OFFICE OF THE UNION AUDITOR-GENERAL’S ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE PAST TWO YEARS P-6-7 (NATIONAL) NATIONAL NATIONAL Union Minister for International Cooperation delivers a IDP camps closed; resettlement statement at the 18thMid-term Ministerial Conference of underway in Rakhine the Non-Aligned Movement held in Baku P-3 P-2 Vol. IV, No. 357, 9th Waning of Tagu 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Monday, 9 April 2018 VP U Henry Van Thio shaking hands with an artiste at the National Landmarks Garden in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY Vice President U Henry Van Thio and wife visit National Landmarks Garden AN entertainment programme Thio and his wife Dr Shwe Hlwan tal Conservation U Ohn Win, Un- by vocalists singing to the ac- It’s a mini replica of the Republic was staged from 9:30 a.m. to 4 enjoyed the programme staged ion Minister for Industry U Khin companiment of the MRTV band. of the Union of Myanmar. One p.m. at the National Landmarks by the Myanma Radio and Tele- Maung Cho, Union Minister for After the entertainment pro- can hop aboard a golf cart and Garden (Nay Pyi Taw) yester- vision (MRTV) band, along with Ethnic Affairs Nai Thet Lwin grammes, the VP and his wife zip from Kachin State to Manda- day, where cultural heritage, vocalists and prize winners of the and Deputy Minister U Aung Hla cordially conversed with vocal- lay, down to Yangon and beyond, customs, lifestyle, development Peace Music Festival. Tun, along with their wives, offi- ists, musicians and a few people while taking in the diminutive and the natural beauty of the Also present were Union cials, and visitors to the garden. from the audience. versions of Golden Rock, Inle ethnic peoples of Myanmar were Minister for Information Dr Pe The Vice President and his Spread across 400 acres, the Lake and Shwedagon Pagoda on display. Myint, Union Minister for Natu- wife arrived at the garden in the garden showcases Myanmar’s at the garden— Myanmar News Vice President U Henry Van ral Resources and Environmen- morning and were entertained grandest sites in miniature form. Agency INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL BUSINESS Equality and Taninthayi Pulses, bean unity vitally donors hand sectors need important over school to immediate for peace Maungtaw action PAGE-2 PAGE-11 PAGE-5 9 APRIL 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Equality, unity vital for peace UNION Minister for Social Wel- hands to carry out the rehabili- fare, Relief and Resettlement tation task in the zone. Social or- Dr Win Myat Aye paid his re- ganisations are the reliable force spects and presented offerto- in fulfilling the public’s needs. All ries to the Sayadaw of Central should strive with confidence for Missionary School in Laukkai, the emergence of the union under Kokang Self-Administered Zone, the federal system,” he noted. in northern Shan State yesterday The Union Minister pre- morning. sented Ks 31.4 million and 12,000 During a meeting with U sheets of tin roofs worth Ks 144 Kyauk Htechan, chairman of million for the rehabilitation pro- the leading body, and members gramme of 657 displaced families. of the zone, the Union Minister He then inspected the con- said the government is prioritis- struction of homes for the dis- ing the rule of law and socio-eco- placed persons and the opening nomic progress while striving of temporary camps in Laukkai. for peace and development. He The Union Minister inspected visited the area as a means of the route to build a detour, the implementing the agreements of projected place for the Myan- the Union Peace Conference-21st mar-China special economic Century Panglong. Cooperation zone, pre-primary school of the is required to resettle victims of Dr. Win Myat Aye meets with members of the Central Missionary School in Laukkai, Kokang Self-Administered Chinshwehaw youth associa- conflicts. Members of the leading Zone. PHOTO: MNA tion in Chinshwehaw and the body should get in touch with the projected site for a new bridge Shan State government. The Un- displaced by armed conflicts in ganisations and the local people. progress. “Peace can be achieved in Kunlong. The Union Minis- ion Government will do its best, he 2015. The Union Minister looked The Union Minister expressed through equality and unity. Laws, ter was accompanied by Bama said. U Kyauk Htechan explained into the requirements. pleasure in seeing the unity in the rules, directives and procedures Ethnic Affairs Minister of Shan the education, health and social The Union Minister and the Kokang Self-Administered Zone. are being rewritten or amended State Dr Aung Than Maung, endeavours and requirements. delegation held a meeting with He said the government will ful- to become more people-friendly MPs representing the zone and MP U Kyaw Ni Naing explained members of the leading body, de- fil the public needs, especially and fairer. The government, the other officials.