MAY 13, 1977 . 35 CENTS VOLUME 41/NUMBER 18 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE_ WORKING PEOPLE ·nuclear Cops jail1;400 in sit-in at Seabrook reactor site . -PAGE17 Intercontinental Press/Fred Murphy · -PAGE 3 Student demonstrations PUertO RICO's · face halt in rent hikes luture debated Juan Mari Bras presents case for independence -· PAGE 21 In Brief DROWNING IN THE SECRETARIAL POOL: Several mob. In violation of Louisiana state law, Tyler-a juvenile­ THIS hundred clerical workers marked National Office Workers was sentenced to life imprisonment at Angola penitentiary. Day in New York with a noon rally April 27. National His mother, Juanita Tyler, is asking that protest letters be WEEK'S Secretaries Week was first proclaimed in 1952. According to sent urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear an appeal on the Washington Post, it was an occasion for secretaries to this unconstitutional act. Write to the Clerk of Court, U.S. let. the "'business world know how proud they are of their Supreme Court, Washington, D.C., with copies to the Gary MILITANT profession, and the diversified opportunities it has given Tyler Defense Fund, Post Office Box 52223, New Orleans, 4 Steel-plant sales them for exciting, stimulating and challenging careers." Louisiana 70152. Juanita Tyler also says this is the address top 4,000 The militant New York crowd, however, protested sex of the only committee authorized to receive donations for 7 Feminists protest discrimination and told bosses to quit treating secretaries her son's defense. red-baiting like personal maids. The event, organized by Women Office Workers, included a contest on "ridiculous personal er­ SPY SCANDAL AT UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA­ 8 Racists OK busing rands." One entry said she was expected to fill in the tough NIA: A Penn Committee to End Campus Spying has been whites words in her boss's unfinished crossword puzzles. established following revelations in the March 7 Daily Pennsylvanian that for the past six or seven years the 13 Gay rights campus security office at the University of Pennsylvania supporters rally N.J. CHALLENGE TO ABORTION RIGHTS: New has maintained a forty-member "Student Auxiliary Squad" 14 Bilingual-bicultural Jersey Superior Court Justice Robert Clifford ordered a to spy on student groups. The student spies were paid out of federal funds allocated education nineteen-year-old unmarried woman not to have an abortion April 21. The women, Wendy Chasalow, had the abortion for work-study programs. According to the Daily Pennsyl­ 16 Southern labor: anyway, because Clifford's order did not reach her in time. vanian, at least some campus files were turned over to the the coming upsurge The ruling upheld a request to block the operation by FBI. More than eighty campus organizations and professors 18 'Nation' on dis­ John Rothenberger, the man who impregnated Chasalow. Earlier, Rothenberger's efforts to deny Chasalow's right to have endorsed a committee statement condemning the closure & harassment control her own body had been rejected by two lower courts. campus spying. 20 A turning point Rothenberger had argued that his rights as a father, as well Among those organizations participating in activities of for humanity as the rights of the six-week-old fetus, were being'violated the Penn Committee to End Campus Spying are the Black by Chasalow's decision. But the lower court judges dis­ Student League, the Revolutionary Student Brigade, and 21 FALN grand jury agreed. They said that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled the Young Socialist Alliance. covers harassment that woUlen have an absolute right to an abortion during L&M STRIKE IN DURHAM, N.C.:Militant correspond­ . 22 Strikebreaking the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. ent Gary Sage reports that some 1,700 members of Local threats hit teachers A spokesperson for Rothenberger says he is now consider­ ing whether to seek contempt of court charges against 176, Tobacco Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, went 29 May Day· 1977 Chasalow. · on strike against the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Corporation April 18. The union is striking to eliminate a fifteen-cent 2 In Brief OPPOSE SUPREME COURT ANTIGAY RULING: On ceiling on the cost-of-living ilSCalator clause in its contract. March 29, 1976; the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Virginia's This is the first strike against I.&M in nearly forty years. 5 Steel Notes sodomy laws, thereby approving the right of individual 10 In Our Opinion states to maintain antigay and other sexually repressive ON THE COST OF LIVING: Just to maintain what the government calls an "austere" standard Of living, a family Letters legislation. The May 21 Gay Action Coalition has set Saturday, May 21, as a day of protest against the Supreme of four needs an annual income of $10,041, the U.S. Labor 11 National Picket Line Court's ruling. Department says. Calculated for the fall of 1976, this figure Women in Revolt Demonstrators will assemble at noon in front of the represents an increase of 4. 