The Home of Craft Beers & Premium Spirits ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 1 New Brews CROMART BREWING 71 BREWING LOCH LOMOND BREWERY KEITH BREWERY BRAXZZ LOW ALCOHOL SUPER 8 RODENBACH HOBO BEER CO. SCHOFFERHOFER BENEDIKTINER KEGS ABK HEFEWEIZEN KEGS MYSTIC KEGS GRAPEFRUIT KEGS 2 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 3 High Spirits BROCHAN VODKA TOM OF FINLAND VODKA PEAKY BLINDERS SPIRITS SMOKEHEAD CHERRY BOMB SHETLAND REEL RHUBARB & GINGER HILLS & HARBOUR GIN SILVER SPEAR IRISH GIN MR KAMMS GIN DARK MATTER LIQUEURS JAH 45 RUMS PINEAPPLE GRENADE RUM RON DE JEREMY RUMS 2 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 3 Something Different PERFECT SERVE GRAHAM’S WHITE PORT & TONIC AN INDEPENDENT 50 ml Graham’s Blend Nº5 FAMILY PRODUCER Top up with 1724 tonic water THE SYMINGTON FAMILY Garnish with lemon & mint Produced by the Symington Family – a British family who arrived in Porto in 1882 Since 1882 5 generations of the family have been involved in the Port trade The leading Port producer – 2,461 Ha across 26 estates in the Douro Valley. Owners of Portugal’s largest organic vineyard GRAHAM’S PORT Founded in 1820 by British brothers William & John Graham. Originally textile shippers, the brothers fell in love with Port after accepting 27 pipes (casks) of the wine as payment of a debt In 1890 Graham’s became one of the first shippers to buy vineyards in the Douro – making the transition from trading the wines to producing them In 1890 Graham’s established their lodge in Porto – today it is still a working wine lodge and holds 8000 pipes of Port In 1970 the brand was acquired by the Symington Family. Their expertise, investment & leadership has seen Graham’s develop into one of the world’s leading premium brands of Port £14.99 per bottle while stocks last! 4 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 5 Scottish Favourites DISTILLED AND BOTTLED I N S C O T L A N D Home for Hendrick’s is the tiny seaside town of Girvan, on Scotland’s South West Coast. Hendrick’s is infused with curious yet marvellous infusions of rose and cucumber delectably supported by no less than 11 other botanicals. Distilled in not one, but two utterly dissimilar types of stills. Each batch of Hendrick’s gin is craed 550 lovely litres at a time, under the direct supervision of Master Distiller, Ms. Lesley Gracie. CURIOUS CONCOCTIONS HENDRICK’S GIN & TONIC SCOTTISH BRAMBLE INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS 50ml Hendrick’s Gin 50ml Hendrick’s Gin 125ml Tonic Water 20ml Fresh Lemon Juice METHOD 12.5ml Sugar Syrup Pour all ingredients into 5ml Crème de Cassis ice lled hi-ball and garnish METHOD with 3 slices of cucumber. Build all in a rocks glass over crushed ice. Churn, add more ice and drizzle cassis. Garnish with a blackberry and lemon wedge. FORENOON FIZZ INGREDIENTS 40ml Hendrick’s Gin AYRSHIRE ROSE One Spoon Orange Marmalade