Appendix 2 A Gazetteer of Medieval Sites in Cilicia The following section is a gazetteer of all major, archaeological position of each site by degrees and minutes in latitude (north) sites from the Armenian kingdom. The sites are presented al- and longitude (east). The fourth entry is a summary from phabetically and each site is defined by two to four categories of modern publications where more information can be found. information that will provide an immediate reference to some The goal of this gazetteer is neither to provide a historical de- basic facts. The emphasis here is on the archaeology of Cilicia scription nor analyse the historiographic veracity of the textual and thus a place is listed with * when there is some physical, evidence here. While such a study is certainly necessary, its extant evidence of medieval occupation or construction has presence here is a separate effort entirely and one which would taken place. Consequently, for instance, the city of Adana is outweigh the dissertation itself not only in new data, but in listed without *. Although we know historically that some Ar- sheer volume. The fifth entry is collection of my personal menians lived within its collapsed walls after the 10th century, observations.2 no particular medieval remains are to be found in the current city. This in contrast to the city of Misis, where a current archae- Abidye ology team of the University of Pisa are excavating the remains Toponomy: Abedi of the fortified outcrop. Typology: 9 The modern Turkish name for each site is the first entry be- History: Casale mentioned in the grant of 1212 by Levon i cause the medieval toponym, in the majority of the cases, is un- to the Teutonic Knights (Langlois, 1863: 118) known or in dispute. The Turkish designation, and not the Ar- menian, appears on modern maps. If variant spellings or two Adana separate names are commonly used for a site, then both will be Toponomy: τὰ Ἄδανα, τὰ Ἀδανά, Athena, Adena, Azara, listed. Aḏana, The second entry, the Classification of Buildings, is a number Typology: 10 that represents the type of occupation and construction that is Location: 37°0´06″N ; 35°19´44″E present at a given site. This typology has been worked out in Chapter 4. The order is as follows: 1 = Watch Posts; 2 = Agner, Eǧner * Quadriburgia (without keep); 3 = Tower Keeps/ Hall Houses Toponomy: Aguener, Akanc’, Eǧnar (without bailey); 4 = Keep and Bailey (sometimes incorporat- Typology: 11 ed); 5 = Castle without Enclosure; 6 = Enclosure Castle; 7 = Location: 37°26´54″N ; 35°27´34″E Fortress/Citadel; 8 = Sea Castle; 9 = Rural Settlement or unforti- fied medieval village; 10 = Classical site; 11 = Cloister.1 If it sus- Akkale (near Lamas)* pected that a particular site does have Armenian remains, but Location: 36°31´44″N ; 34°13´21″E the published information is simply inadequate or too unpro- Typology: 10 fessional for one to draw firm conclusions, a question mark (?) follows the number. If the site is incorporated in the discussions ak kale of this thesis, then the name of the site will be in small caps. As Typology: 6 a consequence that means that some physical, extant evidance Location: 37°32′55″N ; 36°22′02″E of medieval occupation or construction was present at the site. Publications: Fedden and Thomson, 1957: 12; 22; 54 – Boase, The third entry is the exact location of each site if known. 