Military Review August 1978 See "The Electric Piranha," page 36 ... THE PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF THE US ARMY Published by US ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027 LIEUTENANT GENERAL J. R. THURMAN Commandant BRIGADIER GENERAL ROBERT ARTER Deputy Commandant MILITARY REVIEW STAFF' Colonel Edward M Bradford. Ed,tor m Chief EDITORIAL STAFF' Lieutenant Colonel Joseph E Burlas. AssIstant EdItor. Lieutenant Colonel Rafael Martinez­ Boucher, Spanish. AmerIcan EdItor. Lieutenant Colonel Jamie W Walton. Features Editor PRODUCTION STAFF Ms Df)!,e R DommguPl Proc1uclton teMor Mr Jerome F Scheele Art and DesIgn Mr Amo!'. W GaltaVlla~ Pubf'car,an OffIcer CIRCULATION Malor A R Bundons Manag,ng [(Mor Sergeant first CIa!'.!'. Felix A Aguilar Adm,nlstrat,ve Superh50F MR ADVISORY BOARD: EX OFFICIO General Donn A Starr.,. Commanc1pr. Trammg and Doctrme Command lleutenant General J R Thurman Commander Combmed Arms Cenfer MalOI General Homer 0 SmIth. Commanaer. LogIstIcs Center. Major General Henry Mohr Chief US Army Reserve. Major General laVern E= Weber Ch,P! National Guald Bureau Major Generdl Lows G Menetrey Deputy Commander. Combmed Arms Combat Development Activity Major General BenjamJl1 l Hamson. Commander. Admln/stratlOn Center Bngad1er General Fred K Mahaffey Deputy Commander. Combined Arms Trammg Developments Actllrfty ACTIVE Colonel T E Blagg Department of Tactics and Department of Command, Colonel J E Sutton Department of Resource Management. Colonel R A Mallion Department of Unlfted and Combmed Operations. Dr Dudley T Corlllsh John F MorrIson Chair of MIMarr Hlstorv Colonel Carl Acree National Guard Bureau. Mr Roy Root Office of the Chief. Armv Reserve, Colonel W S Bayer Combmed Arms Combat DevelDpment Actl\flty. Major W J Chantelau Adm/lllstratlOn Center lieutenant Colonel K 5 Cropsey, Combmed Arms Trammg Developments Act/lrltV. Major C W McInnIS Logistics Center. Colonel Harry A Heath, Forces Command t< Military Review VOLUME LVIII AUGUST 1978 NO 8 CONTENTS PAGE 2 A TACTICAL EVOLUTION- FM 100-5 by General Donn A Starry, US Army 12 KAMCHATKA NONNUCLEAR DETERRENT by Colonel W"liam V Kennedy, US Army Reserve 19 SOVIET BLOC MANEUVERS RECENT EXERCISE PATIERNS by Graham H Turblville Jr 36 BORIS POPOV AND THE ELECTRIC PIRANHA by Lieutenant Colonel James B Channon. US Army 46 THE PUERTO RICAN MILITARY FORCES by Captam Shaun M Darragh, Puerto Rican ARNG 54 SUCCESSFUL EVALUATION by Colonel Ronald J Rabm, US Army 62 INTER OPERABILITY OF ALLIED FORCES IN EUROPE PART I by Benlamm Franklm Coolmg and Lieutenant Colonel John A Hixson, US Army 74 ARMY TRAINING DEVELOPMENT -A QUIET REVOLUTION by Lieutenant Colonel Robert L Wendt, US Army 84 REVIEWS the best from other lournals 86 STUDIES 87 LEITERS 89 NEWS 92 BOOKS contemporary readmg 'for the professIOnal COVER us Almv pholos COur\eSv Sold,ers In/antI" and DARCOM s Test and [valuatIOn Command MILITARY REVIEW IS published monthly In English and'Spanish and quarterly on Portuguese Use of funds for prlntmg this publlcatlon approved by Headquarters, Department of the Army, 30 May 1978 Controlled CIrculatIOn postage paid at Leavenworth. KS 66048 and Topeka, KS 66608 SubSCription $1200 per year US and APO'FPO. $1400 foreign Songle copies $1 50 US and APO/FPO, $175 foreign Address all mad to MIlitary Review. USACGSC, Fort Leavenworth. KS 660~7 Telephone 1913) 684-5642 or AUTOVON 552-5642 uri less otherWise stated. the views herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Department of Defense or any element thereof BasIs of offiCial dlstnbutlon IS one per general officer and one per fIve fIeld grade officers . US ISSN 0026-4148 BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. A $1'2 INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE. s MILITARY REVIEW U FORT LEAVENWORTH, KS. 66027 B o Please (enter) (renew) my subscription to the Military Review for one year ($12 00 US and APO/FPO) (51400 fore'gn) S 0 Check/Money Order Inclosed 0 Check Here D Army D Active for Automauc D ARNG D Retired C 0 Bill me Renewal D USAR D USN. USAF. USMC. 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Kansas 66027 I I I I 1 I I ----------------------------------------------______ 1 I I FIRST CLASS PERMIT No 4 FT LEAVENWORTH. KS BUSINESS REPLY MAIL NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES Military Review u.s. Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth. Kansas 66027 Be Involved Summer IS drawing to a close. The trauma .of your latest change of station IS beginning to wear oft. MemOrIes of the famIly vacatIOn are fading. Bad moment, are forgotten. and the good ones reluctantly slIp away It's tIme again for work and school. However. in addition to education and the• job. another cycle b begInning one that is the IIteblood of mllItar) communities around the world. It IS time for every famIl) to a"e" Its needs. deSIres and talents. Each member must decIde on what he or she wanh from the communIty and what he or she can contrIbute to It. In other words. it's volunteer tIme. The number and talents of volunteers determine how active and successful our mIlitary eommunity life WIll be for the comIng year. Th,' Army CommunIty SerVIces, Red Cross, Teacher AIdes Program. TutOrIal Program and Crafts acti\ltles Just scratch the surfaee. Scouting and Explorers, Youth ActIvitIes. sports and hospitab all need volunteers to operate. Perhaps you are not a camper and can't tell a square knot from a half hiteh, but you Cdn as"st the scouts b) proVIdIng transportation, workIng WIth awards or actIng as an admInIstrator. Maybe you don't feel qualified to eoach a sport, but you can be a team parent, work on the grounds crew or keep ,core. NeIther do you have to be a doctor or nurse to be a Red Cross volunteer. Our hospItals and Red Cross staff need you As an Arm) CommunIty ServIces volunteer. you can work In the office. act as a coumelor or serve on varIOUS worthwhile committees. Socral programs are necessary and Important IngredIents In our communIty. Such actIvItIes are Integral parts of our lIves, and all of us soldIers. wIves and children-mUSI partiCIpate In them lest our communities WIther into factory-type regImens and our social endeavors die. Each of you has a special talent you can share wIth the rest of your eommunity. You are the heart and soul of its aetivlties. WIthout you. we all lose. You miss a r;ewardIng pastIme. and we mISs the opportunity to share in your knowledge and learn from you When Slgnup time comes around, actively JOIn In the programs available. From top to bottom, our soldiers and dependents make the eommunity live. They sustain all the endeavors and activitIes which make a meanIngful Army­ career lIfe. Be involved! DE PARTMfNT Of THE ARMY POSTAGE AND fEES PAID MILITARY REVIEW DEPARTMENT Of THE ARMY US ARMY COMMAND & GENERAL STAff COLLEGE ODD 314 rORT LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS 66027 OFFICIAL BUSINESS !~l ' PENALTY fOR PRIVATE USE $300 ,~ . I v .! 1 L. d 1 UI,,,, Jl ) ,. ,:...~ ~ !) f) ,T 1 " II, LT., , CGSC LBL <; 15 fEB 78 The operational concepts set forth in FM 100-5 weren't arbitrarily set forth in ci vacuum. During the 1970-73 time frame, when the Army staff was trying to restructure the Army of the future, three factors influenced its thinking. First, there was ho well-articulated military policy. Second, there was a strong determination to avoid the pitfalls of training to win the last war instead of looking to the future. Last, the Army realized that the modernization program had been set aside during Vietnam and it would take years to catch up. Of the two possible wars in the future, a mechanized war in NA TO Europe, while the least likely, was the most important in terms of national survival and the well-being of Western civilization. By analyzing the po­ tential enemy and studying more than 1,000 tank battles, it was apparent that the smaller side did not necessarily lose to the numerically superior enemy. From this grew the operational concepts which appear in FM 100-5. Using terrain as a combat multiplier, the defender has to see deep to find the following echelon, move fast to concentrate forces, strike quickly before the enemy can break the de­ fense and finish the fight quickly before the second echelon closes. The active defense is not the old mobile defense renamed. It is new, and, the sooner we realize the differ­ ences, the sooner we can get on with the job at hand. Our tactics drive our force structure and equipment development. They also point out the need for improvements in training. The combined arms team we place on that future battlefield must be capable of winning both the first and last battles.
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