout CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Theresa Ssdlioan Barga, Aiix Boyk, Eric Ctirdmas, Sarah Carlsoll '94, Aimee COIIWr(, the U.S. He is married to Stan DeCosta, lord/mil Guul/film 'OI, Deborah MacDOIwal, Tina Savell Treadwell '63. BarbaTtl Nllgy, Amy Sullivall, William Iomasian, David He wrote the profile on ani- Trmdwell mal agent Ruth Manecke '52. ART DIRECTOR: Susan Lilldbag ADMINISTRATIVE ASSJSTANT: Karen Laskey VICE PRESIDENT fOR COLLEGE RELATIONS: Patricia M. Garey ART DURITY '84 has been faithfully focusing on his CC Connecticut Collcgc Mngaz'", is published by ConneC[icUl alma mater for the past four years, His lively images Conege. Thc magazine', misoion i, to m,im.in t;es between the Collcge, its alumni and ,II othcr coll5tituents and to report on isoues of of students have appeared in numerous CC publica- imponance ro these groups. tions and on the Web site. In the fall he tracked CC Cot",ecticut Collegc Mngnz'", (USPS 129·140) i, published four several CC students through favorite cafes and other ,imes a year, in summcr, fall, winter and ,pring, ,nd is m,iled free of haunts in downtown New London. chJlge to members of the Connecticut College Alumni As,ociation and friend, of the Colkge. Periodicals cI:lSS postage paid at New London, C"I; and at addi,ion,1 offices. ComribUlio"", CG Cot\ncctictl, College M"gnzin, will consider but MILES LADIN '90 has photo- is not responsible for unsolicited m,nuscripts, proposols and phOIo- graphed for The New York Times graphs. Address correspondence to: EdilOr, CCO Connecticut College M"gm,;"" Becker House, and W Magazine. His fine-art 270 Mohcg,n A\'enue, New London, cr 06320-4196. photography is included in The Phone: 860-439·2500, FAX 860-439-5405. Victoria & Albert Museum and The Whitney Museum's Special Alumni: Send address changes 10 Collection Library. For this issue, Alumm Office he photographed fellow alum Conneclicut College Andrew Margie '96. 270 Mohegan Avenue New London, CT 06320 or e mall to alumm@conncolJ edu Postmaster: Send address changes ro ADAM LARKEY '01 is a photog- CC Connecticut Collegc Magnzi"" 270 Mohegan Avenue, New rapher for ABC - Disney Media London, cr 06320-4196 Networks, working on such proj- ects as "Dancing With the Stars," CONNEcrlCUT COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ilarbara Shalluck Kohn '72, Chair; James S. Berrien '74 and Jean C the Academy Awards and "Extreme Tempel '65, Vice Chairs; LauraJ. Allen '81; Timothy M. ArmStrong Makeover Home Edition." He '9J; William P. Barrack '8\, Ford W. Ben 1"02; Eduardo Casrell '87, Theodore S, Chapin '72, 1"07: Christopher l' C1ouer; Parricia L. enjoyed shooting Lee Eisenberg '99 Eames '06, James Athearn Folger '05; Leo I. Higdon Jr .. Prcsidenr: on the set of NBC's "The Office." Ann Wernct Johnson '68; Andrew Kerrerer"71, Chester W. Kitchings Jr.; Zoe Klein '99; Rae Downes Koshccz '67; Linda J. Lear '62; Jonathan D. McBride '92; Philip R. McLoughlin 1"02 & 'OS, Lynda Batter Munro '76, 1"08; John F. Niblack 1"98, Alisun P. Olney 1"04; Judi,[, Tindal 0l'atrny '72; Joan Redmund Plarr '67; Mary Lake A. VINCENT SCARANO Polan '65, 1"02: Douglas C. Renficld-Miller 75; lames I' Rogw '04, Theodore M. Romanow 76; Thoma.