FOR THE SfATEOF €onnectittt$ , FoR THE YEAR OF ouR LORD I 8 0 3 ; BEING THE ~l'WEN'T'Y SEVENTH OF 'rHE INOEPE:tJDZNCE OF T!IE U N 1 T E D S T A T E S. ---0>-- /lEW-LONDON: ON. ^^^ many times, more ^Jpj'&fiy eimTTatect byTrro moon's ioulhing, a by her ri£ng arc! fetting. To find the moon's fouthing : RULE. Add thres hours to the time of high water, :>n any given day, as it is infsrted in this alma- ck, and you will have the true time of the moon's fouthing for that day, N. B. If ycu doubk the time of the fun's fet- ing. you will have the length of the day, and double the time of the fun'i rifing will be the leugih 61 the night. Names and Characters §f the Planets O Sol, or Sun, OH 0r D Luna^ or Moon, Tp Saturn. % Jupiter, $ Mars. $ Venus. $ Mercury, H. Herfchei. © Tellas, or Earth. "" Freemen's Meetings. REEMEN'S MEETINGS thoughout the ftaie F of Conne&icut, are held annually on tfee third Monday in September, and on the Monday following the firit Tuefday in April. i — „. • E C L P S L S, IN THS>Sr\R 1803, HERE will be but tw$*Edipfcs lis yes , T bath of the Sun, and invifible. t. The firft will be February 21 ft, at 4 o'clock £0 m. afternoon; but the penumbra wiii fcarcclv rsach the diurnal path of our vertex, confequent- 1 y this Eclipfe will be invifible to us ; but in Jat-j itude 110 foLrh, and longitude 136I W. in ti e great Pacific Occan? the Sun will be totally ecup-j led at noon, on that meridian, at which time the Moon's latitude will be o; so" S.—-The femidi. ameter of the penumbra 32^ 55*. 2, The fecond will be on tha 17th of Au(' at three o'clock 34 minutes in the morning. ion. fsquentiy invifible to us. Chronological Cycles £011803. Domioical Letter, B Solar Cycle, 20 Lunar Cycle^ 18 Roman I ndiclic0 Epatt, ' 7 Julian Period, (>51 6 Names and Characters of the AspcJ.s, & Conjuration, or placets fituated in the f&m: io g rude. • Q tile, when they are 90 aegi ses defiant no-: cixh other. 8 Oppofiiion, when they are 180 degrees d.i:ant A Trine, when they are 1 20 degrees, ^ Ssxtile, h when two planet^ or ftars, are 60 degrees diftant. A TABLE jhe-wing the difference of High-Water at fever al plates from New-London. fixth column of each monthly page fiiews the £ time of High-water at New-London, New-York, Elizabethtown-PoiBt, Tarpaulin Cove, Cape-Henlopen, Cock-Spur, in Georgia, and Brunfwick, in North-Caro- lina—to which if you add and fubtraft as in the annexed ! table, you will have the time of high water at the fol- lowing places. — (A} (hews that the annexed quantities of t ime muft be added ; (3) fubtrafted— (H) ftands for hours, (M) for minutes. Names of Places. H.M.I Names of Places. H.M. Albany A 6 3o;Newburyport A 2 45 Amboy S o 45 New Haven A 1 50 Annapolis, Mar. s 2 New Providence S l 25 Annapolis, Novf. A 3 o Newtown Landing A 1 0 New-Bedford S I 12 Norwich Landing A 0 45 Boflon A z i 5 Penobfcot A 3 0 Burlington A O 20 Penfacola S 1 0 Canfo A 2 50 Philadelphia A 4 20 Cape-Ann A 2 45 Pifcataway A 2 40 Cape Fear S t 0 Plymouth A r 35 Cafco Bay A 2 15 Polepels Ifland A 3 0 CharlcfUm Bar S 2 2ojPort Royal, S. C. S 0 30 Fairfield A 2 ojPortfmouth A 2 4$ Frederica .Getrgia^ • a 1 oj Providence S 1 0 Georgetown Bar s 2 20 Purifburgh, S. C. S a 0 Guilfoid A 1 30 Quebec A 3 c Ilackenfack A 3 © lieedy-Ifi'and A 2 i5 Halifax A 3 0 Rhodc-liland S 0 45 Hell Gate A 0 30 Salem A 2 45 Hartford A 2 20 Sandy-Hook S 0 45 Hingham S 1 31 Savannah s t 12 Huntington A 2 0 Saybrook A 2 15 Ipfwich A 2 45 St. Auguftine, B. S I 25 Jamestown A 0 5a St. John's, Newf. A 3 0 6 c4Sunbury , Georgia, A 0 30 Louifoourgh A 3 olTybeeBar A 0 15 Main Ocean S 0 451 White Stone A 2 45 MobiDe-Point A 5 c| Williamfburg, Fa. A 2 35 Nantucket S 1 3°| Wilmington, IV. C. A 15 j ANDARVrhath- 31 days. Full moon 7Juy, 6.i. 1 5.11. at' jNew in 0.2 3d ivy Laft quart. < 5 iay, iLaft qu 29 day, 9b 16m af. M|W| Calendar, &c, l©ri.