Cambridge University Press 052183368X - Letters, 1928-1946 Isaiah Berlin Index More information INDEXES Compiled by Douglas Matthews index of correspondents The style of thenames follows that of the headings to the letters. Fuller identificationsappearinthe General Index. Adams,W.G.S.(WardenofAllSouls),187, 433, Frankfurter, Marion and Felix (jointly), 104 490 Freed Transformer Company, 614 (facsimile) Alsop, Joseph, 480 Frias, Maria, 461 Astor, David, 615 Ayer,A.J.,180 Gaster, Maire see Lynd, Maire Gore-Booth, Paul, 464 Beaverbrook, Lord, 617 Grant Duff, Shiela, 40, 44, 45, 47, 75, 76, 82, 84, Behrman,S.N.,470 85, 188, 224, 231, 260, 338 Berlin, Marie and Mendel (jointly), 8, 94, 96, 99, Grundy,G.B.,501 143, 264, 265, 292, 313, 314, 315, 322, 324, 329, 331, 333, 335, 342, 345, 347, 349, 350, 352, 353, Halifax, Lord, 302 358, 359, 363, 365, 369, 371, 373, 381, 383, 384, Hall, Donald, 492, 513 385, 386, 389, 392, 406, 407, 408 (2), 409, 413, Hampshire, Stuart, 145, 207, 238, 567 415, 417, 426, 428, 431, 451, 466, 468, 472, 490, Harriman, Averell, 629 493, 495, 504, 522, 528, 539, 550, 581, 590, Harrod, Roy, 56 591 (2), 593, 595, 629 Hart, Herbert, 497, 533 Berlin, Marie, 12, 18, 20, 27, 54, 81, 82, 85, 122, Henderson, Charles, 26, 29, 32, 36 129 (2), 140, 142, 144, 183, 253, 592, 593 Henderson, Isobel, 60 Berlin, Mendel, 18, 21, 59, 268, 277, 280, 281, 282, Hertz, Joseph, 197 290, 364, 369, 399, 405 Hill, Christopher, 563 Bonham Carter, Cressida (later Ridley), 265, 266, Hilton, John, 22, 23, 38, 46, 49, 117, 136, 146, 189, 267, 272, 277, 281, 293, 330, 403, 530 206, 218, 276, 291 Bowen, Elizabeth, 52, 70, 78, 86, 116, 131, 177, Hilton, John and Peggy, 88 180, 190, 193, 198, 213, 215, 225, 226, 229, 238, Hodgkin, Thomas, 64, 66 240, 262, 282, 286, 288 House, Humphry, 274 Bowra, Maurice (Warden of Wadham College), Hubback, Diana, 63, 73, 148 572 Jay, Douglas, 295 Chesterton, G. K., 2 (facsimile), 5 Jebb, Gladwyn, 318 Cohn, Mrs A., 462 Joachim, Elisabeth, 275 Cox, Christopher, 55, 57, 60, 94, 99, 559 Cripps, Sir Stafford, 329 Knopf, Blanche (Mrs Alfred A. Knopf ), 468 Crosthwaite, Moore, 558 Cruikshank, Robin, 508, 526 Lambert, Baroness, 561 Leaning, W. J., 465 Dudley, Alan, 503 Lehman, Herbert H., 362 (2) Lehmann, Rosamond, 203 Eliot, T. S., 22 Lindsay, A. D. (Master of Balliol), 296 Logan, Andy, 508 Faber and Faber, 643, 647, 649, 651 Luce, Henry, 584 Faber, Geoffrey, 638 Lynd, Maire (later Gaster), 103, 355 Fisher,H.A.L.,228 Lynd, Sigle, 53 Fisher, Lettice, 131, 301 Fisher, Mary, 69, 91, 110, 112, 128, 139, 159, 209, Malcolm, Angus, 438, 440, 443, 476, 625 219, 230, 244, 263, 270, 298, 319, 337, 379 Morrow, Elizabeth, 540 Frankfurter, Felix, 119, 246 Frankfurter, Marion, 169, 178, 304, 326, 341, 343 New Yorker Store, The, 504 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052183368X - Letters, 1928-1946 Isaiah Berlin Index More information 724 index of correspondents Nicholas, Herbert, 419, 541, 552 Smith, Alic (Warden of New College), 569 Nicolson, Ben, 254 Spender, Stephen, 42, 123, 126, 141, 151, 157, 165, Niebuhr, Ursula, 459 172, 204, 236, 261, 269 Stark, Freya, 494 Patten, Susan Mary, 627 Straight, Lady Daphne, 423, 437, 440, 463, 499, Price, Henry, 