> A. SargeJ1l '82; Virgtnia took many of the photos for Slaughter '48, 1'77, w. Caner Sullivan '79; Sally Susman '84: Franklin "(Re}Discover New London." He A. ru« '87; Kevin Wade '76; Pamela D. Z,lJy 75 is president and founder of New ALUMNI BOARD OF DlRECroRS London's Hygienic Art, a nonprofit Lynda Batter M~lllro '76, 1"08, President: PreseDrt Hafner '80, Vice Presidem; Kimberly-Toy Reynolds Huh '77, Secretary: Judy Ham organization that saved a New Acker '57: Andrcw Bogle '94; Carol Blake Boyd '72; Jan,;e Budges London landmark and turned it '00, Chrisry Butke '93; Rayanne Chambers RTC '83; Pamela Dingle '76, Bradford Dolan '97; Conlt~nce Sm;rh Gemmer '80; Sue Schwam into art galleries and an art park. Gorham '56; Paul Greeley '79; William Kane '84: Jonathan McBride '92; Chris McDan~c1 '94; Anne MlCkle '89; Chmrine Gould ~rdon 79; Susan Peck Robinson '65; SU1\:ln"e Richmond Simmons 95; Jane Dornan 5mi,h '55, 1"84: K,thryn D. Smith '84; Roberta Slone Sm;,h '63: Frederick Stratton '96; Je.n Tierney Tatlb '58 CC: Connecticut College Magazine welcomes letters of fewer than 250 words. letters CC: Connecticut CoUege Magazi", Copyrighl 2007 bX Connecticut CoUege, all ri.ght, reserved, Reproduction In whole or tn pall Without to the editor may be used for publication unless the author states the letter is not to be wriuen perm,sslon IS prohibited: V,ew5 expressed herem are those of the authots and do no, nccessanly reflecc olliclal policy of the Collrge. published, letters may be edited for style, length, clarity and grammar. Please include your Printed in U.S.A. by Finlay Printing, Bloomfield, cr full name and a daytime phone number, Please send your submissions to ccmag@conncoll. edu or Editor, CC: Connecticut College Magazine, 270 Mohegan Ave., New london, CT www.connecricutcollege.edu 06320-4192. Read us online: http.z/cconline.ccnnccll.edu 2 CC,CO~NECTICUT COLLEGE MAGAZ'NE WINTER 2W7 >president's page Strengthening engagement and pride at top of College's 'to do' list Alumni and parents play essential role in future of Connecticut College derstand it better and >IF YOU LOOK at any truly great new reasons to be proud encourages me to do college or university today, you'll see of this institution. more, and I hope you a sHong alumni body and an engaged As a College, we're feel the same way. parent community ~ people who are pursuing a number of I ask all of our passionate about their institution and new initiatives mat will alumni and parents to support it in numerous ways. help us connect in more consider supporting I've seen some of that same passion meaningful ways with the College financially. during my first six months as president, our alumni and parents. Financial suppon from both on campus and through the trips These include launching our new Web site later our alumni, parents I've taken to visit with alumni and and friends ensures that parents in Massachusetts, New York, this spring with more the College continues California, Rhode Island and here in news and features geared to provide its superior Connecticut. I've gotten a much better specifically to alumni educational experience sense of who our alumni and parents are and parents. We're also to all our students. Of and how you - individually and col- adding features to this equal Importance is lectively - help sustain the College's magazine focused on the interests of recent gradu- this community is your involvement in mission and culture. " ates, and re-designing Connecticut College. Your passion is most evident in your the alumni and parents' passionate about For those of you participation. And your participation who are involved, newsletters. These initia- is essential to the College - now and Connecticut College. thank you. For those in the future. Some of you participate tives support our overall who may be waiting to strategy to enhance our in alumni events in your horne state or And that passion is be asked, please con- communications - with here on campus, or you mentor stu- sider this to be an open alumni, parents and all of dents or ace as advisors for younger what makes us invirarion.
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