Group Ownership Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM, 6 TV. WGEM- AM -FM -TV Quincy and RadioWorks Inc., 2830 Sandy Hollow Rd., Rockford, IL all NY; WMAN(AM)- WYHT(FM) Mansfield and WREX -TV Rockford, both IL; WSJV(TV) Elkhart, IN; (61109). (815) 874 -7861. Fax: (815) 874-2202. Robert E. WSWR(FM) Shelby, both OH; KROD(AM) -KLAQ(FM) and KTIV(TV) Sioux City, IA; KTTC(TV) Rochester. MN: and Rhea Jr., pros; David W. McAley, VP. KSII(FM) El Paso, TX. WVVA(TV) Bluefield, WV. Stns: 3AM, 6 FM. WKKD(AM) -(FM) Aurora, WXRX(FM) Belvidere, WFRL(AM)- WFPS(FM) Freeport, WNTA(AM) Reich Communications Inc., Box 1269, Sumter, SC Ownership: (See also Cross -Ownership, Sect. A.) (29151). (803) 775 -2321. Fax: (803) 773 -4856. E -mail: Rockford , WGFB(FM) Rockton and WYHY(FM) Win- rreich @ffc Executive: Raymond Reich, ores/gen 18 Boston, MA nebago, all IL: and WKHY(FM) Lafayette, IN. (All 100% Quorum Broadcasting, Newbury St., mgr. (02116). (617) 369 -7755. Fax: (617) 859-7205. J. Daniel owned.) Stns: 1 Am, 2 FM. FM. WKHT(FM) Bishopville, Sullivan, pres/CEO; David Pulido. exec VP; Patrick Brat - Rama Communications Inc., 3765 N. John Young Pkwy., WDXY(AM) Sumter and WIBZ(FM) Wedgefield, all SC. ton, CFO. Orlando, FL (32804). (407) 523 -2770. Fax: (407) 523- (All 100% owned.) Stns: 10 TV. WQRF-TV Rockford, IL; WTVW(TV) 2888. Web Site: Ownership: Raymond Reich, 100%. Evansville and WFFT -TV Fort Wayne, both IN; KARD(TV) Stns: 2 LP TV 3 AM. ;ORLANDO FC; W12CD Ip- West Monroe, LA; WHAG -TV Hagerstown, MD; KDEB -TV tv.atlmont fcWXXU(AM) Cocoa Beach, WOKB(AM) Winter Renda Broadcasting Corp., (Renda Radio Inc). Springfield, MO; KSVI(TV) Billings, MT; WFXV(TV) Utica, Garden and WTIR(AM) Winter Garden, all FL. (All 100% Broadcast Plaza, Crane Ave., Pittsburgh. PA (15220). NY; KAMR -TV Amarillo and KLBK -TV Lubbock, both TX. owned.) (412) 531 -0314. Fax: (412) 531 -7818. Anthony F. Renda, Note: Group also owns LPTV stn WPNY -LP Utica, NY. pros; Robert Adair, sr VP group mgr; Michael B. Andres, Ownership: Quorum Broadcast Holdings L.L.C. Remar Communications II Ltd., Box 3757, Lubbock, TX VP /CFO; Maryann Kelly, VP /controller; Alan Serena, opns (79452). (806) 745 -3434. Fax: (806) 748 -1949. Web Site: mgr. E -mail: bmora Stns: 4AM, 13 FM. WWGR(FM) Fort Myers, WEJZ(FM) Ray Moran, chmn; Brad Moran, pres. Jacksonville, WGUF(FM) Marco, WSGL(FM) Naples and R Lubbock, TX, 79423, 9800 University Ave WFKS(FM) Palatka, all FL; WWRR(FM) Brunswick, GA; Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM, 4 TV, 4 LPTV. KBEI(TV) Durango, CO; KHTT(FM) Muskogee, KMGL(FM) Oklahoma City, KOMA- Radio Cleveland Inc., Drawer 780, Cleveland, MS KTEL -TV Carlsbad and KHFT(TV) Hobbs, both NM; AM-FM Oklahoma City, KRXO(FM) Oklahoma City and (38732). (662) 843 -4091. Fax: (662) 843 -9805. KBZK(FM) Brownfield and KJTV- AM- TV/KXTQ -FM Lub- KBEZ(FM) Tulsa, all OK; WBEU(FM) Brookville, WPT- T(AM) McKeesport, WJAS(AM) -WSHH(FM) Pittsburgh Stns: 1 AM, 4 FM. WAID(FM)- WKDJ -FM Clarksdale, bock, both TX. (All 100% owned.). Note: Group