AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 ISSUE # 152 THE FRONT VIEW OF THE SPECTACULAR IANDRA CASTLE TAKEN FROM THE FRONT GARDEN It's the cars that bring us together, but the cars owners that "keep" us together! "FT" AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: [email protected] CLUB DIRECTORY 2015 PRESIDENT: Charles Stammers 6365 1351 mailto:[email protected] SECRETARY: Chris Olson 6331. 5757 mailto:[email protected] VICE PRESIDENT: Sharyn Aiken 6361 8443 [email protected] TREASURER: Alan Mitchell 6362. 8998 mailto:[email protected] MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Paul Hingston 6193 6643 mailto:[email protected] PUBLIC OFFICER: C. Stammers 6365 1351 & A Mitchell 6362 8998 ( joint custodians.) LIBRARIAN: P Skulander 6362 1426 mailto:[email protected] CONDITIONAL PLATE REGISTRAR: R. Gardoll 6362 8437 mailto:[email protected] REGALIA OFFICER: S Blowes 6366 5154 mailto:[email protected] EVENT Peter Harper 6334 2554 mailto:[email protected] CO-ORDINATORS Mick Buckler 6365 6188 mailto:[email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR: P Moras 6331 1013 mailto:[email protected] REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS: BATHURST: Peter Harper 6334 2554: Cowra: Vacant. DUBBO: Jim Mather 6884 6316 & Barry Young. 02 58060131: Lithgow: Rod Rossi. 6351 4044: MUDGEE: vacant Oberon: Ken Wilcox. 6336 1616 Parkes: vacant Sydney: Bob Dabbs 9774 3100 Trangie: Vacant Wellington: Vacant Young: Vacant Grenfell: Justyn Armstrong. 6343 1283 ACT: Geoff Barrett: 6241 1844 AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB Direct Payment details Bank- NAB; BSB-082- 774; Account No-75-231-2103 PLEASE NOTE THE CLOSING DATE FOR COPIES OF ANY PHOTOS YOU SEE IN CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEXT MONTHS THE NEWSLETTER PLUS MANY NEWSLETTER IS OTHERS TAKEN ON CLUB OUTINGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE EDIITOR 22/06/2016 ASCC News JUNE 2016 2 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Except for the few days where we received some very welcome rain, the run of very pleasant dry and mild days continues, great weather to get out and about in our cars. The first outing for May, on the 12th, the mid- week outing to the Iandra Castle near Greenethorpe coincided with one those few showery days. On a very cool and drizzly Thursday morning, both Orange and Bathurst Groups came together at the Heritage Park in Blayney to continue the journey to Cowra for morning tea or coffee at the Rose Gardens Café. After the usual meeting and greeting and catching up with the news, it was soon time to journey on through the village of Greenethorpe to the castle. On arrival we were met by the manager and his wife who gave us a very informed overview of the history of the castle, from when a Mr Greene first purchased the property of 35,000 acres in 1878. The property was known as Mt. Oriel, and the Castle as the Mt. Oriel Homestead, with the district being Iandra. Following the outline of the property’s history, we were then free to wander through the buildings and surrounding gardens. Soon it was time for lunch, and being not such a nice day for a picnic lunch in the gardens, we were graciously granted the use on the Conservatory, where tea and coffee making urns were already bubbling away. I’m sure Peter will have more details of this outing elsewhere in the Newsletter. A few days later, on Sunday, 15th May, the Soar, Ride, and Shine Airshow was held at the Bathurst Airport, organised by Lifeline Central West as a fundraiser to allow that organisation to train additional councillors and expand its telephone counselling services. In addition to the Airshow, the day also included car and motorcycle displays, with over 300 vehicles on display. The ASCC was represented by at least 16 cars, with 13 in the group display and others interspersed with their other Clubs throughout the display. While we had not arranged to meet as a group, as we arrived we were directed to the designated parking area and managed to park most of our cars together as a group. After arranging the cars in the pre-marked and expansive parking spots, the tables and chairs were soon setup, and members were free to sit back and watch the Airshow or wander throughout the static displays of aircraft and vehicles. I know Mick will have a further report in the Newsletter so I will leave that to him. I was overwhelmed when Mick rang me in the evening to announce that the ASCC had been awarded the Club trophy; well done, and a sincere thank you Mick and members for your participation in making this possible. Overall, I think we all agreed it was a successful