INGREDIENTS 12.5ml Cointreau 50ml Hendrick’s Gin 20ml Fresh Lemon Juice 15ml St Germain Elderower Liqueur Top up with Champagne or Elderower Cordial BUY 4X BOTTLES 100ml Cloudy Apple Juice METHOD Combine Hendrick’s gin, marmalade, 4 Fresh Raspberries lemon and Cointreau in cocktail shaker. METHOD Stir to dissolve marmalade completely. Add all ingredients into rocks glass lled Add ice and shake briskly. Strain into with cubed ice and stir. RECEIVE 1X FREE ute and top with champagne. Top with fresh ice and garnish with OF CHARGE Garnish with triangle of toast. a raspberry and slice of cucumber. EDINBURGHGIN.COM PLEASE ENJOY THE UNUSUAL RESPONSIBLY. (CGA and Voodoo Market Research data) Research Market and Voodoo (CGA IMD1106_R&G_Dunns_93x133_V2.indd 1 24/04/2019 15:07 PUNK IPA. THE UK'S NUMBER ONE CRAFT BEER AND NEW BREWDOG LOST LAGER NOW AVAILABLE TO ORDER FROM DUNNS PURCHASE 12 X PUNK IPA OR LOST LAGER PINT GLASSES AND RECIEVE POS dry-hopped pilsner KIT FOR ALL NEW INSTALLATIONS* 4.7% Punk IPA Lost Lager Please contact your Dunns’ account manager or telesales team for pricing, introductory offer details 50L keg 50L keg (NEW) and to arrange tap installation. *POS kit includes: bar runners, lanyards and beer mats BREWDOG.COM 4 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 5 Scottish Favourites Cr�ft�d in Scotl�nd sinc� 1983 N�w br�ndin�, �v�il�bl� soon... Follow �ll us for r�br�nd n�ws! WHY STOCK BELLFIELD BREWERY’S BEERS? GREAT TASTING GROWTH KƵƌďĞĞƌƐĂƌĞŵƵůƟͲĂǁĂƌĚǁŝŶŶŝŶŐ͕ƚŚĞLJƚĂƐƚĞŐƌĞĂƚĂŶĚƉĂŝƌ dŚĞh<&ƌĞĞ&ƌŽŵŵĂƌŬĞƚŐƌĞǁϰϬ͘ϭйŝŶϮϬϭϳ͕ƚŽάϴϬϲ͘ϭŵΎ ĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂůůLJǁĞůůǁŝƚŚĨŽŽĚ͘ ĂŶĚƚŚĞŶƵŵďĞƌŽĨŐůƵƚĞŶͲĨƌĞĞƐŚŽƉƉĞƌƐǁŝůůĚŽƵďůĞŽǀĞƌƚŚĞ ŶĞdžƚϮLJĞĂƌƐĨƌŽŵϭϵйƚŽϰϯй͘ΎΎ HEALTH & WELLNESS FOOTFALL ůůŽƵƌďĞĞƌƐĂƌĞĐĞƌƟĮĞĚŐůƵƚĞŶͲĨƌĞĞĂŶĚƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚǁŝƚŚ WĞŽƉůĞǁŝƚŚĂůůĞƌŐŝĞƐĂŶĚĨŽŽĚΘĚƌŝŶŬŝŶƚŽůĞƌĂŶĐĞƐ dŚĞsĞŐĂŶ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ͘KŶůLJŽŶĞŝŶϭϬĚƌŝŶŬĞƌƐŽĨŐůƵƚĞŶͲĨƌĞĞďĞĞƌ ĂƌĞƚŚĞ/E&>hEZ^ĨŽƌǁŚĞƌĞŐƌŽƵƉƐŽĨĨƌŝĞŶĚƐ ĚƌŝŶŬŝƚďĞĐĂƵƐĞƚŚĞ,sƚŽ͕ϵϬйĚƌŝŶŬŝƚďĞĐĂƵƐĞƚŚĞLJtEdƚŽ͘ ƐƉĞŶĚƟŵĞĂŶĚŵŽŶĞLJĞĂƟŶŐĂŶĚĚƌŝŶŬŝŶŐ͘ KEG &ALSO CASK IN ALSO IN KEG Ύ<ĂŶƚĂƌϮϬϭϴΎΎ,ĂƌƌŝƐ/ŶƚĞƌĂĐƟǀĞΘdŚĞ'ƌŽĐĞƌ 6 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 7 UK Beers & Spirits FOR THE CURIOUS. BY THE CURIOUS. FROM ENGLAND’S LEADING WINEMAKER. DISTINCTIVE BEER & FREE 30LTR KEG & CIDER AVAILABLE POS KIT* WITH EVERY IN 330ML BOTTLES. DRAUGHT INSTALL. CURIOUS BREW 4.7% ABV LAGER RE-FERMENTED WITH CURIOUS BREW CHAMPAGNE YEAST. 4.7% ABV AVAILABLE IN 30LTR KEG. CURIOUS SESSION IPA 4.4% ABV CURIOUS SESSION IPA TRIPLE HOPPED & 4.4% ABV DISTINCTLY CURIOUS. AVAILABLE IN 30LTR KEG. CURIOUS APPLE *POS KIT INCLUDES: 5.2% ABV 24 PINT GLASSES, 12 HALF-PINT GLASSES 100% KENT APPLES FERMENTED 2 BAR RUNNERS, 125 DRIP MATS WITH BACCHUS WINE YEAST. 6*' 52+4+651(# 9+0'/#-'4 $"#'4ſ-*(/$ſ.+$-$/.ſ( ſ!-*(ſ$./$'' ſ#0.ſ)ſ #-*))4ſ"-+ .ſ/#/ſ2$''ſ.0-+-$. ſ)ſ '$"#/ſ2$/#ſ/# ſ .