Index Note: This is an excerpt of the index to Gender Issues & Sexuality: Essential Primary Sources , edited by K. Lee Lerner. Gender determination, female infanticide and, 60 G Gender differences, 38–40, 77 Gallo, Robert, 232–235 Gender discrimination. See Sex discrimination Gambia, adult literacy class, 334 Gender identity disorder, 197–198, 207 Ganzon, Donita, 199 Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us Gardner, Penny, 257 (Bornstein), 192 Garr, Teri, 339 Gender reassignment surgery Garrett, Daniel Ryan, 362 custody case, 196–198 Gartrell, Nanette, 143, 144–149 history, 205–206, 207 Gauthe, Gilbert, 395 Richards, Renee case, 189–191 Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), 257 sex discrimination and, 100–102 Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA), 251–252, Gender stereotypes 253–255 abstinence-only sex education and, 328–329 Gay bar raids, 118, 127 gay men, 368–369 Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights (GLBT), 109– transgender sex discrimination and, 100–102 Gene Robinson Becomes First Openly Gay Episcopal Bishop 177 338 adoption, 169–177, 171 (Marriner), Beauvoir, Simone de on, 129–132, 130 General Accounting Office, 323 bisexuality, 115–118 General Motors Sit-down Strike of 1936-1937, 291 blasphemous libel concept, 120–123, 122 Geoghan, John, 395 Boy Scouts discrimination case, 150–154, 154 Georgia, 262, 418 as choice vs. innate biology, 164–166, 166 Ghandi, Rajiv, 375 DOMAs and, 154–157, 157 , 166–169, 167 Gilda (Film), 308 domestic partner benefits, 157–160, 158 Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 160, 313 hate crimes and, 125–127, 126 , 135–140, 136 Girls. See Children; Teenagers military hero funeral, 308–310, 309 Gita (child bride), 48 Give a Poor Woman a Fish? o. A Fishing Pole? o. A Milk/Moscone verdict protest, 125–127, 126 316–318 overview, 111 Loan? Yes. (Tefft), parental rights, 106–108, 143–150, 144 , 150 , 169–177, GLAD (Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders), 257 171 Glass Ceiling Commission, 93, 104, 312–315 popular culture depictions, 140–142, 141 , 142 GLBT rights. See Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender pride events, 111, 132 , 132–133 rights rally, 163 GLMA (Gay and Lesbian Medical Association), 251–252, sex behavior as crime, 112–115, 113 , 123–125, 160–164, 253–255 Gloria Steinem, Publisher of the Magazine Ms. Magazine 163 359 Stonewall Riots of 1969, 111, 118–120, 119 , 127–129, (Anonymous), 128 Gluck, Sherna Berger, 305, 306–307 Gay marriage. See Same-sex marriage Goins, Julieanne, 100, 101 Gay men Golf, women's participation, 31 first Episcopal bishop, 337–339, 338 Gonorrhea, 224, 225 , 226 health care, 253–256 Goodridge v. Massachusetts Department of Public Health military hero funeral, 308–310, 309 (2003), 167, 256–260 television portrayals, 353, 367–369, 369 Goodstein, Laurie, 49–50 Gay Military Hero Buried (Schwartz), 309 Goodyear, Charles, 280 Gay Pride Day, 111, 119 , 129, 150 Gordon, John, 398 Gay sex Gouges, Marie-Olympe De, 90, 91 Lawrence et al. v. Texas case, 111, 160–164, 417–418 Government reports Wilde, Oscar trials and, 112–115 The Content of Abstinence-Only Federally Funded Gay Tinky Winky Bad for Children (Esposito), 141 Education Programs (Waxman), 328–329 Gender A Solid Investment (Glass Ceiling Commission), 313–314 defined, 3 Strangers! on-Members in the Parliamentary Chamber vs. sex, 193, 194 (Holland), 347–349 See also specific topics U.S. Department of Labor Equal Employment 1 Index Opportunity Policy (Herman), 322–323 Hillary Goodridge v. Department of Public Health GQ (Magazine), 22 (Massachusetts 2003), 167, 258–259 Grable, Betty, 28 Hillenburg, Stephen, 268 Grameen Bank, 315–318 Hinduism, hijras and, 194 Grant, Edward R., 199 Hirschfeld, Magnus, 185 Great Britain. See United Kingdom The History of Juliette (Sade), 384 Green, Tom, 409–411, 410 HIV/AIDS Greene, Graham, 398 anal sex and, 372, 373–374 Greer, Germaine, 131 blood test, 232 Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), 228, 280 gay rights movement and, 111 Gull, Whitney, 236 HTLV and, 231–235, 232 Gynecological cancers, lesbians and, 252 as public health issue, 211, 254 Shalala, Donna E. on, 246 H Hizbollah, 375 Hall, Marguerite Radclyffe, 185 Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 302 Hallford, James Hubert, 83 Holland, Constance Lloyd Wilde, 115 Hamas, 375 Holland, Ian, 346, 347–349 Hammond, James, 14–17 Holm, Paul, 158 Hanish, Carol, 88–89 Home vs. hospital birth, 277–279, 278 , 279 The Hard Part (Bornstein), 192–193 "Homogenic love" as term, 182 Hardwick, Bowers v. (1986), 161, 162 Homophobia. See Sexual orientation discrimination Harris, Christopher E., 253 Homosexual sex. See Gay sex Harvard Nurses Study, 252 Homosexuality Harvard University, 232, 234 Bentham, Jeremy on, 123–125 Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990, 137 Catholic Church on, 304 Hate crimes as choice, 164–166, 166 Milk/Moscone murders, 125–127, 126 conservative Christians and, 51 Shepard, Matthew murder, 135–140, 138 in literature, 19–20, 22 transgenderedness and, 102, 193–194 military personnel and, 308–310, 309 Hate Groups and Religious Intolerance (Liss), 136 in popular culture, 353 Hawaii religion