day, beautiful balmy weather and well organised for Lifeline’s first attempt. Lifeline Central West CEO Alex Ferguson has informed us that with the outstanding success of this year’s Airshow, they will now be having another one next year, and with more time for planning and areas of improvement identified from this year, it should be a show we can look forward to. June will be an event filled month for the Club, firstly the Mid-Week outing on Thursday, 9th June, when we will travel to the beautiful Wolgan Valley. More details are available in this Newsletter. This will be followed shortly afterwards with the Henry Lawson Festival in Grenfell on Sunday, 12th June, the Long Weekend. This has always been a popular event for members, and where we have been awarded the Best Represented Club Trophy for the past few years, so let us see what we can do again this year. The final June event on the following Sunday will be the Movie Day in Manildra, an annual event organised by the Parkes Antique Motor Club. I should imagine there will be more details in this Newsletter, however the usual arrangement is a BYO lunch in the park, lunch at the local Store/Café, and I’m not sure what the hotel offers nowadays, followed by the movie at the historic Amusu Theatre starting about 1.00 PM. Well, that’s about it for this edition, looking forward to seeing those who can make it to the Wolgan Valley or Grenfell. Smooth roads, and happy and safe motoring Charles Stammers ASCC News JUNE 2016 3 DATES FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES June, Thursday 9th – Midweek Run to the Wolgan Valley (Contact is Peter Harper) Orange members should leave Cook Park at 8.15 am to meet Bathurst people at the Kelso layby at 9.00 am. From here we will travel down the highway to Yetholme where we turn left to Sunny Corner, Portland and onto Wallerawang for a BYO morning tea at the Lake Wallace picnic area. We will then drive down into the Wolgan Valley as far as the entry to the Emirates Resort which is at the end of the sealed road. From here we turn around and back-track to Wallerawang and then go on to Lithgow for lunch at the Workers Club. June, Sunday 12th - Henry Lawson Festival Grenfell Car Show (Contact is Mick Buckler) It is suggested Orange members leave Cook Park at 7.00 am travel via Canowindra to meet Bathurst members at the Rose Gardens at Cowra at approximately 8.00 am. No coffee break as we will travel direct to Grenfell to be in place by 9 .am before the road closes entries to car show $15.00 June, Sunday 19th - Movies at Manildra (Contact is Mick Buckler) This event is organised by the Parkes Antique motor club usually starts about 1pm July, Thursday 14th – Mid Week Meander to Canowindra for lunch. Contact is Peter Harper) There will be more information on this midweek run in future issue of the newsletter July, Sunday 17th Brass Monkey Run Bathurst (Contact is Mick Buckler) This event is now hosted by the MX5 Club of NSW, and will be held at Bathurst RSL 114Rankin Street starting at 8.15 am it is a fund raising event with all surplus funds given as a donation to Care Flight the event will be run whatever the weather conditions cost of breakfast is $20 .OO PLEASE ADVISE MICK BEFORE 30TH JUNE SO THE CLUB CAN ARRANGE THE TICKETS. For more info http://nsw.mx5.com.au/events/all-events from 1May2016 . If you don’t want to attend the breakfast, but want to go on a run, be at the Bathurst RSL car park at 10.30am August, Thursday 11th – Mid Week Meander TBA (Contact is Peter Harper) Details of this run will be will be advised in next months newsletter| August, Sunday 14th – Shannon’s Classic Car Show at Eastern Creek (Contact is Mick Buckler) More information in the next newsletter. Think about attendance so the club can purchase tickets August, Sunday 28th - All British Day Kings School Parramatta (Contact is Mick Buckler) This event is the premier event for showcasing British cars ,Motor Bikes and contraptions in NSW ,and is a must see even if your motoring lust is for things other than those created in the old dart .Our club has always put on a good display for this event which is ticket only ,tickets can be ordered through the club at a cost of $10 .00 .Any members wishing to join a group making this an overnight run contact me ASAP . ORDERS FOR TICKETS BY 30TH JUNE PLEASE TO AVOID MISSING OUT Mick Buckler has provided a list of potential events. Please contact him if you are interested in any event and he will organise it to go on the club calendar: 17th July Wagga Swap Meet 11th Sept Fathers Day swap meet at Cootamundra Showground 24th/25th Sept.
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