1978: 149; 153 – Edwards, 1987: 55–56 The geographic coordinates found on Google Earth indicate the Photos: 1a–b 1 The category of “Classical site” will be cited whether the city was 2 Because of the time limit it was impossible for me to visit every site. occcupied by the Armenians themselves or uninhabited but adj- A good attempt, however, has been made during the summers be- acant to an Armenian site. tween 2011 and 2013. © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, ���� | doi 10.1163/9789004417410_009 Dweezil Vandekerckhove - 9789004417410 Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 09:02:03AM via free access A Gazetteer of Medieval Sites in Cilicia 145 Plan: Dağ with the Gebel Akmar and Gebel Simon, and the northern the Nur Dağları stretching up to Marʻash Amanus Gates Toponomy: Ἀμανικαὶ πύλαι, Ἀμανίδες πύλαι, Pylae Amanides, Derbendal Marrim Location: It lies between the modern cities of Osmaniye and Fevsipaşa. On the south it is approached by a group of shallow valleys, and a southern track runs through them from Osmaniye to Islahiye. To the north another pass, the Bahçe, leads to a route between the Hamus and Pyramus rivers. Amaykʽ Toponomy: Amoykʽ, ‘Amāōs Akkilise* amuda, hemite kalesi Typology: 11 Toponomy: Amouda, Amoudain, Amutay, Adamodana, Location: 37°42´31″N ; 35°37´00″E Qalʻat al-‘Āmudain Publications: Hellenkemper, 1986: 98 – Hild, 1990: 167 Typology: 4 Location: 37°11′17″N ; 36°05′40″E Akören* Publications: Alishan, 1899: 225–29 – Boase, 1978: 113–15 – Hel- Typology: 11 lenkemper, 1976: 123–31 – Edwards, 1987: 58–62 Location: 37°28´23″N ; 35°27´51″ Photos: 3a–c Plan: aladağ Toponomy: 2 Location: 37°05′18″N ; 34°58′00″E Photos: 2a–b alafakılar Toponomy: Alifakılı, Kaleyüzü Typology: 1 Location: 37°30´50″N ; 35°43´54″E Publications: Edwards, 1987: 57 Alahan* Typology: 11 Location: 36°47´29″N ; 33°21´10″E Alaiye* Toponomy: Alanya Köyü, Alanyalı Location: 37°05´52″N ; 34°30´25″ Publications: Hild, 1990: 170 Amanus Mountains Toponomy: Ἀμανός, Montana Nigra, Seaw Liarn (Armenian for Black Mountains), Nur Daǧları (Amanus Daǧları) Location: Mountain range divided into two ranges by the Belen Pass (Syrian Gates); the southern the Kizil Dweezil Vandekerckhove - 9789004417410 Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 09:02:03AM via free access 146 Appendix 2 Amuq Plain Location: Marshy plain north of Antioch, stretching in a long but little used corridor up to Marʻash, be- tween the Amanus Mountains and the Kurd Dagh Anabat Typology: 11 anacık Typology: 3 Location: 37°23′55″N ; 36°20′17″E Publications: Edwards, 1987: 62 Photos: 4a anahşa Toponomy: Eskianahşa Rodentos, Butrentrum Typology: 7 Location: 37°23′36″N ; 34°54′23″E Publications: Langlois, 1861: 166; 377–79 – Heffening, 1925: 179–89 – Hild, 1981: 185 – Edwards, 1987: 62–65 Photos: 5a–b Plan: andıl kalesi & andıl köy Toponomy: Andul Typology: 5 & 9 Location: 37°32′50″N ; 35°47′35″E & 37°32′28″N ; 35°47′22″E Publications: Alishan, 1899: 66; 264 – Edwards, 1987: 72–77 Photos: 7a–b & 8a Andouchedza Toponomy: Antouchezda, Antiochetta? Andriasankʽ Toponomy: Alabozan, Alibozan Fenk Typology: 11 anavarza Andırın Toponomy: Άνάβαρζα, Anazarbus, ʻAin Zarba, ʻAin Zarbā, Toponomy: Ἀνδρασσός Nāwarzā, Ānāzarbā, Anavarza Location: 37°34´36″N ; 36°21´09″ Typology: 7 Location: 37°15′14″N ; 35°54′17″E Ane, Han Kalesi* Publications: Gough, 1952: 85–150 – Hellenkemper, 1976: Location: 37°49´52″N ; 36°52´30″ 191–201 – Hild, 1990: 178–85 – Edwards, 1987: 65–72 Anamur* Photos: 6a–i Toponomy: Ἀνεμούριον, Ἀνεμώριον, Ἀνεμόνη, Anemurium, Plan: Anemorium, Anemourion, Astalimure, Stallim- uri, Stallimuro Dweezil Vandekerckhove - 9789004417410 Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 09:02:03AM via free access A Gazetteer of Medieval Sites in Cilicia 147 Typology: 10 Ayas, Elaiussa Sebaste* Location: 36°01´20″N ; 32°48´11″E Typology: 10 Publications: Hild, 1990: 187–91 Location: 36°29′01″N ; 34°10′26″E Antiochetta* Aydap İskelesi Toponomy: Ἀντιόχεια ἐπὶ Κράγῳ, Antiochia ad Cragum, An- Toponomy: Ἰωτάπη, Ayžutap tiochia parva, Antiochet, Antiozeta, Andawšc, Typology: 10 Andūšīǧ Location: 36°19´36″N ; 32°16´56″E Typology: 10 Location: 36°09´24″N ; 32°24´54″E Aygek Publications: Hild, 1990: 191–93 Toponomy: Aygeak Areg Ayun Toponomy: Aregin, Aregni, Aregi Toponomy: Ayn, Ayim, Heion, Ayınselime (?) Typology: 11 Typology: 9 History: Unidentified casale granted by Levon i in 1212 to Ark῾akałin the Teutonic Knights (Langlois, Cartulaire: 117; Toponomy: Ark῾akałni, probably Peri Kalesi 119; 121). Typology: 11 azgit arslanköy Toponomy: Šołakan Toponomy: Aslanköy Typology: 4 Typology: 6 Location: 37°36′35″N ; 36°22′56″E Location: 36°59´31″N ; 34°17´24″E Publications: Fedden & Thomson, 1957: 46 – Boase, 1978: 84– Publications: Edwards, 1987: 76–77 91 – Mutafian, 1988, i: 301; 416 – Edwards, 1987: 82–84 – Hild, 1990: 418 Arsuz Photos: 10a–d Toponomy: Port Bonnel, Rhossus, Rosus Typology: 10 babaoğlan Typology: 6 Asgouras: Location: 37°14′35″N ; 36°11′14″E Toponomy: Ἄσκορα, Askuṙas Publications: Edwards, 1987: 84–87 – Hild, 1990: 411 Publications: Hild, 1990: 199–200 Photos: 11a–b Plan: Aşılı, Nürfet Yolu Typology: 6 Location: 37°35´08″N ; 31°15´00″E Publications: Hild, 1990: 199 Avlik, Koçlu* Location: 37°29´47″N ; 36°11´27″E ayas, yumurtalık Toponomy: Αἰγαῖαι, Αἰγέαι, Αἰγαί, Ἁγιάσιν, Āyās, Ayas, Aegea[e] Ayacium, Ayazzo, Ayaccio, Lajazzo, Layazzo, La Giazza, La Jazza, Laicum, Laiacium, Laizo, Typology: 6 and 8 Location: 36°46′03″N ; 35°47′19″E Publications: Langlois, 1863: 4 – Hellenkemper, 1976: 154–64 – Boase, 1978: 137–44 – Edwards, 1987: 77–83 Dweezil Vandekerckhove - 9789004417410 Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 09:02:03AM via free access 148 Appendix 2 babıklı Location: 37°26′41″N ; 35°55′44″E Typology: 4 Publications: Fedden & Thomson, 1957: 12 – Hellenkemper, Location: 37°29′38″N ; 36°15′35″E 1976: 214 – Edwards, 1987: 97 Photos: 16a–b bağras Toponomy: Πάγραι, Bağras, Bakras, Gaston, Guastone Buquequia Typology: 7 Toponomy: Buchona, Bucona, Bequoqua Location: 36°25′36″N ; 36°13′31″E Typology: 9 Publications: Cahen, 1940: 141–55 – Müller-Wiener, 1966: 48 – Deschamps, 1973: 165–71; 359 – Boase, 1978: Büyükçakιr* 35–49 – Edwards, 1983: 415–55 Location: 37°46´11″N ; 35°24´39″E Barsełeanc῾
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