and, 337–338 same-sex marriage, 154, 167, 257 Wilde, Oscar and, 112–115, 113 transgender legislation, 193, 194 See also Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights H.B. 272: Ohio Defense of Marriage Act , 155–156 Hooters restaurant chain, 302 Health care providers, homophobia in, 251, 255–256 Hopkins, Ann, 101–102 Health insurance, transgender discrimination, 203–205 Hopkins, Harold A., Jr., 397 Health issues. See Medicine and public health issues Hormone replacement therapy, 249 Health Organizing Collective, 228–231 Hose and Heels (organization), 187 Hospital vs. home birth, 277–279, 278 , 279 Healy, William J., 156 287–288 Heart disease, 252 Household Hints (Anonymous), Hefner, Hugh, 299, 300 Housework Hemingway, Ernest, 22 stay-at-home fathers, 340–341 Henderson, Russell, 136, 137, 139 as women's domain, 32–34, 286–288 Hepatitis, 254 How Schools Shortchange Girls (AAUW), 324 Hepburn, Mrs. Thomas, 227–228, 228 Howard-Martin, Jane, 100, 101–102 Herman, Alexis M., 322–323 HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), 255 Hermaphrodites, defined, 193 HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus), 231–235 Hess, Frederick D., 199 Hubbard, Lea, 324–325 Hester, Leigh Ann, 346 Hufford, Dayl, 397 Higgins, Richard, 395, 396–397 Hughes, Donna, 405 Hijras, 194–196, 195 , 196 Human Immunodeficieny Virus (HIV). See HIV/AIDS Hijras Are Women: Third Gender Rights in India Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), 255 (Mukherjee), 195 Human Rights Campaign, 158, 160, 165 Hill, Anita F., 359–361, 360 Human rights issues Hill, Margaret, 305 child marriage, 47–48, 48 citizenship rights of women, 72–73 2 Index Human Rights Watch, 106–107, 318–320 Innes, Stephanie, 174, 175–176 Human T-cell Leukemia Virus (HTLV), 231–235 Innocent Images ational Initiative (Lourdeau), 413–415 Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Linked to AIDS (Marx), 232– INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), 202 235 Institute for Women's Policy Research, 314 Humm, Andy, 157, 158, 159–160 Insurance Gender Non-Discrimination Act of 2005 Hungary, breast cancer stamp, 242 (California), 202–205 Hutchinson, Jonathan, 187, 214 Insurance, health, transgender discrimination, 203–205 Hyde, H. Montgomery, 112–115 Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, 107 The Intermediate Sex (Carpenter), 182–184 I Intermediate sex concept, 182–184 I Am Woman (Reddy and Burton), 85–86 International conventions on trafficking, 411 I Was a Playboy Bunny (Steinem), 300–301 International Dyke March in Manhattan (Feanny-Hicks), Ibrahim, Wafa Samir, 376 132 Idris, Wafa, 375 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), 299 299 International Olympic Committee (IOC), 191 Illinois, 193, 265 International Women's Day (2002), 290 Illiteracy, 333–336, 334 , 335 , 336 International Women's Year (1975), 243, 247 Illustrations Internet A Letter About Old Maids (Betsey), 11 child pornography, 413–415 Nightingale, Florence, 33 indecency standards and, 392 prostitution, 387 sex offender registries, 403 "Rosie the Riveter" poster, 306 sexual predators and, 412 She May Look Clean But (Anonymous), 225 Internet articles syphilis sanitarium advertisement, 221 After the Tsunami, A Drive to Reverse Tubal Ligations in Wollstonecraft, Mary, 38 Tamil adu (Cohen), 269–270 Imagined Abuse: o Thanks for the Memories Feminism Meets Terrorism (Schlafly), 98–99 (Anonymous), 238, 240 Is Single Gender Schooling Viable in the Public Sector? Imagined memories of abuse, 238–241, 392, 394 (Datnow, Hubbard and Woody), 324–325 Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 202 Is This Child Pornography? (Kincaid), 406–408 Immigration, transgender marriage and, 198–202 Only Fun For Stay-at-Home Dad (Smith), 339–340 In re Jose Mauricio Lovo-Lara, Beneficiary of a Visa UFPA Saddened by U.S. Decision ot to Rejoin Petition (2005), 199–202 ations' Support For Multilateral Work to Protect Indecency Women's Health (UNFPA), 272 arrests of gays for, 127–128 Intersexed persons, 193 breastfeeding and, 349 IOC (International Olympic Committee), 191 nudity and, 22–25, 25 , 134–135 Iraq War (2003 - ), suicide bombings and, 375, 377 Ireland, 261 Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction", 369–371, 370 42–43 See also Obscenity and pornography Iron John: A Book About Men (Bly), India Iron John (Folk tale), 41 child marriage, 47–48, 48 Is Single Gender Schooling Viable in the Public Sector? (Datnow, Hubbard and Woody), 324–325 citizenship rights protest, 72 406–408 family planning meeting, 272 Is This Child Pornography? (Kincaid), Ghandi, Rajiv assassination, 375 Islam hijras, 194–196, 195 , 196 cartoon uproar, 121 low female population, 59–60, 59 suicide bombings, 374–377, 376 tubal ligation reversals after tsunami, 268–271 Israel Indian Journal of Medical Ethics , 271 mixed gender military unit, 344–346, 345 Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, tubal ligation reversals after, Palestinian suicide bombings, 374–377, 376 268–271, 271 Italy, reproductive technology access legislation, 281 Infanticide, female, 59, 60, 271 Infibulation, 217 J Infidelity, "defense of honor" principle and, 55 J.
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