|®C F.fea, | r ©s. m Circumcifiqn, p0 5 H1728432 3 49 o 40 2d afc. Chriftmas, QQHry 28432 2 10 21I A\ t 4 39 32 vvith 7*3. Cold^frojly 727 433 5 33 3 10 43 7*4 fouth 8h. 30m. |7 27-43 6 28 4 54 Days increafed 8m. I7 26 43 7 2 4 5 25 6,5 Epiphany. ]) runs highJ7 26^43 8 20 6 30 zoeathir ; thin 725435 9 M D rile. d 0 $ more moderate. 724436 10 r,; 2 1 9« 1 ft Sund. sift. Epiph, 72443r o 2 4. 0 You may 7 23 4 3 I 1 33 2«' 1 3 0 flow oi clock gm. 722 4 3* motn 2 8 b 2 4 now expect [now 722 4 3 o *4 9 9 2 „ 5 J) Apogee, or 7 21 1 39 o 53 10 9 36 rain near 7 20 1 4° 3* i i 29 • © D VAif time. 7 20 440 11 mos n. 2d. Sund. aft Epiph. 7 *9 4 4 5 • 0 33 More pUajant, 7^4 3B 1 8 3 Days incr rated 26 m. 7 *7 4 4-3 26 2 44 4 '4 life 1 oh. 22m. even 716 444 20 5 0 Cat. ££ 5*1, 3? m, aft. 7 *5 4 45 [8 4 54 6 & P iUtion'). ]) r. low 7 l4 44 19 5 57 7 j Cc/ij loxory 7 J3 4 47 20 6 50 1 S3 \ aft. Epiph c5 0 D 7 4 4 9 19 j) lets 24]2 Full tides. zaec-h^. 7 1 44 10 156 36 25i 3 Conv, St. Paul, ]) Pcrig 1 c 45C 11 77 53 ^4 | CVX fto 9_ 4 51 1i 57 9 1 1 1 more moderate. $4 52 Ui.4710 27 28 6 Q flow Of clock 1QT,. 4 53 1 3^11 '-9 7 OQ([ Rain orjnozc. P M 2 26 >a«orrJ : 30 5 i?h btrd- a . Empb. rf 4 3 20 p 56; d 6 a: iort/17 FEBRUARY bath 28 days, Full mo. 6tiay? nh. 52m. mo. New xao. 21 day,4h.20m af. Laftqu. 14day, 4h. 59m. aft. Frjjjl qii. 28day, M(W| Calendar, &c 1 g?r.j0f.|F.fea. jy- 'gb. 00 4 K 7 3 4 57 10 3 12 2 rife 4b. 23m. morn. 7 2 458 64 15 Seme pleafant 7 1 4_ 59 7 05 Days increafed lh, 2m. 659 5 7 -5*5 > 53 weather, 6585 8 6 39 4c Sc ruagef. Sund, <?Q } 9 23 Drifc. then lozvry, 10 7 6565 56 14 j) Apogee. 10 40 BS 654 7 M 9;4 T/ze soiW °53 11 24 )2 °'5 © flow of clock 15m. £52 morn . M 111 6 o Jhifts^ and a .51(5 9° 3 i0 M jnow Jlorm is 649l511 43 11 18 SexagcOma Sunday. 12 27 morn i 4' 2 Valentine. $ *1a, • 0 J) 13 *3 o 22 !53 n&ar, I believe. 28 ^ 46 £ 14 3 : 6,4 ]) runs low, Lovory ^44 515 59 35 weather. J 583 23 ^43 5 7 - Days increafcdih. 36m. 6425185 57 4 3* 9 7 QentersX 8h. 17m,mor 640^5 206 565 12 aoBj^hrove Sund. More mo 63Q|5 2I7 55 5 5* dO]) 0eclip. derate. 638:5228 50 )fotr ShroveTuef. ]) Perigee. 636j5 24 9 43 6 46 i*3;4 \fliWed,- or iftd- . of! 635|525 TO 348 8 1*45 St. Matthias [d© $ 1634I5 26 11 269 2 5 6 .}/ rife 7'h. 45m. afters, 632528 aft. 1&10 37 267 ; 9 rife 4'i. 2m, morn, 631 5 29 ** 5a 27 B; i ft lent, ) with7*s. 63° 5 _3 ° 9 moi«. (2,9 2 ] g © J Cloudy if not rain 6 28)5 3 2 3 7 1 The planet $ will be morning liar to the 14^ jof QStober thowca evening ftar to the end of the hear**- " MARCH hath 31 days. Full moon8day,6h. 37111.1110. New mo.23day.2h Laft qr. i6day, 8h. 14m mo. Firft qr. 29 day,Sh 59m. af. M Wj Calendar. See. |@ri.( ©f. F. fea.| 1. j s 1 3!Druns high. &2>£ 627 5 53 4 3 2 12 2 4|J rife 4 ©'clock morn. 625 535 4 58 3 3 35 PUdJant 6 24 5 36 5 50 3 54 4 6 7*s. fet at midnight, 623 5 37 6 38 4 29 5 7 weather for fome days, 621 539 7 23 5 4 6 B2d. Sund.
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