DIHECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. SEDGLEV• • Lloyd-Williams Ro'wland V., ~-B Couper Frank, house carpenter to Ea::-1 Phillips David, • farmer & butcher, Thorold James Ernest, Sandon lodge of Harrowby Small rise • Tylecote Jn. Horton M.D. Sandon vil Cooper Thomas, manager, Dog & Podmore Thomas, cowkpr. Day hills Warne Rev. Guy, The Vicarage Doublet hotel Reading Room (William Wright, sec). Wright John, Burston cottage (letters Cotton John, cowkeeper, Dayhills Shemilt Thos, jun. butcher, Burston through Stone) E1kin William (Mrs.), farmer Smith John. farmer, Day hills l:"arr James Pridmore, head gardener Smith Thomas, engin!\ driver COMMERCIAL. to the Earl of Harrowby, The Park Smith William, farmer Adams David, cowkeeper Finnimore John Thos. frmr.Wood frm Sneath John, farmer, Lane farm Askey Jas. cowkeeper, Sandon cottage Fradley John, farmer, Small rise Tarns Rachel (Mrs.), cowkeeper Averill Arth. farmer, Stonehouse frm Gilbert George, tailor & upholsterer TavernTlr Joseph, farmer, Landers fm Bentley David, farmer, Small rise Hassall Saml. (Mrs.), frmr. Sandy leys 1'horold James Ernest, agent to the Bentley George, grocer Johnson Arthur, farmer, Hardewick Earl of Harrowby, Estate office (let- Booth George, cowkeeper Kent Ernest, farmer, Grove farm ters through Weston) Bowers At·thur, farmer, Hollywood Lindop Thomas, farmer, Sandon 1'itterton Edinsor,farll'l:er,Yew Tree fm (letters through Hilderstone) Wood farm Tomkinson Charles, head gamekeeper Bowers Wm. cowkeeper, The Moors I.loyd-Williams Rowland V., M.B., to the Earl of Harrowby Cadman George, coal dealer B.S. surg~on · Tylecote John Horton M.D., t.R.C.S. Chadwick Chas. farmer, Romer farm Major Stevens Ravenscroft. farmer, Edin., L.S.A. surgeon, Sandon villa Cheadle Thomas, blacksmith, wheel- Small rise Woolfe Wm. Swift, farmr. Hardewick wright, implement agent, farmer & Middleton Fras. (Mrs.), Kendicks frm Woolfe ·wm. Swift,jun.frmr. Twirlow sub-postmaster Payton Hnberl G. clerk, Estate office \Vright Frederick, coal merchant, Chilton Jsph. farmer, Dellpool C<JttagP Phill:ips Charle~. farmer, Hollywood Railway station Chinn William Henry, shoe maker (letters through Hilderstone) Wright William E. farmer, Sa.ndon hh SEDGLEY, with UPPER and LOWER -GORNA.L and WOODSETTON. " SEDGLEY is an extensive parish on the road from GORNAL about 2 miles north-west-by-west from Dudley Dudley to Wolverhampton, 1! miles south-west from and 2 miles south from Sedgley, these forming two separ­ De~pfields station on the Birmingham and Wolverhamp­ ate ecclesiastical parishes, taken out of Sedgley civil ton section of the London -and North Western railway, parish, Upper Gornal district being formed Aprif 16, and 2~ from Daisy Bank station ~n the Dudley and W ol­ 1844; and Lower Gornal, March 13, 1832. The church verhampton line of the Great Western railway, 3 south­ of St. Peter, Upper Gornal, is a plain building of stone, south-west from Bilst-on, 3 north fr~m Dudley, 3 south in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel and nave from Wolverhampton, n! north-west from Birmingham and a western turret containing one beU: thel'e are 375 and 124 from London, and is the head of a petty sessional ~ittings. The register dates from the year 1844. The division, in the South division of the parliamentary living is a vicarage, net yearly value £191, including 2~ borough of Wolverhampton, North Seisdon hundred, acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the vicar Kingswinford division of the county, Dudley union and of Sedgley, and held since 1867 by the Rev. Willia~n oounty court district, rural deanery of Himley, arch­ Alfred Howell Lewis B.A. of St. John's College. Cam­ deaconry of Stafford and diocese of Lichfield . bridge. The population of the ecclesiastical parish (St. The upper portion of the parish of Sedgley adopted the Peter) in 1901 was 4,928. The church of St. James, Lowel."" "Local Government Act, 1858," May 28, 1867, and was Gornal, is a plain building of stone, in the Early English governed by a Local Board until, under the provisions of style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch. the "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 & 57 Vict. cap. and a tower containing one bell : there are 6oo sittings. 