also owns WCLD -AM -FM Cleveland and WMJW(FM) Cleveland, all 4 low -power TV stns: KTEL -LP and K56FB Albuquerque, and WECZ(AM) -WPXZ -FM Punxsutawney, all PA. MS. (All 100% owned.) NM; KUPT -LP and KXTQ -LP Lubbock, TX. Ownership: (Renda Radio Inc.) Ownership: Homer Sledge Jr., pres, 37.1/5 %; Kevin W. Ownership: Ray Moran, 51 %; Brad Moran, 49%. Reseau des Appalaches, C.P. 69, Thetford Mines, PO Cox, treas, 37.1/2 %; Clint L. Webster, gen mgr, 37.1/2 %. Rawico Communications Ltd., 2723 37th Ave. N.E., (G6G 5S3). Canada. (418) 335.7533. (819) 752.2785. Radio Greeneville Inc., Box 278, Greeneville, TN Calgary, AB (TV 5R8). Canada. (403) 291 -0000. Fax: Fax: (418) 335 -9009. (819) 752.3182. E -mail: (37744). (423) 638 -4147. (403) 291 -0037. Gordon Rawlinson, pros; Douglas E. cijo Web Site: Executive: Rawlinson, exec VP. Francois Labbe, pres. Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM.. WGRV(AM) Greeneville, WSMG(AM) Greeneville and WIKQ(FM) Tusculum, all TN. Stns: 4 AM, 3 FM. CJNB(AM) North Battleford, Stns: 1 AM, 4 FM. CJLP(AM) Disraeli, CFJO -FM -1 Lac (All 100% owned.) CKBI(AM) Prince Albert, CJME(AM) -CIZL -FM Regina, Megantic, CFJO -FM Thetford Mines, CKLD -FM Thetford CINT(AM) -CFMC -FM Saskatoon and CKOM -FM Mines and CFDA(FM) Victoriaville, all PO. (All stns are The Radio Group, Box 1319, Columbia, LA (71418). (318) Saskatoon, all SK. (All stns are located in Canada.) located in Canada.) 649 -7959. Fax: (318) 649-5874. Executive: Tom D. Gay, own & gen mgr. Ray -D-O Biz L.L.C., Box 3809, Elizabeth City, NC The Result Radio Group, Box 767, Winona, MN (55987- 0767). (507) 452 -4000. Fax: (507) 452 -9494. E -mail: Stns: 4 FM. KFNV-FM Ferriday, KJNA -FM Jena, (27948). (252) 480 -0440. Fax: (252) 480 -4655. Web Site: winonara Executive: Jerry Papenfuss, pres. KAPB -FM Marksville and KMAR -FM Winnsboro, all LA. William S. Ray, pres. (All 100% owned.) Stns: 1 AM, 3 FM. WQDK(FM) Ahoskie, WGAI(AM) Stns: 5 AM, 7 FM. KBEW -AM -FM Blue Earth, KBRF(AM) -KZCR(FM) Fergus Falls, KJJK -AM -FM Fergus Ownership: Tom D. Gay, 100 %. Elizabeth City, WWOC(FM) Hatteras and WCXL(FM) Kill Devil Hills, all NC. (All 100% owned.) Falls, KPRW(FM) Perham, KWNO -FM Rushford, KAGE- Radio Inc., Box 597, Hays, KS (67601). (785) 628 -1064. AM-FM Winona, KWNO(AM) Winona, KWNO(FM) CD Fax: (785) 628.1822. Web Site: Raycom Media Inc., 201 Monroe St., 20th FI., country, Winona all MN. Richard D. Kuehl, pros; Gail Kuehl, sec; Robert Bunting, Montgomery, AL (36104). (334) 206 -1400. Fax: (334) Ownership: Jerry Papenfuss. VP opns. 206 -1555. Executives: John Hayes, Ares; John Stein, chmn. Reynolds Radio Inc., Box 11196, College Station, TX Stns: 3 FM. KJLS(FM) Hays, KKOY(FM) Hill City and (77842). (979) 696 -1196. E -mail: KFIX(FM) Plainville, all KS. (All 100 % owned.) Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM, 33 TV. WAFF(TV) Huntsville, AL; KOLD -TV Tucson, AZ; WFLX(TV) and WFLX -DT West rusty Web Site: Ownership: Richard D. & Gail Kuehl. Palm Beach, FL; WTVM(TV) Columbus and WTOC -TV Kenneth R. (Rusty) Reynolds, pres; Ken Reynolds, VP. Radio Nord Communications Inc., 380 Murdoch, Savannah, both GA; KHNL(TV) Honolulu, HI; KWWL(TV) Stns: 4 FM. KIXK(FM) Linden, KGRI(FM) Mount Rowyn- Norando, PO (J9X 1 G5). Canada. (819) 762 -0741. Waterloo, IA; WXIX -DT and WXIX -TV Newport, KY Enterprise, KAZE(FM) Ore City and KBLZ(FM) Winona, all Fax: (819) 762-2280. Executive: Jean -Yves Gourd, chmn. (Cincinnati, OH); WAFB(TV) Baton Rouge and KSLA -TV TX. (All 100% owned.) Shreveport, both LA; WLUC -TV Marquette and WPBN -TV Stns: 3 AM, 5 FM, 5 TV. CHPR -FM Hawkesbury, ON; WDAM Laurel (Hattiesburg), River Valley Radio Group L.L.C., 2705 East Pkwy, CFGS -TV Ottawa, ON/Hull, PQ; CHAD(AM) Amos, Traverse City, both MI; -TV Kirksville, Russellville, AR (72802). (501) 968 -6816. Fax: (501) 968- CHOT -TV Hull, CKLS -FM La Sarre, CJLA -FM Lachute, MS; KFVS -TV Cape Girardeau and KTVO(TV) both MO; KASA -TV e, Albequrque, NM; WSTM -TV 2946. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: ww- CFEM -N Rouyn, CKRN -AM -TV and CHLM -FM Rouyn, Fran Harp, pres; Gary Barnett, stn mgr; CHOA -FM Rouyn -Noranda and CKVD(AM) and CFVS -TV Syracuse, NY; WECT(TV) Wilmington, NC; WOIO(TV) Shaker Heights (Cleveland), Will Cate, opns mgr; Tom Kamrrling, sports dir; Johnny Val d'Or, all PO. (All stns are located in Canada.) W010-DT Shaker Heights (Cleveland), WNWO-DT Toledo and W N WO -TV Toledo, all Story, public affrs dir, Pam McAnutly, office mgr; Ken mgr. Radio One Inc., 8th FI., 5900 Princess Garden Pkwy., OH; WACH(N) Columbia, SC; KPRY -TV Pierre and Couch, prgm dir; John Masters, production Lanham, MD (20706). (301) 306-1111. Fax: (301) 306 KSFY -TV Sioux Falls, both SD; WTNZ(TV) Knoxville and Stns: 2 AM, 5 FM. KCAB(AM) -KCJC(FM) Dardanelle 9426. Executives: Catherine Hughes, chairperson; Alfred WMC- AM -FM -TV Memphis, both TN; WTVR -TV and KWKK(FM) Russellville, both AR. (All 100% owned.) Lìggins, pres/CEO; Mary Catherine Sneed, COO; Scott Richmond, VA; WLII(TV) San Juan and WSUR -TV Ponce, KRRD(FM) Atkins, AR; KVOM(AM -FM) Morrilton, AR; Royster, chief financial off; Steve Hegwood, VP progmg; both PR. (All 100% owned.) KXIO(FM) Clarksville, AR. Tony Washington, VP sis; Charles Kinney, dir engrg. Ownership: Raycom Media Inc. Other interests: Raycom Ownership: Sunbelt Media, 50 %; Willcate, 20 %; Fran Stns: 8 AM, 19 FM. KKBT(FM) Los Angeles, CA; Sports, New York, NY; Charlotte, NC: Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Harp, 20 %; KVOM Inc., 10 %. WOL(AM) -WKYS(FM) Washington. WYCB(AM) Nashville, TN; and Chicago, III. F W Robbert Broadcasting Co. Inc., 2730 Loumor Ave., Washington, DC; WHTA(FM) Fayetteville and WAMJ(FM) Fargo, ND Metairie, LA (70001). (504) 831 -6941. Web Site; www.w- Roswell, both GA; WFUN -FM Bethalto, IL; WERQ -FM Red River Broadcast Co. L.L.C., Box 9115, Executives: Fred P. Westenberger, pres; Chris P. Baltimore, WOLB(AM) Baltimore, WWIN(AM) Baltimore, (58106). (701) 277 -1515. Fax: (701) 277-1830. Ro VP/gen Westenberger, Eric M.
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