EMBO | EMBC annual report 2005 EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION | EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CONFERENCE EMBO | EMBC table of contents introduction preface by Frank Gannon, EMBO 4 preface by Susan Gasser, EMBO Council 6 preface by Marja Makarow, EMBC 8 past & present timeline 12 brief history 13 EMBO | EMBC | EMBL 14 EMBO actions 2005 17 EMBC actions 2005 19 EMBO & EMBC programmes and activities fellowship programme 23 courses & workshops programme 24 world activities 25 young investigator programme 26 women in the life sciences 27 science & society programme 28 electronic information programme 29 EMBO activities The EMBO Journal 32 EMBO reports 33 Molecular Systems Biology 34 journal subject categories 35 national science reviews 36 gold medal 37 award for communication in the life sciences 38 sectoral meetings 39 plenary lectures 40 communications offi ce 41 European Life Sciences Forum (ELSF) 42 ➔ 2 table of contents appendix EMBC delegates and advisers 46 EMBC scale of contributions 53 EMBO council members 2005 54 EMBO committee members & auditors 2005 55 EMBO council members 2006 56 EMBO committee members & auditors 2006 57 EMBO members elected in 2005 58 advisory editorial boards & senior editors 2005 66 long-term fellowship awards 2005 70 long-term fellowships: statistics 84 long-term fellowships 2005: geographical distribution 86 short-term fellowship awards 2005 88 short-term fellowships: statistics 102 short-term fellowships 2005: geographical distribution 104 young investigators 2005 106 young investigators 2000 – 2004 107 young investigators: statistics 108 young investigator lectures 2005 110 courses | workshops | conferences | symposia 2005 112 plenary lectures 2005 118 participation of women in EMBO activities: statistics 120 EMBO staff 124 events in 2006 courses | workshops | conferences | conference series | symposia 2006 128 plenary lectures 2006 134 other EMBO events 2006 136 organisations and acronyms 138 ➔ 3 preface EMBO & EMBC 2005 An awkward time warp surrounds annual 1200 applications for long-term fellowships and reports. The purpose of this type of publication interviewed 600 candidates as part of the selec- is to look back at the activities of the past year. tion process. This kind of input from the EMBO This can be a strange exercise for an organisa- community is a striking demonstration of the ef- tion like EMBO, where the emphasis is on dyna- fectiveness of EMBO as an organisation run by mism and moving forward with initiatives that scientists for scientists and helps us to deliver have a lasting impact on European research. activities that fulfi l the needs of the broader sci- One key benefi t of this retrospective exercise, entifi c community as they arise. Frank Gannon however, is the opportunity to review the over- EMBO journals also continued to play a ma- EMBO Executive Director all impact of events in 2005 and set benchmarks jor role and 2005 saw the launch of Molecular EMBC Secretary General for future activities. Systems Biology as a collaborative venture Taking a single snap-shot of 2005, the over- between EMBO and Nature Publishing Group whelming image is one of increasing demand for (NPG). The fi rst journal to be dedicated solely EMBO activities. EMBO programmes were more to the emerging fi eld of systems biology at the popular in 2005 than ever before. Long-term molecular level, Molecular Systems Biology and short-term fellowship applications were up also represents the fi rst publication by EMBO and requests for funding of EMBO Courses and of a journal along the open-access model. This Workshops increased dramatically. This points electronic journal will work together with the to a growing need and appreciation within the systems biology community to help structure scientifi c community for these activities. this emerging fi eld and to establish guidelines, Participation in EMBO Courses, Workshops standards and metrics for global complex da- and Conferences also reached an all-time high tasets. with more than 5,000 researchers benefi ting In addition to this direct input into research from this high standard of training. Add to this and scientifi c development, EMBO continued to participation in the EMBO Young Investigator extend its infl uence on national and European Programme, other networking activities and Sci- science policy in 2005. In its role as an advisory ence & Society meetings, and the direct impact body to the EMBC Member States, EMBO carried of EMBO on scientists – particularly in Europe – out a major review of the life sciences strategy becomes even more apparent. of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), All of this is possible because of the engage- as well as a more detailed assessment of one of ment of the scientifi c community. For example, the largest units of CSIC, the Spanish National in 2005 EMBO Members evaluated more than Biotechnology Centre (CNB). These reviews are ➔ 4 www.embo.org | [email protected] examples of EMBO’s contribution to raising the 2006 and is designed to strategically strengthen standards in science across Europe. research in the EMBC Member States. EMBC A more widely distributed effort, but one in also added to its membership in 2005 with the which EMBO was a lead player, resulted in the formal ratifi cation of the EMBC Agreement by establishment of the European Research Coun- Estonia and acceptance of the Slovak Republic cil (ERC). The Scientifi c Council of the ERC was as a new partner in this truly European consor- selected in 2005, with fi ve EMBO Members and tium. one EMBO Young Investigator contributing to This look in the rear-view mirror shows that the calibre of its membership. Again in the EU EMBO and EMBC have covered many miles in arena, EMBO and ELSF organised a petition for 2005 and that the resulting benefi ts are being greater funding for the framework programme, felt in laboratories all over Europe. The chal- attracting almost 20,000 signatures. 2005 also lenge to maintain this progressive contribution saw EMBO analyse current policy surround- to European research remains and will con- ing the use of animals in research. The results tinue to occupy the EMBO Members, Council, were communicated to the EMBC Delegates management, committees and EMBC such that in a special hearing, maximising the benefi t the 2006 report has even more good news to of this unique linkage between scientists, as convey. represented by EMBO, and policy-makers, as represented by EMBC. A further initiative by EMBC in 2005 was the establishment of a programme of EMBO Installation Grants. This scheme will launch in www.embo.org | [email protected] ➔ 5 preface EMBO & EMBC 2005 For over 40 years EMBO has promoted Euro- ours in publishing, in programmes that support pean molecular biology. During the last fi ve and encourage younger scientists and in tools of these I have had the privilege to serve as that help scientists in countries that are devel- either Vice-Chair or Chair of the EMBO Council. I oping a modern research infrastructure. leave that duty, no doubt like all Council Chairs After the departure of Iain Mattaj as Execu- before me, convinced that EMBO plays an ab- tive Editor of The EMBO Journal, this important solutely crucial role in the European scientifi c position was fi lled by another EMBL research arena. EMBO is unique in that it was created by scientist, Pernille Rørth. In 2005, Pernille inte- Susan Gasser scientists to serve scientists’ needs. But more grated smoothly into the team and the jour- EMBO Council Chair than that, it is involved in shaping the social nal is doing well under her guidance. Pernille fabric of our continent, as science becomes is supported by a panel of Senior Editors that increasingly relevant to the life of every Euro- includes Tim Hunt, Tony Hunter, Ari Helenius pean citizen. Furthermore, EMBO provides an and David Baulcombe. Given the breadth of The important demonstration of how bottom-up EMBO Journal, this additional input from top sci- administration can be rapidly responsive to the entists from different fi elds is highly benefi cial. ever-changing landscape of social and scientifi c The Senior Editors – who served their fi rst full attitudes and needs. year in 2005 – are helping on judgement calls as EMBO is concerned fi rst and foremost with well as bringing unconventional and insightful its core activities, which are pursued by a dedi- papers into the journal. cated staff that maintains rigorous standards Efforts to expand the links between The while keeping an eye on innovation. In addition, EMBO Journal and EMBO reports were contin- EMBO is constantly forging novel tools to pro- ued in 2005, with the aim of increasing the im- mote science at local, national and international pact of science published in both journals. Each levels – thereby evolving to match new chal- journal’s website now features highlights from lenges. Nothing exemplifi es this better than EM- the other. A further push in this direction has BO’s role in leading the way towards a European resulted in cross-publication of the tables of Research Council, which will unify and extend contents in the print versions of the journals. funding possibilities by providing a new tool for The biggest news on the publishing front competitive awards through EU support. in 2005, however, was the launch of Molecular What has EMBO achieved over the past year? Systems Biology – an open access, electronic Here I recap a few highlights among the EMBO journal developed together with Nature Publish- core activities that have led to novel endeav- ing Group (NPG). Molecular Systems Biology is ➔ 6 www.embo.org | [email protected] led by a panel of Senior Editors with outstand- The Young Investigator Programme is be- ing credentials and a small editorial team at coming increasingly well-known and its net- EMBO.
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