509 515, 545 Rees, Goronwy, 37 Toynbee, A. J., 516 Ridley, Cressida see Bonham Carter, Cressida Trott, Adam von, 62, 89 Roberts, Frank, 618 Turner, Walter, 535, 579 Robertson, Giles, 147, 184 Rumbold, Sir Anthony, 517, 521 Vennell, R., 562 Samunov, Ida, 10 Weizmann, Chaim, 354, 396 Schalit, Bella, 24 Williams, Jenifer, 113, 114, 144, 149, 164, 198, 271 Schapiro, Lillian Milgram, 378 Schapiro, Meyer, 460 Zimmern, Alfred, 234 Scott, Sir David, 434, 536, 544 general index Page numbers in italic identifypagesonwhichfootnotes–usuallythe first forthe person or subject in question – give fuller information. An asterisk preceding a name indicatesan entry in the Glossary. Works by IB appear directly under their titles, works by others under their authors’ names. The Chronology is not indexed. 609 2 abdication crisis (1936), 218 Gumilev, n ; Dublin Review article on, 611 619 2 Abdullah ibn Husayn, King (earlier Emir) of ; Cinque, n ; Poem without a Hero: 597 Jordan, 107 dedication, Aberdeen, Ishbel Maria, Countess of (ne´e Akzin, Benjamin, 332, 334 Marjoribanks), 9 al-Husseini, Hajj Amin, Mufti of Jerusalem, 98, Abrahams, Abraham, 346 101, 120, 249 n7 Abreu, Jacques, 471 n1 Aldington, Richard (ne´ Edward Godfree), 610 Acheson, Dean Goodenham, 621, 668, 691 Aldridge, James Harold Edward, 611 Adams,Muriel(ne´e Lane), 703 Aleksey, Patriarch, Metropolitan of Leningrad *Adams, William George Stewart (Warden of All (ne´ Sergey Vladimirovich Shimansky), 607 Souls): and elections to All Souls Alembert, Jean le Rond d’, 67 n8 Fellowships, 65; resigns Gladstone Alexander, Samuel, 42 n7 Professorship, 82 n3; on decency, 121; Alington, Cyril Argentine, 694 n 179 awarded CH, ; IB sends memo on Alington, Giles, 542, 694 n 186 proposed psychology chair, ;IB’sviewof, All Souls College, Oxford (Plate 9): IB’s 207 305 703 , , ; Sumner succeeds at All Souls, Fellowship at, xviii, xl, 33–4, 40–2, 63; 539 2 703 n ; Hodson’s view of, ; contact with character, 63; elections to, 64–5, 171, 213, 539, von Trott, 719 542, 560, 567; IB’s life at, 115; proposes chair Addis, John Mansfield, 335 in psychology, 186–8; IB resigns Fellowship Adler, Alfred, 79 (1938), 274; support in for appeasement Adler, Elkan Nathan, 375 375 3 policy, 289–90 Adler, Rabbi Herman, n 574 Aerenthal, Aloys Leopold Johann Baptist, Count Allen, Carleton Kemp, 298 300 380 415 Lexa von, 317 Allen, Sir Hugh Percy, , , , 9 33 4 49 Aitken, William Traven, 91 Allen, Percy Stafford, , – ; death, 438 Akhmatova, Anna Andreevna (pseud. of Anna Alling, Paul Humiston, Andreevna Gorenko; Plate 40): IB meets in *Alsop, Joseph Wright: IB visits in Virginia, Leningrad, xl, 600–1, 605, 615, 619; life in 348;friendshipwithIB,372, 377; joins US Leningrad, 574, 611 n4; purged, 606 n2; Navy, 375; serves in China, 381; captured by evacuated from Leningrad, 607;sonby Japanese and released, 411; offers room to © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052183368X - Letters, 1928-1946 Isaiah Berlin Index More information general index 725 convalescent IB, 414; posted to England as Ashton Wold, 244, 714 US official, 417–18; marriage to Susan Mary Asquith, Anthony, 266 Patten, 480 n1; IB suggests as Washington Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and