ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS TOGETHER WITH THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD AT MARIETTA, OHIO, OCTOBER 12 t o 15, 1920 PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD CONGREGATIONAL HOUSE BOSTON N ìpQ) A r n e s ' A 1 V, jio- ¡14 Preface Once more it has been thought best to present to the American Board’s constit­ uency a somewhat abbreviated annual report of its doings. The customary separate reviews of the several fields with locations of missionaries and descriptions of mission institutions have been omitted. The material for preparing such narratives and tabulation from the Turkey fields is for obvious reasons very incomplete and in­ adequate. In place of these separated accounts has been inserted the Survey of the Fields prepared by the Foreign Department and presented at the Annual Meeting in Marietta, Ohio, last October. The high cost of printing and the increased pressure upon those in charge of ad­ ministering the Board’s work in these disturbed years have re-enforced the decision to issue a curtailed report for 1920. The hope is entertained that it may be possible soon to return to the ampler form. .1 V. V* x TABULAR VIEW OF THE MISSIONS OF THE A. B. C. F. M. FOR THE YEAR 1919 - 1920 1 M issionaries Na t i v e La b o r e r s Ch u r c h St a t i s t ic s Ed u c a t i o n a l St a t i s t ic s M i s s i o n s Meeting Schools Other Other Schools ship Schools Stations Stations Out-Stations Ordained Ordained 1 When When Established. Women Single Wives Total Total Missionaries Organized Churches | Total Constituency Pupils Unordained Unordained Preachers Teachers Other Native Laborers Total Native Laborers of Places Regular Communicants Added last year Sunday Schools Sunday School Member­ Total Under Total Under instruction Theological and Theological and Training] Students Colleges Secondary or M iddle Students Students Primary Elementary and " " Preachers Ordained | 1 1 Men not Ordained South Africa Zulu Branch........ 1835 20 109 10 4 0 14 37 13 19 183 675 890 297 29 6,388 716 21,660 63 2,796 2 120 6 345 108 6,269 6,734 $33,021 Rhodesia Branch1 1893 3 6 4 5 4 9 22 23 31 5 59 11 2 441 2,075 3 251 1 29 8 1,077 1,106 85 West Central Africa 1880 6 161 12 4 14 14 44 134 246 84 464 172 3 1,813 248 20,844 26 2,643 2 105 130 8,303 8,408 1,559 Balkans’ ............... 1859 5 50 10 1 11 11 33 20 11 44 20 95 61 26 '1,457 25 4,340 61 2,839 1 4 1 78 4 256 18 439 777 4,500 Western Turkey* .. 1819 6 17 17 9 20 26 78 10 9 130 20 169 25 11 2,000 5,600 17 7,000 2 435 8 500 10 1,200 2,135 9.000 Central Turkey’ . .. 1847 4 7 8 2 21 9 40 13 8 23 6 50 18 18 2,200 8,500 No S chool S tatis tics Avail able 6.000 Eastern Turkey’ . 1836 1 e 7 2 7 8 24 2 1 8 11 2 2 No Stati sticsAv ailab le Madura2 ............... 1834 10 412 20 4 13 24 61 31 139 559 73 802 400 33 9,433 944 28,000 303 10,453 4 244 1 314 3 1,188 265 12,059 13,805 24.074 M arathi................. 1813 12 150 13 3 19 16 51 44 52 396 127 619 185 67 8,457 370 15,470 216 7,688 5 84 9 745 185 7,210 8,039 11,866 C eylon................... 1816 G 30 2 3 7 6 18 12 12 445 96 565 40 21 2,403 108 8,?49 68 4,338 1 84 24 2,534 2,618 21,232 Foochow ................ 1847 3 34 10 10 14 19 53 12 42 176 41 271 73 49 2,099 106 7,299 60 2,495 12 2 308 95 3,379 3,699 26.074 Shaowu ................. 1918 1 47 4 2 0 0 18 4 33 72 24 133 60 34 895 75 3,500 50 1,600 2 31 2 48 42 1,066 1,145 6,759 North China2 ........ 1854 8 110 31 10 41 41 126 5 190 195 135 78 5,671 500 14,000 32 2,375 7 336 143 3,733 4,069 26,435 South China............ 1883 1 33 3 5 3 11 2 24 44 11 81 34 21 2,fiS0 117 3,335 14 633 1 5 24 1,036 1,041 14,905 •Japan9. ........ 1869 12 80 1!) 2 25 21 67 125 38 86 42 291 174 188 25,4^7 1,343 30,825 96 25,546 3 84 3 785 9 2,506 12 751 4,351 78,051 Micronesia1 :i ........ 1852 2 37 3 3 21 51 27 34 133 158 37 4,63*1 181 6,600 128 2,484 1 32 87 2,110 2,142 3,684 Philippines .j ........ 1903 2 35 4 2 2 6 14 4 6 5 15 30 32 3 1,117 222 6,050 29 1,150 1 10 5 203 213 441 M exico .<........ 1872 5 21 4 1 9 5 17 4 8 17 3 32 24 15 580 57 1,720 14 640 1 2 2 101 5 260 361 5,432 Spain ..................... 1872 2 5 2 2 1 5 5 2 14 21 6 6 268 30 1,350 6 425 1 300 6 715 1,015 795 Czechoslovakia — 1872 1 . 80 1 1 2 17 11 '2 30 ,» 28 2,400 247 5,000 50 1,043 2,750 T otals. 110 1,430 4181 564 *230 7249 *724 344 623 2,506 1,468 4,941 1,997 671 80,343 5,289 194,417 1,236 76,399 22 657 7 1,612 56 6,822 1,167 52,345 61,658 $275,666 •Kumiai, Japan 10C 23 15 137 87 156 23,503 1,158 23,503 19,609 1 40 2 720 4 1,701 2,462 1 Reports incomplete i 50f whom 26 are physicians aNo Reports. Figures from 1918 Annual Report, except Missionaries. 