Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant at Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri, Karnataka WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PLAN FOR PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF CONSERVATION PLAN FOR INDIAN PEAFOWL (PAVO CRISTATUS), BLACKBUCK (ANTELOPE CERVICAPRA) AND INDIAN WOLF (CANIS LUPUS PALLIPES) of Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant Located at Village: Kumarapatnam Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri (Karnataka) Project Proponent Prepared By M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. J.M. EnviroNet Pvt. Ltd. (Unit: Harihar Polyfibres and Grasiline Division), 202 A, ABW Tower, MG Road, Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, IFFCO Chowk, Sector- 25, District: Haveri- 581123 (Karnataka) Gurugram- 122001 (HR) SAVE EARTH, SAVE WILDLIFE M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. 1 J.M. EnviroNet Pvt. Ltd. Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant at Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri, Karnataka WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PLAN FOR PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF CONTENT LIST S. NO. INDEX PAGE NO. CONSERVATION PLAN OF PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF 1- 60 1.0 Introduction to Grasim Industries Limited 4 1.1 Introduction to Project 5 1.2 Location Details 7 1.3 Project Area Details 9 1.4 Environmental Settings of the Study Area 9 1.5 Study area 9 2.0 Objective of the Wildlife Conservation Plan 10 3.0 The Existing Situation 11 4.0 Process Description 14 4.1 Process Description of Pulp Plant 14 4.2 Process Description of Fibre Plant 14 4.3 Process Description of Excel Fibre Plant 14 4.4 Process Description of CS2 Plant 14 4.5 Process Description of H2SO4 Plant 14 4.6 Other Project Associated Activities 14 4.7 Change of Land Use Pattern 14 Methodology for Conservation of Wildlife in Core and Buffer Zone of 5.0 15 Proposed Expansion Project 5.1 The Existing Situation 15 5.2 Methodology for Conservation of Peafowl, Blackbuck and Indian Wolf 15 5.3 Facilities Used 15 Conservation Plan for Peafowl 1.0 Introduction 17 2.0 Reason for Conservation 17 3.0 Habitat and Behaviour 17 4.0 Breeding 17 5.0 Observations 17 6.0 Possible Impacts and its Mitigation Measures of the Project 19 7.0 Conservation Measures 26 8.0 Action Plan for Conservation of Peafowl 26 Conservation Plan for Blackbuck 1.0 Introduction 28 2.0 Reason for Conservation 28 M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. 2 J.M. EnviroNet Pvt. Ltd. Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant at Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri, Karnataka WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PLAN FOR PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF 3.0 Habitat, Ecology and Behaviour 28 4.0 Observations 28 5.0 Possible Impacts and its Mitigation Measures of the Project 30 6.0 Conservation Measures 30 7.0 Action Plan for Conservation of Blackbuck 31 Conservation Plan for Indian Wolf 1.0 Introduction 34 2.0 Reason for Conservation 34 3.0 Distribution 34 4.0 Ecology and Behaviour 34 5.0 Breeding 35 6.0 Observations 35 7.0 Possible Impacts and its Mitigation Measures of the Project 35 8.0 Conservation Measures for Indian Wolf 35 Budget Expenditure 6.0 The Budget Expenditure 39 Inventory List of Flora and Fauna 7.0 Inventorization of Floral Diversity 43 8.0 Inventorization of Faunal Diversity 50 9.0 Inventorization of Avifaunal Diversity 53 10.0 Aquatic Diversity of the Study Area 58 11.0 Cropping Pattern of the Study Area 58 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 1. Salient Features of the Project 6 2. Budget for Conservation of Peafowl, Blackbuck and Indian Wolf 39 3. Year wise expenditure (Lacs) for Peafowl, Blackbuck and Indian Wolf for 5 years 41 4. Floral Diversity in the study area 43 5. Faunal Diversity in the Study Area 50 6. Avifaunal Diversity in the Study Area 53 7. Aquatic diversity in the study area 58 8. List of species suitable for gaseous pollutant 59 9. List of plant species suitable for odor management 59 10. List of plant species suggested for Roadside plantation 60 M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. 3 J.M. EnviroNet Pvt. Ltd. Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant at Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri, Karnataka WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PLAN FOR PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 1. Location Map 8 2. Land Use and Land Cover Map of the 10 km Radius Study Area 13 Photo Plate - 1_ Photographs of the Peafowl observed in the study area with 3. 18 GPS location Photo Plate - 2_ Photographs of the Blackbuck observed in the study area with 4. 