correspondent, 615 Asquith, 222 n4 Alsop, Stewart Johonnot Oliver, 615 Astor, (Francis) David (Langhorne), 615, 718 Alter, Victor, 431 Atlantic Charter, 422 Amalfi, 46, 417, 467 Attlee, Clement Richard (later 1st Earl), 382, Amanullah, King of Afghanistan, 250 582 n1, 670, 677, 688, 690–1 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 383 n5, Auden, Wystan Hugh: emigrates to US, 126 n2, 656, 664 306; IB praises poetry, 127; and Group American Jewish Committee, 332 n2, 477 Theatre, 138; Day Lewis on, 191;J.A. American Jewish Conference (1943), 450, 674 Spender on, 225; Mrs Carritt on, 237; visits Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett, 670, IB in New York, 342; TheDance of Death, 677, 683 138; TheDog Beneath the Skin (with Amsterdam, Saul, 566 Isherwood), 127, 138; Lettersfrom Iceland (with Anand, Mulk Raj, 262 MacNeice), 88 n2 anarchism, 218 Austen, Jane, 63 n2, 73, 80 Anderson, Sir John, 568 n4 *Austin, John Langshaw: election to All Souls Andrew, Christopher, 714 Fellowship, 64–5; conversations with IB, 115, Andrewes, Alison see Blakeway, Alison 116 n3; conducts philosophical seminars with Andrewes, Antony, 92, 100, 161 n6, 211 IB, 152 n1, 233–4; Ridley on, 157;andIB’s 250 Angell, Sir Norman (ne´ Ralph Norman Angell proposed visit to Go¨ttingen, ;andlogical 497 498 Lane), 439 positivism, ; position at Oxford, ;and 512 Annan, Noel Gilroy, Baron, xlii, 589 Hart’s philosophy post at New College, , 534 577 Annenkov, Pavel Vasil'evich, 201 ; and Hampshire’s career, ;IB’s 233 4 703 Annunzio, Gabriele d’, 306 memory of, – , 163 Austria: and Nazi threat, 83; future considered in Anrep, Anastasia, 421 2 Anrep, Boris Vasil'evich von, 163 n2 war, – Anrep, Helen, 163 n2 Authorised DailyPrayer Book of the United Hebrew 98 101 120 Congregationsofthe British Empire (‘Singer’s Antonius, George, , , 392 Apricott, Albert Alfred (pseud. of IB), 191 Prayer Book’), Authors Take Sidesonthe Spanish War, 188 n6 Apter(s) family, 505–6 Averbach, Hilda, 129 Apter(s), Irene (ne´e Silikis), 364, 505–6, 525–6 *Ayer, Alfred (‘Freddie’) Jules: and Cassirer, 62; Apter, Kadish Mendelevich (later Konstantin academic career, 108–9; and Bousios’s letter Markovich Apters), 358–9, 364, 371, 505–6, to Frankfurter, 108; logical positivism, 117, 524–5, 582, 629 497; portrayed in E. Bowen’s TheHousein Apter(s), Liliana, 505–6, 525 135 155 170 506 Paris, ; daughter Valerie born, , ;on Apter, Solomon Mendelevich, Lindemann, 166;characterandstyle,170, Arabs: and Palestine, 477, 669–70, 675–6, 685, 239 178 9 689 90 692 679 ; and Frankfurters’ visit to Oxford, – ; – , ; and oil interests, contributes to Oxford Outlook, 180; admires 693 Aranne, Zalman, Stuart Hampshire, 192; and Bowra’s return 231 2 Aristotelian Society: Proceedings, – from US, 225; attends Austin–IB 534 637 710 Aristotle, , , philosophical discussions, 233–4;and 423 Armstrong, Hamilton (‘Ham’) Fish, Hampshire’s relations with wife Rene´e, 238 n, 643 6 Arnheim, Rudolf: Film als Kunst, – 239–40; affair with Inez Pearn, 244;breach 625 Arnold, Thomas, with Spender, 244; IB hopes for post in US, Aronson, Adir, 361 252; IB meets on return from Ireland,
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