'O f whom 12 are physicians. ’ Largely estimates, the marked decline in the figures for Turkey and the Balkans being due. to 7Of whom 3 are physicians. war, deportation and massacre. 80f whom 45 are physicians. 4Of whom 4 arc physicians. •Including Kumiai statistics, except for missionaries. CONTENTS PAGE P r e f a c e ......................................................................... .......................... ..........................;.... v T a b u l a r V ie w o f M issio n s .......................................................................................... i ‘ . vi O rganization o f th e A m e r ic a n B oard an d W o m a n ’ s B o a r d s .................................... 1 C o m m itte e s Se r v in g in 1921 ............................................................................................. .. 2 M in u t e s o f th e A n n u a l M e e tin g Committees Appointed .............................................................................................................8, 4 , 8 Reports of Officers ............................................................................ •................................. 3 Election of Officers .................................................................................................................... 6 Report of Committee on the Treasurer’s Report ...................................................... 6 Report of Committee on Protection of Armenians ..................................... 8 Report of Committee on Unity ........................................................................................... 8 Resolutions from Business Committee .......................................................... 9 H om e D e pa r t m e n t Appropriations ................ 13 Campaign for Funds ............................................... 14 Regular Income of the B oard ......................... 15 Closing a Decade. ................................................ 17 Interchurch WoVld Movement ................................................................ 17 R ecru its ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Fields to which Candidates are Appointed ................................................................... 24 Administrative Changes ........................................................................................................ 25 S u r v e y of th e F ie ld s Africa: Zulu ................................................................................................................................ 28 R h od esia ; A n g o la .................................................................................................... 29 Czechoslovakia ........................................................................................................................... 31 Spain .............................................................................................................................................. 32 Union Training Institute ............................................................................................... 33- Balkan M ission ........................................................................................................................... 3$ T u r k e y .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Mardin Transfer ........................................................................................................ 36 Relief Work ............................................................................................................... 36 Colleges at W ork ................................................................................... 37 Language School ..................................................................... 37 Hadjin Siege ............................................................................... 38 Moslem Inquirers ...................................................................................................... 38 Political Unrest ................................................................. 39 India and Ceylon .............................................................................................. 39 Government Reforms ............................................................................................... 39 Church U nion ............................................................................................................... 41 Mission N ew s ............................................................................................................... 42 v vi Annual Report PAGE Japan ................................................................................................................... 44 Industrial Opportunity .............................................................................................
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