—Myanmar News the resettlement plan for people partmental personnel, social or- the requirements for peace and Hluttaw and the people will join Agency Myanmar delegates attend ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Banks Governors’ meeting DEPUTY Minister for Planning ministers and central bank gov- and Finance U Maung Maung ernors. The Myanmar delegates Win and Deputy Governor of the also took part in discussions on Central Bank of Myanmar U Soe the free movement of capital, Thein attended the fourth ASEAN investment market, freedom of Finance Ministers’ and Central financial services, insurance, Banks Governors’ meeting in Sin- customs, banking, all-inclusive gapore from 2 to 6 April. At the financial affairs, payments and meeting, international organisa- accounts, the Chiang Mai Agree- tions presented the global, Asian ment and the Asian bond market. and ASEAN’s economy and vision Thailand will host the meeting in Participants of the ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Banks Governors’ meeting in Singapore. and exchanged views with finance 2019.—Myanmar News Agency PHOTO: MNA IDP camps closed; resettlement underway in Rakhine TWO deputy ministers visited of the camp, Deputy Minister amination, the station hospital and other officials, where 581 1 and 2 in Sittway Township the Nidin Village’s internally dis- of the State Counsellor’s Office extension plan at Khaungtok people from 85 households are next day and discussed closure placed persons (IDP) camp in U Khin Maung Tin and Depu- Village in Kyauktaw Township, living. plans. Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine ty Minister for Social Welfare, vocational education plans and The plan to close the camp The committee, while State, on 5 April, where they Relief and Resettlement U Soe the national verification card is underway, and Director of prioritising the camp closure explained the resettlement pro- Aung elaborated on the teach- issuance plan at the camp. Implementation Committee on plan, is working to close the grammes and the plan to close er reinforcement plan in the The deputy ministers Recommendations on Rakh- Thekebyin camp in Sittway, the IDP camp. schools, higher learning pur- were accompanied by Rakh- ine State Dr Aung Thurein met Taungpaw camp in Myebon During their meeting with suance plans for students who ine State Security and Border with those in-charge and resi- and Nidin camp in Kyauktaw. those in-charge and residents passed the matriculation ex- Affairs Minister Col Phone Tint dents of Khaung Dokka camps —Myo Myint 9 APRIL 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 We have much to carry on fulfilling We have many opportunities to learn in order to overcome and eliminate the evil legacies of the hopes and needs of the people of the the past and to fulfill the aspirations for the future of the country. We must press on until our citizens have nation. We know how much loving kindness, truth and their dignity raised and our country can retain its bravery are needed; how greed, anger and ignorance can impact negatively. We have learnt the importance of having former glory on the global stage. good friends. The most important lesson we learned is the value of understanding and unqualified support of our (Excerpt from the speech by President people. U Win Myint at the ceremony to take oath of office (Excerpt from the speech by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the 2nd Anniversary of NLD Government th at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 30 March 2018) on 1st April 2018) Union Minister for International Cooperation delivers a statement at the 18th Mid-term Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Baku UNION Minister for Internation- within the State. bility and tamper social harmony al Cooperation U Kyaw Tin has The Union Minister further in the multi-religious country. It participated at the 18thMid-term elaborated that the Government could even undermine the on- Ministerial Conference of the has been implementing the rec- going democratization process Non-Aligned Movement held in ommendations of the Kofi Annan of Myanmar. It is important to Baku, Azerbaijan from 5 to 6 April Commission through formation focus on resolving the situation, 2018 and delivered a statement of a Ministerial-level implemen- not inflaming the situation and on during the interactive debate un- tation committee, an Advisory helping Myanmar in bringing the der the theme “Promoting Inter- Board comprised of local and communities together instead national Peace and Security for foreign eminent personalities of driving them further apart. Sustainable Development”. The and the Union Enterprise for The Union Minister also point- Ministerial Meeting was chaired Humanitarian Assistance, Re- ed out the injustice, unfairness by the Minister for Foreign Affairs settlement and Development in and inequalities of the current of Azerbaijan and attended by 120 Rakhine (UEHRD).
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