7 percent over the previous year. , The department says $16,236 a year maintains a family of 12 Great Society Justice Department in Washiilgton, D.C., proceeding from there to the Supreme Court. "Despite what the Supreme four at a "moderate" standard, a 6.0 percent increase over ;La Raza en Acci6n! Court may say," says coalition spokesperson Joyce Hunter, the previous year. Capitalism Fouls Things Up "gay people will not allow any government, political party, While pondering the above, consider this.· New York's 27 As I See It or religious institution to control our sexual begavior or Consolidated Edison Company announced April 26 that its · deprive us of our basic human rights." net income of $95.3 million for the first quarter of 1977 was 28 In Review For more information contact the coalition c/o GAA New up 15.2 percent from year-earlier levels. The rise, Con Ed Jersey, Post Office Box 1734, Hackensack, New Jersey said, "was due to rate increases, increased sales to other WORLD OUTLOOK 07606, or call (202) 363-3881 or (201) 343-6402. utilities, and the effects of the colder-than-normal weath­ 23 Opposition against er.... " -Peter Seidman Pakistani regime TEAMSTERS FOR A DEMOCRATIC UNION: In their latest move to stifle union democracy in Detroit Teamsters 24 Japanese Trotskyists Local 299, Teamster officials have launched a red-baiting declare solidarity campaign against Pete Camarata, a spokesperson for SUBSCRIBE MOW! 25 World News Notes Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU). At the April local meeting, the local president demanded to know if Camarata 26 S. African students is a socialist. This scare tactic backfired, as member after 10 WEEKS FOR S1 protest death member got up to say that Camarata's political beliefs were his own business. · In March the officials of Local 299 voted to expel ~r subscribe for 6 months Camarata and Al Ferdnance, another TDU leader, for their THE MILITANT role in the April 1976 wildcat strike against the Master or 1year and get this VOLUME 41/NUMBER 18 Freight Agreement. MAY 13, 1977 These attacks aim to weaken and discredit TDU. In recent FREE BOOK! CLOSING NEWS DATE-MAY 4 months TDU has submitted bylaw amendments that would make all Local 299 offices elective and institute monthly Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS meetings and financial reports. Managing Editor: NELSON BLACKSTOCK Business Manager: HARVEY McARTHUR TDU has mobilized several hundred members for union Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING meetings to demand that the proposed changes be read into Washington Bureau: DAVID FRANKEL the record so they can be voted on in May. TDU, along with another rank-and-file opposition group This 269-page book is the best Published weekly by The Militant Publishing explanation of the ideas of the Social­ Ass'n., 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. called Concerned Members of 299, organized a demonstra­ ist Workers party. Five leaders of the Telephone: Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Busi· tion of 125 members April 2 to protest the expulsion of SWP discuss proposals for strength­ ness Office (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: Camarata and Ferdnance. TDU also plans to run an ening the struggles of working 1250 Wilshire Blvd.. Suite 404. Los Angeles. California 90017. Telephone: (213) 462-3184. opposition slate in the November 1977 local elections. people, women, Chicanos, Blacks, Washington Bureau: 1424 16th St. NW, #701-B, Puerto Ricans, students-and build­ Washington, D.C. 20036. Telephone: (202) 265- ing a mass socialist movement that 6865. RACIST FRAME-UPS: On April 29 the North Carolina can take on the ruling superrich and Correspondence concerning sub~eriptions or Suprem'e Court denied a request that the nine Wilmington win. changes of 8ddress should be 8ddre11ed to The Ten defendants still in jail be released on bail. Three Milit•nt Busine11_ Ollice, 14 Ch•rles L•ne, New prosecution witnesses have recanted testimony that was key Offer gc>od for new or renewal subscriptions. York, N.Y. 10014. to their conviction. The ten were framed up on conspiracy Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscriptions: U.S., $9.00 a year; outside U.S., and shooting charges stemming from racist vigilante ( ) $1 for ten issues $14.50. By first-class mail: U.S., Canada, and attacks on Wilmington's Black community in 1971. A i 1 $5 for six months and Prospects for Socialism Mexico, $36.50. Write for surface and airmail rates hearing_ for a new trial based on the recantations is set for ( ) $9 for one year and Prospects for Socialism to all other countries. May 9 at Burgaw ... Passaic County Court Judge Bruno ( ) New ( ) Renewal For subscriptions airmailed from New York and then posted from London dorectly to Britain.
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