73), the present Urban District Council was established; The register dates from the year 1823. The living is a. the remaining portion is included in Coseley Urban Dis- vicarage, net yearly value [280, with 9 acres of glebe 1rict. The South Staffordshire Water Works Company and residence, in the gift of the- Bishop of Liehfteld, and surply the inhabitants with water. All Saints' church, held since 1897 by the Rev. Frederick William Job. In erected in 1829 on the site of an ancient edifice at a cost Upper Gornal are Wesleyan, New Connexion Methodist of £n,ooo, wholly defrayed by the late Earl of Dudley, and Congregational chapels : in Lowe:r Gornal, Baptist, is a building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting Primitive Methodist, Wesleyatn 1md a- NQW" (lonne:xiOO of clerestoried nave of six bays, aisles, west ·porch and an Methodist chapeL The localityabou.l!dK in--fire -ctlay, "ll'hich · embattled tower on the south side, with pinnacles a.nd is wrought into bricks and l'lther fil."e goads, giving ~m-1 spire and containing a clock and 8 bells ' the east window ployment to a large number of hands: the prirteipal mawu-­ and five in the north aisle m-e 'Stainl'ld : the church was facturers are E. P. Cartwright and Co. and dohir Wati!N partially restored and reseated in 1883 at a cost of £1,032, field and Son, of Upper Gornal, and B. Gibbons, jun. and has 85o sittings. The register dates from the year L1m. of Lewer Gornal. Here-are also rolliel'ies+ saf~ 111l1il¥ rssB. The living is a vicarage, net. -yearly value £3f:Jo, chain, fi.rro'ron and bellows manufactories and malthotiJ,Jies. with 7 acres of glebe and residence; in the gift of the The population '{)f the ecclesiastics] paros-h ·(St. Jam~ in- Earl Df Dudley, and held since 1888' by the Rev. Thomas 190I was 7,112. ' n , Greenall Swindell, of Charsley's Hall, Oxf-ord, and surro­ gate. There are Church of England mission churohes WOODSETl'O~ is a will~ge. ~bout, :~; J'P.il~ lloutltrl ol at the Straits, Gospel End and W oodsetton, th& latter Sedgley,. 2 miles west o.f. Tipton Atld 3 miles nQ.rtb ~m belonging to the parish of St. Chad, West Coseley. The Dudley. • nrt first Catholic church here was built in 1789 ; the present Po~t. M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B, & lA. edif.ce was erected in 1823, and .conseCI'ated w St. Chad & I. O.Bilston street-.. Jolin William BouTII~ snb~tv and All Saints in 1891: the high altar and reredos are master. Letters received from Dudley 6.40 a..m. & ~:-:30 very finely carved in stone. Here are also W esleyan, & 6.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9-45 a.m. & 12. rs & ~ Primitive Methodist a.nd Congregational chapels. The p.m. & on sunda.ys at 7. IS p.m • • >t. Public Hall was erected in l882 at Q cost of £t,Soo Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & A. & I. 0. Uppet<-Gornal. · 1 and is available for entertainments, public meetings &c. William Henry Waterfield, sub-postmaster. Lstt~rs Nails, rivets, chains, fireirons, locks and iron safes are . received from Dudle)' at 6.25, 2.20 & 6.30 p.m. ;· dis­ made here. The district abounds in coal, lime and iron­ patched at ro a:m. &i 12.5.~ & 8.xo-p.m. & Dn sundt\Jl'l Mi- stone. The charltieg amO'llnt to about £36 yearly, 7-45 p.m. Lo-wer Gornal is the neal'esil telegraph office, together with a weekly dole of bread to the poor. Miss 1 mile distant Fellowes's charity of the interest on £400 is for the dis­ Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P .• S. B. & A. tribution of clothing amongst the 'Jloor. The Earl of & I. 0. !..ower Gornal. Joseph Williams Thomas, sub­ Dudley is lord of the manor and principal landowner. postmaster. Letters from Dudley nrrive at 7 a.m. & The parish for local purposes is divided into Sedgley and Coseley. Sedgley includes the villages of Sedgley, Uppel' .z.4o p.m.;; dispatched at 9·40 a.m. & 12.20 & 7·-tQ'P·ID•l and Lower Gornal, Cotwall End and Gospel End, and sundays, 7-15 p.m ~ Cose}ey the districts of Ettingshall, Brierley. Coseley ~nd Fost & M. 0. f).\ S. B. & A. & I. 0, Gornal 1~.ood, .. _s Woodsetton. The soil is- a rich loam, and the subsoil Joshua JonM, sub-postmaster, BoJo: cleared a.x!'; a.nr. sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat and barley. & 12 noon & 7·15 p.m. ; sundaysj 8.55 a.Ir\. Low~:~r­ The area of the entire parish is '7·591 aC'\'es, inclusive of Gornal is the nearest telegraph office, I. mile distant 7S of water; rateable value, Coseley district, £61,956; Post Office, Woodsetton. Jubal Smith, -sub-postmaster. Sedgley district, (?1,no-; the population of Sedgley civil LettreP!! -from Dudley at 6.50 a.tn. & 3.3<1 & '7·4P p.tn. i parish in xgor was 38,xj?'b-artd of All Saints' ecclesigstical dispatched- at F2-35 & 7·40 p.m. Pet~t&l orders are parish,. 4,281; the population of Sedgley Urban District issued here & paid. Nearest money order & tele,gr~ph m 1901 was 15,951. offict>, Bilston -street, Sedgley, 1 mile distant • UPPER GORNAL i11 about 2 miles :aorth-west from Wall Lette-r Box, Woodsettort, clear.ed a:lj.
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