AMC on JB Technical Swiss Equity Portfolio ISIN: CH0350849797 NAV: 113.60 Currency: CHF Last Rebal.: 03.02.2021 Valor: 35084979 NAV Date: 08.02.2021 Dividend: Reinvested Issuer: Bank Julius Baer CertiMcates: 260’179 gmFt pee: 1.10% Issue Date: 30.10.2017 Aug: CHF 29’478’281 CoFPonents: 20 froduct stratemy The Underlying is a basket representing an actively-managed notional portfolio consisting of concentrated individual equities using the input of JB Technical Research. The notional portfolio includes up to 25 securities which represents JB Technical Research strongest conviction ideas based on their investment process. The notional portfolio is the result of a top-down analysis irrespective of the current in-house macro scenario and sector allocation using purely Technical Analysis. fer1orFance frice C5art 067.hh.w6h8 Y 6).6w.w6wh h Font5 0.26% 2w kee3 5im5 113.60 110 - Font5s 4.12% 2w kee3 lok 78.55 100 h year 4.41% AllYtiFe 5im5 113.60 90 Since 13.60% AllYtiFe lok 78.55 80 incePtion TxD 2.43% ga( drak -29.42% 6 Nov 2 Jul 25 Feb 21 Oct 15 Jun 8 Feb dokn gont5ly Returns fer1orFance Annual 2015 20% 2016 1.60 0.89 2017 2017 2.50 10% 2018 -15.61 2.44 -2.48 -4.00 1.53 1.80 1.48 1.55 0.76 -1.23 -8.35 -3.25 -6.39 2018 2019 23.24 4.91 3.69 1.01 6.58 -5.48 3.50 1.51 -3.18 2.26 2.31 4.02 0.57 2019 0% 2020 4.03 -0.56 -8.11 -10.88 2.30 5.91 2.18 4.47 3.29 2.31 -4.43 8.28 1.00 2020 2021 2.43 -10% -1.35 3.84 2021 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Report as of 9.2.2021 © Julius Baer Group, 2021 1/4 froduct CoFPosition by Asset Class froduct CoFPosition by Country CH - 90.14% Stocks - 95.13% AT - 4.99% Equity - 4.73% North Am... - 4.73% Cash - 0.14% Cash - 0.14% CoFPosition Stoc3s Name ISIN Currency Close Percentage LOGITECH INTERNATIONAL-REG CH0025751329 CHF 102.35 9.14% LONZA GROUP AG-REG CH0013841017 CHF 570.00 7.53% GEBERIT AG-REG CH0030170408 CHF 553.80 5.64% SWATCH GROUP AG/THE-BR CH0012255151 CHF 270.60 5.57% SIG COMBIBLOC GROUP AG CH0435377954 CHF 21.78 5.44% STRAUMANN HOLDING AG-REG CH0012280076 CHF 1’125.50 5.27% SIKA AG-REG CH0418792922 CHF 252.40 5.16% ALCON INC CH0432492467 CHF 67.58 5.05% AMS AG AT0000A18XM4 CHF 24.66 4.99% OC OERLIKON CORP AG-REG CH0000816824 CHF 9.89 4.95% CIE FINANCIERE RICHEMO-A REG CH0210483332 CHF 87.08 4.92% ABB LTD-REG CH0012221716 CHF 26.08 4.86% STADLER RAIL AG CH0002178181 CHF 43.22 4.80% EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG-REG CH0016440353 CHF 884.50 4.62% PARTNERS GROUP HOLDING AG CH0024608827 CHF 1’110.00 4.58% SONOVA HOLDING AG-REG CH0012549785 CHF 223.30 4.31% IDORSIA LTD CH0363463438 CHF 25.56 4.31% FISCHER (GEORG)-REG CH0001752309 CHF 1’190.00 3.99% Cas5 Name ISIN Currency Close Percentage CHF - CHF 1.00 0.14% Report as of 9.2.2021 © Julius Baer Group, 2021 2/4 Report as of 9.2.2021 © Julius Baer Group, 2021 3/4 IFPortant Lemal Notice This statement shall be deemed correct and approved unless the Bank receives written notixcation of disagreement within four weeks from the date of dispatch. This publication constitutes marketing material and is not the result of independent xnancial research. Therefore the legal requirements regarding the independence of xnancial research do not apply. The information and opinions e&pressed in this publication were produced by Bank Julius Baer j Co. Ltd., Zurich, as of the date of writing and are subzect to change without notice. This publication is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, a recommendation or an invitation by, or on behalf of, Julius Baer to make any investments. Opinions and comments of the authors re@ect their current views, but not necessarily of other Julius Baer entities or any other third party. Services and/or products mentioned in this publication may not be suitable for all recipients (i.e. retail clients) and may not be available in all countries. 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Nothing in this publication constitutes investment, legal, accounting or ta& advice, or a representation that any investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate for individual circumstances, or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation for any specixc investor. Julius Baer recommends that investors independently assess, with a professional advisor, the specixc xnancial risks as well as legal, regulatory, credit, ta& and accounting consequences. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Performance forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. The investor may not get back the amount invested. Although the information and data herein are obtained from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made that the information is accurate or complete. Bank Julius Baer j Co. Ltd., Zurich, its subsidiaries and afxliated companies do not accept liability for any loss arising from the use of this publication. 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