E2384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 20, 2001 our civil servants taught us anything on Sep- accomplished residents of the District of Co- rowing and clean audits has been achieved. tember 11, 2001, it is that this badge is a sym- lumbia. The huge task of restructuring and reforming bol of heroism and honor. I know that he will This year, the Authority completed six years each city agency is proceeding with many no- wear it with pride. that have brought the District of Columbia out table improvements. The Authority, working f of the worst financial crisis in a century. To with elected officials has improved the most cope with this crisis, Congress passed the critical agencies, including public safety and HONORING COPELAND AND WI- District of Columbia Financial Responsibility education, where resident concern was pro- NONA GRISWOLD ON THEIR 50TH and Management Assistance Authority Act in nounced. These financial and management WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1995. The city had followed several others— improvements are among the many rich fea- Philadelphia, New York, and Cleveland among tures of the Authority’s legacy, HON. JEFF MILLER them—to junk bond status indicating an inabil- However, the Authority also left an important OF FLORIDA ity to borrow, or insolvency. As with the cities warning not only for the city but for Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that preceded them, the District required a about the future of the city. Despite remark- ‘‘control board’’ or Authority in order to con- able city improvements and the Revitalization Thursday, December 20, 2001 tinue to borrow the necessary money to func- Act’s assumption of $5 billion in pension liabil- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my tion. Unlike other cities, however, the nation’s ity and some state functions, the Authority distinct pleasure to announce to you and the capital reached this point not only because of warned of a structural deficit not of the city’s other members of this distinguished body, that local mismanagement, but also because it is a making that urgently needs congressional at- on December 21, 2001, my in-laws, Copeland city without a state and a city that carried the tention. Next session, I will introduce a bill to and Winona Griswold of Chumuckla, Florida, full complement of state functions and costs. meet the structural problem the Authority has will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. To the credit of the prior administration of left Congress to remedy. Copeland and Winona were married on De- President Bill Clinton, which designed a pack- Today, however, let us be grateful that the cember 21, 1951. They met in Chumuckla, age relieving the city of the most costly state most difficult part of the job of revitalizing the Florida during grade school and later became functions and of the Congress, which ap- nation’s capital has not been left to Congress. high school sweethearts and valedictorians of proved it, the District has had a remarkable re- It has been done by nine extraordinary citi- their senior classes. They have lived in covery. zens who asked nothing from Congress, not Chumuckla these past 50 years, and have Working countless hours with the Mayor and pay, and not even praise. Yet, considerable shared their love with their children Marty, the City Council, the Authority helped the Dis- praise is the least they are due from the Con- Von, Vicki and Paul, and their many grand- trict achieve investment grade bond status by gress of the United States. It is praise and children and great grandchildren. the third year of the control period, rather than honor that I ask this House to give to these The Griswolds were agricultural pioneers in in four years; create a budget reserve of $150 nine Washingtonians today from a grateful the State of Florida. They were named the million and left the city well on its way to cre- Congress and a grateful nation. Farm Family of the Year for Santa Rosa ating a 7-percent cash reserve three years THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FINANCIAL County in 1985, and Copeland was inducted ahead of schedule; repay all borrowings from MANAGEMENT AND ASSISTANCE AUTHORITY into the Florida Agriculture Hall of Fame in the U.S. Treasury; eliminate the accumulated FIRST AUTHORITY February of this year. deficit; and post four years of balanced budg- Andrew Brimmer (Chair) Their love story is one that is still in ets with surpluses, two years ahead of the Dr. Andrew Brimmer served as the first progress. I can tell you firsthand their love for congressional mandate to do so. chair of the Authority. Mr. Brimmer, the each other has grown even stronger through Elected officials, who continued to run the first African American to serve on the Fed- the years and serves as an inspiration to us city throughout, deserve credit for this im- eral Reserve Board, has long been recognized all. provement. However, they would doubtlessly as a distinguished economist. Among his Love has flourished between these two agree that more than any single group or indi- many posts and achievements is service as hearts, and I wish them continued happiness viduals, the Financial Authority deserves the an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and posts teaching economics at and love for years to come. credit for the four-year rapid recovery of the Michigan State University, the Wharton On behalf of the United States Congress District. It was the credibility of the individuals School, the University of Pennsylvania, and and the people of Northwest Florida, I extend on the Authority and the extraordinary job they other colleges and universities. Dr. Brimmer our sincere congratulations to Copeland and did that enabled the District to borrow in its is the President of Brimmer and Company. Winona Griswold, whose love stands as a own name. The city never had to have the Au- Dr. Brimmer became the chair of the Au- shining example to an entire community. thority borrow for the District. It was the Au- thority when the city was at its lowest point thority that worked hand in glove with D.C. of financial and management disrepair. He f led the Authority as it took on very large elected officials to assure that the finances and intractable fiscal and operational prob- IN HONOR OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS and the management of the D.C. government OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA lems and managed them with skill and deter- would proceed apace to improve. And it was mination. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND the Authority that gave Congress the con- Stephen Harlan (Vice Chair) MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE AU- fidence that the city would be ready for the THORITY MEMBERS Stephen Harlan served as vice chair for the sunset of the Authority on September 30, first term of the Authority. He was the chair 2001. of H.G. Smithy Company, a specialized real HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON It would be difficult to overestimate the im- estate firm providing mortgage banking, fi- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA portance of these Washingtonians to the re- nance and investment, and multi-family property management services. He pre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES covery of the city or the difficulty of the work they were called upon to do—and did. The viously served as vice chairman of KPMG Thursday, December 20, 2001 Peat Marwick. District could never have purchased from ex- Mr. Harlan successfully led the Authority’s Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, as Congress perts of their special competence what each public safety revitalization at a time when prepares to end this session, unique in our gave to the city as a contribution of unique ex- crime was the primary concern of District history, I ask the House to recognize the work pertise, endless hours, extraordinary effort, residents and officials. of nine Washingtonians who have just com- and plain, priceless wisdom. Joyce Ladner pleted a uniquely important public service for The city the Authority found had been Dr. Joyce Ladner has served as Interim our nation’s capital, and therefore for our na- wracked with many years of overspending and President of Howard University, Vice Presi- tion. The nine served the District of Columbia an accumulated deficit as well as a dysfunc- dent for Academic Affairs, and professor of on the District of Columbia Financial Respon- tional government of city agencies. The city sociology at the Howard University School sibility and Management Assistance Authority. they have left has had four straight years of of Social Work. She is currently a Senior They are the two chairs, Andrew Brimmer and balanced budgets plus surpluses and a much Fellow of Government Studies at the Brook- ings Institution. Alice Rivlin, the vice chairs, Stephen Harlan improved fully functioning city government. At Dr. Ladner successfully concentrated on and Constance Berry Newman, and the mem- the end of the last fiscal year, the District had improving public schools when education bers, Eugene Kinlow, Darius Mans, Joyce a larger surplus than Maryland and larger than was the primary concern of the Authority. Ladner, Edward Singletary, and Robert Wat- Virginia, which had no surplus. The bottom Constance Berry Newman kins. They are very distinguished Americans line that is expected of every jurisdiction of liv- Constance Berry Newman, one of the most and among the most distinguished and most ing within its budget, credit to assure bor- versatile officials in the public life of the VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:09 Dec 28, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0666 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20DE8.052 pfrm07 PsN: E20PT1 December 20, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2385 country, served as vice chair during the sec- Federal Reserve System Board of Governors.
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