74 The Seventeenth Century article by Alain on Saint-Simon,142 and E. Delval draws from Limbo an early pamphlet, Telemacomanie, in which a con­ temporary busybody dares to measure himself against Fenelon. 143 THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY By H. TEMPLE PATTERSON [The place of publication is Paris unless otherwise stated. An asterisk denotes that a book does not deal exclusively with the eighteenth century] I. GENERAL LANGUAGE. F. Brunot, Histoire de la Langue Fra1Zfaise: La Rivolution et l'Empire, ii: Les ivenements, les institutions et la langue, Colin, 660 pp. HISTORY OF LITERATURE. E. Abry, P. Crouzet, J. Beroes et J. Leger, Les Grands Ecrivains de France illustres, iv: Le dix-huitibne siecle, Didier, 424 pp.-P. Russel, The Glittering Century, N.Y., Scribner (18th-century studies).-Chapman, Cons, Levengood and Vree­ land, Anthology of Eighteenth Century French Literature, Princeton Univ. Press, 1937, 529 pp. RELIGION AND THOUGHT. G. Dumas, Histoire du Journal de Trevoux depuis 170ljusqu'en 1762, Boivin, 1936, 210 pp.-·M. Nicholson, A World in the Moon: A Study of the Changing Attitude toward the Moon in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Smith Coll. Studies in Mod. Lang., 1936,72 pp.-H. Hastings,ManandBeastinFrench Thought of the Eighteenth Century, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, and D.U.P. II. FOREIGN RELATIONS AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE FOREIGN INFLUENCES IN FRANCE. T. J. Beck, Northern Antiquities in French Learning and Literature (1755-1855), vol. ii: The Odin Legend and the Oriental Fascination, N.Y., Columbia Univ. (re­ viewed P. van Tieghem, RLC, juillet-sept. I936).-D. S. von Mohrenschildt, Russia in the Intellectual Life of Eighteenth-century France, D.U.P.-·N. D. Samsami, L'lran dans la littbature fran­ faise, Presses Universitaires.-H. W. Streeter, The Eighteenth­ century English Novel in French Translation, a Bibliographical Study, 142 NRF, I Apr. 1937, pp. 51M3. 143 Autour du Telhnaque de Fenelon. i. Le pamphlet d'un pedant: La Tetemacomanie de Pierre Valentin Faydel (1640-1709), Cambrai, chez I'auteur, 25 rue Pierre d'Ailly, 1936. H. TEMPLE PATTERSON 75 N.Y. Inst. of Fr. Studies, 1936 (see also H. W. S. in RR, Dec. 1935, 'Smollett's novels in France ').-E. Joliat, Smollett et la France, Champion, 279 pp. (Pt. i, Smollett's relationship to French authors, especially Lesage: Pt. ii, Smollett's references to France and the French: Pt. iii, the reception of Smollett's works in France, with an estimate of the translations. Reviewed MLN, Feb. 1937).-A. D. McKillop, Samuel Richardson: Printer and Novelist, London, Milford (Pt. iii, works inspired by the publica­ tion of Richardson's novels).-E. D. Seeber, 'Oroonoko in France of the eighteenth century', PMLA, Dec. 1936 (finds in Aphra Behn's work the substance and technique of much of the' littera­ ture negrophile ').-H. Gelobter, 'Le Spectateur' von Pierre Marivaux und die englischen moralischen Wochenschriften, Limburg, Limburger Vereindr.. (Diss.).-K. Maclean, John Locke and English Literature of the Eighteenth Century, O.D.P. (reaction of the world of letters and thought to Locke in the three generations following the publication of the Essay in 1690).-*J. Souilhe and others, La pensee et l'influence de Thomas Hobbes, Arch. de Philos. IlNGLAND. H. D. Davray, 'L'activite intellectuelle de I'Angleterre d'apres I'ancien Mercure de France (1672-1778)', MF, Feb. 1937. -M. M. Miller, 'The English People as portrayed in certain French journals, 1700-1760', MP, May 1937.-E. Casati, 'Dn Camet de Shaftesbury pendant son Voyage en France et en Italie (1711-1713)', RLC, 1936.-H. Macmillan, 'The satire of Walker's Vagabond on Rousseau and Godwin', PMLA, March 1937.­ P. J. Ward, 'Madame de Genlis in England', RLC, 1936.­ J. Duhem, 'La fiction aeronautique du pseudo-Bowman', BBB, aout-sept. 1936.~C. E. Engel, 'English sources of Manon Lescaut', RH, Oct. 1936. SPAIN. P. Merimee, L'Influence fra1lfaise en Espagne au dix-huitieme siecle, Belles Lettres (important; a bibliographical guide; reviewed in RR, Feb. 1937).-H. Peterson, 'Notes on the influence of Addison's Spectator and Marivaux's Spectateur Fra1lfais upon El Pensador', HR, July 1936.-A. Del Rio, 'Algunas notas sobre Rousseau en Espana', HCal, 1936. GERMANY. B. Barnes, Goethe's Knowledge of French Literature, O.D.P. 1937, 172 pp. (reviewed-critically-by F. Baldensperger in RR, April 1937. Goethe's obiter dicta on French authors; useful appendices and good bibliography).-V. Clayton, 'The relation of Joseph by Bitaube to Goethe's Hermann und Dorothea', RR, 1936.-A. Aronson, Lessing et les Classiques franfais: contribu­ tion a l'etude des rapports litteraires entre La France et l'Allemagne au XVIII" siecle, Toulouse, These d'Dniv. 1935.-G. O. Schmid, Marmontel, seine moralischen Erziihlungen und die deutsche Literatur, .
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