29 GPS location 5. Photo Plate - 3_ Floral Diversity 6. Photo Plate - 4_ Faunal Diversity 7. Photo Plate - 5_ Avifaunal Diversity M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. 4 J.M. EnviroNet Pvt. Ltd. Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant at Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri, Karnataka WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PLAN FOR PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF 1.0 Introduction to Grasim Industries Limited M/s.GrasimIndustriesLimited(GIL),incorporated on25thAug.,1947,isaflagship companyofAdityaBirlaGroup. M/s.GILhasfourVSFPlantsinIndiawhicharelocated atNagda(MadhyaPradesh),Harihar(Karnataka),Kharach & Vilayat(Gujarat). Harihar plantcomprises of two divisions i.e.HariharPolyfibres Division (HPF)and Grasilene Division(GRD). The Company'sRayonGradeplant wasthefirst inIndiatousetotally indigenouswood resourceswith in-housetechnologyforproducingrayon gradepulp with an innovativeoxygen bleachingprocessto reducetheuseofchlorine. The PolyfibresDivision (Pulpplant)was establishedin 1972. Thecurrentproduction capacityofpulpis74400TPA. The GrasileneDivision (ViscoseStapleFibre plant)was established in 1977.Thecurrentproduction capacityofVSFis87,600TPA,H2SO4 is75110TPA,CS2 is14365TPAandCPP 20 MW. VSFconsumptionhasgrownataCAGRof11%globally during theperiodfrom2010to 2015andexpectedtocontinueatthesamerate.InIndiatoo,itisexpectedthatVSF demandtogrowatarateof11 %during 2015-20.To meetthevisionset fortextileand apparel industry by honourablePrimeMinister, therewillberequirementofadequate raw materialswhich cotton alonecannotmeetdue tolimitation of land forgrowingthecrop. Hencethedemandoffibres fortextile industry willneedtobemetby MMFandVSF.As perconsumer’spreference forcomfort, fashionwearandcasuals, viscoseisemerging as thefibreofchoice. Thisprovidesopportunities forIndiantextileindustriestogrowand supplytointernationalbrands. PresentlytheunitcaterstotherequirementofSouthIndianMarket.Iftheunitdoesn’t meet increasingmarketdemand then VSF willbebought fromnorth Indiaorfromforeign countrieswhichwill increasetransport,fuelconsumptionand thusnegativeimpacton environment.Hence,byincreasingtheVSFproduction,theoverallfuelconsumption usedfortransportation andincreased carbon footprintscan bereduced. 1.1 Introduction to Project M/s. Grasim Industries Limited (Village: Kumarapatnam, Unit: Harihar Polyfibres and Grasiline Division) has obtained the Environmental Clearance for Existing Plant vide letter no. F. No.: J-11011/371/2006-IA. II (I) dated 08.11.2007 and amended vide letter no. F. No.: J- 11011/371/2006-IA. II (I)dated 30.12.2013. Expansionofthepulpplant hasbeenproposedtomeettheadditional requirement ofpulp in M/s. Grasim Industries Ltd. 5 J.M. EnviroNet Pvt. Ltd. Proposed Expansion of Pulp Plant, VSF Plant, Sulphuric Acid Plant, Carbon Disulphide Plant and Captive Power Plant along with new Excel Fibre Plant at Village: Kumarapatnam, Taluka: Ranebennuru, District: Haveri, Karnataka WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PLAN FOR PEAFOWL, BLACKBUCK AND INDIAN WOLF theVSF plantelsethepulp has tobeimportedfromforeign countries. Thecompany hasproposedexpansionofPulpPlant, VSFPlant,SulphuricAcidPlant, CarbonDisulphidePlantandCaptivePowerPlantalong withNewExcelFibrePlantat Village: Kumarapatnam,Taluka: Ranebennur,District: Haveri, Karnataka.The Termsof references asdiscussed and finalized during20thExpertAppraisalCommittee(Industry- 2)meetingheldduring27th -28th Feb.,2017 havebeenissuedbytheMoEFCC,New Delhivideletterno.J-11011/346/216-IAII(I)dated26thMay,2017.Thebaselinedata hasbeencollectedduringWinterSeason,(Dec.2016-Feb.,2017)asperthestandard termsofreferencesgiven on theMoEFCC website. AspertheEIANotification,2006anditssubsequentamendments,thisprojectactivity fallsunderCategory ‘A’Projects,S.No.5(d) Manmadefibresmanufacturing,5(i)Pulp and paperindustryand 1(d)ThermalPowerPlants. Hereby, we draw your kind attention on the fact that Grasim Industries Limited at Village: Kumarapatnam was operating from 1972, before the Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary notified in 1974. Since the operation started no environmental norms are violated so far. Table No.: 1 Salient Features of the Project S. No. Particulars Details A. Nature of the Expansion project B. Size of the S. Name ofProducts/ Units Existing Proposed TotalCapacity Project No. Capacity Capacity after Expansion Harihar PolyfibresDivision (Pulp plant) 1. Pulp (TPA) 74,400 74,400 1,48,800 2. RecoveryBoiler (MW) 10 10 20 Grasilene Division (Fibre Plant) 1. VSF(TPA) 87,600 87,600* 1,75,200 2. SulphuricAcid (TPA) 75,110 75,110 1,50,220 3. Carbondisulphide
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