( ſ 3$/$)"Đſ' )Đſ!- .#ſ1$-)4ſ.ſ*0-ſ2$) .ď i$)"1&-%08/(30611-$"--3*()543&4&37&% 6 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 7 CRAFT quality. LESS alcohol. Back At Dunns BIG HUG BREWING 8 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 9 German Greats IMPORTED BAVARIAN BEER HELL KELLERBIER 5.0% ABV 5.0% ABV A heavenly light, bright and very Kellerbier is the original recipe that satisfying beer. Simply divine. ZDVÀUVWFUHDWHGDWWKH$%.%UHZHU\ in 1308, its never changed! Lightly golden with a bubbly, medium white head that steadily shrinks to a thin 7KHWHUP.HOOHUELHUOLWHUDOO\WUDQVODWHV foamy lace, the aroma is soft and sweet as "cellar beer“. ZLWKJUDLQDQGYHU\ÁRZHU\KRSV7KH taste is bodied grain with lots of green Naturally cloudy due to its unpasteurised apple and light but persistent hints of DQGXQÀOWHUHGVWDWHLW·VDGHOLFLRXVO\ pine and herbs, with a light bitterness URXQGHGDQGIXOOÁDYRXUHGEHHU WKDWSHUVLVWVWKURXJKWRWKHÀQLVK 30 Litre kegs 30 Litre kegs WEISSBIER PILSNER 5.3% ABV 4.2% ABV A top fermented fruity, aromatic and A well balanced and full-bodied beer lively, full-bodied beer. With a with a smooth aromatic hop taste. wonderful honey yellow colour and a strong foam generation. ,QWHQVLYHVWUDZ\HOORZFRORXUZLWKFOHDU and glossy appearance. Tettnanger hops Our wheat beer has a natural yeast IRUWKHÀQHDURPDFRPSOLPHQWHGE\ cloudiness with a yeast sediment. Hallertau Select and Hallertau Herkules (DV\GULQNLQJZLWKVRIWÁRUDOÁDYRXUV hops for a perfectly balanced, light, fresh %DYDULDLVIDPHGIRULWV:KHDW%HHUVDQG and easy drinking beer. ours is particularly easy drinking and highly regarded. %UHZHGH[FOXVLYHO\IRU8.PDUNHW With Tettnanger 30 Litre kegs 30 Litre kegs INSTALL ANY NEW BEER FROM THE ABK RANGE AND RECEIVE ONE FREE KEG PER MONTH FOR SIX MONTHS Subject to you purchasing a minimum of 3 kegs per Month [email protected] or [email protected] 8 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 9 European Excellence Taste the silence Available from Dunns Food & Drinks 1385-2 MC La TrappeTRUETRUE HPL 190x133mm Ad.indd 1 AUTHENTICAUTHENTIC BELGIANBELGIAN 10/01/2019 10:55 CHARACTERCHARACTER FROMFROM THETHE BREWERBREWER OFOF THETHE WORLD’SWORLD’S BESTBEST BEERBEER For over a century Haacht’s master brewers have been setting the standard for producing award winning, quality beer and are still today reassuringly independent. Haacht don’t win awards such as World’s Best Beer by chance, they win them through un-waivered craftsmanship. AUTHENTIC ‘Headstrong by nature’ ABBEY ALE Premium Pilsner Full range of POS and glassware available via Nectar. 21615 HAACHT Brewery Half Page Trade Advert.indd 1 22/02/2016 11:06 10 » SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 ORDER HOTLINE 01698 727 777 – MiniMUM ORDER VALUE ONLY £50 SPECIALIST BEERS & SPIRITS » 11 136469_Defender_SellSheet_DR2.pdf 1 01/04/2019 13:01
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